msg() { # bold printf "\\033[1m=> $@\\033[m\\n" } msg_ok() { # bold/green printf "\\033[1m\\033[32m OK\\033[m\\n" } msg_error() { # bold/red printf "\\033[1m\\033[31mERROR: $@\\033[m\\n" } msg_warn() { # bold/yellow printf "\\033[1m\\033[33mWARNING: $@\\033[m\\n" } emergency_shell() { echo echo "Cannot continue due to errors above, starting emergency shell." echo "When ready type exit to continue booting." /bin/sh -l } detect_virt() { # Detect LXC (and other) containers [ -z "${container+x}" ] || export VIRTUALIZATION=1 } deactivate_vgs() { _group=${1:-All} if [ -x /sbin/vgchange -o -x /bin/vgchange ]; then vgs=$(vgs|wc -l) if [ $vgs -gt 0 ]; then msg "Deactivating $_group LVM Volume Groups..." vgchange -an fi fi } deactivate_crypt() { if [ -x /sbin/dmsetup -o -x /bin/dmsetup ]; then msg "Deactivating Crypt Volumes" for v in $(dmsetup ls --target crypt --exec "dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o open,name"); do [ ${v%%:*} = "0" ] && cryptsetup close ${v##*:} done deactivate_vgs "Crypt" fi }