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225 lines
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package main
import (
tgbotapi ""
type Config struct {
Responders []common.Responder
type FileURL string
func (fu FileURL) NeedsUpload() bool {
return true
func (fu FileURL) UploadData() (string, io.Reader, error) {
res, err := http.Get(string(fu))
if err != nil {
return "", nil, errors.Join(errors.New("error while uploading FileURL"), err)
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return "", nil, errors.New("error while uploading FileURL: " + res.Status)
return "url.mp4", res.Body, nil
func (fu FileURL) SendData() string {
func (config Config) handleMessage(bot *tgbotapi.BotAPI, update tgbotapi.Update) {
var explicit bool
send := func(c tgbotapi.Chattable) {
_, err := bot.Send(c)
if err != nil {
log.Println("No pude enviar un mensaje porque", err)
msg := update.Message
if strings.HasPrefix(msg.Text, "/dl") || msg.Chat.IsPrivate() {
explicit = true
searchMsg := msg
if msg.ReplyToMessage != nil && explicit {
searchMsg = msg.ReplyToMessage
hasDownloadables := false
for i := 0; i < len(searchMsg.Entities); i++ {
e := searchMsg.Entities[i]
if !e.IsURL() {
// ugh
text := searchMsg.Text
utfEncodedString := utf16.Encode([]rune(text))
runeString := utf16.Decode(utfEncodedString[e.Offset : e.Offset+e.Length])
text = string(runeString)
url, err := url.Parse(text)
if err != nil {
if explicit {
bot.Send(respondWithMany(msg, "No se pudo detectar la URL %s.", text))
log.Printf("Downloading %s", url.String())
var uploadable *common.Uploadable
var érror common.Error
for _, responder := range config.Responders {
uploadable, érror = responder.Respond(url)
if érror != common.NotValid {
if uploadable != nil {
if uploadable.ImagesWithAudio != nil {
var files []interface{}
for _, u := range uploadable.ImagesWithAudio.ImageUrls {
files = append(files,
mediaGroup := tgbotapi.NewMediaGroup(update.Message.Chat.ID, files)
mediaGroup.ReplyToMessageID = update.Message.MessageID
msgs, err := bot.SendMediaGroup(mediaGroup)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error subiendo", url.String(), err)
bot.Send(respondWithMany(update.Message, "Hubo un error al descargar ", url.String(), "."))
res := tgbotapi.NewAudio(update.Message.Chat.ID, FileURL(uploadable.AudioUrl))
res.ReplyToMessageID = msgs[0].MessageID
_, err = bot.Send(res)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error subiendo", url.String(), err)
bot.Send(respondWithMany(update.Message, "Hubo un error al descargar ", url.String(), "."))
} else {
res := tgbotapi.NewVideo(update.Message.Chat.ID, FileURL(uploadable.VideoUrl))
res.ReplyToMessageID = update.Message.MessageID
res.Caption = uploadable.Caption
_, err := bot.Send(res)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error subiendo", url.String(), err)
bot.Send(respondWithMany(update.Message, "Hubo un error al descargar ", url.String(), "."))
if explicit && érror == common.NotValid {
bot.Send(respondWithMany(msg, "La URL ", url.String(), " no es compatible con este bot."))
if érror == common.HadError || érror == common.OK {
hasDownloadables = true
if érror == common.HadError {
send(respondWithMany(update.Message, "Hubo un error al descargar ", url.String(), "."))
if !hasDownloadables && explicit {
bot.Send(respondWithMany(msg, "No encontré URLs descargables en ese mensaje."))
func main() {
config := Config{
Responders: []common.Responder{
token := os.Getenv("TELEGRAM_TOKEN")
if token == "" {
log.Panic("No telegram token")
var debug bool
if os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "" {
debug = true
apiEndpoint := os.Getenv("TELEGRAM_API_ENDPOINT")
var bot *tgbotapi.BotAPI
var err error
if apiEndpoint == "" {
bot, err = tgbotapi.NewBotAPI(token)
} else {
log.Printf("Setting endpoint to %s", apiEndpoint)
bot, err = tgbotapi.NewBotAPIWithAPIEndpoint(token, apiEndpoint)
if err != nil {
bot.Debug = debug
log.Printf("Authorized on account %s", bot.Self.UserName)
if len(os.Args) > 1 && os.Args[1] == "logout" {
logout := tgbotapi.LogOutConfig{}
log.Println("Logged out.")
u := tgbotapi.NewUpdate(0)
u.Timeout = 60
updates := bot.GetUpdatesChan(u)
for update := range updates {
if update.Message == nil {
go config.handleMessage(bot, update)
func respondWith(msg *tgbotapi.Message, str string) tgbotapi.MessageConfig {
res := tgbotapi.NewMessage(msg.Chat.ID, str)
res.ReplyToMessageID = msg.MessageID
res.DisableWebPagePreview = true
return res
func respondWithMany(msg *tgbotapi.Message, s ...string) tgbotapi.MessageConfig {
var res strings.Builder
for _, v := range s {
return respondWith(msg, res.String())