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261 lines
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# Author: Andrey Listopadov
# This plugin implements fzf mode for Kakoune.
# This mode adds several mappings to invoke different fzf commands.
# https://github.com/andreyorst/fzf.kak
define-command -docstring "Enter fzf-mode.
fzf-mode contains mnemonic key bindings for every fzf.kak command
Best used with mapping like:
map global normal '<some key>' ': fzf-mode<ret>'
" \
fzf-mode %{ require-module fzf; evaluate-commands 'enter-user-mode fzf' }
provide-module fzf %§
# Options
declare-option -docstring 'implementation of fzf that you want to use.
Currently supported implementations:
fzf: github.com/junegunn/fzf
sk: github.com/lotabout/skim' \
str fzf_implementation 'fzf'
declare-option -docstring 'allow showing preview window
Default value:
' \
bool fzf_preview true
declare-option -docstring 'amount of lines to pass to preview window
Default value: 100' \
int fzf_preview_lines 100
declare-option -docstring 'preview window position.
Supported values: up (top), down (bottom), left, right, auto
Default value: auto' \
str fzf_preview_pos "auto"
declare-option -docstring 'Highlighter to use in preview window. You can provide
only the name of the tool that you want to use, or specify a command.
Supported tools:
<package>: <value>:
Bat: "bat"
Coderay: "coderay"
Highlight: "highlight"
Rouge: "rouge"
These are default arguments for the tools above:
<tool>: <value>:
bat: "bat --color=always --style=plain {}"
coderay: "coderay {}"
highlight: "highlight --failsafe -O ansi {}"
rouge: "rougify {}"
' \
str fzf_highlight_command "highlight"
declare-option -docstring "height of fzf tmux split in screen lines or percents.
Default value: 25%%" \
str fzf_tmux_height '25%'
declare-option -docstring "height of fzf tmux split for file preview in screen lines or percents.
Default value: 70%%" \
str fzf_preview_tmux_height '70%'
declare-option -docstring "width of preview window.
Default value: 50%%" \
str fzf_preview_width '50%'
declare-option -docstring "height of preview window.
Default value: 60%%" \
str fzf_preview_height '60%'
declare-option -docstring "mapping to execute action in new window" \
str fzf_window_map 'ctrl-w'
declare-option -docstring "mapping to execute action in new vertical split" \
str fzf_vertical_map 'ctrl-v'
declare-option -docstring "mapping to execute action in new horizontal split" \
str fzf_horizontal_map 'ctrl-s'
declare-option -docstring 'command to use to create the FZF window when not using tmux.
Default value: terminal kak -c %val{session} -e "%arg{@}"' \
str fzf_terminal_command 'terminal kak -c %val{session} -e "%arg{@}"'
declare-option -docstring 'command to use to create a new window (ctrl-w) when not using tmux.
Default value: terminal kak -c %val{session} -e "%arg{@}"' \
str fzf_new_terminal_command 'terminal kak -c %val{session} -e "%arg{@}"'
declare-option -docstring "use main selection as default query for fzf if the selection is longer than 1 char." \
bool fzf_use_main_selection true
declare-option -docstring "Default options for fzf." \
str fzf_default_opts ''
try %{ declare-user-mode fzf }
define-command -hidden -docstring "wrapper command to create new vertical split" \
fzf-vertical -params .. %{ evaluate-commands %{
tmux-terminal-vertical kak -c %val{session} -e "%arg{@}"
define-command -hidden -docstring "wrapper command to create new horizontal split" \
fzf-horizontal -params .. %{ evaluate-commands %{
tmux-terminal-horizontal kak -c %val{session} -e "%arg{@}"
define-command -hidden -docstring "wrapper command to create new terminal" \
fzf-window -params .. %{ evaluate-commands %sh{
if [ -n "${kak_client_env_TMUX:-}" ]; then
printf "%s\n" 'tmux-terminal-window kak -c %val{session} -e "%arg{@}"'
printf "%s\n" "${kak_opt_fzf_new_terminal_command:?}"
define-command -docstring \
"fzf <switches>: generic fzf command. This command can be used to create new fzf wrappers for various Kakoune or external features.
-kak-cmd <command>: A Kakoune cmd that is applied to fzf resulting value
-multiple-cmd <command>: A Kakoune cmd that is applied all multiple selected files but the first one
-items-cmd <items command>: A command that is used as a pipe to provide list of values to fzf
-fzf-impl <implementation>: Owerride fzf implementation variable
-fzf-args <args>: Additional flags for fzf program
-preview-cmd <command>: A preview command
-preview: Should fzf window include preview
-filter <commands>: A pipe which will be applied to result provided by fzf
-post-action <commands>: Extra commands that are preformed after `-kak-cmd' command" \
-shell-script-completion %{
printf "%s\n" "-kak-cmd
} \
fzf -params .. %{ evaluate-commands %sh{
# trims selection and escapes single quotes
selection=$(printf "%s" "${kak_selection:-}" | sed -e "s/^[[:blank:]]*//g;s/[[:blank:]]*$//g;s/'/'\\\\''/g")
[ "${kak_opt_fzf_use_main_selection:-}" = "true" ] && \
[ "$(printf "%s" "$kak_selection" | wc -m)" -gt 1 ] && \
[ "$(printf "%s\n" "$selection" | wc -l)" -eq 1 ] && \
default_query="-i -q '$selection'"
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case $1 in
(-kak-cmd) shift; kakoune_cmd="$1" ;;
(-multiple-cmd) shift; multiple_cmd="$1" ;;
(-items-cmd) shift; items_cmd="$1 |" ;;
(-fzf-impl) shift; fzf_impl="$1" ;;
(-fzf-args) shift; fzf_args="$1" ;;
(-preview-cmd) shift; preview_cmd="$1" ;;
(-preview) preview="true" ;;
(-filter) shift; filter="| $1" ;;
(-post-action) shift; post_action="$1" ;;
[ -z "$multiple_cmd" ] && multiple_cmd="$kakoune_cmd"
if [ "${preview}" = "true" ]; then
# bake position option to define them at runtime
[ -n "${kak_client_env_TMUX:-}" ] && tmux_height="${kak_opt_fzf_preview_tmux_height:-}"
case ${kak_opt_fzf_preview_pos:-} in
(top|up) preview_position="pos=top:${kak_opt_fzf_preview_height:-};" ;;
(bottom|down) preview_position="pos=down:${kak_opt_fzf_preview_height:-};" ;;
(right) preview_position="pos=right:${kak_opt_fzf_preview_width:-};" ;;
(left) preview_position="pos=left:${kak_opt_fzf_preview_width:-};" ;;
(auto|*) preview_position="sleep 0.1; [ \$(tput cols) -gt \$(expr \$(tput lines) \* 2) ] && pos=right:${kak_opt_fzf_preview_width:-} || pos=top:${kak_opt_fzf_preview_height:-};"
# handle preview if not defined explicitly with `-preview-cmd'
if [ "${kak_opt_fzf_preview:-}" = "true" ] && [ -z "${preview_cmd}" ]; then
case ${kak_opt_fzf_highlight_command:-} in
(bat) highlight_cmd="bat --color=always --style=plain {}" ;;
(coderay) highlight_cmd="coderay {}" ;;
(highlight) highlight_cmd="highlight --failsafe -O ansi {}" ;;
(rouge) highlight_cmd="rougify {}" ;;
(*) highlight_cmd="${kak_opt_fzf_highlight_command}" ;;
preview_cmd="--preview '(${highlight_cmd} || cat {}) 2>/dev/null | head -n ${kak_opt_fzf_preview_lines:-}' --preview-window=\${pos}"
fzf_tmp=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/fzf.kak.XXXXXX)
shell_path="$(command -v sh)"
if [ -n "${shell_path}" ]; then
# portable shebang
printf "%s\n" "#!${shell_path}"
# set SHELL because fzf preview uses it
printf "%s\n" "SHELL=${shell_path}"
# compose entire fzf command with all args into single file which will be executed later
printf "%s\n" "export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS=\"${kak_opt_fzf_default_opts:-}\""
printf "%s\n" "cd \"${PWD}\" && ${preview_position} ${items_cmd} ${fzf_impl} ${default_query} ${fzf_args} ${preview_cmd} ${filter} > ${result}"
printf "%s\n" "rm ${fzfcmd}"
) >> "${fzfcmd}"
chmod 755 "${fzfcmd}"
if [ -n "${kak_client_env_TMUX}" ]; then
# set default height if not set already
[ -z "${tmux_height}" ] && tmux_height=${kak_opt_fzf_tmux_height:-}
# if height contains `%' then `-p' will be used
[ -n "${tmux_height%%*%}" ] && measure="-l" || measure="-p"
# `terminal' doesn't support any kind of width and height parameters, so tmux panes are created by tmux itself
cmd="nop %sh{ command tmux split-window -t '${kak_client_env_TMUX_PANE:-}' ${measure} ${tmux_height%%%*} env ${fzfcmd} < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 }"
cmd="${kak_opt_fzf_terminal_command%% *} %{${fzfcmd}}"
printf "%s\n" "${cmd}"
# main loop
( while [ -e "${fzfcmd}" ]; do sleep 0.1; done
if [ -s "${result}" ]; then
while read -r line; do
case ${line} in
("${kak_opt_fzf_window_map:-ctrl-w}") wincmd="fzf-window" ;;
("${kak_opt_fzf_vertical_map:-ctrl-v}") wincmd="fzf-vertical" ;;
("${kak_opt_fzf_horizontal_map:-ctrl-s}") wincmd="fzf-horizontal" ;;
(*) item=${line} ;;
if [ -n "${item}" ]; then
item=$(printf "%s\n" "${item}" | sed "s/@/@@/g;s/&/&&/g")
kakoune_cmd=$(printf "%s\n" "${kakoune_cmd}" | sed "s/&/&&/g")
printf "%s\n" "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client:?} ${wincmd} %&${kakoune_cmd} %@${item}@&"
[ -n "${multiple_cmd}" ] && multiple_cmd=$(printf "%s\n" "${multiple_cmd}" | sed "s/&/&&/g")
while read -r line; do
line=$(printf "%s\n" "${line}" | sed "s/@/@@/g;s/&/&&/g")
printf "%s\n" "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} ${wincmd} %&${multiple_cmd} %@${line}@&"
if [ -n "${post_action}" ]; then
post_action=$(printf "%s\n" "${post_action}" | sed "s/&/&&/g")
printf "%s\n" "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} %&${post_action}&"
) < "${result}" | kak -p "${kak_session:?}"
rm -rf "${fzf_tmp}"
) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &