# generativeart [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/jdxyw/generativeart)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/jdxyw/generativeart) [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jdxyw/generativeart/master/LICENSE) generativeart is a `Go` package to generate many kinds of generative art. The code is collecting some excellent generative art (implemented in `R` or `Processing`), and implement them in `Go` again. Currently, it supports the following type. - Maze - Julia Set - Random Circle Trails - Silk Smoke - Spiral Square - Square Grid - Circle Line - Circle Loop - Silk Sky For these kinds of art, the package provides as many as parameters to control the appearance. ## Install The go version I used is go 1.16. ```bash go get github.com/jdxyw/generativeart ``` ## Art Type ```go NewCircleLine(step float64, lineNum int, radius, xaixs, yaixs float64) NewCircleLoop(radius float64) NewMaze(step int) NewRandCicle(mc, msp int, minStep, maxStep, minr, maxr float64, isRandColor bool) NewSilkSky(circleNum int, sunRadius float64) NewSilkSmoke(mc, msp int, minStep, maxStep, minRadius, maxRadius float64, isRandColor bool) NewSpiralSquare(squareNum int, rectSide, decay float64, randColor bool) ``` ## General Options ```go type Options struct { background color.RGBA foreground color.RGBA lineColor color.RGBA lineWidth float64 colorSchema []color.RGBA nIters int alpha int } ``` The `Options` is a global option for the whole `canva`. It includes those general parameters used by different kinds of types, such as `background`, `lineColor`, and `colorScheme`. For those parameters specified for different kinds of art type, they have their own `struct`. ## Usage and example ### Silk Smoke ```go func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) c := generativeart.NewCanva(500, 500) c.SetBackground(generativeart.Black) c.SetLineWidth(1.0) c.SetLineColor(generativeart.MediumAquamarine) c.SetAlpha(30) c.SetColorSchema(generativeart.Plasma) c.SetIterations(4) c.FillBackground() c.Draw(generativeart.NewSilkSmoke(400, 20, 0.2, 2, 10, 30, false)) c.ToPNG("silksmoke.png") } ``` ![](images/silksmoke.png) ### Spiral Square ```go func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) c := generativeart.NewCanva(500, 500) c.SetBackground(generativeart.MistyRose) c.SetLineWidth(10) c.SetLineColor(generativeart.Orange) c.SetColorSchema(generativeart.Plasma) c.SetForeground(generativeart.Tomato) c.FillBackground() c.Draw(generativeart.NewSpiralSquare(40, 400, 0.05, true)) c.ToPNG("spiralsquare.png") } ``` ![](images/spiralsquare.png) ### Circle Loop ```go func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) c := generativeart.NewCanva(500, 500) c.SetBackground(generativeart.Black) c.SetLineWidth(1) c.SetLineColor(generativeart.Orange) c.SetAlpha(30) c.SetIterations(1000) c.FillBackground() c.Draw(generativeart.NewCircleLoop(100)) c.ToPNG("circleloop.png") } ``` ![](images/circleloop.png) ### Julia Set ```go func julia1(z complex128) complex128 { c := complex(-0.1, 0.651) z = z*z + c return z } func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) c := generativeart.NewCanva(500, 500) c.SetIterations(800) c.SetColorSchema(generativeart.Viridis) c.FillBackground() c.Draw(generativeart.NewJulia(julia1, 40, 1.5, 1.5)) c.ToPNG("julia.png") } ``` ![](images/julia.png) ### Circle Line ```go func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) c := generativeart.NewCanva(600, 600) c.SetBackground(generativeart.Tan) c.SetLineWidth(1.0) c.SetLineColor(generativeart.LightPink) c.FillBackground() c.Draw(generativeart.NewCircleLine(0.02, 600, 1.5, 2, 2)) c.ToPNG("circleline.png") } ``` ![](images/circleline.png) ### Silk Sky ```go func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) c := generativeart.NewCanva(600, 600) c.SetAlpha(10) c.Draw(generativeart.NewSilkSky(15, 5)) c.ToPNG("silksky.png") } ``` ![](images/silksky.png) ### Maze ```go func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) c := generativeart.NewCanva(600, 600) c.SetBackground(generativeart.Azure) c.SetLineWidth(3) c.SetLineColor(generativeart.Orange) c.FillBackground() c.Draw(generativeart.NewMaze(20)) c.ToPNG("maze.png") } ``` ![](images/maze.png) ### Random Circle ```go func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) c := generativeart.NewCanva(500, 500) c.SetBackground(generativeart.MistyRose) c.SetLineWidth(1.0) c.SetLineColor(color.RGBA{ R: 122, G: 122, B: 122, A: 30, }) c.SetColorSchema(generativeart.Plasma) c.SetIterations(4) c.FillBackground() c.Draw(generativeart.NewRandCicle(30, 80, 0.2, 2, 10, 30, true)) c.ToPNG("randcircle.png") } ``` ![](images/randcircle.png) ## TODO - Add more kinds of generative arts or types. ## Contribution Thanks for the following sites and repos, I got lots of ideas, inspiration, code and tricks from them. The list would be very long, sorry for forgetting some of them. - https://inconvergent.net/ - https://fronkonstin.com/ - https://github.com/aschinchon/cyclic-cellular-automata - https://github.com/armdz/ProcessingSketchs - https://github.com/Mr-Slesser/Generative-Art-And-Fractals - https://github.com/cdr6934/Generative-Processing-Experiments - https://github.com/pkd2512/inktober2017 - http://blog.dragonlab.de/2015/03/generative-art-week-1