import path from 'path'; import fsp from 'fs/promises'; import { HttpClient } from 'isomorphic-git/http/node'; import { bodyToBuffer, isWriteable } from './util'; import { Pointer } from './pointers'; interface DownloadBlobRequset { http: HttpClient; headers?: Record; /** Repository URL. */ url: string; } interface LFSInfoResponse { objects: { actions: { download: { href: string; header?: Record; }; }; }[]; } function isValidLFSInfoResponseData(val: Record): val is LFSInfoResponse { return val.objects?.[0]?.actions?.download?.href?.trim !== undefined; } /** * Downloads, caches and returns a blob corresponding to given LFS pointer. */ export default async function downloadBlobFromPointer( { http: { request }, headers = {}, url }: DownloadBlobRequset, { info, objectPath }: Pointer, ): Promise { // Request LFS metadata const lfsInfoRequestData = { operation: 'download', transfers: ['basic'], objects: [info], }; const { body: lfsInfoBody } = await request({ url: `${url}/info/lfs/objects/batch`, method: 'POST', headers: { // Github LFS doesn’t seem to accept this UA :( // 'User-Agent': `git/isomorphic-git@${git.version()}`, ...headers, 'Accept': 'application/vnd.git-lfs+json', 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.git-lfs+json', }, body: [Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(lfsInfoRequestData))], }); const lfsInfoResponseData = JSON.parse((await bodyToBuffer(lfsInfoBody)).toString()); if (isValidLFSInfoResponseData(lfsInfoResponseData)) { // Request the actual blob const downloadAction = lfsInfoResponseData.objects[0]; const lfsObjectDownloadURL = downloadAction.href; const lfsObjectDownloadHeaders = downloadAction.header ?? {}; const dlHeaders = { ...headers, ...lfsObjectDownloadHeaders }; const { body: lfsObjectBody } = await request({ url: lfsObjectDownloadURL, method: 'GET', headers: dlHeaders, }); const blob = await bodyToBuffer(lfsObjectBody); // Write LFS cache for this object, if cache path is still accessible and unoccupied. if (await isWriteable(objectPath)) { await fsp.mkdir(path.dirname(objectPath), { recursive: true }); await fsp.writeFile(objectPath, blob); } return blob; } else { throw new Error("LFS response didn’t return an expected structure"); } }