import { Buffer } from "buffer"; import { HTTPRequest } from "./types"; import { buildPointerInfo, PointerInfo } from "./pointers"; import { bodyToBuffer, getAuthHeader } from "./util"; interface LFSInfoResponse { objects: { actions?: { upload: { href: string; header?: Record; }; verify?: { href: string; header?: Record; }; }; }[]; } function isValidLFSInfoResponseData( val: Record ): val is LFSInfoResponse { const obj = val.objects?.[0]; return obj && (!obj.actions || obj.actions.upload.href.trim !== undefined); } /** * Given a blob, uploads the blob to LFS server and returns a PointerInfo, * which the caller can then combine with object path into a Pointer * and commit in place of the original Git blob. */ export default async function uploadBlob( { http: { request }, headers = {}, url, auth }: HTTPRequest, content: Buffer ): Promise { const info = await buildPointerInfo(content); const authHeaders: Record = auth ? getAuthHeader(auth) : {}; // Request LFS transfer const lfsInfoRequestData = { operation: "upload", transfers: ["basic"], objects: [info], }; const { body: lfsInfoBody } = await request({ url: `${url}/info/lfs/objects/batch`, method: "POST", headers: { // Github LFS doesn’t seem to accept this UA // 'User-Agent': `git/isomorphic-git@${git.version()}`, ...headers, ...authHeaders, Accept: "application/vnd.git-lfs+json", "Content-Type": "application/vnd.git-lfs+json", }, body: [Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(lfsInfoRequestData))], }); const lfsInfoResponseRaw = (await bodyToBuffer(lfsInfoBody)).toString(); let lfsInfoResponseData: any; try { lfsInfoResponseData = JSON.parse(lfsInfoResponseRaw); } catch (e) { throw new Error( `Unexpected structure received from LFS server: unable to parse JSON ${lfsInfoResponseRaw}` ); } if (isValidLFSInfoResponseData(lfsInfoResponseData)) { // Upload the actual blob const actions = lfsInfoResponseData.objects[0].actions; if (!actions) { // Presume LFS already has the blob. Don’t fail loudly. return info; } else { const uploadAction = actions.upload; const lfsObjectUploadURL = uploadAction.href; const lfsObjectUploadHeaders = uploadAction.header ?? {}; const dlHeaders = { ...headers, ...authHeaders, ...lfsObjectUploadHeaders, }; const resp = await request({ url: lfsObjectUploadURL, method: "PUT", headers: dlHeaders, body: [content], }); if (resp.statusCode === 200) { const verifyAction = actions.verify; // Upload verification was requested. Do that if (verifyAction) { const verificationResp = await request({ url: verifyAction.href, method: "POST", headers: { // Isomorphic Git’s UA header is considered invalid // and missing UA header causes an error in this case; // cURL is considered valid, so… "User-Agent": `curl/7.54`, // TODO: Generalize UA header handling // - Leave UA header twiddling to callers? // - Figure out which LFS implementation wants which UA header? ...(verifyAction.header ?? {}), }, body: [info], }); if (verificationResp.statusCode === 200) { return info; } else { throw new Error( `Upload might have been unsuccessful, verification action yielded HTTP ${verificationResp.statusCode}` ); } } else { return info; } } else { throw new Error( `Upload might have been unsuccessful, upload action yielded HTTP ${resp.statusCode}` ); } } } else { throw new Error( "Unexpected JSON structure received for LFS upload request" ); } }