############################################# kawipiko -- blazingly fast static HTTP server ############################################# References ========== .. [CDB] * `CDB `__ (@Wikipedia); * `cdb `__ (project website, reference implementation by DJB); * `cdb `__ (project @GitHub, pure Go implementation, used by ``kawipiko`` with patches;) * `Constant Database Internals `__ (article); * `Benchmarking LevelDB vs. RocksDB vs. HyperLevelDB vs. LMDB Performance for InfluxDB `__ (article); * `Badger vs LMDB vs BoltDB: Benchmarking key-value databases in Go `__ (article); * `Benchmarking BDB, CDB and Tokyo Cabinet on large datasets `__ (article); * `TinyCDB `__ (fork project); * `tinydns `__ (DNS server using CDB); * `qmail `__ (SMTP server using CDB); .. [Go] * `Go `__ (@Wikipedia); * `Go `__ (project website); .. [fasthttp] * `fasthttp `__ (project @GitHub); * high performance HTTP server implementation; (alternative to Go's ``net/http`` implementation;) * supports HTTP/1 (with or without TLS); * used by ``kawipiko``; .. [quic-go] * `quic-go `__ (project @GitHub); * supports HTTP/3 (over QUIC); * used by ``kawipiko``; .. [Zopfli] * `Zopfli `__ (@Wikipedia); * `Zopfli `__ (project @GitHub, reference implementation by Google); * `Zopfli `__ (project @GitHub, pure Go implementation, used by ``kawipiko``); .. [Brotli] * `Brotli `__ (@Wikipedia); * `Brotli `__ (project @GitHub, reference implementation by Google); * `Brotli `__ (project @GitHub, pure Go implementation, used by ``kawipiko``); * `Results of experimenting with Brotli for dynamic web content `__ (article); .. [Blake3] * `Blake3 `__ (@Wikipedia); * `Blake3 `__ (project @GitHub, reference implementation); * `Blake3 `__ (project @GitHub, pure Go implementation, used by ``kawipiko``); .. [Bolt] * `bolt `__ (project @GitHub, original pure Go implementation); * `bbolt `__ (project @GitHub, forked pure Go implementation, used by ``kawipiko``); .. [dpbench] * `dpbench `__ (project @GitHub); * describes a standard methodology for testing HTTP proxies; (it can also be applied to ``kawipiko``;) * `HAProxy Forwards Over 2 Million HTTP Requests per Second `__ (article); .. [wrk] * `wrk `__ (project @GitHub); * modern HTTP benchmarking tool; * multi threaded, implemented in C, with event loop and Lua support; * supports HTTP/1 (with and without TLS); .. [h2load] * part of the ``nghttp2`` project; * `nghttp2 `__ (project @GitHub); * modern HTTP benchmarking tool; * multi threaded, implemented in C, with event loop; * supports HTTP/1 (with TLS), HTTP/3, and HTTP/3 (over QUIC); .. [Netlify] * `Netlify `__ (cloud provider); .. [HAProxy] * `HAProxy `__ (@Wikipedia); * `HAProxy `__ (project website); * reliable high performance TCP/HTTP load-balancer; * multi threaded, implemented in C, with event loop and Lua support; .. [NGinx] * `NGinx `__ (@Wikipedia); * `NGinx `__ (project website); * reliable high performance HTTP server; * multi threaded, implemented in C, with event loop; .. [darkhttpd] * `darkhttpd `__ (project website); * simple static HTTP server; * single threaded, implemented in C, with event loop and ``sendfile`` support; .. [mmap] * `Memory mapping `__ (@Wikipedia); * `mmap(2) `__ (Linux man page);