package main import "crypto/sha256" import "encoding/hex" import "encoding/json" import "flag" import "fmt" import "io" import "io/ioutil" import "log" import "net/http" import "path/filepath" import "os" import "sort" import "strings" import "syscall" // import "" import cdb "" import . "" import . "" type context struct { cdbWriter *cdb.Writer storedData map[string]bool storedFiles map[[2]uint64]string compress string includeIndex bool includeEtag bool includeMetadata bool debug bool } func archiveFile (_context *context, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _name string) (error) { var _file *os.File if _file_0, _error := os.Open (_pathResolved); _error == nil { _file = _file_0 } else { return _error } defer _file.Close () var _fileId [2]uint64 if _stat, _error := _file.Stat (); _error == nil { _stat := _stat.Sys() if _stat, _ok := _stat.(*syscall.Stat_t); _ok { _fileId = [2]uint64 { _stat.Dev, _stat.Ino } } else { return fmt.Errorf ("[6578d2d7] failed `stat`-ing: `%s`!", _pathResolved) } } _fingerprint, _wasStored := _context.storedFiles[_fileId] var _data []byte var _dataMeta map[string]string if ! _wasStored { if _data_0, _error := ioutil.ReadAll (_file); _error == nil { _data = _data_0 } else { return _error } if _fingerprint_0, _data_0, _dataMeta_0, _error := prepareData (_context, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, _name, _data, ""); _error != nil { return _error } else { _fingerprint = _fingerprint_0 _data = _data_0 _dataMeta = _dataMeta_0 } } for _, _suffix := range StripSuffixes { if strings.HasSuffix (_pathInArchive, _suffix) { _pathInArchive := _pathInArchive [: len (_pathInArchive) - len (_suffix)] if _error := archiveReference (_context, NamespaceFilesContent, _pathInArchive, _fingerprint); _error != nil { return _error } break } } if _error := archiveReference (_context, NamespaceFilesContent, _pathInArchive, _fingerprint); _error != nil { return _error } if (_data != nil) && (_dataMeta != nil) { if _error := archiveData (_context, _fingerprint, _data, _dataMeta); _error != nil { return _error } } if ! _wasStored { _context.storedFiles[_fileId] = _fingerprint } return nil } func archiveFolder (_context *context, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _names []string, _stats map[string]os.FileInfo) (error) { type Entry struct { Name string `json:"name",omitempty` Type string `json:"type",omitempty` Size uint64 `json:"size",omitempty"` } type Folder struct { Entries []Entry `json:"entries",omitempty` Indices []string `json:"indices",omitempty` } _entries := make ([]Entry, 0, len (_names)) if _context.includeMetadata { for _, _name := range _names { _entry := Entry { Name : _name, Type : "unknown", } _stat := _stats[_name] _statMode := _stat.Mode () if _statMode.IsRegular () { _entry.Type = "file" _entry.Size = uint64 (_stat.Size ()) } else if _statMode.IsDir () { _entry.Type = "folder" } _entries = append (_entries, _entry) } } _indexNames := make ([]string, 0, 4) if _context.includeIndex { var _indexNameFirst string for _, _indexName := range IndexNames { _indexNameFound := sort.SearchStrings (_names, _indexName) if _indexNameFound == len (_names) { continue } if _names[_indexNameFound] != _indexName { continue } _stat := _stats[_indexName] _statMode := _stat.Mode () if ! _statMode.IsRegular () { continue } if _indexNameFirst == "" { _indexNameFirst = _indexName } _indexNames = append (_indexNames, _indexName) } if _indexNameFirst != "" { _indexPathResolved := filepath.Join (_pathResolved, _indexNameFirst) _indexPathInArchive := _pathInArchive + "/" if _pathInArchive == "/" { _indexPathInArchive = "/" } archiveFile (_context, _indexPathResolved, _indexPathInArchive, _indexNameFirst) } } if ! _context.includeMetadata { return nil } _folder := Folder { Entries : _entries, Indices : _indexNames, } var _data []byte if _data_0, _error := json.Marshal (&_folder); _error == nil { _data = _data_0 } else { return _error } if _, _error := archiveReferenceAndData (_context, NamespaceFoldersContent, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, "", _data, MimeTypeJson); _error != nil { return _error } return nil } func archiveReferenceAndData (_context *context, _namespace string, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _name string, _data []byte, _dataType string) (string, error) { var _fingerprint string var _dataMeta map[string]string if _fingerprint_0, _data_0, _dataMeta_0, _error := prepareData (_context, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, _name, _data, _dataType); _error != nil { return "", _error } else { _fingerprint = _fingerprint_0 _data = _data_0 _dataMeta = _dataMeta_0 } if _error := archiveReference (_context, _namespace, _pathInArchive, _fingerprint); _error != nil { return "", _error } if (_data != nil) && (_dataMeta != nil) { if _error := archiveData (_context, _fingerprint, _data, _dataMeta); _error != nil { return "", _error } } return _fingerprint, nil } func archiveData (_context *context, _fingerprint string, _data []byte, _dataMeta map[string]string) (error) { if _wasStored, _ := _context.storedData[_fingerprint]; _wasStored { return fmt.Errorf ("[256cde78] data already stored: `%s`!", _fingerprint) } var _dataMetaRaw []byte if _dataMetaRaw_0, _error := MetadataEncode (_dataMeta); _error == nil { _dataMetaRaw = _dataMetaRaw_0 } else { return _error } { _key := fmt.Sprintf ("%s:%s", NamespaceDataMetadata, _fingerprint) if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] blob-meta ++ `%s`\n", _key) } if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (_key), _dataMetaRaw); _error != nil { return _error } } { _key := fmt.Sprintf ("%s:%s", NamespaceDataContent, _fingerprint) if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] blob-data ++ `%s`\n", _key) } if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (_key), _data); _error != nil { return _error } } _context.storedData[_fingerprint] = true return nil } func archiveReference (_context *context, _namespace string, _pathInArchive string, _fingerprint string) (error) { _key := fmt.Sprintf ("%s:%s", _namespace, _pathInArchive) if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] reference ++ `%s` :: `%s` -> `%s`\n", _namespace, _pathInArchive, _fingerprint) } if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (_key), []byte (_fingerprint)); _error != nil { return _error } return nil } func prepareData (_context *context, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _name string, _data []byte, _dataType string) (string, []byte, map[string]string, error) { _fingerprintRaw := sha256.Sum256 (_data) _fingerprint := hex.EncodeToString (_fingerprintRaw[:]) if _wasStored, _ := _context.storedData[_fingerprint]; _wasStored { return _fingerprint, nil, nil, nil } if (_dataType == "") && (_name != "") { _extension := filepath.Ext (_name) if _extension != "" { _extension = _extension[1:] } _dataType, _ = MimeTypesByExtension[_extension] } if _dataType == "" { _dataType = http.DetectContentType (_data) } if _dataType == "" { _dataType = MimeTypeRaw } _dataEncoding := "identity" _dataUncompressedSize := len (_data) _dataSize := _dataUncompressedSize if _dataSize > 512 { if _data_0, _dataEncoding_0, _error := Compress (_data, _context.compress); _error == nil { if _dataEncoding_0 != "identity" { _dataCompressedSize := len (_data_0) _dataCompressedDelta := _dataUncompressedSize - _dataCompressedSize _dataCompressedRatio := (_dataCompressedDelta * 100) / _dataUncompressedSize _accepted := false _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (1024 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 5)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (64 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 10)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (32 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 15)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (16 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 20)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (8 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 25)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (4 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 30)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (2 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 35)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (1 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 40)) _accepted = _accepted || (_dataCompressedRatio >= 90) if _accepted { _data = _data_0 _dataEncoding = _dataEncoding_0 _dataSize = _dataCompressedSize } if _dataSize < _dataUncompressedSize { if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] compress %02d %8d %8d `%s`\n", _dataCompressedRatio, _dataUncompressedSize, _dataCompressedDelta, _pathInArchive) } } else { if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] compress-NOK %02d %8d %8d `%s`\n", _dataCompressedRatio, _dataUncompressedSize, _dataCompressedDelta, _pathInArchive) } } } } else { return "", nil, nil, _error } } else { if _context.debug && (_context.compress != "identity") { log.Printf ("[ ] compress-NOK %8d `%s`\n", _dataUncompressedSize, _pathInArchive) } } _dataMeta := make (map[string]string, 16) _dataMeta["Content-Length"] = fmt.Sprintf ("%d", _dataSize) _dataMeta["Content-Type"] = _dataType _dataMeta["Content-Encoding"] = _dataEncoding if _context.includeEtag { _dataMeta["ETag"] = _fingerprint } return _fingerprint, _data, _dataMeta, nil } func walkPath (_context *context, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _name string, _recursed map[string]uint, _recurse bool) (os.FileInfo, error) { if _recursed == nil { _recursed = make (map[string]uint, 128) } _pathOriginal := _pathResolved var _stat os.FileInfo if _stat_0, _error := os.Lstat (_pathResolved); _error == nil { _stat = _stat_0 } else { return nil, _error } _statMode := _stat.Mode () _isSymlink := false if (_stat.Mode () & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 { _isSymlink = true if _stat_0, _error := os.Stat (_pathResolved); _error == nil { _stat = _stat_0 } else { return nil, _error } } _statMode = _stat.Mode () if ! _recurse { return _stat, nil } if _isSymlink { if _pathResolved_0, _error := filepath.EvalSymlinks (_pathResolved); _error == nil { _pathResolved = _pathResolved_0 } else { return nil, _error } } if _isSymlink && _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] symlink :: `%s` -> `%s`\n", _pathInArchive, _pathResolved) } if _statMode.IsRegular () { if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] file :: `%s`\n", _pathInArchive) } if _error := archiveFile (_context, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, _name); _error != nil { return nil, _error } return _stat, nil } else if _statMode.IsDir () { _wasRecursed, _ := _recursed[_pathResolved] if _wasRecursed > 0 { log.Printf ("[ww] [2e1744c9] detected directory loop for `%s` resolving to `%s`; ignoring!\n", _pathOriginal, _pathResolved) return _stat, nil } _recursed[_pathResolved] = _wasRecursed + 1 _childsName := make ([]string, 0, 16) _childsPathResolved := make (map[string]string, 16) _childsPathInArchive := make (map[string]string, 16) _childsStat := make (map[string]os.FileInfo, 16) var _wildcardName string if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] folder >> `%s`\n", _pathInArchive) } if _stream, _error := os.Open (_pathResolved); _error == nil { defer _stream.Close () _loop : for { switch _buffer, _error := _stream.Readdir (128); _error { case nil : for _, _childStat := range _buffer { _childName := _childStat.Name () _childPathResolved := filepath.Join (_pathResolved, _childName) _childPathInArchive := filepath.Join (_pathInArchive, _childName) if _childStat_0, _error := walkPath (_context, _childPathResolved, _childPathInArchive, _childName, _recursed, false); _error == nil { _childStat = _childStat_0 } else { return nil, _error } _childsPathResolved[_childName] = _childPathResolved _childsPathInArchive[_childName] = _childPathInArchive _childsStat[_childName] = _childStat if strings.HasPrefix (_childName, "_wildcard.") { _wildcardName = _childName continue } if ShouldSkipName (_childName) { if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] skip !! `%s`\n", _childPathInArchive) } continue } _childsName = append (_childsName, _childName) } case io.EOF : break _loop default : return nil, _error } } } if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] folder << `%s`\n", _pathInArchive) } sort.Strings (_childsName) if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] folder :: `%s`\n", _pathInArchive) } if _error := archiveFolder (_context, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, _childsName, _childsStat); _error != nil { return nil, _error } if _wildcardName != "" { _childPathInArchive := filepath.Join (_pathInArchive, "*") if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _childsPathResolved[_wildcardName], _childPathInArchive, _wildcardName, _recursed, true); _error != nil { return nil, _error } } if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] folder >> `%s`\n", _pathInArchive) } for _, _childName := range _childsName { if _childsStat[_childName] .Mode () .IsRegular () { if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _childsPathResolved[_childName], _childsPathInArchive[_childName], _childName, _recursed, true); _error != nil { return nil, _error } } } for _, _childName := range _childsName { if _childsStat[_childName] .Mode () .IsDir () { if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _childsPathResolved[_childName], _childsPathInArchive[_childName], _childName, _recursed, true); _error != nil { return nil, _error } } } for _, _childName := range _childsName { if (! _childsStat[_childName] .Mode () .IsRegular ()) && (! _childsStat[_childName] .Mode () .IsDir ()) { if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _childsPathResolved[_childName], _childsPathInArchive[_childName], _childName, _recursed, true); _error != nil { return nil, _error } } } if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] folder << `%s`\n", _pathInArchive) } _recursed[_pathResolved] = _wasRecursed return _stat, nil } else { return nil, fmt.Errorf ("[d9b836d7] unexpected file type for `%s`: `%s`!", _pathResolved, _statMode) } } func main () () { Main (main_0) } func main_0 () (error) { var _sourcesFolder string var _archiveFile string var _compress string var _includeIndex bool var _includeEtag bool var _includeMetadata bool var _debug bool { _flags := flag.NewFlagSet ("kawipiko-archiver", flag.ContinueOnError) _flags.Usage = func () () { fmt.Fprintf (os.Stderr, "%s", ` ==== kawipiko -- blazingly fast static HTTP server ==== | Documentation, issues and sources: | * | * | Authors: | * Ciprian Dorin Craciun | | | | Leverages: | * | * | * | * ----------------------------------------------------------- kawipiko-archiver --sources --archive --compress --exclude-index --exclude-etag --include-metadata --debug `) } _sourcesFolder_0 := _flags.String ("sources", "", "") _archiveFile_0 := _flags.String ("archive", "", "") _compress_0 := _flags.String ("compress", "", "") _excludeIndex_0 := _flags.Bool ("exclude-index", false, "") _excludeEtag_0 := _flags.Bool ("exclude-etag", false, "") _includeMetadata_0 := _flags.Bool ("include-metadata", false, "") _debug_0 := _flags.Bool ("debug", false, "") FlagsParse (_flags, 0, 0) _sourcesFolder = *_sourcesFolder_0 _archiveFile = *_archiveFile_0 _compress = *_compress_0 _includeIndex = ! *_excludeIndex_0 _includeEtag = ! *_excludeEtag_0 _includeMetadata = *_includeMetadata_0 _debug = *_debug_0 if _sourcesFolder == "" { AbortError (nil, "[515ee462] expected sources folder argument!") } if _archiveFile == "" { AbortError (nil, "[5e8da985] expected archive file argument!") } } var _cdbWriter *cdb.Writer if _cdbWriter_0, _error := cdb.Create (_archiveFile); _error == nil { _cdbWriter = _cdbWriter_0 } else { AbortError (_error, "[85234ba0] failed creating archive (while opening)!") } _context := & context { cdbWriter : _cdbWriter, storedData : make (map[string]bool, 16 * 1024), storedFiles : make (map[[2]uint64]string, 16 * 1024), compress : _compress, includeIndex : _includeIndex, includeEtag : _includeEtag, includeMetadata : _includeMetadata, debug : _debug, } if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _sourcesFolder, "/", filepath.Base (_sourcesFolder), nil, true); _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[b6a19ef4] failed walking folder!") } if _error := _cdbWriter.Close (); _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[bbfb8478] failed creating archive (while closing)!") } return nil }