package server import "bufio" import "bytes" import "crypto/tls" import "flag" import "fmt" import "io" import "log" import "net" import "net/http" import "os" import "os/signal" import "runtime" import "runtime/debug" import "runtime/pprof" import "strconv" import "sync" import "syscall" import "time" import "unsafe" import "" import "" import "" import . "" import . "" type server struct { httpServer *fasthttp.Server httpsServer *http.Server cdbReader *cdb.CDB cachedFileFingerprints map[string][]byte cachedDataMeta map[string][]byte cachedDataContent map[string][]byte securityHeadersEnabled bool securityHeadersTls bool debug bool quiet bool dummy bool } func (_server *server) Serve (_context *fasthttp.RequestCtx) () { if _server.dummy { _server.ServeDummy (_context) return } // _request := (*fasthttp.Request) (NoEscape (unsafe.Pointer (&_context.Request))) _requestHeaders := (*fasthttp.RequestHeader) (NoEscape (unsafe.Pointer (&_context.Request.Header))) _response := (*fasthttp.Response) (NoEscape (unsafe.Pointer (&_context.Response))) _responseHeaders := (*fasthttp.ResponseHeader) (NoEscape (unsafe.Pointer (&_context.Response.Header))) _keyBuffer := [1024]byte {} _pathBuffer := [1024]byte {} _method := _requestHeaders.Method () _path := _pathBuffer[:0] _path = append (_path, _requestHeaders.RequestURI () ...) if _pathLimit := bytes.IndexByte (_path, '?'); _pathLimit > 0 { _path = _path[: _pathLimit] } // FIXME: Decode path according to `decodeArgAppendNoPlus`! _pathLen := len (_path) _pathIsRoot := _pathLen == 1 _pathHasSlash := !_pathIsRoot && (_path[_pathLen - 1] == '/') if ! bytes.Equal (StringToBytes (http.MethodGet), _method) { log.Printf ("[ww] [bce7a75b] invalid method `%s` for `%s`!\n", _requestHeaders.Method (), _requestHeaders.RequestURI ()) _server.ServeError (_context, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, nil, true) return } if (_pathLen == 0) || (_path[0] != '/') { log.Printf ("[ww] [fa6b1923] invalid path `%s`!\n", _requestHeaders.RequestURI ()) _server.ServeError (_context, http.StatusBadRequest, nil, true) return } if bytes.HasPrefix (_path, StringToBytes ("/__/")) { if bytes.Equal (_path, StringToBytes ("/__/heartbeat")) || bytes.HasPrefix (_path, StringToBytes ("/__/heartbeat/")) { _server.ServeStatic (_context, http.StatusOK, HeartbeatDataOk, HeartbeatContentType, HeartbeatContentEncoding, false) return } else if bytes.Equal (_path, StringToBytes ("/__/about")) { _server.ServeStatic (_context, http.StatusOK, AboutBannerData, AboutBannerContentType, AboutBannerContentEncoding, true) return } else if bytes.HasPrefix (_path, StringToBytes ("/__/errors/banners/")) { _code := _path[len ("/__/errors/banners/") :] if _code, _error := strconv.Atoi (BytesToString (*NoEscapeBytes (&_code))); _error == nil { _banner, _bannerFound := ErrorBannersData[uint (_code)] if (_code > 0) && _bannerFound { _server.ServeStatic (_context, http.StatusOK, _banner, ErrorBannerContentType, ErrorBannerContentEncoding, true) return } } _server.ServeError (_context, http.StatusNotFound, nil, true) return } else { _server.ServeError (_context, http.StatusNotFound, nil, true) return } } var _fingerprints []byte var _namespaceAndPathSuffixes = [][2]string { {NamespaceFilesContent, ""}, {NamespaceFilesContent, "/"}, {NamespaceFoldersContent, ""}, } if _fingerprints == nil { _loop_1 : for _namespaceAndPathSuffixIndex := range _namespaceAndPathSuffixes { _namespaceAndPathSuffix := _namespaceAndPathSuffixes[_namespaceAndPathSuffixIndex] _namespace := _namespaceAndPathSuffix[0] _pathSuffix := _namespaceAndPathSuffix[1] switch { case !_pathIsRoot && !_pathHasSlash : break case _pathSuffix == "/" : continue _loop_1 case _pathSuffix == "" : break case _pathSuffix[0] == '/' : _pathSuffix = _pathSuffix[1:] } _pathSuffixHasSlash := (len (_pathSuffix) != 0) && (_pathSuffix[0] == '/') if _server.cachedFileFingerprints != nil { _key := _keyBuffer[:0] _key = append (_key, _path ...) _key = append (_key, _pathSuffix ...) _fingerprints, _ = _server.cachedFileFingerprints[BytesToString (_key)] } else { _key := _keyBuffer[:0] _key = append (_key, _namespace ...) _key = append (_key, ':') _key = append (_key, _path ...) _key = append (_key, _pathSuffix ...) if _value, _error := _server.cdbReader.GetWithCdbHash (_key); _error == nil { _fingerprints = _value } else { _server.ServeError (_context, http.StatusInternalServerError, _error, false) return } } if _fingerprints != nil { if ((_namespace == NamespaceFoldersContent) || _pathSuffixHasSlash) && (!_pathIsRoot && !_pathHasSlash) { _path = append (_path, '/') _server.ServeRedirect (_context, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, _path, true) return } break _loop_1 } } } if _fingerprints == nil { if bytes.Equal (StringToBytes ("/favicon.ico"), _path) { _server.ServeStatic (_context, http.StatusOK, FaviconData, FaviconContentType, FaviconContentEncoding, true) return } } if _fingerprints == nil { _loop_2 : for _pathLimit := bytes.LastIndexByte (_path, '/'); _pathLimit >= 0; _pathLimit = bytes.LastIndexByte (_path[: _pathLimit], '/') { if _server.cachedFileFingerprints != nil { _key := _keyBuffer[:0] _key = append (_key, _path[: _pathLimit] ...) _key = append (_key, "/*" ...) _fingerprints, _ = _server.cachedFileFingerprints[BytesToString (_key)] } else { _key := _keyBuffer[:0] _key = append (_key, NamespaceFilesContent ...) _key = append (_key, ':') _key = append (_key, _path[: _pathLimit] ...) _key = append (_key, "/*" ...) if _value, _error := _server.cdbReader.GetWithCdbHash (_key); _error == nil { _fingerprints = _value } else { _server.ServeError (_context, http.StatusInternalServerError, _error, false) return } } if _fingerprints != nil { break _loop_2 } } } if _fingerprints == nil { log.Printf ("[ww] [7416f61d] not found `%s`!\n", _requestHeaders.RequestURI ()) _server.ServeError (_context, http.StatusNotFound, nil, true) return } if len (_fingerprints) != 129 { log.Printf ("[ee] [7ee6c981] invalid data fingerprints for `%s`!\n", _requestHeaders.RequestURI ()) _server.ServeError (_context, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, false) return } _fingerprintContent := _fingerprints[0:64] _fingerprintMeta := _fingerprints[65:129] var _data []byte if _server.cachedDataContent != nil { _data, _ = _server.cachedDataContent[BytesToString (_fingerprintContent)] } else { _key := _keyBuffer[:0] _key = append (_key, NamespaceDataContent ...) _key = append (_key, ':') _key = append (_key, _fingerprintContent ...) if _value, _error := _server.cdbReader.GetWithCdbHash (_key); _error == nil { _data = _value } else { _server.ServeError (_context, http.StatusInternalServerError, _error, false) return } } if _data == nil { log.Printf ("[ee] [0165c193] missing data content for `%s`!\n", _requestHeaders.RequestURI ()) _server.ServeError (_context, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, false) return } var _dataMetaRaw []byte if _server.cachedDataMeta != nil { _dataMetaRaw, _ = _server.cachedDataMeta[BytesToString (_fingerprintMeta)] } else { _key := _keyBuffer[:0] _key = append (_key, NamespaceDataMetadata ...) _key = append (_key, ':') _key = append (_key, _fingerprintMeta ...) if _value, _error := _server.cdbReader.GetWithCdbHash (_key); _error == nil { _dataMetaRaw = _value } else { _server.ServeError (_context, http.StatusInternalServerError, _error, false) return } } if _dataMetaRaw == nil { log.Printf ("[ee] [e8702411] missing data metadata for `%s`!\n", _requestHeaders.RequestURI ()) _server.ServeError (_context, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, false) return } _responseStatus := http.StatusOK _responseHeaders.AddRawLines (_dataMetaRaw) // FIXME: Re-enable this part! // _handleHeader := func (_name []byte, _value []byte) { // if _name[0] != '_' { // _responseHeaders.AddRawKv (_name, _value) // } else { // switch BytesToString (_name) { // case "!Status" : // if _value, _error := strconv.Atoi (BytesToString (_value)); _error == nil { // if (_value >= 200) && (_value <= 599) { // _responseStatus = _value // } else { // log.Printf ("[c2f7ec36] invalid data metadata for `%s`!\n", _requestHeaders.RequestURI ()) // _responseStatus = http.StatusInternalServerError // } // } else { // log.Printf ("[beedae55] invalid data metadata for `%s`!\n", _requestHeaders.RequestURI ()) // _responseStatus = http.StatusInternalServerError // } // default : // log.Printf ("[7acc7d90] invalid data metadata for `%s`!\n", _requestHeaders.RequestURI ()) // } // } // } // if _error := MetadataDecodeIterate (_dataMetaRaw, _handleHeader); _error != nil { // _server.ServeError (_context, http.StatusInternalServerError, _error, false) // return // } if _server.securityHeadersEnabled { if _server.securityHeadersTls { const _lines = ( "Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000" + "\r\n" + "Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests" + "\r\n") _responseHeaders.AddRawLines (StringToBytes (_lines)) } { const _lines = ( "Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin" + "\r\n" + "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" + "\r\n" + "X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block" + "\r\n" + "X-Frame-Options: sameorigin" + "\r\n") _responseHeaders.AddRawLines (StringToBytes (_lines)) } } if _server.debug { log.Printf ("[dd] [b15f3cad] serving for `%s`...\n", _requestHeaders.RequestURI ()) } _response.SetStatusCode (_responseStatus) _response.SetBodyRaw (_data) } func (_server *server) ServeStatic (_context *fasthttp.RequestCtx, _status uint, _data []byte, _contentType string, _contentEncoding string, _cache bool) () { _response := (*fasthttp.Response) (NoEscape (unsafe.Pointer (&_context.Response))) _responseHeaders := (*fasthttp.ResponseHeader) (NoEscape (unsafe.Pointer (&_context.Response.Header))) _responseHeaders.AddRawKv (StringToBytes ("Content-Type"), StringToBytes (_contentType)) _responseHeaders.AddRawKv (StringToBytes ("Content-Encoding"), StringToBytes (_contentEncoding)) if _cache { _responseHeaders.AddRawLines (StringToBytes ("Cache-Control: public, immutable, max-age=3600\r\n")) } else { _responseHeaders.AddRawLines (StringToBytes ("Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store\r\n")) } _response.SetStatusCode (int (_status)) _response.SetBodyRaw (_data) } func (_server *server) ServeRedirect (_context *fasthttp.RequestCtx, _status uint, _path []byte, _cache bool) () { _response := (*fasthttp.Response) (NoEscape (unsafe.Pointer (&_context.Response))) _responseHeaders := (*fasthttp.ResponseHeader) (NoEscape (unsafe.Pointer (&_context.Response.Header))) _responseHeaders.SetCanonical (StringToBytes ("Location"), _path) if _cache { _responseHeaders.AddRawLines (StringToBytes ("Cache-Control: public, immutable, max-age=3600\r\n")) } else { _responseHeaders.AddRawLines (StringToBytes ("Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store\r\n")) } _response.SetStatusCode (int (_status)) } func (_server *server) ServeError (_context *fasthttp.RequestCtx, _status uint, _error error, _cache bool) () { _response := (*fasthttp.Response) (NoEscape (unsafe.Pointer (&_context.Response))) _responseHeaders := (*fasthttp.ResponseHeader) (NoEscape (unsafe.Pointer (&_context.Response.Header))) _responseHeaders.AddRawKv (StringToBytes ("Content-Type"), StringToBytes (ErrorBannerContentType)) _responseHeaders.AddRawKv (StringToBytes ("Content-Encoding"), StringToBytes (ErrorBannerContentEncoding)) if _cache { _responseHeaders.AddRawLines (StringToBytes ("Cache-Control: public, immutable, max-age=3600\r\n")) } else { _responseHeaders.AddRawLines (StringToBytes ("Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store\r\n")) } if _banner, _bannerFound := ErrorBannersData[_status]; _bannerFound { _response.SetBodyRaw (_banner) } _response.SetStatusCode (int (_status)) LogError (_error, "") } func (_server *server) ServeDummy (_context *fasthttp.RequestCtx) () { if false { _server.ServeStatic (_context, http.StatusOK, DummyData, DummyContentType, DummyContentEncoding, false) } else { ServeDummyRaw (_context) } } func ServeDummyRaw (_context *fasthttp.RequestCtx) () { _context.Response.Header.SetRaw (DummyMeta) _context.Response.SetBodyRaw (DummyData) } func (_server *server) ServeHTTP (_response http.ResponseWriter, _request *http.Request) () { _context := fasthttp.RequestCtx {} _context.Request.Reset () _context.Response.Reset () _context.Request.Header.SetMethod (_request.Method) _context.Request.Header.SetRequestURI (_request.URL.Path) _server.Serve (&_context) { _buffer := bytes.NewBuffer (make ([]byte, 0, 4096)) _writer := bufio.NewWriter (_buffer) _context.Response.Header.Write (_writer) _writer.Flush () _context.Response.Header.Read (bufio.NewReader (_buffer)) } _responseBody := _context.Response.Body () _responseHeaders := _response.Header () _context.Response.Header.VisitAll ( func (_key_0 []byte, _value_0 []byte) () { switch string (_key_0) { case "Connection" : // NOP default : _key := string (_key_0) _value := string (_value_0) _responseHeaders[_key] = append (_responseHeaders[_key], _value) } }) if len (_responseBody) > 0 { _responseHeaders["Content-Length"] = []string { fmt.Sprintf ("%d", len (_responseBody)) } } _response.WriteHeader (_context.Response.Header.StatusCode ()) _response.Write (_responseBody) } func Main () () { Main_0 (main_0) } func main_0 () (error) { var _bind string var _bindTls string var _archivePath string var _archiveInmem bool var _archiveMmap bool var _archivePreload bool var _indexPaths bool var _indexDataMeta bool var _indexDataContent bool var _securityHeadersEnabled bool var _securityHeadersTls bool var _timeoutDisabled bool var _processes uint var _threads uint var _slave uint var _debug bool var _quiet bool var _dummy bool var _isFirst bool var _isMaster bool var _profileCpu string var _profileMem string { _flags := flag.NewFlagSet ("kawipiko-server", flag.ContinueOnError) _flags.Usage = func () () { fmt.Fprintf (os.Stderr, "%s", ` ==== kawipiko -- blazingly fast static HTTP server ==== | Documentation, issues and sources: | * | Authors: | * Ciprian Dorin Craciun | | | ----------------------------------------------------------- kawipiko-server --bind : --bind-tls : --processes (of slave processes) --threads (of threads per process) --archive --archive-inmem (memory-loaded archive file) --archive-mmap (memory-mapped archive file) --archive-preload (preload archive file) --index-all --index-paths --index-data-meta --index-data-content --security-headers-tls --security-headers-disable --timeout-disable --profile-cpu --profile-mem --debug --dummy ** for details see: `) } _bind_0 := _flags.String ("bind", "", "") _bindTls_0 := _flags.String ("bind-tls", "", "") _archivePath_0 := _flags.String ("archive", "", "") _archiveInmem_0 := _flags.Bool ("archive-inmem", false, "") _archiveMmap_0 := _flags.Bool ("archive-mmap", false, "") _archivePreload_0 := _flags.Bool ("archive-preload", false, "") _indexAll_0 := _flags.Bool ("index-all", false, "") _indexPaths_0 := _flags.Bool ("index-paths", false, "") _indexDataMeta_0 := _flags.Bool ("index-data-meta", false, "") _indexDataContent_0 := _flags.Bool ("index-data-content", false, "") _timeoutDisabled_0 := _flags.Bool ("timeout-disable", false, "") _securityHeadersTls_0 := _flags.Bool ("security-headers-tls", false, "") _securityHeadersDisabled_0 := _flags.Bool ("security-headers-disable", false, "") _processes_0 := _flags.Uint ("processes", 0, "") _threads_0 := _flags.Uint ("threads", 0, "") _slave_0 := _flags.Uint ("slave", 0, "") _profileCpu_0 := _flags.String ("profile-cpu", "", "") _profileMem_0 := _flags.String ("profile-mem", "", "") _debug_0 := _flags.Bool ("debug", false, "") _quiet_0 := _flags.Bool ("quiet", false, "") _dummy_0 := _flags.Bool ("dummy", false, "") FlagsParse (_flags, 0, 0) _bind = *_bind_0 _bindTls = *_bindTls_0 _archivePath = *_archivePath_0 _archiveInmem = *_archiveInmem_0 _archiveMmap = *_archiveMmap_0 _archivePreload = *_archivePreload_0 _indexAll := *_indexAll_0 _indexPaths = _indexAll || *_indexPaths_0 _indexDataMeta = _indexAll || *_indexDataMeta_0 _indexDataContent = _indexAll || *_indexDataContent_0 _securityHeadersTls = *_securityHeadersTls_0 _securityHeadersEnabled = ! *_securityHeadersDisabled_0 _timeoutDisabled = *_timeoutDisabled_0 _processes = *_processes_0 _threads = *_threads_0 _slave = *_slave_0 _debug = *_debug_0 _quiet = *_quiet_0 && !_debug _dummy = *_dummy_0 _profileCpu = *_profileCpu_0 _profileMem = *_profileMem_0 if _slave == 0 { _isMaster = true } if _slave <= 1 { _isFirst = true } if (_bind == "") && (_bindTls == "") { AbortError (nil, "[6edd9512] expected bind address argument!") } if !_dummy { if _archivePath == "" { AbortError (nil, "[eefe1a38] expected archive file argument!") } if _archiveInmem && _archiveMmap { AbortError (nil, "[a2101041] archive 'memory-loaded' and 'memory-mapped' are mutually exclusive!") } if _archiveInmem && _archivePreload { log.Printf ("[ww] [3e8a40e4] archive 'memory-loaded' implies preloading!\n") _archivePreload = false } } else { if _isMaster { log.Printf ("[ww] [8e014192] running in dummy mode; all archive related arguments are ignored!\n") } _archivePath = "" _archiveInmem = false _archiveMmap = false _archivePreload = false _indexAll = false _indexPaths = false _indexDataMeta = false _indexDataContent = false } if (_processes > 1) && ((_profileCpu != "") || (_profileMem != "")) { AbortError (nil, "[cd18d250] multi-process and profiling are mutually exclusive!") } if _processes < 1 { _processes = 1 } if _threads < 1 { _threads = 1 } if _processes > 1024 { AbortError (nil, "[45736c1d] maximum number of allowed processes is 1024!") } if _threads > 1024 { AbortError (nil, "[c5df3c8d] maximum number of allowed threads is 1024!") } if (_processes * _threads) > 1024 { AbortError (nil, "[b0177488] maximum number of allowed threads in total is 1024!") } } runtime.GOMAXPROCS (int (_threads)) debug.SetGCPercent (50) debug.SetMaxThreads (int (128 * (_threads / 64 + 1))) // debug.SetMaxStack (16 * 1024) _httpServerReduceMemory := false if false { if _error := syscall.Setrlimit (syscall.RLIMIT_DATA, & syscall.Rlimit { Max : 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 }); _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[f661b4fe] failed to configure limits!") } } if _processes > 1 { log.Printf ("[ii] [06f8c944] sub-processes starting (`%d` processes with `%d` threads each)...\n", _processes, _threads) _processesJoin := & sync.WaitGroup {} _processesPid := make ([]*os.Process, _processes) _processName := os.Args[0] _processArguments := make ([]string, 0, len (os.Args)) if _bind != "" { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--bind", _bind) } if _bindTls != "" { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--bind-tls", _bindTls) } if _archivePath != "" { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--archive", _archivePath) } if _archiveInmem { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--archive-inmem") } if _archiveMmap { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--archive-mmap") } if _archivePreload { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--archive-preload") } if _indexPaths { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--index-paths") } if _indexDataMeta { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--index-data-meta") } if _indexDataContent { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--index-data-content") } if _securityHeadersTls { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--security-headers-tls") } if !_securityHeadersEnabled { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--security-headers-disable") } if _timeoutDisabled { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--timeout-disable") } if _debug { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--debug") } if _quiet { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--quiet") } if _dummy { _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--dummy") } _processArguments = append (_processArguments, "--threads", fmt.Sprintf ("%d", _threads)) _processAttributes := & os.ProcAttr { Env : []string {}, Files : []*os.File { os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr, }, Sys : nil, } for _processIndex, _ := range _processesPid { _processArguments := append ([]string { _processName, "--slave", fmt.Sprintf ("%d", _processIndex + 1) }, _processArguments ...) if _processPid, _error := os.StartProcess (_processName, _processArguments, _processAttributes); _error == nil { _processesJoin.Add (1) _processesPid[_processIndex] = _processPid if !_quiet { log.Printf ("[ii] [63cb22f8] sub-process `%d` started (with `%d` threads);\n", _processPid.Pid, _threads) } go func (_index int, _processPid *os.Process) () { if _processStatus, _error := _processPid.Wait (); _error == nil { if _processStatus.Success () { if _debug { log.Printf ("[ii] [66b60b81] sub-process `%d` succeeded;\n", _processPid.Pid) } } else { log.Printf ("[ww] [5d25046b] sub-process `%d` failed: `%s`; ignoring!\n", _processPid.Pid, _processStatus) } } else { LogError (_error, fmt.Sprintf ("[f1bfc927] failed waiting for sub-process `%d`; ignoring!", _processPid.Pid)) } _processesPid[_processIndex] = nil _processesJoin.Done () } (_processIndex, _processPid) } else { LogError (_error, "[8892b34d] failed starting sub-process; ignoring!") } } { _signals := make (chan os.Signal, 32) signal.Notify (_signals, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) go func () () { for { _signal := <- _signals if _debug { log.Printf ("[ii] [a9243ecb] signaling sub-processes...\n") } for _, _processPid := range _processesPid { if _processPid != nil { if _error := _processPid.Signal (_signal); _error != nil { LogError (_error, fmt.Sprintf ("[ab681164] failed signaling sub-process `%d`; ignoring!", _processPid.Pid)) } } } } } () } _processesJoin.Wait () if !_quiet { log.Printf ("[ii] [b949bafc] sub-processes terminated;\n") } return nil } if _isMaster { log.Printf ("[ii] [6602a54a] starting (with `%d` threads)...\n", _threads) } var _cdbReader *cdb.CDB if _archivePath != "" { if !_quiet && (_debug || _isFirst) { log.Printf ("[ii] [3b788396] opening archive file `%s`...\n", _archivePath) } var _cdbFile *os.File if _cdbFile_0, _error := os.Open (_archivePath); _error == nil { _cdbFile = _cdbFile_0 } else { AbortError (_error, "[9e0b5ed3] failed opening archive file!") } var _cdbFileSize int { var _cdbFileSize_0 int64 if _cdbFileStat, _error := _cdbFile.Stat (); _error == nil { _cdbFileSize_0 = _cdbFileStat.Size () } else { AbortError (_error, "[0ccf0a3b] failed opening archive file!") } if _cdbFileSize_0 < 1024 { AbortError (nil, "[6635a2a8] failed opening archive: file is too small (or empty)!") } if _cdbFileSize_0 >= (2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { AbortError (nil, "[545bf6ce] failed opening archive: file is too large!") } _cdbFileSize = int (_cdbFileSize_0) } if _archivePreload { if !_quiet { log.Printf ("[ii] [13f4ebf7] preloading archive file...\n") } _buffer := [16 * 1024]byte {} _loop : for { switch _, _error := _cdbFile.Read (_buffer[:]); _error { case io.EOF : break _loop case nil : continue _loop default : AbortError (_error, "[a1c3b922] failed preloading archive file...\n") } } } if _archiveInmem || _archiveMmap { var _cdbData []byte if _archiveInmem { if _debug { log.Printf ("[ii] [216e584b] opening memory-loaded archive...\n") } _cdbData = make ([]byte, _cdbFileSize) if _, _error := io.ReadFull (_cdbFile, _cdbData); _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[73039784] failed loading archive file!") } } else if _archiveMmap { if _debug { log.Printf ("[ii] [f47fae8a] opening memory-mapped archive...\n") } if _cdbData_0, _error := syscall.Mmap (int (_cdbFile.Fd ()), 0, int (_cdbFileSize), syscall.PROT_READ, syscall.MAP_SHARED); _error == nil { _cdbData = _cdbData_0 } else { AbortError (_error, "[c0e2632c] failed mapping archive file!") } if _archivePreload { if _debug { log.Printf ("[ii] [d96b06c9] preloading memory-loaded archive...\n") } _buffer := [16 * 1024]byte {} _bufferOffset := 0 for { if _bufferOffset == _cdbFileSize { break } _bufferOffset += copy (_buffer[:], _cdbData[_bufferOffset:]) } } } else { panic ("e4fffcd8") } if _error := _cdbFile.Close (); _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[5e0449c2] failed closing archive file!") } if _cdbReader_0, _error := cdb.NewFromBufferWithHasher (_cdbData, nil); _error == nil { _cdbReader = _cdbReader_0 } else { AbortError (_error, "[27e4813e] failed opening archive!") } } else { if !_quiet && (_debug || _isFirst) { log.Printf ("[ww] [dd697a66] using `read`-based archive (with significant performance impact)!\n") } if _cdbReader_0, _error := cdb.NewFromReaderWithHasher (_cdbFile, nil); _error == nil { _cdbReader = _cdbReader_0 } else { AbortError (_error, "[35832022] failed opening archive!") } } if _schemaVersion, _error := _cdbReader.GetWithCdbHash ([]byte (NamespaceSchemaVersion)); _error == nil { if _schemaVersion == nil { AbortError (nil, "[09316866] missing archive schema version!") } else if string (_schemaVersion) != CurrentSchemaVersion { AbortError (nil, "[e6482cf7] invalid archive schema version!") } } else { AbortError (_error, "[87cae197] failed opening archive!") } } var _cachedFileFingerprints map[string][]byte if _indexPaths { _cachedFileFingerprints = make (map[string][]byte, 128 * 1024) } var _cachedDataMeta map[string][]byte if _indexDataMeta { _cachedDataMeta = make (map[string][]byte, 128 * 1024) } var _cachedDataContent map[string][]byte if _indexDataContent { _cachedDataContent = make (map[string][]byte, 128 * 1024) } if _indexPaths || _indexDataMeta || _indexDataContent { if !_quiet { log.Printf ("[ii] [fa5338fd] indexing archive...\n") } if _filesIndex, _error := _cdbReader.GetWithCdbHash ([]byte (NamespaceFilesIndex)); _error == nil { if _filesIndex != nil { _keyBuffer := [1024]byte {} for { _offset := bytes.IndexByte (_filesIndex, '\n') if _offset == 0 { continue } if _offset == -1 { break } _filePath := _filesIndex[: _offset] _filesIndex = _filesIndex[_offset + 1 :] var _fingerprints []byte var _fingerprintContent []byte var _fingerprintMeta []byte { _key := _keyBuffer[:0] _key = append (_key, NamespaceFilesContent ...) _key = append (_key, ':') _key = append (_key, _filePath ...) if _fingerprints_0, _error := _cdbReader.GetWithCdbHash (_key); _error == nil { if _fingerprints_0 != nil { _fingerprints = _fingerprints_0 _fingerprintContent = _fingerprints[0:64] _fingerprintMeta = _fingerprints[65:129] } else { AbortError (_error, "[460b3cf1] failed indexing archive!") } } else { AbortError (_error, "[216f2075] failed indexing archive!") } } if _indexPaths { _cachedFileFingerprints[BytesToString (_filePath)] = _fingerprints } if _indexDataMeta { if _, _wasCached := _cachedDataMeta[BytesToString (_fingerprintMeta)]; !_wasCached { _key := _keyBuffer[:0] _key = append (_key, NamespaceDataMetadata ...) _key = append (_key, ':') _key = append (_key, _fingerprintMeta ...) if _dataMeta, _error := _cdbReader.GetWithCdbHash (_key); _error == nil { if _dataMeta != nil { _cachedDataMeta[BytesToString (_fingerprintMeta)] = _dataMeta } else { AbortError (_error, "[6df556bf] failed indexing archive!") } } else { AbortError (_error, "[0d730134] failed indexing archive!") } } } if _indexDataContent { if _, _wasCached := _cachedDataContent[BytesToString (_fingerprintContent)]; !_wasCached { _key := _keyBuffer[:0] _key = append (_key, NamespaceDataContent ...) _key = append (_key, ':') _key = append (_key, _fingerprintContent ...) if _dataContent, _error := _cdbReader.GetWithCdbHash (_key); _error == nil { if _dataContent != nil { _cachedDataContent[BytesToString (_fingerprintContent)] = _dataContent } else { AbortError (_error, "[4e27fe46] failed indexing archive!") } } else { AbortError (_error, "[532845ad] failed indexing archive!") } } } } } else { log.Printf ("[ww] [30314f31] missing archive files index; ignoring!\n") } } else { AbortError (_error, "[82299b3d] failed indexing arcdive!") } } if _indexPaths && _indexDataMeta && _indexDataContent { if _error := _cdbReader.Close (); _error == nil { _cdbReader = nil } else { AbortError (_error, "[d7aa79e1] failed closing archive!") } } _server := & server { httpServer : nil, cdbReader : _cdbReader, cachedFileFingerprints : _cachedFileFingerprints, cachedDataMeta : _cachedDataMeta, cachedDataContent : _cachedDataContent, securityHeadersTls : _securityHeadersTls, securityHeadersEnabled : _securityHeadersEnabled, debug : _debug, quiet : _quiet, dummy : _dummy, } if _profileCpu != "" { log.Printf ("[ii] [70c210f3] profiling CPU to `%s`...\n", _profileCpu) _stream, _error := os.Create (_profileCpu) if _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[fd4e0009] failed opening CPU profile!") } _error = pprof.StartCPUProfile (_stream) if _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[ac721629] failed starting CPU profile!") } defer pprof.StopCPUProfile () } if _profileMem != "" { log.Printf ("[ii] [9196ee90] profiling MEM to `%s`...\n", _profileMem) _stream, _error := os.Create (_profileMem) if _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[907d08b5] failed opening MEM profile!") } _profile := pprof.Lookup ("heap") defer func () () { runtime.GC () if _profile != nil { if _error := _profile.WriteTo (_stream, 0); _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[4b1e5112] failed writing MEM profile!") } } else { AbortError (nil, "[385dc8f0] failed loading MEM profile!") } _stream.Close () } () } _httpServer := & fasthttp.Server { Name : "kawipiko", Handler : _server.Serve, GetOnly : true, NoDefaultServerHeader : true, NoDefaultContentType : true, NoDefaultDate : true, DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing : true, Concurrency : 16 * 1024 + 128, MaxRequestsPerConn : 256 * 1024, ReadBufferSize : 16 * 1024, WriteBufferSize : 16 * 1024, MaxRequestBodySize : 16 * 1024, ReadTimeout : 30 * time.Second, WriteTimeout : 30 * time.Second, IdleTimeout : 360 * time.Second, TCPKeepalive : true, TCPKeepalivePeriod : 60 * time.Second, ReduceMemoryUsage : _httpServerReduceMemory, } _httpsServer := & http.Server { Handler : _server, TLSConfig : & tls.Config {}, MaxHeaderBytes : 16 * 1024, ReadTimeout : 30 * time.Second, ReadHeaderTimeout : 30 * time.Second, WriteTimeout : 30 * time.Second, IdleTimeout : 360 * time.Second, } if _timeoutDisabled { _httpServer.ReadTimeout = 0 _httpServer.WriteTimeout = 0 _httpServer.IdleTimeout = 0 _httpsServer.ReadTimeout = 0 _httpsServer.ReadHeaderTimeout = 0 _httpsServer.WriteTimeout = 0 _httpsServer.IdleTimeout = 1 * time.Second } if !_quiet && (_debug || _isFirst) { if _bind != "" { log.Printf ("[ii] [f11e4e37] listening on `http://%s/`;\n", _bind) } if _bindTls != "" { log.Printf ("[ii] [21f050c3] listening on `https://%s/`;\n", _bindTls) } } var _httpListener net.Listener if _bind != "" { if _listener_0, _error := reuseport.Listen ("tcp4", _bind); _error == nil { _httpListener = _listener_0 } else { AbortError (_error, "[d5f51e9f] failed starting listener!") } } var _httpsListener net.Listener if _bindTls != "" { if _listener_0, _error := reuseport.Listen ("tcp4", _bindTls); _error == nil { _httpsListener = _listener_0 } else { AbortError (_error, "[e35cc693] failed starting listener!") } } if _bindTls != "" { if _certificate, _error := tls.X509KeyPair ([]byte (DefaultTlsCertificatePublic), []byte (DefaultTlsCertificatePrivate)); _error == nil { _httpsServer.TLSConfig.Certificates = append (_httpsServer.TLSConfig.Certificates, _certificate) } else { AbortError (_error, "[98ba6d23] failed parsing TLS certificate!") } } if _httpListener != nil { _server.httpServer = _httpServer } if _httpsListener != nil { _server.httpsServer = _httpsServer } _httpServer = nil _httpsServer = nil var _waiter sync.WaitGroup if _server.httpServer != nil { _waiter.Add (1) go func () () { defer _waiter.Done () if !_quiet { log.Printf ("[ii] [f2061f1b] starting HTTP server...\n") } if _error := _server.httpServer.Serve (_httpListener); _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[44f45c67] failed executing server!") } if !_quiet { log.Printf ("[ii] [aca4a14f] stopped HTTP server;\n") } } () } if _server.httpsServer != nil { _waiter.Add (1) go func () () { defer _waiter.Done () if !_quiet { log.Printf ("[ii] [46ec2e41] starting HTTPS server...\n") } if _error := _server.httpsServer.ServeTLS (_httpsListener, "", ""); (_error != nil) && (_error != http.ErrServerClosed) { AbortError (_error, "[9f6d28f4] failed executing server!") } if !_quiet { log.Printf ("[ii] [9a487770] stopped HTTPS server;\n") } } () } { _waiter.Add (1) _signals := make (chan os.Signal, 32) signal.Notify (_signals, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) go func () () { defer _waiter.Done () <- _signals if !_quiet { log.Printf ("[ii] [691cb695] shutingdown (1)...\n") } if _server.httpServer != nil { if !_quiet { log.Printf ("[ii] [8eea3f63] stopping HTTP server...\n") } _server.httpServer.Shutdown () } if _server.httpsServer != nil { if !_quiet { log.Printf ("[ii] [9ae5a25b] stopping HTTPS server...\n") } _server.httpsServer.Close () } } () } _waiter.Wait () if !_quiet { defer log.Printf ("[ii] [a49175db] done!\n") } return nil }