package archiver import "crypto/sha256" import "encoding/hex" import "encoding/json" import "flag" import "fmt" import "io" import "io/ioutil" import "log" import "net/http" import "path/filepath" import "os" import "sort" import "strings" import "syscall" import "time" import "" import . "" import . "" type context struct { cdbWriter *cdb.Writer cdbWriteCount int cdbWriteKeySize int cdbWriteDataSize int storedFilePaths []string storedFolderPaths []string storedDataMeta map[string]bool storedDataContent map[string]bool storedDataContentMeta map[string]map[string]string storedFiles map[[2]uint64][2]string archivedReferences uint compress string dataUncompressedCount int dataUncompressedSize int dataCompressedCount int dataCompressedSize int includeIndex bool includeStripped bool includeCache bool includeEtag bool includeFileListing bool includeFolderListing bool progress bool progressStarted time.Time progressLast time.Time debug bool } func archiveFile (_context *context, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _name string) (error) { var _file *os.File if _file_0, _error := os.Open (_pathResolved); _error == nil { _file = _file_0 } else { return _error } defer _file.Close () var _fileId [2]uint64 if _stat, _error := _file.Stat (); _error == nil { _stat := _stat.Sys() if _stat, _ok := _stat.(*syscall.Stat_t); _ok { _fileId = [2]uint64 { uint64 (_stat.Dev), uint64 (_stat.Ino) } } else { return fmt.Errorf ("[6578d2d7] failed `stat`-ing: `%s`!", _pathResolved) } } var _wasStored bool var _fingerprintContent string var _fingerprintMeta string if _fingerprints, _wasStored_0 := _context.storedFiles[_fileId]; _wasStored_0 { _fingerprintContent = _fingerprints[0] _fingerprintMeta = _fingerprints[1] _wasStored = true } var _dataContent []byte var _dataMeta map[string]string var _dataMetaRaw []byte if ! _wasStored { if _dataContent_0, _error := ioutil.ReadAll (_file); _error == nil { _dataContent = _dataContent_0 } else { return _error } if _fingerprintContent_0, _dataContent_0, _dataMeta_0, _error := prepareDataContent (_context, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, _name, _dataContent, ""); _error != nil { return _error } else { _fingerprintContent = _fingerprintContent_0 _dataContent = _dataContent_0 _dataMeta = _dataMeta_0 } if _fingerprintMeta_0, _dataMetaRaw_0, _error := prepareDataMeta (_context, _dataMeta); _error != nil { return _error } else { _fingerprintMeta = _fingerprintMeta_0 _dataMetaRaw = _dataMetaRaw_0 } } if _context.includeStripped { for _, _suffix := range StripSuffixes { if strings.HasSuffix (_pathInArchive, _suffix) { _pathInArchive := _pathInArchive [: len (_pathInArchive) - len (_suffix)] if _error := archiveReference (_context, NamespaceFilesContent, _pathInArchive, _fingerprintContent, _fingerprintMeta); _error != nil { return _error } break } } } if _error := archiveReference (_context, NamespaceFilesContent, _pathInArchive, _fingerprintContent, _fingerprintMeta); _error != nil { return _error } if _dataMetaRaw != nil { if _error := archiveDataMeta (_context, _fingerprintMeta, _dataMetaRaw); _error != nil { return _error } } if _dataContent != nil { if _error := archiveDataContent (_context, _fingerprintContent, _dataContent); _error != nil { return _error } } if ! _wasStored { _context.storedFiles[_fileId] = [2]string { _fingerprintContent, _fingerprintMeta } } return nil } func archiveFolder (_context *context, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _names []string, _stats map[string]os.FileInfo) (error) { type Entry struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Size uint64 `json:"size,omitempty"` } type Folder struct { Entries []Entry `json:"entries,omitempty"` Indices []string `json:"indices,omitempty"` } _entries := make ([]Entry, 0, len (_names)) if _context.includeFolderListing { for _, _name := range _names { _entry := Entry { Name : _name, Type : "unknown", } _stat := _stats[_name] _statMode := _stat.Mode () if _statMode.IsRegular () { _entry.Type = "file" _entry.Size = uint64 (_stat.Size ()) } else if _statMode.IsDir () { _entry.Type = "folder" } _entries = append (_entries, _entry) } } _indexNames := make ([]string, 0, 4) if _context.includeIndex { var _indexNameFirst string for _, _indexName := range IndexNames { _indexNameFound := sort.SearchStrings (_names, _indexName) if _indexNameFound == len (_names) { continue } if _names[_indexNameFound] != _indexName { continue } _stat := _stats[_indexName] _statMode := _stat.Mode () if ! _statMode.IsRegular () { continue } if _indexNameFirst == "" { _indexNameFirst = _indexName } _indexNames = append (_indexNames, _indexName) } if _indexNameFirst != "" { _indexPathResolved := filepath.Join (_pathResolved, _indexNameFirst) _indexPathInArchive := _pathInArchive + "/" if _pathInArchive == "/" { _indexPathInArchive = "/" } archiveFile (_context, _indexPathResolved, _indexPathInArchive, _indexNameFirst) } } if ! _context.includeFolderListing { return nil } _folder := Folder { Entries : _entries, Indices : _indexNames, } var _data []byte if _data_0, _error := json.Marshal (&_folder); _error == nil { _data = _data_0 } else { return _error } if _, _, _error := archiveReferenceAndData (_context, NamespaceFoldersContent, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, "", _data, MimeTypeJson); _error != nil { return _error } return nil } func archiveReferenceAndData (_context *context, _namespace string, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _name string, _dataContent []byte, _dataType string) (string, string, error) { var _fingerprintContent string var _fingerprintMeta string var _dataMeta map[string]string var _dataMetaRaw []byte if _fingerprintContent_0, _dataContent_0, _dataMeta_0, _error := prepareDataContent (_context, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, _name, _dataContent, _dataType); _error != nil { return "", "", _error } else { _fingerprintContent = _fingerprintContent_0 _dataContent = _dataContent_0 _dataMeta = _dataMeta_0 } if _fingerprintMeta_0, _dataMetaRaw_0, _error := prepareDataMeta (_context, _dataMeta); _error != nil { return "", "", _error } else { _fingerprintMeta = _fingerprintMeta_0 _dataMetaRaw = _dataMetaRaw_0 } if _error := archiveReference (_context, _namespace, _pathInArchive, _fingerprintContent, _fingerprintMeta); _error != nil { return "", "", _error } if _dataMetaRaw != nil { if _error := archiveDataMeta (_context, _fingerprintMeta, _dataMetaRaw); _error != nil { return "", "", _error } } if _dataContent != nil { if _error := archiveDataContent (_context, _fingerprintContent, _dataContent); _error != nil { return "", "", _error } } return _fingerprintContent, _fingerprintMeta, nil } func archiveDataContent (_context *context, _fingerprintContent string, _dataContent []byte) (error) { if _wasStored, _ := _context.storedDataContent[_fingerprintContent]; _wasStored { return fmt.Errorf ("[256cde78] data content already stored: `%s`!", _fingerprintContent) } { _key := fmt.Sprintf ("%s:%s", NamespaceDataContent, _fingerprintContent) if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] data-content ++ `%s`\n", _key) } if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (_key), _dataContent); _error != nil { return _error } _context.cdbWriteCount += 1 _context.cdbWriteKeySize += len (_key) _context.cdbWriteDataSize += len (_dataContent) } _context.storedDataContent[_fingerprintContent] = true return nil } func archiveDataMeta (_context *context, _fingerprintMeta string, _dataMeta []byte) (error) { if _wasStored, _ := _context.storedDataMeta[_fingerprintMeta]; _wasStored { return fmt.Errorf ("[2918c4e2] data meta already stored: `%s`!", _fingerprintMeta) } { _key := fmt.Sprintf ("%s:%s", NamespaceDataMetadata, _fingerprintMeta) if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] data-meta ++ `%s`\n", _key) } if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (_key), _dataMeta); _error != nil { return _error } _context.cdbWriteCount += 1 _context.cdbWriteKeySize += len (_key) _context.cdbWriteDataSize += len (_dataMeta) } _context.storedDataMeta[_fingerprintMeta] = true return nil } func archiveReference (_context *context, _namespace string, _pathInArchive string, _fingerprintContent string, _fingerprintMeta string) (error) { switch _namespace { case NamespaceFilesContent : _context.storedFilePaths = append (_context.storedFilePaths, _pathInArchive) case NamespaceFoldersContent : _context.storedFolderPaths = append (_context.storedFolderPaths, _pathInArchive) default : return fmt.Errorf ("[051a102a]") } _context.archivedReferences += 1 if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] reference ++ `%s` :: `%s` -> `%s` ~ `%s`\n", _namespace, _pathInArchive, _fingerprintContent[:16], _fingerprintMeta[:16]) } _key := fmt.Sprintf ("%s:%s", _namespace, _pathInArchive) _fingerprints := fmt.Sprintf ("%s:%s", _fingerprintContent, _fingerprintMeta) if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (_key), []byte (_fingerprints)); _error != nil { return _error } _context.cdbWriteCount += 1 _context.cdbWriteKeySize += len (_key) _context.cdbWriteDataSize += len (_fingerprints) if _context.progress { if _context.archivedReferences <= 1 { _context.progressLast = time.Now () } if ((_context.archivedReferences % 1000) == 0) || (((_context.archivedReferences % 10) == 0) && (time.Since (_context.progressLast) .Seconds () >= 6)) { log.Printf ("[ ] pogress -- %0.2f minutes -- %d files, %d folders, %0.2f MiB (%0.2f MiB/s) -- %d compressed (%0.2f MiB, %0.2f%%) -- %d records (%0.2f MiB)\n", time.Since (_context.progressStarted) .Minutes (), len (_context.storedFilePaths), len (_context.storedFolderPaths), float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize) / 1024 / 1024, float64 (_context.dataUncompressedSize) / 1024 / 1024 / (time.Since (_context.progressStarted) .Seconds () + 0.001), _context.dataCompressedCount, float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize - _context.dataCompressedSize) / 1024 / 1024, (float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize - _context.dataCompressedSize) / float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize) * 100), _context.cdbWriteCount, float32 (_context.cdbWriteKeySize + _context.cdbWriteDataSize) / 1024 / 1024, ) _context.progressLast = time.Now () } } return nil } func prepareDataContent (_context *context, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _name string, _dataContent []byte, _dataType string) (string, []byte, map[string]string, error) { _fingerprintContentRaw := sha256.Sum256 (_dataContent) _fingerprintContent := hex.EncodeToString (_fingerprintContentRaw[:]) if _wasStored, _ := _context.storedDataContent[_fingerprintContent]; _wasStored { _dataMeta := _context.storedDataContentMeta[_fingerprintContent] return _fingerprintContent, nil, _dataMeta, nil } if (_dataType == "") && (_name != "") { _extension := filepath.Ext (_name) if _extension != "" { _extension = _extension[1:] } _dataType, _ = MimeTypesByExtension[_extension] } if _dataType == "" { _dataType = http.DetectContentType (_dataContent) } if _dataType == "" { _dataType = MimeTypeRaw } _dataEncoding := "identity" _dataUncompressedSize := len (_dataContent) _dataSize := _dataUncompressedSize if _dataSize > 512 { if _dataContent_0, _dataEncoding_0, _error := Compress (_dataContent, _context.compress); _error == nil { if _dataEncoding_0 != "identity" { _dataCompressedSize := len (_dataContent_0) _dataCompressedDelta := _dataUncompressedSize - _dataCompressedSize _dataCompressedRatio := (_dataCompressedDelta * 100) / _dataUncompressedSize _accepted := false _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (1024 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 5)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (64 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 10)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (32 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 15)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (16 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 20)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (8 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 25)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (4 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 30)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (2 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 35)) _accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (1 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 40)) _accepted = _accepted || (_dataCompressedRatio >= 90) if _accepted { _dataContent = _dataContent_0 _dataEncoding = _dataEncoding_0 _dataSize = _dataCompressedSize } if _dataSize < _dataUncompressedSize { if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] compress %02d %8d %8d `%s`\n", _dataCompressedRatio, _dataUncompressedSize, _dataCompressedDelta, _pathInArchive) } } else { if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] compress-NOK %02d %8d %8d `%s`\n", _dataCompressedRatio, _dataUncompressedSize, _dataCompressedDelta, _pathInArchive) } } } } else { return "", nil, nil, _error } } else { if _context.debug && (_context.compress != "identity") { log.Printf ("[ ] compress-NOK %8d `%s`\n", _dataUncompressedSize, _pathInArchive) } } _context.dataUncompressedSize += _dataUncompressedSize _context.dataUncompressedCount += 1 _context.dataCompressedSize += _dataSize if _dataSize != _dataUncompressedSize { _context.dataCompressedCount += 1 } _dataMeta := make (map[string]string, 16) // _dataMeta["Content-Length"] = fmt.Sprintf ("%d", _dataSize) _dataMeta["Content-Type"] = _dataType _dataMeta["Content-Encoding"] = _dataEncoding if _context.includeCache { _dataMeta["Cache-Control"] = "public, immutable, max-age=3600" } if _context.includeEtag { _dataMeta["ETag"] = _fingerprintContent } _context.storedDataContentMeta[_fingerprintContent] = _dataMeta return _fingerprintContent, _dataContent, _dataMeta, nil } func prepareDataMeta (_context *context, _dataMeta map[string]string) (string, []byte, error) { var _dataMetaRaw []byte if _dataMetaRaw_0, _error := MetadataEncode (_dataMeta); _error == nil { _dataMetaRaw = _dataMetaRaw_0 } else { return "", nil, _error } _fingerprintMetaRaw := sha256.Sum256 (_dataMetaRaw) _fingerprintMeta := hex.EncodeToString (_fingerprintMetaRaw[:]) if _wasStored, _ := _context.storedDataMeta[_fingerprintMeta]; _wasStored { return _fingerprintMeta, nil, nil } return _fingerprintMeta, _dataMetaRaw, nil } func walkPath (_context *context, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _name string, _recursed map[string]uint, _recurse bool) (os.FileInfo, error) { if _recursed == nil { _recursed = make (map[string]uint, 128) } _pathOriginal := _pathResolved var _stat os.FileInfo if _stat_0, _error := os.Lstat (_pathResolved); _error == nil { _stat = _stat_0 } else { return nil, _error } _statMode := _stat.Mode () _isSymlink := false if (_stat.Mode () & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 { _isSymlink = true if _stat_0, _error := os.Stat (_pathResolved); _error == nil { _stat = _stat_0 } else { return nil, _error } } _statMode = _stat.Mode () if ! _recurse { return _stat, nil } if _isSymlink { if _pathResolved_0, _error := filepath.EvalSymlinks (_pathResolved); _error == nil { _pathResolved = _pathResolved_0 } else { return nil, _error } } if _isSymlink && _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] symlink :: `%s` -> `%s`\n", _pathInArchive, _pathResolved) } if _statMode.IsRegular () { if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] file :: `%s`\n", _pathInArchive) } if _error := archiveFile (_context, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, _name); _error != nil { return nil, _error } return _stat, nil } else if _statMode.IsDir () { _wasRecursed, _ := _recursed[_pathResolved] if _wasRecursed > 0 { log.Printf ("[ww] [2e1744c9] detected directory loop for `%s` resolving to `%s`; ignoring!\n", _pathOriginal, _pathResolved) return _stat, nil } _recursed[_pathResolved] = _wasRecursed + 1 _childsName := make ([]string, 0, 16) _childsPathResolved := make (map[string]string, 16) _childsPathInArchive := make (map[string]string, 16) _childsStat := make (map[string]os.FileInfo, 16) var _wildcardName string if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] folder >> `%s`\n", _pathInArchive) } if _stream, _error := os.Open (_pathResolved); _error == nil { defer _stream.Close () _loop : for { switch _buffer, _error := _stream.Readdir (1024); _error { case nil : if _context.debug && (len (_childsStat) > 0) { log.Printf ("[ ] folder ~~ `%s` ~~ %d\n", _pathInArchive, len (_childsStat)) } for _, _childStat := range _buffer { _childName := _childStat.Name () _childPathResolved := filepath.Join (_pathResolved, _childName) _childPathInArchive := filepath.Join (_pathInArchive, _childName) if _childStat_0, _error := walkPath (_context, _childPathResolved, _childPathInArchive, _childName, _recursed, false); _error == nil { _childStat = _childStat_0 } else { return nil, _error } _childsPathResolved[_childName] = _childPathResolved _childsPathInArchive[_childName] = _childPathInArchive _childsStat[_childName] = _childStat if strings.HasPrefix (_childName, "_wildcard.") { _wildcardName = _childName continue } if ShouldSkipName (_childName) { if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] skip !! `%s`\n", _childPathInArchive) } continue } _childsName = append (_childsName, _childName) } case io.EOF : break _loop default : return nil, _error } } } if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] folder << `%s`\n", _pathInArchive) } sort.Strings (_childsName) if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] folder :: `%s`\n", _pathInArchive) } if _error := archiveFolder (_context, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, _childsName, _childsStat); _error != nil { return nil, _error } if _wildcardName != "" { _childPathInArchive := filepath.Join (_pathInArchive, "*") if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _childsPathResolved[_wildcardName], _childPathInArchive, _wildcardName, _recursed, true); _error != nil { return nil, _error } } if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] folder >> `%s`\n", _pathInArchive) } for _, _childName := range _childsName { if _childsStat[_childName] .Mode () .IsRegular () { if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _childsPathResolved[_childName], _childsPathInArchive[_childName], _childName, _recursed, true); _error != nil { return nil, _error } } } for _, _childName := range _childsName { if _childsStat[_childName] .Mode () .IsDir () { if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _childsPathResolved[_childName], _childsPathInArchive[_childName], _childName, _recursed, true); _error != nil { return nil, _error } } } for _, _childName := range _childsName { if (! _childsStat[_childName] .Mode () .IsRegular ()) && (! _childsStat[_childName] .Mode () .IsDir ()) { if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _childsPathResolved[_childName], _childsPathInArchive[_childName], _childName, _recursed, true); _error != nil { return nil, _error } } } if _context.debug { log.Printf ("[ ] folder << `%s`\n", _pathInArchive) } _recursed[_pathResolved] = _wasRecursed return _stat, nil } else { return nil, fmt.Errorf ("[d9b836d7] unexpected file type for `%s`: `%s`!", _pathResolved, _statMode) } } func Main () () { Main_0 (main_0) } func main_0 () (error) { var _sourcesFolder string var _archiveFile string var _compress string var _includeIndex bool var _includeStripped bool var _includeCache bool var _includeEtag bool var _includeFileListing bool var _includeFolderListing bool var _progress bool var _debug bool { _flags := flag.NewFlagSet ("kawipiko-archiver", flag.ContinueOnError) _flags.Usage = func () () { fmt.Fprintf (os.Stderr, "%s", ` ==== kawipiko -- blazingly fast static HTTP server ==== | Documentation, issues and sources: | * | Authors: | * Ciprian Dorin Craciun | | | ----------------------------------------------------------- kawipiko-archiver --sources --archive --compress --exclude-index --exclude-strip --exclude-cache --include-etag --exclude-file-listing --include-folder-listing --progress --debug ** for details see: `) } _sourcesFolder_0 := _flags.String ("sources", "", "") _archiveFile_0 := _flags.String ("archive", "", "") _compress_0 := _flags.String ("compress", "", "") _excludeIndex_0 := _flags.Bool ("exclude-index", false, "") _excludeStripped_0 := _flags.Bool ("exclude-strip", false, "") _excludeCache_0 := _flags.Bool ("exclude-cache", false, "") _includeEtag_0 := _flags.Bool ("include-etag", false, "") _excludeFileListing_0 := _flags.Bool ("exclude-file-listing", false, "") _includeFolderListing_0 := _flags.Bool ("include-folder-listing", false, "") _progress_0 := _flags.Bool ("progress", false, "") _debug_0 := _flags.Bool ("debug", false, "") FlagsParse (_flags, 0, 0) _sourcesFolder = *_sourcesFolder_0 _archiveFile = *_archiveFile_0 _compress = *_compress_0 _includeIndex = ! *_excludeIndex_0 _includeStripped = ! *_excludeStripped_0 _includeCache = ! *_excludeCache_0 _includeEtag = *_includeEtag_0 _includeFileListing = ! *_excludeFileListing_0 _includeFolderListing = *_includeFolderListing_0 _progress = *_progress_0 _debug = *_debug_0 if _sourcesFolder == "" { AbortError (nil, "[515ee462] expected sources folder argument!") } if _archiveFile == "" { AbortError (nil, "[5e8da985] expected archive file argument!") } } var _cdbWriter *cdb.Writer if _cdbWriter_0, _error := cdb.Create (_archiveFile); _error == nil { _cdbWriter = _cdbWriter_0 } else { AbortError (_error, "[85234ba0] failed creating archive (while opening)!") } _context := & context { cdbWriter : _cdbWriter, storedFilePaths : make ([]string, 0, 16 * 1024), storedFolderPaths : make ([]string, 0, 16 * 1024), storedDataMeta : make (map[string]bool, 16 * 1024), storedDataContent : make (map[string]bool, 16 * 1024), storedDataContentMeta : make (map[string]map[string]string, 16 * 1024), storedFiles : make (map[[2]uint64][2]string, 16 * 1024), compress : _compress, includeIndex : _includeIndex, includeStripped : _includeStripped, includeCache : _includeCache, includeEtag : _includeEtag, includeFileListing : _includeFileListing, includeFolderListing : _includeFolderListing, progress : _progress, debug : _debug, } _context.progressStarted = time.Now () if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (NamespaceSchemaVersion), []byte (CurrentSchemaVersion)); _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[43228812] failed writing archive!") } _context.cdbWriteCount += 1 _context.cdbWriteKeySize += len (NamespaceSchemaVersion) _context.cdbWriteDataSize += len (CurrentSchemaVersion) if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _sourcesFolder, "/", filepath.Base (_sourcesFolder), nil, true); _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[b6a19ef4] failed walking folder!") } if _includeFileListing { _buffer := make ([]byte, 0, 1024 * 1024) for _, _path := range _context.storedFilePaths { _buffer = append (_buffer, _path ...) _buffer = append (_buffer, '\n') } if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (NamespaceFilesIndex), _buffer); _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[1dbdde05] failed writing archive!") } _context.cdbWriteCount += 1 _context.cdbWriteKeySize += len (NamespaceFilesIndex) _context.cdbWriteDataSize += len (_buffer) } if _includeFolderListing { _buffer := make ([]byte, 0, 1024 * 1024) for _, _path := range _context.storedFolderPaths { _buffer = append (_buffer, _path ...) _buffer = append (_buffer, '\n') } if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (NamespaceFoldersIndex), _buffer); _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[e2dd2de0] failed writing archive!") } _context.cdbWriteCount += 1 _context.cdbWriteKeySize += len (NamespaceFilesIndex) _context.cdbWriteDataSize += len (_buffer) } if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Close (); _error != nil { AbortError (_error, "[bbfb8478] failed creating archive (while closing)!") } _context.cdbWriter = nil if true { log.Printf ("[ ] completed -- %0.2f minutes -- %d files, %d folders, %0.2f MiB (%0.2f MiB/s) -- %d compressed (%0.2f MiB, %0.2f%%) -- %d records (%0.2f MiB)\n", time.Since (_context.progressStarted) .Minutes (), len (_context.storedFilePaths), len (_context.storedFolderPaths), float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize) / 1024 / 1024, float64 (_context.dataUncompressedSize) / 1024 / 1024 / (time.Since (_context.progressStarted) .Seconds () + 0.001), _context.dataCompressedCount, float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize - _context.dataCompressedSize) / 1024 / 1024, (float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize - _context.dataCompressedSize) / float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize) * 100), _context.cdbWriteCount, float32 (_context.cdbWriteKeySize + _context.cdbWriteDataSize) / 1024 / 1024, ) } return nil }