kawipiko-server --archive --archive-inmem (memory-loaded archive file) --archive-mmap (memory-mapped archive file) --archive-preload (preload archive in OS cache) --bind : (HTTP, only HTTP/1.1, FastHTTP) --bind-2 : (HTTP, only HTTP/1.1, Go net/http) --bind-tls : (HTTPS, only HTTP/1.1, FastHTTP) --bind-tls-2 : (HTTPS, with HTTP/2, Go net/http) --bind-quic : (HTTPS, with HTTP/3) --http1-disable --http2-disable --http3-alt-svc : --tls-bundle (TLS certificate bundle) --tls-public (TLS certificate public) --tls-private (TLS certificate private) --tls-self-rsa (use self-signed RSA) --tls-self-ed25519 (use self-signed Ed25519) --processes (of slave processes) --threads (of threads per process) --index-all --index-paths --index-data-meta --index-data-content --hosts-disable (ignore `Host` header) --special-pages-disable --security-headers-disable --security-headers-tls --limit-memory --timeout-disable --report --quiet --debug --version --help (show this short help) --man (show the full manual) --sources-md5 --sources-cpio --sbom --sbom-json ** supported archive version: @{SCHEMA} || kawipiko, || Ciprian Dorin Craciun,