
1677 lines
52 KiB

package archiver
import "bytes"
import "encoding/gob"
import "encoding/hex"
import "encoding/json"
import "flag"
import "fmt"
import "io"
import "io/ioutil"
import "log"
import "net/http"
import "net/url"
import "os"
import "path/filepath"
import "runtime"
import "runtime/debug"
import "sort"
import "strings"
import "time"
import "github.com/colinmarc/cdb"
import "github.com/zeebo/blake3"
import "go.etcd.io/bbolt"
import . "github.com/volution/kawipiko/lib/common"
import . "github.com/volution/kawipiko/lib/archiver"
import "github.com/volution/kawipiko/cmd/version"
import _ "embed"
type context struct {
cdbWriter *cdb.Writer
cdbWriteCount int
cdbWriteKeySize int
cdbWriteDataSize int
cdbWriteKeys map[string]bool
storedFilePaths []string
storedFolderPaths []string
storedRedirectPaths []string
storedDataMeta map[string]bool
storedDataContent map[string]bool
storedDataContentMeta map[string]map[string]string
storedFiles map[string][2]string
storedKeys map[string]uint64
archivedReferences uint
compress string
compressLevel int
compressCache *bbolt.DB
sourcesCache *bbolt.DB
dataUncompressedCount int
dataUncompressedSize int
dataCompressedCount int
dataCompressedSize int
includeIndex bool
includeStripped bool
includeSlashRedirects bool
includeCache bool
includeEtag bool
includeFolderListing bool
includePathsIndex bool
progress bool
progressStarted time.Time
progressLast time.Time
debug bool
func archiveFile (_context *context, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _name string, _statusPerhaps uint) (error) {
var _fileDev uint64
var _fileInode uint64
var _fileSize uint64
var _fileTimestamp uint64
if _stat, _error := os.Stat (_pathResolved); _error == nil {
_fileDev, _fileInode, _fileSize, _fileTimestamp, _error = SysStatExtract (_stat)
if _error != nil {
return _error
} else {
return _error
_fileIdText := fmt.Sprintf ("%d.%d.%d.%d", _fileDev, _fileInode, _fileSize, _fileTimestamp)
_fileIdRaw := blake3.Sum256 ([]byte (_fileIdText))
_fileId := hex.EncodeToString (_fileIdRaw[:])
var _wasStored bool
var _fingerprintContent string
var _fingerprintMeta string
if _fingerprints, _wasStored_0 := _context.storedFiles[_fileId]; _wasStored_0 {
_fingerprintContent = _fingerprints[0]
_fingerprintMeta = _fingerprints[1]
_wasStored = true
var _dataContent []byte
var _dataMeta map[string]string
var _dataMetaRaw []byte
if ! _wasStored {
_dataContentRead := func () ([]byte, error) {
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [30ef6c2f] file <= `%s`\n", _pathInArchive)
var _file *os.File
if _file_0, _error := os.Open (_pathResolved); _error == nil {
_file = _file_0
} else {
return nil, _error
defer _file.Close ()
if _stat, _error := _file.Stat (); _error == nil {
_fileDev_0, _fileInode_0, _fileSize_0, _fileTimestamp_0, _error := SysStatExtract (_stat)
if _error != nil {
return nil, _error
if (
(_fileDev != _fileDev_0) ||
(_fileInode != _fileInode_0) ||
(_fileSize != _fileSize_0) ||
(_fileTimestamp != _fileTimestamp_0)) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf ("[3a07643b] file changed while reading: `%s`!", _pathResolved)
} else {
return nil, _error
var _data []byte
if _data_0, _error := ioutil.ReadAll (_file); _error == nil {
_data = _data_0
} else {
return nil, _error
if _stat, _error := _file.Stat (); _error == nil {
_, _, _fileSize_0, _fileTimestamp_0, _error := SysStatExtract (_stat)
if _error != nil {
return nil, _error
if (
(_fileSize != _fileSize_0) ||
(_fileTimestamp != _fileTimestamp_0)) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf ("[9689146e] file changed while reading: `%s`!", _pathResolved)
} else {
return nil, _error
return _data, nil
if _fingerprintContent_0, _dataContent_0, _dataMeta_0, _error := prepareDataContent (_context, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, _name, _fileId, _dataContentRead, "", _statusPerhaps); _error != nil {
return _error
} else {
_fingerprintContent = _fingerprintContent_0
_dataContent = _dataContent_0
_dataMeta = _dataMeta_0
if _fingerprintMeta_0, _dataMetaRaw_0, _error := prepareDataMeta (_context, _dataMeta); _error != nil {
return _error
} else {
_fingerprintMeta = _fingerprintMeta_0
_dataMetaRaw = _dataMetaRaw_0
if _context.includeStripped {
for _, _suffix := range StripSuffixes {
if strings.HasSuffix (_pathInArchive, _suffix) {
_pathInArchive := _pathInArchive [: len (_pathInArchive) - len (_suffix)]
if _error := archiveReference (_context, NamespaceFilesContent, _pathInArchive, _fingerprintContent, _fingerprintMeta); _error != nil {
return _error
if _error := archiveReference (_context, NamespaceFilesContent, _pathInArchive, _fingerprintContent, _fingerprintMeta); _error != nil {
return _error
if _dataMetaRaw != nil {
if _error := archiveDataMeta (_context, _fingerprintMeta, _dataMetaRaw); _error != nil {
return _error
if _dataContent != nil {
if _error := archiveDataContent (_context, _fingerprintContent, _dataContent); _error != nil {
return _error
if ! _wasStored {
_context.storedFiles[_fileId] = [2]string { _fingerprintContent, _fingerprintMeta }
return nil
func archiveFolder (_context *context, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _names []string, _stats map[string]os.FileInfo, _statusPerhaps uint) (error) {
if ! strings.HasSuffix (_pathInArchive, "/") {
_pathInArchive = _pathInArchive + "/"
type Entry struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Size uint64 `json:"size,omitempty"`
type Folder struct {
Entries []Entry `json:"entries,omitempty"`
Indices []string `json:"indices,omitempty"`
_entries := make ([]Entry, 0, len (_names))
if _context.includeFolderListing {
for _, _name := range _names {
_entry := Entry {
Name : _name,
Type : "unknown",
_stat := _stats[_name]
_statMode := _stat.Mode ()
if _statMode.IsRegular () {
_entry.Type = "file"
_entry.Size = uint64 (_stat.Size ())
} else if _statMode.IsDir () {
_entry.Type = "folder"
_entries = append (_entries, _entry)
_indexNames := make ([]string, 0, 4)
if _context.includeIndex {
var _indexNameFirst string
for _, _indexName := range IndexNames {
_indexNameFound := sort.SearchStrings (_names, _indexName)
if _indexNameFound == len (_names) {
if _names[_indexNameFound] != _indexName {
_stat := _stats[_indexName]
_statMode := _stat.Mode ()
if ! _statMode.IsRegular () {
if _indexNameFirst == "" {
_indexNameFirst = _indexName
_indexNames = append (_indexNames, _indexName)
if _indexNameFirst != "" {
_indexPathResolved := filepath.Join (_pathResolved, _indexNameFirst)
_indexPathInArchive := _pathInArchive
archiveFile (_context, _indexPathResolved, _indexPathInArchive, _indexNameFirst, _statusPerhaps)
if ! _context.includeFolderListing {
return nil
_folder := Folder {
Entries : _entries,
Indices : _indexNames,
var _data []byte
if _data_0, _error := json.Marshal (&_folder); _error == nil {
_data = _data_0
} else {
return _error
if _, _, _error := archiveReferenceAndData (_context, NamespaceFoldersContent, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, "", _data, MimeTypeJson, _statusPerhaps); _error != nil {
return _error
return nil
func archiveReferenceAndData (_context *context, _namespace string, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _name string, _dataContent []byte, _dataType string, _statusPerhaps uint) (string, string, error) {
var _fingerprintContent string
var _fingerprintMeta string
var _dataMeta map[string]string
var _dataMetaRaw []byte
_dataContentRead := func () ([]byte, error) {
return _dataContent, nil
if _fingerprintContent_0, _dataContent_0, _dataMeta_0, _error := prepareDataContent (_context, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, _name, "", _dataContentRead, _dataType, _statusPerhaps); _error != nil {
return "", "", _error
} else {
_fingerprintContent = _fingerprintContent_0
_dataContent = _dataContent_0
_dataMeta = _dataMeta_0
if _fingerprintMeta_0, _dataMetaRaw_0, _error := prepareDataMeta (_context, _dataMeta); _error != nil {
return "", "", _error
} else {
_fingerprintMeta = _fingerprintMeta_0
_dataMetaRaw = _dataMetaRaw_0
if _error := archiveReference (_context, _namespace, _pathInArchive, _fingerprintContent, _fingerprintMeta); _error != nil {
return "", "", _error
if _dataMetaRaw != nil {
if _error := archiveDataMeta (_context, _fingerprintMeta, _dataMetaRaw); _error != nil {
return "", "", _error
if _dataContent != nil {
if _error := archiveDataContent (_context, _fingerprintContent, _dataContent); _error != nil {
return "", "", _error
return _fingerprintContent, _fingerprintMeta, nil
func archiveReferenceAndDataWithMeta (_context *context, _namespace string, _pathInArchive string, _dataContent []byte, _dataMeta map[string]string) (string, string, error) {
var _fingerprintContent string
var _fingerprintMeta string
var _dataMetaRaw []byte
_fingerprintContentRaw := blake3.Sum256 (_dataContent)
_fingerprintContent = hex.EncodeToString (_fingerprintContentRaw[:])
if _wasStored, _ := _context.storedDataContent[_fingerprintContent]; _wasStored {
_dataContent = nil
if _fingerprintMeta_0, _dataMetaRaw_0, _error := prepareDataMeta (_context, _dataMeta); _error != nil {
return "", "", _error
} else {
_fingerprintMeta = _fingerprintMeta_0
_dataMetaRaw = _dataMetaRaw_0
if _error := archiveReference (_context, _namespace, _pathInArchive, _fingerprintContent, _fingerprintMeta); _error != nil {
return "", "", _error
if _dataMetaRaw != nil {
if _error := archiveDataMeta (_context, _fingerprintMeta, _dataMetaRaw); _error != nil {
return "", "", _error
if _dataContent != nil {
if _error := archiveDataContent (_context, _fingerprintContent, _dataContent); _error != nil {
return "", "", _error
return _fingerprintContent, _fingerprintMeta, nil
func archiveDataContent (_context *context, _fingerprintContent string, _dataContent []byte) (error) {
if _wasStored, _ := _context.storedDataContent[_fingerprintContent]; _wasStored {
return fmt.Errorf ("[256cde78] data content already stored: `%s`!", _fingerprintContent)
var _key string
if _key_0, _error := prepareKeyString (_context, NamespaceDataContent, _fingerprintContent); _error == nil {
_key = _key_0
} else {
return _error
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [085d83ec] data-content ++ `%s` %d\n", _key, len (_dataContent))
if _found, _ := _context.cdbWriteKeys[_key]; _found {
return fmt.Errorf ("[53aeea4b] duplicate key encountered: `%s`", _key)
if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (_key), _dataContent); _error != nil {
return _error
_context.cdbWriteKeys[_key] = true
_context.cdbWriteCount += 1
_context.cdbWriteKeySize += len (_key)
_context.cdbWriteDataSize += len (_dataContent)
_context.storedDataContent[_fingerprintContent] = true
return nil
func archiveDataMeta (_context *context, _fingerprintMeta string, _dataMeta []byte) (error) {
if _wasStored, _ := _context.storedDataMeta[_fingerprintMeta]; _wasStored {
return fmt.Errorf ("[2918c4e2] data meta already stored: `%s`!", _fingerprintMeta)
var _key string
if _key_0, _error := prepareKeyString (_context, NamespaceDataMetadata, _fingerprintMeta); _error == nil {
_key = _key_0
} else {
return _error
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [07737b98] data-meta ++ `%s` %d\n", _key, len (_dataMeta))
if _found, _ := _context.cdbWriteKeys[_key]; _found {
return fmt.Errorf ("[8f2c6911] duplicate key encountered: `%s`", _key)
if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (_key), _dataMeta); _error != nil {
return _error
_context.cdbWriteKeys[_key] = true
_context.cdbWriteCount += 1
_context.cdbWriteKeySize += len (_key)
_context.cdbWriteDataSize += len (_dataMeta)
_context.storedDataMeta[_fingerprintMeta] = true
return nil
func archiveReference (_context *context, _namespace string, _pathInArchive string, _fingerprintContent string, _fingerprintMeta string) (error) {
switch _namespace {
case NamespaceFilesContent :
_context.storedFilePaths = append (_context.storedFilePaths, _pathInArchive)
case NamespaceFoldersContent :
_context.storedFolderPaths = append (_context.storedFolderPaths, _pathInArchive)
case NamespaceRedirectsContent :
_context.storedRedirectPaths = append (_context.storedRedirectPaths, _pathInArchive)
default :
return fmt.Errorf ("[051a102a]")
_context.archivedReferences += 1
_namespacePrefix := KeyNamespacePrefix (_namespace)
_key := fmt.Sprintf ("%c:%s", _namespacePrefix, _pathInArchive)
var _keyMeta, _keyContent uint64
if _key_0, _error := prepareKeyUint (_context, NamespaceDataMetadata, _fingerprintMeta); _error == nil {
_keyMeta = _key_0
} else {
return _error
if _key_0, _error := prepareKeyUint (_context, NamespaceDataContent, _fingerprintContent); _error == nil {
_keyContent = _key_0
} else {
return _error
var _references string
if _references_0, _error := EncodeKeysPairToString (NamespaceDataMetadata, _keyMeta, NamespaceDataContent, _keyContent); _error == nil {
_references = _references_0
} else {
return _error
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [2b9c053a] reference ++ `%s` :: `%s` -> `%s`\n", _namespace, _pathInArchive, _references)
if _found, _ := _context.cdbWriteKeys[_key]; _found {
return fmt.Errorf ("[3d856291] duplicate key encountered: `%s`", _key)
if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (_key), []byte (_references)); _error != nil {
return _error
_context.cdbWriteKeys[_key] = true
_context.cdbWriteCount += 1
_context.cdbWriteKeySize += len (_key)
_context.cdbWriteDataSize += len (_references)
if _context.progress {
if _context.archivedReferences <= 1 {
_context.progressLast = time.Now ()
if (
(((_context.archivedReferences % 1000) == 0) && (time.Since (_context.progressLast) .Seconds () >= 2)) ||
(((_context.archivedReferences % 10) == 0) && (time.Since (_context.progressLast) .Seconds () >= 6))) {
log.Printf ("[ii] [5193276e] pogress -- %0.2f min -- %d fil, %d fol, %d red, %0.2f M (%0.2f M/s) -- %d comp, %0.2f%% -- %d rec, %0.2f M\n",
time.Since (_context.progressStarted) .Minutes (),
len (_context.storedFilePaths),
len (_context.storedFolderPaths),
len (_context.storedRedirectPaths),
float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize) / 1024 / 1024,
float64 (_context.dataUncompressedSize) / 1024 / 1024 / (time.Since (_context.progressStarted) .Seconds () + 0.001),
(float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize - _context.dataCompressedSize) / float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize) * 100),
float32 (_context.cdbWriteKeySize + _context.cdbWriteDataSize) / 1024 / 1024,
_context.progressLast = time.Now ()
return nil
func prepareDataContent (_context *context, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _name string, _dataContentId string, _dataContentRead func () ([]byte, error), _dataType string, _statusPerhaps uint) (string, []byte, map[string]string, error) {
type DataPrepared struct {
DataFingerprint string
DataSize int
DataType string
var _dataPreparedCached bool
var _dataPrepared *DataPrepared
if (_context.sourcesCache != nil) && (_dataContentId != "") {
_cacheTxn, _error := _context.sourcesCache.Begin (false)
if _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[5fe9ada0] unexpected sources cache error!")
_cacheBucket := _cacheTxn.Bucket ([]byte ("prepare"))
if _cacheBucket != nil {
if _dataPreparedRaw := _cacheBucket.Get ([]byte (_dataContentId)); _dataPreparedRaw != nil {
if _error := gobUnmarshal (_dataPreparedRaw, &_dataPrepared); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[6865d963] unexpected sources cache error!")
_dataPreparedCached = _dataPrepared != nil
if _error := _cacheTxn.Rollback (); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[5137d84a] unexpected sources cache error!")
var _fingerprintContent string
var _dataContent []byte
var _dataSize int
if _dataPrepared != nil {
_fingerprintContent = _dataPrepared.DataFingerprint
_dataSize = _dataPrepared.DataSize
} else {
if _data_0, _error := _dataContentRead (); _error == nil {
_dataContent = _data_0
} else {
return "", nil, nil, _error
_fingerprintContentRaw := blake3.Sum256 (_dataContent)
_fingerprintContent = hex.EncodeToString (_fingerprintContentRaw[:])
_dataSize = len (_dataContent)
_dataContent_1 := _dataContent
_dataSize_1 := _dataSize
_dataContentRead_1 := _dataContentRead
_dataContentRead = func () ([]byte, error) {
if _dataContent_1 != nil {
return _dataContent_1, nil
if (_context.sourcesCache != nil) && (_dataContentId != "") && (_dataSize_1 <= 16 * 1024) {
_cacheTxn, _error := _context.sourcesCache.Begin (false)
if _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[4e7853f4] unexpected sources cache error!")
_cacheBucket := _cacheTxn.Bucket ([]byte ("content"))
if _cacheBucket != nil {
if _dataContent_0 := _cacheBucket.Get ([]byte (_fingerprintContent)); _dataContent_0 != nil {
_dataContent_1 = _dataContent_0
if _error := _cacheTxn.Rollback (); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[a0dd23c2] unexpected sources cache error!")
if _dataContent_1 != nil {
return _dataContent_1, nil
if _dataContent_0, _error := _dataContentRead_1 (); _error == nil {
_dataContent_1 = _dataContent_0
} else {
return nil, _error
if (_context.sourcesCache != nil) && (_dataContentId != "") && (_dataSize_1 <= 16 * 1024) {
_cacheTxn, _error := _context.sourcesCache.Begin (true)
if _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[deecec9d] unexpected sources cache error!")
_cacheBucket := _cacheTxn.Bucket ([]byte ("content"))
if _cacheBucket == nil {
if _bucket_0, _error := _cacheTxn.CreateBucket ([]byte ("content")); _error == nil {
_cacheBucket = _bucket_0
} else {
AbortError (_error, "[40236265] unexpected sources cache error!")
_cacheBucket.FillPercent = 0.9
if _error := _cacheBucket.Put ([]byte (_fingerprintContent), _dataContent_1); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[84d20b6d] unexpected sources cache error!")
if _error := _cacheTxn.Commit (); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[5468cced] unexpected sources cache error!")
return _dataContent_1, nil
if _wasStored, _ := _context.storedDataContent[_fingerprintContent]; _wasStored {
_dataMeta := _context.storedDataContentMeta[_fingerprintContent]
return _fingerprintContent, nil, _dataMeta, nil
if (_dataType == "") && (_dataPrepared != nil) {
_dataType = _dataPrepared.DataType
if (_dataType == "") && (_name != "") {
_extension := filepath.Ext (_name)
if _extension != "" {
_extension = _extension[1:]
_dataType, _ = MimeTypesByExtension[_extension]
if (_dataType == "") {
_dataType = http.DetectContentType (_dataContent)
if _dataType != "" {
if _dataType_0, _ := MimeTypesAliases[_dataType]; _dataType_0 != "" {
_dataType = _dataType_0
if _dataType == "" {
_dataType = MimeTypeRaw
if (_context.sourcesCache != nil) && (_dataContentId != "") && !_dataPreparedCached {
_dataPrepared = & DataPrepared {
DataFingerprint : _fingerprintContent,
DataSize : _dataSize,
DataType : _dataType,
_cacheTxn, _error := _context.sourcesCache.Begin (true)
if _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[acf09d20] unexpected sources cache error!")
_cacheBucket := _cacheTxn.Bucket ([]byte ("prepare"))
if _cacheBucket == nil {
if _bucket_0, _error := _cacheTxn.CreateBucket ([]byte ("prepare")); _error == nil {
_cacheBucket = _bucket_0
} else {
AbortError (_error, "[c21b0972] unexpected sources cache error!")
_cacheBucket.FillPercent = 0.9
var _dataPreparedRaw []byte
if _data_0, _error := gobMarshal (_dataPrepared); _error == nil {
_dataPreparedRaw = _data_0
} else {
AbortError (_error, "[5538658b] unexpected sources cache error!")
if _error := _cacheBucket.Put ([]byte (_dataContentId), _dataPreparedRaw); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[b4a6b6f9] unexpected sources cache error!")
if _error := _cacheTxn.Commit (); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[5581f8ec] unexpected sources cache error!")
_dataEncoding := "identity"
_dataUncompressedSize := _dataSize
var _compressAlgorithm string
var _compressEncoding string
if _algorithm_0, _encoding_0, _error := CompressEncoding (_context.compress); _error == nil {
_compressAlgorithm = _algorithm_0
_compressEncoding = _encoding_0
} else {
return "", nil, nil, _error
if _compressAlgorithm != "identity" {
var _dataCompressed []byte
var _dataCompressedZero bool
var _dataCompressedCached bool
_cacheBucketName := fmt.Sprintf ("%s:%d", _compressAlgorithm, _context.compressLevel)
if _context.compressCache != nil {
_cacheTxn, _error := _context.compressCache.Begin (false)
if _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[91a5b78a] unexpected compression cache error!")
_cacheBucket := _cacheTxn.Bucket ([]byte (_cacheBucketName))
if _cacheBucket != nil {
_dataCompressed = _cacheBucket.Get ([]byte (_fingerprintContent))
_dataCompressedCached = _dataCompressed != nil
if _dataCompressedCached {
_dataCompressedZero = len (_dataCompressed) == 0
if _dataCompressedZero {
_dataCompressed = nil
if _error := _cacheTxn.Rollback (); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[a06cfe46] unexpected compression cache error!")
if _dataCompressed == nil && !_dataCompressedZero {
if _dataContent == nil {
if _data_0, _error := _dataContentRead (); _error == nil {
_dataContent = _data_0
} else {
return "", nil, nil, _error
if _data_0, _error := Compress (_dataContent, _compressAlgorithm, _context.compressLevel); _error == nil {
_dataCompressed = _data_0
} else {
return "", nil, nil, _error
_dataCompressedSize := len (_dataCompressed)
_dataCompressedDelta := _dataUncompressedSize - _dataCompressedSize
_dataCompressedRatio := float32 (_dataCompressedDelta) * 100 / float32 (_dataUncompressedSize)
_accepted := false
if !_dataCompressedZero {
_accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (1024 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 5))
_accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (64 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 10))
_accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (32 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 15))
_accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (16 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 20))
_accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (8 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 25))
_accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (4 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 30))
_accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (2 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 35))
_accepted = _accepted || ((_dataUncompressedSize > (1 * 1024)) && (_dataCompressedRatio >= 40))
_accepted = _accepted || (_dataCompressedRatio >= 90)
if _accepted {
_dataContent = _dataCompressed
_dataEncoding = _compressEncoding
_dataSize = _dataCompressedSize
if (_context.compressCache != nil) && !_dataCompressedCached {
_cacheTxn, _error := _context.compressCache.Begin (true)
if _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[ddbe6a70] unexpected compression cache error!")
_cacheBucket := _cacheTxn.Bucket ([]byte (_cacheBucketName))
if _cacheBucket == nil {
if _bucket_0, _error := _cacheTxn.CreateBucket ([]byte (_cacheBucketName)); _error == nil {
_cacheBucket = _bucket_0
} else {
AbortError (_error, "[b7766792] unexpected compression cache error!")
_cacheBucket.FillPercent = 0.9
_dataCompressed_1 := _dataCompressed
if !_accepted {
_dataCompressed_1 = []byte {}
if _error := _cacheBucket.Put ([]byte (_fingerprintContent), _dataCompressed_1); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[51d57220] unexpected compression cache error!")
if _error := _cacheTxn.Commit (); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[a47c7c10] unexpected compression cache error!")
if !_dataCompressedZero {
if _dataSize < _dataUncompressedSize {
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [271e48d6] compress -- %.1f%% %d (%d) `%s`\n", _dataCompressedRatio, _dataCompressedSize, _dataCompressedDelta, _pathInArchive)
} else {
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [2174c2d6] compress-NOK -- %.1f%% %d (%d) `%s`\n", _dataCompressedRatio, _dataCompressedSize, _dataCompressedDelta, _pathInArchive)
} else {
if _context.debug && (_context.compress != "identity") {
log.Printf ("[dd] [a9d7a281] compress-NOK -- %d `%s`\n", _dataUncompressedSize, _pathInArchive)
if _dataContent == nil {
if _data_0, _error := _dataContentRead (); _error == nil {
_dataContent = _data_0
} else {
return "", nil, nil, _error
_context.dataUncompressedSize += _dataUncompressedSize
_context.dataUncompressedCount += 1
_context.dataCompressedSize += _dataSize
if _dataSize != _dataUncompressedSize {
_context.dataCompressedCount += 1
_dataMeta := make (map[string]string, 16)
_status := _statusPerhaps
if _status == 0 {
_status = 200
_dataMeta["!Status"] = fmt.Sprintf ("%d", _status)
// _dataMeta["Content-Length"] = fmt.Sprintf ("%d", _dataSize)
_dataMeta["Content-Type"] = _dataType
_dataMeta["Content-Encoding"] = _dataEncoding
if _context.includeCache {
_dataMeta["Cache-Control"] = "public, immutable, max-age=3600"
if _context.includeEtag {
_dataMeta["ETag"] = _fingerprintContent
_context.storedDataContentMeta[_fingerprintContent] = _dataMeta
return _fingerprintContent, _dataContent, _dataMeta, nil
func prepareDataMeta (_context *context, _dataMeta map[string]string) (string, []byte, error) {
var _dataMetaRaw []byte
if _dataMetaRaw_0, _error := MetadataEncodeBinary (_dataMeta); _error == nil {
_dataMetaRaw = _dataMetaRaw_0
} else {
return "", nil, _error
_fingerprintMetaRaw := blake3.Sum256 (_dataMetaRaw)
_fingerprintMeta := hex.EncodeToString (_fingerprintMetaRaw[:])
if _wasStored, _ := _context.storedDataMeta[_fingerprintMeta]; _wasStored {
return _fingerprintMeta, nil, nil
return _fingerprintMeta, _dataMetaRaw, nil
func prepareKeyUint (_context *context, _namespace string, _fingerprint string) (uint64, error) {
_qualified := fmt.Sprintf ("%s:%s", _namespace, _fingerprint)
if _keyValue, _found := _context.storedKeys[_qualified]; _found {
return _keyValue, nil
_keyIndex := len (_context.storedKeys) + 1
if _keyValue, _error := PrepareKey (_namespace, uint64 (_keyIndex)); _error == nil {
_context.storedKeys[_qualified] = _keyValue
return _keyValue, nil
} else {
return 0, _error
func prepareKeyString (_context *context, _namespace string, _fingerprint string) (string, error) {
if _keyValue, _error := prepareKeyUint (_context, _namespace, _fingerprint); _error == nil {
if _key, _error := EncodeKeyToString (_namespace, _keyValue); _error == nil {
return _key, nil
} else {
return "", _error
} else {
return "", _error
func walkPath (_context *context, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string, _name string, _recursed map[string]uint, _recurse bool, _statusPerhaps uint) (os.FileInfo, error) {
if _recursed == nil {
_recursed = make (map[string]uint, 128)
_pathOriginal := _pathResolved
var _stat os.FileInfo
if _stat_0, _error := os.Lstat (_pathResolved); _error == nil {
_stat = _stat_0
} else {
return nil, _error
_statMode := _stat.Mode ()
_isSymlink := false
if (_stat.Mode () & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 {
_isSymlink = true
if _stat_0, _error := os.Stat (_pathResolved); _error == nil {
_stat = _stat_0
} else {
return nil, _error
_statMode = _stat.Mode ()
if ! _recurse {
return _stat, nil
if _isSymlink {
if _pathResolved_0, _error := filepath.EvalSymlinks (_pathResolved); _error == nil {
_pathResolved = _pathResolved_0
} else {
return nil, _error
if _isSymlink && _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [7eed523e] symlink -- `%s` -> `%s`\n", _pathInArchive, _pathResolved)
if _statMode.IsRegular () {
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [da429eaa] file -- `%s` -> `%s`\n", _pathInArchive, _pathResolved)
if _error := archiveFile (_context, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, _name, _statusPerhaps); _error != nil {
return nil, _error
return _stat, nil
} else if _statMode.IsDir () {
_wasRecursed, _ := _recursed[_pathResolved]
if _wasRecursed > 0 {
log.Printf ("[ww] [2e1744c9] detected directory loop for `%s` resolving to `%s`; ignoring!\n", _pathOriginal, _pathResolved)
return _stat, nil
_recursed[_pathResolved] = _wasRecursed + 1
_childsName := make ([]string, 0, 16)
_childsPathResolved := make (map[string]string, 16)
_childsPathInArchive := make (map[string]string, 16)
_childsStat := make (map[string]os.FileInfo, 16)
var _wildcardName string
var _wildcardStatus uint
var _redirectsName string
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [2d22d910] folder |> `%s`\n", _pathInArchive)
if _stream, _error := os.Open (_pathResolved); _error == nil {
defer _stream.Close ()
_loop : for {
switch _buffer, _error := _stream.Readdir (1024); _error {
case nil :
if _context.debug && (len (_buffer) > 0) {
log.Printf ("[dd] [d4c30c66] folder |~ `%s` %d\n", _pathInArchive, len (_buffer))
for _, _childStat := range _buffer {
_childName := _childStat.Name ()
_childPathResolved := filepath.Join (_pathResolved, _childName)
_childPathInArchive := filepath.Join (_pathInArchive, _childName)
if _childStat_0, _error := walkPath (_context, _childPathResolved, _childPathInArchive, _childName, _recursed, false, _statusPerhaps); _error == nil {
_childStat = _childStat_0
} else {
return nil, _error
_childsPathResolved[_childName] = _childPathResolved
_childsPathInArchive[_childName] = _childPathInArchive
_childsStat[_childName] = _childStat
if strings.HasPrefix (_childName, "200.") || strings.HasPrefix (_childName, "_200.") || strings.HasPrefix (_childName, "_wildcard.") {
if _wildcardName != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf ("[b5afdb05] duplicate wildcard files found: `%s` and `%s`!", _childName, _wildcardName)
_wildcardName = _childName
_wildcardStatus = 200
if strings.HasPrefix (_childName, "404.") || strings.HasPrefix (_childName, "_404.") {
if _wildcardName != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf ("[4c14c7bb] duplicate wildcard files found: `%s` and `%s`!", _childName, _wildcardName)
_wildcardName = _childName
_wildcardStatus = 404
if (_childName == "_redirects") || (_childName == "_redirects.txt") {
if _redirectsName != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf ("[fbc0ee12] duplicate redirects files found: `%s` and `%s`!", _childName, _redirectsName)
_redirectsName = _childName
if ShouldSkipName (_childName) {
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [f11b5ba1] skip !! `%s`\n", _childPathInArchive)
_childsName = append (_childsName, _childName)
case io.EOF :
break _loop
default :
return nil, _error
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [2d61b965] folder |< `%s`\n", _pathInArchive)
sort.Strings (_childsName)
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [a4475a48] folder -- `%s`\n", _pathInArchive)
if _error := archiveFolder (_context, _pathResolved, _pathInArchive, _childsName, _childsStat, _statusPerhaps); _error != nil {
return nil, _error
if _wildcardName != "" {
_childPathInArchive := filepath.Join (_pathInArchive, "*")
_childPathResolved := _childsPathResolved[_wildcardName]
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [351804ff] wildcard -- `%s` -> `%s`\n", _childPathInArchive, _childPathResolved)
if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _childPathResolved, _childPathInArchive, _wildcardName, _recursed, true, _wildcardStatus); _error != nil {
return nil, _error
if _redirectsName != "" {
_childPathInArchive := _pathInArchive
_childPathResolved := _childsPathResolved[_redirectsName]
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [f49aa9f5] redirects -- `%s` -> `%s`\n", _childPathInArchive, _childPathResolved)
if _error := walkRedirects (_context, _childPathResolved, _childPathInArchive); _error != nil {
return nil, _error
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [ce1fe181] folder |> `%s`\n", _pathInArchive)
for _, _childName := range _childsName {
if _childsStat[_childName] .Mode () .IsRegular () {
if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _childsPathResolved[_childName], _childsPathInArchive[_childName], _childName, _recursed, true, _statusPerhaps); _error != nil {
return nil, _error
for _, _childName := range _childsName {
if _childsStat[_childName] .Mode () .IsDir () {
if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _childsPathResolved[_childName], _childsPathInArchive[_childName], _childName, _recursed, true, _statusPerhaps); _error != nil {
return nil, _error
for _, _childName := range _childsName {
if (! _childsStat[_childName] .Mode () .IsRegular ()) && (! _childsStat[_childName] .Mode () .IsDir ()) {
if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _childsPathResolved[_childName], _childsPathInArchive[_childName], _childName, _recursed, true, _statusPerhaps); _error != nil {
return nil, _error
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [6b7de03b] folder |< `%s`\n", _pathInArchive)
_recursed[_pathResolved] = _wasRecursed
return _stat, nil
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf ("[d9b836d7] unexpected file type for `%s`: `%s`!", _pathResolved, _statMode)
func walkRedirects (_context *context, _pathResolved string, _pathInArchive string) (error) {
_redirectsData, _error := os.ReadFile (_pathResolved)
if _error != nil {
return _error
_redirectLines := strings.Split (string (_redirectsData), "\n")
for _, _redirectLine := range _redirectLines {
_redirectLine = strings.ReplaceAll (_redirectLine, "\t", " ")
_redirectLine = strings.Trim (_redirectLine, " ")
for {
_redirectLine_0 := strings.ReplaceAll (_redirectLine, " ", " ")
if _redirectLine == _redirectLine_0 {
_redirectLine = _redirectLine_0
if _redirectLine == "" {
if _redirectLine[0] == '#' {
_redirectParts := strings.Split (_redirectLine, " ")
if len (_redirectParts) != 3 {
return fmt.Errorf ("[bf358c0a] invalid redirect statement: `%s` -- `%s`!", _pathResolved, _redirectLine)
_source := _redirectParts[0]
_target := _redirectParts[1]
_code := 0
switch _redirectParts[2] {
case "301" : _code = 301
case "302" : _code = 302
case "303" : _code = 303
case "307" : _code = 307
case "308" : _code = 308
default :
return fmt.Errorf ("[fb9ac5a5] invalid redirect code: `%s` -- `%s`!", _pathResolved, _redirectLine)
_sourceParsed := false
if ! _sourceParsed {
for _, _schemePrefix := range []string { "://", "http://", "https://" } {
if strings.HasPrefix (_source, _schemePrefix) {
if _pathInArchive != "/" {
return fmt.Errorf ("[ceac537a] invalid redirect absolute source: `%s` -- `%s`!", _pathResolved, _redirectLine)
_source_0 := "http://" + strings.TrimPrefix (_source, _schemePrefix)
_sourceUrl, _error := url.ParseRequestURI (_source_0)
if _error != nil {
return fmt.Errorf ("[dd43230e] invalid redirect source: `%s` -- `%s`!", _pathResolved, _redirectLine)
_sourceCanonical := _sourceUrl.String ()
if _sourceCanonical != _source_0 {
return fmt.Errorf ("[2c6dc950] invalid redirect source: `%s` -- `%s`!", _pathResolved, _redirectLine)
_source = strings.TrimPrefix (_source, _schemePrefix)
_source = "://" + _source
_sourceParsed = true
if ! _sourceParsed {
if _source[0] == '.' {
if _pathInArchive == "/" {
_source = "/" + _source[2:]
} else {
_source = _pathInArchive + "/" + _source[2:]
} else if _source[0] == '/' {
if _pathInArchive != "/" {
return fmt.Errorf ("[99e025fe] invalid redirect absolute source: `%s` -- `%s`!", _pathResolved, _redirectLine)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf ("[2e716cd2] invalid redirect source: `%s` -- `%s`!", _pathResolved, _redirectLine)
_sourceUrl, _error := url.ParseRequestURI (_source)
if _error != nil {
return fmt.Errorf ("[be9abd4d] invalid redirect source: `%s` -- `%s`!", _pathResolved, _redirectLine)
_sourceCanonical := _sourceUrl.String ()
if _sourceCanonical != _source {
return fmt.Errorf ("[3c31deb4] invalid redirect source: `%s` -- `%s`!", _pathResolved, _redirectLine)
_sourceParsed = true
if ! _sourceParsed {
return fmt.Errorf ("[8305376f] invalid redirect source: `%s` -- `%s`!", _pathResolved, _redirectLine)
_targetUrl, _error := url.Parse (_target)
if _error != nil {
return fmt.Errorf ("[968f7208] invalid redirect target: `%s` -- `%s`!", _pathResolved, _redirectLine)
_targetCanonical := _targetUrl.String ()
if _targetCanonical != _target {
return fmt.Errorf ("[c22eea24] invalid redirect target: `%s` -- `%s`!", _pathResolved, _redirectLine)
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [c8139953] redirect -- `%s` -> `%s` (%d)\n", _source, _target, _code)
_dataMeta := map[string]string {
"!Status" : fmt.Sprintf ("%d", _code),
"Location" : _target,
_fingerprintContentRaw := blake3.Sum256 ([]byte (_redirectLine))
_fingerprintContent := hex.EncodeToString (_fingerprintContentRaw[:])
if _context.includeCache {
_dataMeta["Cache-Control"] = "public, immutable, max-age=3600"
if _context.includeEtag {
_dataMeta["ETag"] = _fingerprintContent
if _, _, _error := archiveReferenceAndDataWithMeta (_context, NamespaceRedirectsContent, _source, []byte (""), _dataMeta); _error != nil {
return _error
return nil
func Main () () {
if len (os.Args) == 2 {
switch os.Args[1] {
case "version", "--version", "-v" :
version.Main ("kawipiko-archiver", "version")
case "--sources-md5" :
version.Main ("kawipiko-archiver", "sources.md5")
case "--sources-cpio" :
version.Main ("kawipiko-archiver", "sources.cpio")
case "--sbom-text", "--sbom-txt", "--sbom" :
version.Main ("kawipiko-archiver", "sbom.txt")
case "--sbom-json" :
version.Main ("kawipiko-archiver", "sbom.json")
case "--help", "-h" :
if _, _error := os.Stdout.WriteString (usageText); _error == nil {
} else {
AbortError (_error, "[5418de54] unexpected error!")
case "--man" :
if _, _error := os.Stdout.WriteString (manualText); _error == nil {
} else {
AbortError (_error, "[5418de54] unexpected error!")
runtime.GOMAXPROCS (2)
debug.SetGCPercent (75)
debug.SetMaxThreads (8)
Main_0 (main_0)
func main_0 () (error) {
var _sourcesFolder string
var _sourcesCache string
var _archiveFile string
var _compress string
var _compressLevel int
var _compressCache string
var _includeIndex bool
var _includeStripped bool
var _includeSlashRedirects bool
var _includeCache bool
var _includeEtag bool
var _includeFolderListing bool
var _includePathsIndex bool
var _progress bool
var _debug bool
_flags := flag.NewFlagSet ("kawipiko-archiver", flag.ContinueOnError)
_flags.Usage = func () () {
fmt.Fprintf (os.Stderr, "%s", usageText)
_sourcesFolder_0 := _flags.String ("sources", "", "")
_sourcesCache_0 := _flags.String ("sources-cache", "", "")
_archiveFile_0 := _flags.String ("archive", "", "")
_compress_0 := _flags.String ("compress", "", "")
_compressLevel_0 := _flags.Int ("compress-level", -1, "")
_compressCache_0 := _flags.String ("compress-cache", "", "")
_excludeIndex_0 := _flags.Bool ("exclude-index", false, "")
_excludeStripped_0 := _flags.Bool ("exclude-strip", false, "")
_excludeSlashRedirects_0 := _flags.Bool ("exclude-slash-redirects", false, "")
_excludeCache_0 := _flags.Bool ("exclude-cache", false, "")
_includeEtag_0 := _flags.Bool ("include-etag", false, "")
_includeFolderListing_0 := _flags.Bool ("include-folder-listing", false, "")
_excludePathsIndex_0 := _flags.Bool ("exclude-paths-index", false, "")
_progress_0 := _flags.Bool ("progress", false, "")
_debug_0 := _flags.Bool ("debug", false, "")
FlagsParse (_flags, 0, 0)
_sourcesFolder = *_sourcesFolder_0
_sourcesCache = *_sourcesCache_0
_archiveFile = *_archiveFile_0
_compress = *_compress_0
_compressLevel = *_compressLevel_0
_compressCache = *_compressCache_0
_includeIndex = ! *_excludeIndex_0
_includeStripped = ! *_excludeStripped_0
_includeSlashRedirects = ! *_excludeSlashRedirects_0
_includeCache = ! *_excludeCache_0
_includeEtag = *_includeEtag_0
_includeFolderListing = *_includeFolderListing_0
_includePathsIndex = ! *_excludePathsIndex_0
_progress = *_progress_0
_debug = *_debug_0
if _sourcesFolder == "" {
AbortError (nil, "[515ee462] expected sources folder argument!")
if _archiveFile == "" {
AbortError (nil, "[5e8da985] expected archive file argument!")
var _cdbWriter *cdb.Writer
if _db_0, _error := cdb.Create (_archiveFile); _error == nil {
_cdbWriter = _db_0
} else {
AbortError (_error, "[85234ba0] failed creating archive (while opening)!")
var _compressCacheDb *bbolt.DB
if _compressCache != "" {
_options := bbolt.Options {
PageSize : 128 * 1024,
InitialMmapSize : 128 * 1024 * 1024,
NoFreelistSync : true,
NoSync : true,
if _db_0, _error := bbolt.Open (_compressCache, 0600, &_options); _error == nil {
_compressCacheDb = _db_0
} else {
AbortError (_error, "[eaff07f6] failed opening compression cache!")
var _sourcesCacheDb *bbolt.DB
if _sourcesCache != "" {
_options := bbolt.Options {
PageSize : 4 * 1024,
InitialMmapSize : 4 * 1024 * 1024,
NoFreelistSync : true,
NoSync : true,
if _db_0, _error := bbolt.Open (_sourcesCache, 0600, &_options); _error == nil {
_sourcesCacheDb = _db_0
} else {
AbortError (_error, "[17a308dc] failed opening sources cache!")
_context := & context {
cdbWriter : _cdbWriter,
cdbWriteKeys : make (map[string]bool, 16 * 1024),
storedFilePaths : make ([]string, 0, 16 * 1024),
storedFolderPaths : make ([]string, 0, 16 * 1024),
storedRedirectPaths : make ([]string, 0, 16 * 1024),
storedDataMeta : make (map[string]bool, 16 * 1024),
storedDataContent : make (map[string]bool, 16 * 1024),
storedDataContentMeta : make (map[string]map[string]string, 16 * 1024),
storedFiles : make (map[string][2]string, 16 * 1024),
storedKeys : make (map[string]uint64, 16 * 1024),
compress : _compress,
compressLevel : _compressLevel,
compressCache : _compressCacheDb,
sourcesCache : _sourcesCacheDb,
includeIndex : _includeIndex,
includeStripped : _includeStripped,
includeSlashRedirects : _includeSlashRedirects,
includeCache : _includeCache,
includeEtag : _includeEtag,
includeFolderListing : _includeFolderListing,
includePathsIndex : _includePathsIndex,
progress : _progress,
debug : _debug,
_context.progressStarted = time.Now ()
if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (NamespaceSchemaVersion), []byte (CurrentSchemaVersion)); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[43228812] failed writing archive!")
_context.cdbWriteKeys[NamespaceSchemaVersion] = true
_context.cdbWriteCount += 1
_context.cdbWriteKeySize += len (NamespaceSchemaVersion)
_context.cdbWriteDataSize += len (CurrentSchemaVersion)
if _, _error := walkPath (_context, _sourcesFolder, "/", filepath.Base (_sourcesFolder), nil, true, 0); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[b6a19ef4] failed walking folder!")
sort.Strings (_context.storedFilePaths)
sort.Strings (_context.storedFolderPaths)
sort.Strings (_context.storedRedirectPaths)
if _includeSlashRedirects {
_paths := make ([]string, 0, 16 * 1024)
_paths = append (_paths, _context.storedFilePaths ...)
_paths = append (_paths, _context.storedFolderPaths ...)
_paths = append (_paths, _context.storedRedirectPaths ...)
sort.Strings (_paths)
_pathsExisting := make (map[string]bool, len (_paths))
_pathsProcessed := make (map[string]bool, len (_paths))
for _, _path := range _paths {
_pathsExisting[_path] = true
for _, _path := range _paths {
if _processed, _ := _pathsProcessed[_path]; !_processed {
_pathsProcessed[_path] = true
} else {
_pathHost := ""
if strings.HasPrefix (_path, "://") {
_path = _path[3:]
_slashOffset := strings.Index (_path, "/")
_pathHost = "://" + _path[: _slashOffset]
_path = _path[_slashOffset :]
_alternate := ""
_target := ""
if _alternate == "" {
for _, _suffix := range []string { "/", "/*" } {
if _path == _suffix {
if ! strings.HasSuffix (_path, _suffix) {
_alternate_0 := strings.TrimSuffix (_path, _suffix)
_alternateQualified_0 := _pathHost + _alternate_0
if _exists, _ := _pathsExisting[_alternateQualified_0]; !_exists {
_alternate = _alternate_0
_target = _alternate + "/"
if _alternate == "" {
for _, _suffix := range []string { "/" } {
if strings.HasSuffix (_path, "/*") {
if strings.HasSuffix (_path, _suffix) {
_alternate_0 := _path + _suffix
_alternateQualified_0 := _pathHost + _alternate_0
if _exists, _ := _pathsExisting[_alternateQualified_0]; !_exists {
_alternate = _alternate_0
_target = _path
if _alternate == "" {
_alternateQualified := _pathHost + _alternate
_pathsExisting[_alternateQualified] = true
if _context.debug {
log.Printf ("[dd] [f6970144] alternate -- `%s` -> `%s`\n", _alternateQualified, _target)
_dataMeta := map[string]string {
"!Status" : fmt.Sprintf ("%d", 308),
"Location" : _target,
if _context.includeCache {
_dataMeta["Cache-Control"] = "public, immutable, max-age=3600"
if _, _, _error := archiveReferenceAndDataWithMeta (_context, NamespaceRedirectsContent, _alternateQualified, []byte (""), _dataMeta); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[27a5dabe] failed writing archive!")
sort.Strings (_context.storedFilePaths)
sort.Strings (_context.storedFolderPaths)
sort.Strings (_context.storedRedirectPaths)
if _includePathsIndex {
_buffer := make ([]byte, 0, 1024 * 1024)
for _, _path := range _context.storedFilePaths {
_buffer = append (_buffer, _path ...)
_buffer = append (_buffer, '\n')
if _key, _error := PrepareKeyToString (NamespaceFilesIndex, 1); _error == nil {
if _found, _ := _context.cdbWriteKeys[_key]; _found {
_error := fmt.Errorf ("[1d4dcde6] duplicate key encountered: `%s`", _key)
AbortError (_error, "[a2d60ec1] failed writing archive!")
if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (_key), _buffer); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[1dbdde05] failed writing archive!")
_context.cdbWriteKeys[_key] = true
_context.cdbWriteCount += 1
_context.cdbWriteKeySize += len (_key)
_context.cdbWriteDataSize += len (_buffer)
} else {
AbortError (_error, "[b94abb82] failed writing archive!")
if _includePathsIndex {
_buffer := make ([]byte, 0, 1024 * 1024)
for _, _path := range _context.storedFolderPaths {
_buffer = append (_buffer, _path ...)
_buffer = append (_buffer, '\n')
if _key, _error := PrepareKeyToString (NamespaceFoldersIndex, 1); _error == nil {
if _found, _ := _context.cdbWriteKeys[_key]; _found {
_error := fmt.Errorf ("[c427b7f7] duplicate key encountered: `%s`", _key)
AbortError (_error, "[651f521a] failed writing archive!")
if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (_key), _buffer); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[e2dd2de0] failed writing archive!")
_context.cdbWriteKeys[_key] = true
_context.cdbWriteCount += 1
_context.cdbWriteKeySize += len (_key)
_context.cdbWriteDataSize += len (_buffer)
} else {
AbortError (_error, "[0afc95f6] failed writing archive!")
if _includePathsIndex {
_buffer := make ([]byte, 0, 1024 * 1024)
for _, _path := range _context.storedRedirectPaths {
_buffer = append (_buffer, _path ...)
_buffer = append (_buffer, '\n')
if _key, _error := PrepareKeyToString (NamespaceRedirectsIndex, 1); _error == nil {
if _found, _ := _context.cdbWriteKeys[_key]; _found {
_error := fmt.Errorf ("[1d4dcde6] duplicate key encountered: `%s`", _key)
AbortError (_error, "[d57123af] failed writing archive!")
if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Put ([]byte (_key), _buffer); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[24833b01] failed writing archive!")
_context.cdbWriteKeys[_key] = true
_context.cdbWriteCount += 1
_context.cdbWriteKeySize += len (_key)
_context.cdbWriteDataSize += len (_buffer)
} else {
AbortError (_error, "[05b9d10b] failed writing archive!")
if _error := _context.cdbWriter.Close (); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[bbfb8478] failed creating archive (while closing)!")
_context.cdbWriter = nil
if _context.compressCache != nil {
if _error := _context.compressCache.Close (); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[53cbe28d] failed closing compression cache!")
if _context.sourcesCache != nil {
if _error := _context.sourcesCache.Close (); _error != nil {
AbortError (_error, "[7fe3692c] failed closing compression cache!")
if true {
log.Printf ("[ii] [56f63575] completed -- %0.2f min -- %d fil, %d fol, %d red, %0.2f M (%0.2f M/s) -- %d comp, %0.2f%% -- %d rec, %0.2f M\n",
time.Since (_context.progressStarted) .Minutes (),
len (_context.storedFilePaths),
len (_context.storedFolderPaths),
len (_context.storedRedirectPaths),
float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize) / 1024 / 1024,
float64 (_context.dataUncompressedSize) / 1024 / 1024 / (time.Since (_context.progressStarted) .Seconds () + 0.001),
(float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize - _context.dataCompressedSize) / float32 (_context.dataUncompressedSize) * 100),
float32 (_context.cdbWriteKeySize + _context.cdbWriteDataSize) / 1024 / 1024,
return nil
func gobMarshal (_object interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
_buffer := bytes.NewBuffer (nil)
_encoder := gob.NewEncoder (_buffer)
if _error := _encoder.Encode (_object); _error != nil {
return nil, _error
return _buffer.Bytes (), nil
func gobUnmarshal (_data []byte, _object interface{}) (error) {
_buffer := bytes.NewBuffer (_data)
_encoder := gob.NewDecoder (_buffer)
if _error := _encoder.Decode (_object); _error != nil {
return _error
return nil
//go:embed usage.txt
var usageText string
//go:embed manual.txt
var manualText string
func init () {
usageText = strings.ReplaceAll (usageText, "@{SCHEMA}", CurrentSchemaVersion)