Implement press/release tracking.
This fixes the layer-switching bug which has been so problematic on this firmware and on atreus-firmware.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 203 additions and 86 deletions
@ -11,23 +11,20 @@ A firmware for the
* Multiple layers, momentary and sticky (limited only by memory)
* Combo keys (a single keystroke can send a modifier and a non-modifier)
* Bind arbitrary Scheme functions to a key
* ~200 lines of code
* ~250 lines of code
## Usage
This currently requires Microscheme with the addition of
`vector-copy!` which at the time of this writing is only on the master branch.
Also requires [avrdude]( for uploading
to the device.
This requires [avrdude]( for uploading
to the controller on the keyboard; install with your package manager
of choice.
Replace `/dev/ttyACM0` with the path your OS assigns to the USB
bootloader of the microcontroller:
bootloader of the microcontroller (on Mac OS X sometimes it is
`/dev/cu.usbmodem1411` or similar):
$ make upload USB=/dev/ttyACM0
On Mac OS X sometimes the USB path is `/dev/cu.usbmodem1411` or similar.
Currently only the "multidvorak" layout is included.
## Development
@ -37,14 +34,13 @@ microcontroller in the keyboard using `test.rkt` which loads it up
into Racket and simulates the GPIO functions with a test harness:
$ make test
racket test.rkt
## Known bugs
Still working out some quirks with sticky layers.
If you hold the fn key, press a button (say Q) and then release fn
without releasing Q, it will send a keycode for Q rather than simply
leaving the previous fn+Q keycodes as held down.
If you hold down two keys which contain a modifier (for instance,
shift and !) and release one of them, it will count as if both are released.
## License
@ -97,9 +97,10 @@
(define (combo modifier keycode) (list (car modifier) keycode))
(define (uncombo keycode) (and (= 2 (length keycode)) (car (cdr keycode))))
(define mod-ctrl (modify #x01))
(define mod-shift (modify #x02))
(define mod-alt (modify #x04))
(define mod-super (modify #x08))
;; we're treating these a little differently; they are not literal USB values
(define mod-ctrl (modify 1))
(define mod-shift (modify 2))
(define mod-alt (modify 3))
(define mod-super (modify 4))
(define (sft keycode) (combo mod-shift keycode)) ; shorthand
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@
(define current-layer #f)
(define momentary-layer #f)
(define (fn)
(set! momentary-layer (vector-ref layers 1)))
(define (fn on?) (set! momentary-layer (and on? (vector-ref layers 1))))
(define (set-layer n)
(lambda () (set! current-layer (vector-ref layers n))))
(lambda (_) (set! current-layer (vector-ref layers n))))
(define (reset) (call-c-func "reset"))
(define (reset _) (call-c-func "reset"))
;;;; layers
@ -38,9 +37,7 @@
key-dash key-equal (sft key-9) (sft key-0) (sft key-7) mod-ctrl
key-backtick key-1 key-2 key-3 key-backslash
;; still got some bugs in layering to work out! make this reset for now
reset ;; (set-layer 2)
key-insert mod-super mod-shift key-backspace mod-alt
(set-layer 2) key-insert mod-super mod-shift key-backspace mod-alt
key-space fn key-e key-0 key-right-bracket))
(define l2-layer
@ -54,7 +51,7 @@
(set-layer 4) key-f1 key-f2 key-f3 key-f12
0 key-vol-down mod-super mod-shift key-backspace mod-alt
key-space 0 key-printscreen key-scroll-lock key-pause))
key-space (set-layer 0) key-printscreen key-scroll-lock key-pause))
(define hard-dvorak-layer
(vector key-quote key-comma key-period key-p key-y key-backslash
@ -8,6 +8,25 @@
(define max-keys 10) ; single USB frame can only send 6 keycodes plus modifiers
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; utils
(define (member v lst)
(if (null? lst)
(if (equal? v (car lst))
(member v (cdr lst)))))
(define (find-aux v x n max)
(if (= x (or (vector-ref v n) (- 0 1)))
(if (= n max)
(find-aux v x (+ n 1) max))))
(define (find v x)
(find-aux v x 0 (- (vector-length v) 1)))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; matrix
(define (offset-for row col)
@ -21,7 +40,7 @@
(define (scan-column scan row columns-left)
(if (empty? columns-left)
(if (null? columns-left)
(scan-column (scan-key scan row (car columns-left))
row (cdr columns-left))))
@ -31,7 +50,7 @@
(low (vector-ref row-pins row)))
(define (scan-matrix scan rows-left)
(if (empty? rows-left)
(if (null? rows-left)
(activate-row (car rows-left))
@ -53,46 +72,125 @@
(define (debounce-matrix)
(debounce-matrix-aux (list) debounce-passes))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; layout
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; press and release tracking
(define last-keys-down (vector 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
(define (add-last-down-aux key n)
(if (= 0 (vector-ref last-keys-down n))
(vector-set! last-keys-down n key)
(if (< n 9)
(add-last-down-aux key (+ n 1))
;; microscheme does not have a `when' form, so for compatibility with
;; racket, we must always include an else branch.
(define (remove-last-down-aux key n)
(if (< n 9)
(if (= key (vector-ref last-keys-down n))
(vector-set! last-keys-down n 0)
(remove-last-down-aux key (+ n 1)))
(define (add-last-down key) (add-last-down-aux key 0))
(define (remove-last-down key) (remove-last-down-aux key 0))
(define (remove-aux v lst checked all?)
(if (null? lst)
(reverse checked)
(if (= v (car lst))
(if all?
(remove-aux v (cdr lst) checked all?)
(reverse (append (cdr lst) checked)))
(remove-aux v (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) checked) all?))))
(define (remove v lst) (remove-aux v lst (list) #f))
(define (remove-all v lst) (remove-aux v lst (list) #t))
(define (press/release-aux press release keys-scanned)
(if (null? keys-scanned)
(cons press release)
(let ((key (car keys-scanned)))
(if (member key release)
(press/release-aux press (remove key release) (cdr keys-scanned))
(press/release-aux (cons key press) release (cdr keys-scanned))))))
(define (press/release-for keys-scanned)
(let ((p/r (press/release-aux (list)
(remove-all 0 (vector->list last-keys-down))
;; save off press/release into last-keys-down for next cycle
(for-each add-last-down (car p/r))
(for-each remove-last-down (cdr p/r))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; using press/release data to generate keycodes
(define (lookup key-pos)
(let ((layout (or momentary-layer current-layer)))
(vector-ref layout key-pos)))
(define (keycode-for key-pos keycodes)
(let ((code (lookup key-pos)))
;; (printf "keycode ~s ~s~n" code which-key)
(if (modifier? code)
(begin (vector-set! keycodes 0 (+ (vector-ref keycodes 0)
(unmodify code)))
(uncombo code))
(and (not (procedure? code)) code))))
(define modifiers (vector 0 0 0 0))
(define keycodes-down (vector 0 0 0 0 0 0))
(define (call-functions keys-scanned)
(if (empty? keys-scanned)
(let ((code (lookup (car keys-scanned))))
(and (procedure? code) (code))
(call-functions (cdr keys-scanned)))))
;; which keys caused the keycodes/modifiers to be down?
(define keys-for-modifiers (vector #f #f #f #f))
(define keys-for-frame (vector #f #f #f #f #f #f))
(define (first-zero v n)
(if (or (= 0 (vector-ref v n)) (= 6 n))
(first-zero v (+ n 1))))
(define (press-modifier keycode key)
(vector-set! modifiers (- keycode 1) 1)
;; TODO: there is one bug here: if multiple keys have caused a modifier to be
;; active, then releasing only one of the keys will release the modifier.
(vector-set! keys-for-modifiers (- keycode 1) key))
;; translate key numbers into specific USB keycodes
(define (keycodes-for keys-scanned keycodes)
;; this happens before we look up "regular" keycodes because it changes layers
(call-functions keys-scanned)
(if (empty? keys-scanned)
(vector->list keycodes)
(let ((keycode (keycode-for (car keys-scanned) keycodes)))
(and keycode
(vector-set! keycodes (first-zero keycodes 1) keycode))
(keycodes-for (cdr keys-scanned) keycodes))))
(define (release-modifier keycode key n)
(if (= (or (vector-ref keys-for-modifiers n) (- 0 1)) key)
(vector-set! modifiers n 0)
(vector-set! keys-for-modifiers n #f))
(if (< n 3)
(release-modifier keycode key (+ n 1))
(define (press-normal-key keycode key)
(let ((slot (find keycodes-down 0)))
(vector-set! keycodes-down slot keycode)
(vector-set! keys-for-frame slot key)))
(define (press-key key)
(let ((keycode (lookup key)))
(if (procedure? keycode)
(keycode #t)
(if (modifier? keycode)
(begin (press-modifier (unmodify keycode) key)
(if (uncombo keycode)
(press-normal-key (uncombo keycode) key)
(press-normal-key keycode key)))))
(define (release-key key)
(let ((keycode (lookup key)))
(if (procedure? keycode)
(keycode #f)
(let ((slot (find keys-for-frame key)))
(if slot
(vector-set! keycodes-down slot 0)
(vector-set! keys-for-frame slot 0))
(if (modifier? keycode)
(release-modifier (unmodify keycode) key 0)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; showtime
(define (set-usb-frame press/release)
(let ((press (car press/release))
(release (cdr press/release)))
(for-each press-key press)
(for-each release-key release)
(define (init)
(set! current-layer (vector-ref layers 0))
(for-each-vector output row-pins)
@ -103,15 +201,19 @@
(call-c-func "usb_init")
(pause 200))
(define (usb-send modifiers key1 key2 key3 key4 key5 key6)
(call-c-func "usb_send" modifiers key1 key2 key3 key4 key5 key6))
(define (usb-send modifiers k0 k1 k2 k3 k4 k5)
;; call-c-func is a special form and cannot be applied
(call-c-func "usb_send"
(vector-ref modifiers 0) (vector-ref modifiers 1)
(vector-ref modifiers 2) (vector-ref modifiers 3)
k0 k1 k2 k3 k4 k5))
(define (loop)
(set! momentary-layer #f)
;; scanning the matrix tells us only which physical keys were pressed and
;; how many; it doesn't tell us which keycodes to send yet.
(free! (let ((keys-scanned (debounce-matrix)))
(apply usb-send (keycodes-for keys-scanned (vector 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))))
(set-usb-frame (press/release-for keys-scanned))
(apply usb-send modifiers (vector->list keycodes-down))))
@ -18,9 +18,16 @@
(define last-usb-frame #f) ; save this off so we can test it
(define (usb-save ctrl shift alt supr . args)
(set! last-usb-frame (cons (filter symbol? (list (if (= 1 ctrl) 'ctrl 0)
(if (= 1 shift) 'shift 0)
(if (= 1 alt) 'alt 0)
(if (= 1 supr) 'super 0)))
(define (call-c-func f-name . args)
;; (printf "FFI ~s~n" args)
(set! last-usb-frame args))
(when (equal? f-name "usb_send")
(apply usb-save args)))
(define (active-row)
;; hypothetically we could have multiple active rows but we just assume one
@ -47,38 +54,48 @@
;; each test case is a pair of inputs->outputs
;; inputs are a list of keys (by offset), outputs are elements of a USB frame
`(;; single key
((3) . (0 ,key-r 0 0 0 0 0))
((3) . (() ,key-r))
;; another single key
((2) . (0 ,key-e 0 0 0 0 0))
((2) . (() ,key-e))
;; multiple normal keys
((2 3) . (0 ,key-r ,key-e 0 0 0 0))
((2 3) . (() ,key-r ,key-e))
;; modifier keys (ctrl)
((27) . (1 0 0 0 0 0 0))
((27) . ((ctrl)))
;; two modifiers (shift+ctrl) get ORed together
((27 36) . (3 0 0 0 0 0 0))
((27 36) . ((ctrl shift)))
;; modifier (shift) and normal key
((36 4) . (2 ,key-t 0 0 0 0 0))
((36 4) . ((shift) ,key-t))
;; modifier and multiple normal keys
((36 4 6) . (2 ,key-y ,key-t 0 0 0 0))
((36 4 6) . ((shift) ,key-t ,key-y))
;; fn key alone
((40) . (0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
((40) . (()))
;; fn key and normal key
((40 1) . (2 ,key-2 0 0 0 0 0))
((40 1) . ((shift) ,key-2))
;; fn key and modifier and normal key
((40 35 2) . (8 ,key-up 0 0 0 0 0))
((40 35 2) . ((super) ,key-up))
;; releasing fn should leave the previously-pressed key on the fn layer!!!
;; ((2) . (0 ,key-up 0 0 0 0 0))
((2) . (() ,key-up))
;; changing to L2 (fn+esc)
((40 33) . (0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
((40) . (()))
((40 33) . (()))
;; fn+esc should stay on L2 across multiple scans
((40 33) . (0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
((40 33) . (()))
;; release fn to disable momentary
(() . (()))
;; hitting an L2 key
;; ((1) . (0 ,key-home 0 0 0 0 0))
;; back to base (key above esc)
;; ((22) . (0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
((1) . (() ,key-home))
;; L2 two keys and mod
((36 39 18) . ((shift) ,key-f4 ,key-space))
;; back to base (fn)
((40) . (()))
;; base layer key
((2) . (0 ,key-e 0 0 0 0 0))
((2) . (() ,key-e))
;; shift combo and shift key simultaneously
((40) . (()))
((40 1 36) . ((shift) ,key-2))
((40 1) . (() ,key-2))
((40) . (()))
(() . (()))))
(define test-data (make-test-data))
@ -104,9 +121,12 @@
(vector-set! keys i
(and (member i (car test-case)) #t)))
(if (equal? (cdr test-case) last-usb-frame)
(let ((actual (cons (car last-usb-frame)
0 (cdr last-usb-frame)))))
(if (equal? (cdr test-case) actual)
(printf ".")
(fail (cdr test-case) last-usb-frame))
(fail (cdr test-case) actual)))
(set! test-data (cdr test-data))))]))
(include "menelaus.scm")
@ -337,9 +337,10 @@ int8_t usb_keyboard_send(void)
// my own wrapper, mangled to work with the PoC microsheme FFI
int16_t usb_send(int modifiers, int key0, int key1, int key2,
int16_t usb_send(int ctrl, int shift, int alt, int gui,
int key0, int key1, int key2,
int key3, int key4, int key5) {
keyboard_modifier_keys = (uint8_t) modifiers;
keyboard_modifier_keys = (uint8_t) (ctrl) | (shift<<1) | (alt<<2) | (gui<<3);
keyboard_keys[0] = (uint8_t)key0;
keyboard_keys[1] = (uint8_t)key1;
keyboard_keys[2] = (uint8_t)key2;
Reference in a new issue