sway: arreglar lock sin path

This commit is contained in:
Cat /dev/Nulo 2023-02-11 12:57:34 -03:00
parent 0ef024c147
commit 7e522b36ee
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ output * background "/home/diablo/Pictures/Sync Pictures/Wosito Wallpapers/conta
# Example configuration:
exec swayidle -w \
timeout 420 'lock' \
timeout 420 '~/.local/bin/lock' \
timeout 600 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"' \
before-sleep 'lock'
bindsym $mod+p exec lock
bindsym $mod+Shift+p exec "lock && doas su -c 'echo mem > /sys/power/state'"
before-sleep '~/.local/bin/lock'
bindsym $mod+p exec ~/.local/bin/lock
bindsym $mod+Shift+p exec "~/.local/bin/lock && doas su -c 'echo mem > /sys/power/state'"
### Input configuration