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# Userspace: sharing code between keymaps
If you use more than one keyboard with a similar keymap, you might see the benefit in being able to share code between them. Create your own folder in `users/` named the same as your keymap (ideally your github username, `<name>`) with the following structure:
* `/users/<name>/` (added to the path automatically)
* `readme.md`
* `rules.mk` (included automatically)
* `<name>.h` (optional)
* `<name>.c` (optional)
`<name>.c` will need to be added to the SRC in `rules.mk` like this:
SRC += <name>.c
Additional files may be added in the same way - it's recommended you have one named `<name>`.c/.h though.
All this only happens when you build a keymap named `<name>`, like this:
make planck:<name>
For example,
make planck:jack
Will include the `/users/jack/` folder in the path, along with `/users/jack/rules.mk`.
## Readme
Please include authorship (your name, github username, email), and optionally [a license that's GPL compatible](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#GPLCompatibleLicenses).
## Example
For a brief example, checkout `/users/_example/` until we have more reasonable and useful examples.