#pragma once #define PRODUCT_ID 0xAEC1 #define PRODUCT Adelais En Ciel #define MATRIX_ROW_PINS { B1, A0, C13, A1, A2} #define MATRIX_COL_PINS { A10, A9, A8, B15, B14, B13, B12, B11, B10, B8, B4, B5, B3, C14, A15 } #define UNUSED_PINS #define RGB_DI_PIN A7 #define DRIVER_LED_TOTAL 91 #define RGB_MATRIX_KEYPRESSES // reacts to keypresses #define RGB_MATRIX_KEYRELEASES // reacts to keyreleases (instead of keypresses) #define RGB_MATRIX_FRAMEBUFFER_EFFECTS #define RGB_DISABLE_AFTER_TIMEOUT 0 // number of ticks to wait until disabling effects // #define RGB_DISABLE_WHEN_USB_SUSPENDED // turn off effects when suspended #define RGB_MATRIX_LED_FLUSH_LIMIT 16 // limits in milliseconds how frequently an animation will update the LEDs. 16 (16ms) is equivalent to limiting to 60fps (increases keyboard responsiveness) #define RGB_MATRIX_MAXIMUM_BRIGHTNESS 220 // limits maximum brightness of LEDs to 200 out of 255. If not defined maximum brightness is set to 255 #define RGB_MATRIX_STARTUP_MODE RGB_MATRIX_CYCLE_PINWHEEL // Sets the default mode, if none has been set