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RIVERCTL(1) "github.com/ifreund/river" "General Commands Manual"
riverctl - Command-line interface for controlling river
*riverctl* _command_ [_command specific arguments_]
*riverctl* is a command-line interface inspired by bspc from bspwm used to
control and configure river.
Close the focused view.
*csd-filter-add* _app-id_
Add an app-id to the CSD filter list. Windows with this app-id are
allowed to use client side decoration instead of the default server
side decoration.
Exit the compositor, terminating the Wayland session.
*float-filter-add* _app-id_
Add an app-id to the float filter list. Windows with this app-id will
start floating.
*focus-output* *next*|*previous*
Focus next or previous output.
*focus-view* *next*|*previous*
Focus next or previous view in the stack.
2020-06-13 12:43:12 +00:00
*layout* *full*|_command_
Provide a command which river will use for generating the layout of
non-floating windows on the currently focused output. See
*river-layouts*(7) for details on the expected formatting of the output
of layout commands. Alternatively, “full” can be given instead of a
2020-06-13 12:43:12 +00:00
command to cause river to use its single internal layout, in which
windows span the entire width and height of the output.
*mod-master-count* _integer_
Increase or decrease the number of master views. _integer_ can be
positive or negative.
*mod-master-factor* _float_
Make the master area bigger or smaller. _float_ is a positive or
negative floating point number (such as 0.05) where 1 corresponds to
the whole screen.
*move* *up*|*down*|*left*|*right* _delta_
Move the focused view in the specified direction by _delta_. The view
will be set to floating.
*resize* *horizontal*|*vertical* _delta_
Resize the view in the given orientation by _delta_. The view will be
set to floating.
*snap* *up*|*down*|*left*|*right*
Snap the view to the specified screen edge. The view will be set to
*send-to-output* *next*|*previous*
Send the focused view to the next or the previous output.
*spawn* _shell_command_
Run _shell_command_ using _/bin/sh -c_. Put single quotes around
_shell_command_ if you do not want special characters to get
interpreted by your shell before the command gets passed to _/bin/sh_.
2020-10-25 11:41:19 +00:00
*swap* *next*|*previous*
Swap the focused window with the next/previous visible non-floating
window. When the focused view is the first view there is no previous
view. In this case *previous* swaps with the last view. *next* behaves
2020-10-25 11:41:19 +00:00
If the focused view is floating, make it tiled. If it is tiled, make it
2020-06-28 23:50:26 +00:00
Toggle the fullscreen state of the focused view.
Bump the focused view to the top of the layout stack to make it the new
Tags are similar to workspaces but more flexible. You can assign views multiple
tags and focus multiple tags simultaneously. Bitfields are used to describe
sets of tags when interfacing with river. As such, the following commands
take a normal base 10 number as their argument but the semantics are best
understood in binary. The binary number 000000001 represents a set containing
only tag 1 while 100001101 represents a set containing tags 1, 3, 4, and 9.
At least one tag must always be focused and each view must be assigned at
least one tag. Operations that would violate either of these requirements
are ignored by river.
*set-focused-tags* _tags_
Show views with tags corresponding to the set bits of _tags_ on the
currently focused output.
*set-view-tags* _tags_
Assign the currently focused view the tags corresponding to the set
bits of _tags_.
*toggle-focused-tags* _tags_
Toggle visibility of views with tags corresponding to the set bits
of _tags_ on the currently focused output.
*toggle-view-tags* _tags_
Toggle the tags of the currently focused view corresponding to the
set bits of _tags_.
2020-08-17 21:13:16 +00:00
*attach-mode* *top*|*bottom*
Configure where new views should attach in the view stack for the
currently focused output.
2020-08-17 21:13:16 +00:00
*background-color* _#RRGGBB_|_#RRGGBBAA_
Set the background color.
*border-color-focused* _#RRGGBB_|_#RRGGBBAA_
Set the border color of focused views.
*border-color-unfocused* _#RRGGBB_|_#RRGGBBAA_
Set the border color of unfocused views.
*border-width* _pixels_
Set the border width to _pixels_.
*declare-mode* _name_
Create a new mode called _name_ for use in mappings.
*enter-mode* _name_
Switch to given mode if it exits.
*focus-follows-cursor* *disabled*|*normal*|*strict*
When _disabled_ moving the cursor will not influence the focus. This is
the default setting. If set to _normal_ moving the cursor over a window
will focus that window. The focus still can be changed and moving the
cursor within the (now unfocused) window will not change the focus to
that window but let the currently focused window in focus. When set to
_strict_ this is not the case. The focus will be updated on every
cursor movement.
2020-09-14 22:38:50 +00:00
When the to be focused view is on another output than the currently
focused output the view's output is focused.
2020-09-15 11:46:08 +00:00
*map* [-release] _mode_ _modifiers_ _key_ _command_
_mode_ is either "normal" (the default mode), "locked" (the mode
entered when an input inhibitor such as a lock screen is active) or a
mode created with *declare-mode*. If _-release_ is specified the
mapping is executed on key release rather than key press. _modifiers_
is a list of one or more of the following modifiers separated with a
plus sign:
- Shift
- Lock (Caps lock)
- Control (Ctrl)
- Mod1 (Alt)
- Mod2
- Mod3
- Mod4 (Super, Logo, Windows)
- Mod5
_key_ is an XKB key name. See
_/usr/include/xkbcommon/xkbcommon-keysyms.h_ for a list of special key
names. _command_ can be any of the above commands.
A mapping without modifiers can be created by using "None" as sole
*map-pointer* _mode_ _modifiers_ _button_ _action_
_mode_ and _modifiers_ are the same as for *map*.
_button_ is the name of a linux input event code. The most commonly
used values are:
- BTN_LEFT - left mouse button
- BTN_RIGHT - right mouse button
- BTN_MIDDLE - middle mouse button
A complete list may be found in _/usr/include/linux/input-event-codes.h_
_action_ is one of the following values:
- move-view
- resize-view
*opacity* _focused-opacity_ _unfocused-opacity_ _starting-opacity_ _opacity-step_ _opacity-delta-t_
Set the server side opacity of views.
_focused-opacity_ sets the opacity of the focused window,
_unfocused-opacity_ the opacity of every unfocused window while
_starting-opacity_ sets the opacity a window will have at startup
before immediately transitioning to either the focused or unfocused
opacity. These settings require a floating point number from 0.0 (fully
transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque).
Opacity transitions can be animated. _opacity-step_ sets the amount the
opacity should be increased or decreased per step of the transition. It
requires a floating point number from 0.05 to 1.0. If set to 1.0,
animations are disabled. _opacity-delta-t_ sets the time between the
transition steps in milliseconds.
*outer-padding* _pixels_
Set the padding around the edge of the screen to _pixels_.
2020-11-18 14:28:33 +00:00
*set-repeat* _rate_ _delay_
Set the keyboard repeat rate to _rate_ key repeats per second and
repeat delay to _delay_ milliseconds.
2020-10-23 22:59:40 +00:00
*unmap* [-release] _mode_ _modifiers_ _key_
Removes the mapping defined by the arguments *-release*, *modifiers*
and *key* from *mode*. See *map* for an explanation of the arguments.
2020-10-23 22:59:40 +00:00
2020-10-24 07:19:51 +00:00
*unmap-pointer* _mode_ _modifiers_ _button_
Removes the mapping defined by the arguments *modifiers* and *button*
from *mode*. See *map-pointer* for an explanation of the arguments.
2020-10-24 07:19:51 +00:00
*view-padding* _pixels_
Set the padding around the edge of each view to _pixels_.
*xcursor-theme* _theme_name_ [_size_]
Set the xcursor theme to _theme_name_ and optionally set the _size_.
The theme of the default seat determines the default for XWayland and
made available through the _XCURSOR_THEME_ and _XCURSOR_SIZE_
environment variables.
Bind bemenu-run to Super+P:
riverctl map normal Mod4 P spawn bemenu-run
See _contrib/config.sh_ for some basic keybindings.
2020-11-11 19:44:41 +00:00
Maintained by Isaac Freund <ifreund@ifreund.xyz> who is assisted by open
source contributors. For more information about river's development, see
*river*(1), *river-layouts*(7), *rivertile*(1)