completions/zsh: add input commands

This commit is contained in:
novakane 2021-06-14 12:26:59 +02:00 committed by Isaac Freund
parent f3024d9198
commit db35f700a8

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@ -1,90 +1,147 @@
#compdef riverctl #compdef riverctl
# Completion script for riverctl, part of river <>
local -a riverctl_subcommands
_riverctl() { riverctl_subcommands=(
# Actions
'close:Close the focused view'
'csd-filter-add:Add app-id to the CSD filter list'
'exit:Exit the compositor, terminating the Wayland session'
'float-filter-add:Add app-id to the float filter list'
'focus-output:Focus the next or previous output'
'focus-view:Focus the next or previous view in the stack'
'move:Move the focused view in the specified direction'
'resize:Resize the focused view along the given axis'
'snap:Snap the focused view to the specified screen edge'
'send-to-output:Send the focused view to the next or the previous output'
'spawn:Run shell_command using /bin/sh -c'
'swap:Swap the focused view with the next/previous visible non-floating view'
'toggle-float:Toggle the floating state of the focused view'
'toggle-fullscreen:Toggle the fullscreen state of the focused view'
'zoom:Bump the focused view to the top of the layout stack'
'default-layout:Set the layout namespace to be used by all outputs by default.'
'output-layout:Set the layout namespace of currently focused output.'
'set-layout-value:Set the value with name _name_ of the layout on the focused output with matching namespace.'
'mod-layout-value:Modify the value with name _name_ of the layout on the focused output with matching namespace.'
# Tag management
'set-focused-tags:Show views with tags corresponding to the set bits of tags'
'set-view-tags:Assign the currently focused view the tags corresponding to the set bits of tags'
'toggle-focused-tags:Toggle visibility of views with tags corresponding to the set bits of tags'
'toggle-view-tags:Toggle the tags of the currently focused view'
'spawn-tagmask:Set a tagmask to filter the tags assigned to newly spawned views on the focused output'
# Mappings
'declare-mode:Create a new mode'
'enter-mode:Switch to given mode if it exists'
'map:Run command when key is pressed while modifiers are held down and in the specified mode'
'map-pointer:Move or resize views when button and modifiers are held down while in the specified mode'
'unmap:Remove the mapping defined by the arguments'
'unmap-pointer:Remove the pointer mapping defined by the arguments'
# Configuration
'attach-mode:Configure where new views should attach to the view stack'
'background-color:Set the background color'
'border-color-focused:Set the border color of focused views'
'border-color-unfocused:Set the border color of unfocused views'
'border-width:Set the border width to pixels'
'focus-follows-cursor:Configure the focus behavior when moving cursor'
'opacity:Configure server-side opacity of views'
'set-repeat:Set the keyboard repeat rate and repeat delay'
'xcursor-theme:Set the xcursor theme'
# Input
'input:Configure input devices'
'list-inputs:List all input devices'
'list-input-configs:List all input configurations'
_next_prev() { _alternative 'arguments:args:(next previous)' } _describe -t command 'command' riverctl_subcommands
_orientations() { _alternative 'arguments:args:(up down left right)' }
_hor_ver() { _alternative 'arguments:args:(horizontal vertical)' }
_attach() { _alternative 'arguments:args:(top bottom)' }
_focus_cursor() { _alternative 'arguments:args:(disabled normal strict)' }
_river_opts() { _alternative 'arguments:args:(-output -focused-output)' }
local -a _cmds
# Actions
'close:Close the focused view'
'csd-filter-add:Add app-id to the CSD filter list'
'exit:Exit the compositor, terminating the Wayland session'
'float-filter-add:Add app-id to the float filter list'
'focus-output:Focus the next or previous output'
'focus-view:Focus the next or previous view in the stack'
'move:Move the focused view in the specified direction'
'resize:Resize the focused view along the given axis'
'snap:Snap the focused view to the specified screen edge'
'send-to-output:Send the focused view to the next or the previous output'
'spawn:Run shell_command using /bin/sh -c'
'swap:Swap the focused view with the next/previous visible non-floating view'
'toggle-float:Toggle the floating state of the focused view'
'toggle-fullscreen:Toggle the fullscreen state of the focused view'
'zoom:Bump the focused view to the top of the layout stack'
'default-layout:Set the layout namespace to be used by all outputs by default.'
'output-layout:Set the layout namespace of currently focused output.'
'set-layout-value:Set the value with name _name_ of the layout on the focused output with matching namespace.'
'mod-layout-value:Modify the value with name _name_ of the layout on the focused output with matching namespace.'
# Tag management
'set-focused-tags:Show views with tags corresponding to the set bits of tags'
'set-view-tags:Assign the currently focused view the tags corresponding to the set bits of tags'
'toggle-focused-tags:Toggle visibility of views with tags corresponding to the set bits of tags'
'toggle-view-tags:Toggle the tags of the currently focused view'
'spawn-tagmask:Set a tagmask to filter the tags assigned to newly spawned views on the focused output'
# Mappings
'declare-mode:Create a new mode'
'enter-mode:Switch to given mode if it exists'
'map:Run command when key is pressed while modifiers are held down and in the specified mode'
'map-pointer:Move or resize views when button and modifiers are held down while in the specified mode'
'unmap:Remove the mapping defined by the arguments'
'unmap-pointer:Remove the pointer mapping defined by the arguments'
# Configuration
'attach-mode:Configure where new views should attach to the view stack'
'background-color:Set the background color'
'border-color-focused:Set the border color of focused views'
'border-color-unfocused:Set the border color of unfocused views'
'border-width:Set the border width to pixels'
'focus-follows-cursor:Configure the focus behavior when moving cursor'
'opacity:Configure server-side opacity of views'
'set-repeat:Set the keyboard repeat rate and repeat delay'
'xcursor-theme:Set the xcursor theme'
local -A opt_args
_arguments -C '*:: :->_cmds'
if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
_describe -t commands "commands" _cmds
case "$words[1]" in
focus-output) _next_prev ;;
focus-view) _next_prev ;;
move) _orientations ;;
resize) _hor_ver ;;
snap) _orientations ;;
send-to-output) _next_prev ;;
swap) _next_prev ;;
map) _alternative 'arguments:optional:(-release)' ;;
unmap) _alternative 'arguments:optional:(-release)' ;;
attach-mode) _attach ;;
focus-follows-cursor) _focus_cursor ;;
get-option) _river_opts ;;
set-option) _river_opts ;;
unset-option) _river_opts ;;
mod-option) _river_opts ;;
*) return 0 ;;
return 1
} }
local -a input_subcommands
'events:Configure whether the input devices events will be used by river'
'accel-profile:Set the pointer acceleration profile'
'pointer-accel:Set the pointer acceleration factor'
'click-method:Set the click method'
'drag:Enable or disable the tap-and-drag functionality'
'drag-lock:Enable or disable the drag lock functionality'
'disable-while-typing:Enable or disable the disable-while-typing functionality'
'middle-emulation:Enable or disable the middle click emulation functionality'
'natural-scroll:Enable or disable the natural scroll functionality'
'left-handed:Enable or disable the left handed mode'
'tap:Enable or disable the tap functionality'
'tap-button-map:Configure the button mapping for tapping'
'scroll-method:Set the scroll method'
'scroll-button:Set the scroll button'
_describe -t command 'command' input_subcommands
local state
_arguments \
'1: :->commands' \
'*:: :->args'
case $state in
commands) _alternative 'common-commands:common:_riverctl_input_subcommands' ;;
case "$words[1]" in
events) _alternative 'input-cmds:args:(enabled disabled disabled-on-external-mouse)' ;;
accel-profile) _alternative 'input-cmds:args:(none flat adaptive)' ;;
click-method) _alternative 'input-cmds:args:(none button-area clickfinger)' ;;
drag) _alternative 'input-cmds:args:(enabled disabled)' ;;
drag-lock) _alternative 'input-cmds:args:(enabled disabled)' ;;
disable-while-typing) _alternative 'input-cmds:args:(enabled disabled)' ;;
middle-emulation) _alternative 'input-cmds:args:(enabled disabled)' ;;
natural-scroll) _alternative 'input-cmds:args:(enabled disabled)' ;;
left-handed) _alternative 'input-cmds:args:(enabled disabled)' ;;
tap) _alternative 'input-cmds:args:(enabled disabled)' ;;
tap-button-map) _alternative 'input-cmds:args:(left-right-middle left-middle-right)' ;;
scroll-method) _alternative 'input-cmds:args:(none two-finger edge button)' ;;
*) return 0 ;;
local state
_arguments \
'1: :->commands' \
'*:: :->args'
case $state in
commands) _alternative 'common-commands:common:_riverctl_subcommands' ;;
case "$words[1]" in
focus-output) _alternative 'arguments:args:(next previous)' ;;
focus-view) _alternative 'arguments:args:(next previous)' ;;
input) _riverctl_input ;;
move) _alternative 'arguments:args:(up down left right)' ;;
resize) _alternative 'arguments:args:(horizontal vertical)' ;;
snap) _alternative 'arguments:args:(up down left right)' ;;
send-to-output) _alternative 'arguments:args:(next previous)' ;;
swap) _alternative 'arguments:args:(next previous)' ;;
map) _alternative 'arguments:optional:(-release)' ;;
unmap) _alternative 'arguments:optional:(-release)' ;;
attach-mode) _alternative 'arguments:args:(top bottom)' ;;
focus-follows-cursor) _alternative 'arguments:args:(disabled normal strict)' ;;
*) return 0 ;;
_riverctl "$@"