## Contributing to river Contributing is a simple as opening a pull request on github. You'll likely have more success with your contribution if you visit [#river](https://webchat.freenode.net/#river) on chat.freenode.net to discuss your plans first. ## Commit messages Please take the time to write a good commit message, having a clean git history makes maintaining and contributing to river easier. Commit messages should start with a prefix indicating what part of river is affected by the change, followed by a brief summary. For example: ``` build: scan river-status protocol ``` or ``` river-status: send view_tags on view map/unmap ``` In addition to the summary, feel free to add any other details you want preceded by a blank line. A good rule of thumb is that anything you would write in a pull request description on github has a place in the commit message as well. For further details regarding commit style and git history see [weston's contributing guidelines](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/weston/-/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#formatting-and-separating-commits). ## Coding style Please follow the [Zig Style Guide](https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/#Style-Guide) and run `zig fmt` before every commit. With regards to line length, consider 100 characters to be a hard upper limit and 80 or less to be the goal. Note that inserting a trailing comma after the last parameter in function calls, struct declarations, etc. will cause `zig fmt` to wrap those lines. I highly recommend configuring your editor to run `zig fmt` on write. On a higher level, prioritize simplicity of code over nearly everything else. Performance is only a valid reason for code complexity if there are profiling results to back it up which demonstrate a significant benefit.