Isaac Freund 20d804cdb5 code: switch to custom wlroots/libwayland bindings
This is a big step up over @cImport() for ergonomics and type safety.
Nearly all void pointer casts have been eliminated!
2020-12-13 22:53:33 +01:00

13 lines
410 B

[submodule "deps/zig-wayland"]
path = deps/zig-wayland
url = https://github.com/ifreund/zig-wayland
[submodule "deps/zig-pixman"]
path = deps/zig-pixman
url = https://github.com/ifreund/zig-pixman
[submodule "deps/zig-xkbcommon"]
path = deps/zig-xkbcommon
url = https://github.com/ifreund/zig-xkbcommon
[submodule "deps/zig-wlroots"]
path = deps/zig-wlroots
url = https://github.com/swaywm/zig-wlroots