evaluate-commands %sh{ base=rgb:faf4ed surface=rgb:fffaf3 overlay=rgb:f2e9de inactive=rgb:9893a5 subtle=rgb:6e6a86 text=rgb:575279 love=rgb:b4637a gold=rgb:ea9d34 rose=rgb:d7827e pine=rgb:286983 foam=rgb:56949f iris=rgb:907aa9 highlight=rgb:eee9e6 highlightInactive=rgb:f2ede9 highlightOverlay=rgb:e4dfde ## code echo " face global value ${iris} face global type ${iris} face global identifier ${subtle} face global string ${gold} face global keyword ${pine} face global operator default face global attribute ${subtle} face global comment ${subtle}+i face global meta ${foam} face global builtin ${foam}+b face global variable ${rose} face global module ${foam} face global function ${foam} " ## markup echo " face global title ${foam}+b face global header ${foam}+b face global bold ${gold}+b face global italic ${iris} face global mono ${rose} face global block ${pine} face global link ${love} face global bullet ${rose} face global list ${rose} " ## builtin echo " face global Default ${text},${base} face global PrimarySelection default,${highlight} # We should use highlightInactive, however it makes it hard to notice the selection and inactive selections are important in Kakoune! face global SecondarySelection default,${overlay} face global PrimaryCursor ${base},${text} face global SecondaryCursor default,${inactive} face global LineNumbers ${overlay},${base} face global LineNumberCursor ${gold},${base} face global MenuForeground ${base},${foam} face global MenuBackground ${text},${overlay} face global MenuInfo ${overlay} face global Information ${text},${overlay} face global Error ${base},${love} face global StatusLine ${text},${surface} face global StatusLineMode ${rose} face global StatusLineInfo ${foam} face global StatusLineValue ${pine} face global StatusCursor ${base},${text} face global Prompt ${foam},${surface} face global MatchingChar default+u face global BufferPadding ${inactive},${base} face global Whitespace ${inactive}+f " }