import { EditorState, Plugin } from "prosemirror-state"; import { Decoration, DecorationSet } from "prosemirror-view"; import { h } from "./utils"; export function uploadFile(file: File): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject("TODO: implementar subidas"); }); } export const placeholderPlugin = new Plugin({ state: { init(): DecorationSet { return DecorationSet.empty; }, apply(tr, set: DecorationSet) { // Adjust decoration positions to changes made by the transaction set =, tr.doc); // See if the transaction adds or removes any placeholders let action = tr.getMeta(this); if (action && action.add) { let widgetEl = h("div", { class: "ProseMirror-placeholder" }, [ "Subiendo archivo...", ]); let deco = Decoration.widget(action.add.pos, widgetEl, { id:, }); set = set.add(tr.doc, [deco]); } else if (action && action.remove) { set = set.remove( set.find(undefined, undefined, (spec) => == ); } return set; }, }, props: { decorations(state) { return this.getState(state); }, }, }); export function findPlaceholder(state: EditorState, id: any): number | null { const decos = placeholderPlugin.getState(state); const found = decos?.find(undefined, undefined, (spec) => == id); return found?.length ? found[0].from : null; }