parsear fechas de títulos y usar para todo

This commit is contained in:
Cat /dev/Nulo 2023-03-09 11:09:27 -03:00
parent 647f77b266
commit 60c0a04fc9
1 changed files with 82 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import {
} from "@nulo/html.js";
const execFile = promisify(execFileCallback);
@ -26,6 +28,13 @@ const execFile = promisify(execFileCallback);
const reader = new commonmark.Parser({ smart: true });
const writer = new commonmark.HtmlRenderer({ safe: false, smart: true });
const dateFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("es-AR", {
weekday: "long",
day: "numeric",
month: "long",
year: "numeric",
const wikilinkExp = /\[\[(.+?)\]\]/giu;
const compilers: {
@ -85,7 +94,7 @@ async function compileFile(name: string) {
async function compilePage(config: Config, sourceFileName: string) {
const name = basename(sourceFileName, extname(sourceFileName));
const isIndex = name === "index";
const title = isIndex ? "" : name;
const title = isIndex ? "" : formatTitleToPlainText(name);
const fileConnections = connections.filter(({ linked }) => linked === name);
const contentHtml = await compileContentHtml(config, sourceFileName);
@ -94,7 +103,7 @@ async function compilePage(config: Config, sourceFileName: string) {
...generateHead(title, name),
? []
: generateHeader(title, sourceFileName, fileConnections.length > 0)),
: generateHeader(name, sourceFileName, fileConnections.length > 0)),
@ -185,15 +194,78 @@ function generateHead(titlee: string, outputName: string): Renderable[] {
function formatDate(dateish: Dateish): string {
const date = new Date(dateish.year, dateish.month - 1,;
return dateFormatter.format(date);
interface Dateish {
year: number;
month: number;
day: number;
interface TitleMetadata {
// title puede tener length == 0 y por lo tanto ser falseish
title: string;
date?: Dateish;
function parseTitle(name: string): TitleMetadata {
const titleWithDate =
/^((?<year>\d{4})-(?<month>\d{2})-(?<day>\d{2}))? ?(?<title>.*)$/;
const found = name.match(titleWithDate);
if (!found || !found.groups) throw new Error("Algo raro pasó");
const { title } = found.groups;
const date =
(found.groups.year && {
year: parseInt(found.groups.year),
month: parseInt(found.groups.month),
day: parseInt(,
}) ||
return { title, date };
// formatTitle formattea un title para ser mostrado.
// si existe una date pero no un titulo (por ejemplo, un archivo tipo ``) usa la fecha como título.
// si si existe un titulo, la pone como date para ponerse en un subtitulo o entre paréntesis
function formatTitle(title: TitleMetadata): { title: string; date?: string } {
if (title.title) {
let date: string | undefined;
if ( date = formatDate(;
return { title: title.title, date };
} else {
if ( {
const date = formatDate(;
// no le digan a la policía del unicode!
return { title: date[0].toUpperCase() + date.slice(1) };
} else {
throw new Error("Imposible: TitleMetadata totalmente vacío");
function formatTitleToPlainText(title: string): string {
const formattedTitle = formatTitle(parseTitle(title));
return (
formattedTitle.title +
( ? ` (${})` : "")
function generateHeader(
title: string,
name: string,
sourceCodePath: string,
linkConexiones = false
): Renderable[] {
const formattedTitle = formatTitle(parseTitle(name));
return [
a({ href: "." }, "☚ Volver al inicio"),
...( ? [p(] : []),
href: `${sourceCodePath}`,
@ -215,11 +287,7 @@ function generateConnectionsSection(
{ id: "conexiones" },
h2(`⥆ Conexiones (${fileConnections.length})`),
ul({ linker }) =>
li(a({ href: internalLink(linker) }, linker))
ul({ linker }) => li(internalLink(linker))))
: [];
@ -234,7 +302,7 @@ async function compilePageList(config: Config, pageList: string[]) {
.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, "es", { sensitivity: "base" }))
.map((name) => li(a({ href: internalLink(name) }, name)))
.map((name) => li(internalLink(name)))
await writeFile(outputPath, html);
@ -277,7 +345,7 @@ function renderMarkdown(markdown: string) {
async function hackilyTransformHtml(html: string): Promise<string> {
html = html
.replaceAll("<a h", '<a rel="noopener noreferrer" h')
.replaceAll(wikilinkExp, (_, l) => render(a({ href: internalLink(l) }, l)));
.replaceAll(wikilinkExp, (_, l) => render(internalLink(l)));
for (const [match, archivo] of html.matchAll(
/<nulo-sitio-reemplazar-con archivo="(.+?)" \/>/g
)) {
@ -290,6 +358,7 @@ async function hackilyTransformHtml(html: string): Promise<string> {
// Linking
// ==============================================
function internalLink(path: string) {
return encodeURI(`./${path}.html`);
function internalLink(path: string): VirtualElement {
const href = encodeURI(`./${path}.html`);
return a({ href }, formatTitleToPlainText(path));