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synced 2024-11-15 02:21:39 +00:00
190 lines
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190 lines
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// @ts-check
import { mkdir, open } from "node:fs/promises";
import { Agent, fetch } from "undici";
import { join, normalize } from "node:path";
import { pipeline } from "node:stream/promises";
// lista de dominios que permitimos usar http: porque tienen HTTPS roto..
const brokenHttps = [
"datos.mindef.gov.ar", // cert para otro dominio
"datos.energia.gob.ar", // cert para otro dominio
"datos.minem.gob.ar", // vencido 2022-17-06
"datos.agroindustria.gob.ar", // vencido 2022-03-10
"andino.siu.edu.ar", // self signed, igual parece que todo tira 404 en este..
"datos.salud.gob.ar", // timeout en HTTPS
"datos.jus.gob.ar", // HTTPS redirige incorrectamente a URLs inexistentes
"www.hidro.gob.ar", // no HTTPS
// FYI: al menos los siguientes dominios no tienen la cadena completa de certificados en HTTPS. tenemos que usar un hack (node_extra_ca_certs_mozilla_bundle) para conectarnos a estos sitios. (se puede ver con ssllabs.com) ojalá lxs administradorxs de estos servidores lo arreglen.
// www.enargas.gov.ar, transparencia.enargas.gov.ar, www.energia.gob.ar, www.economia.gob.ar, datos.yvera.gob.ar
const dispatcher = new Agent({
pipelining: 10,
maxRedirections: 20,
class StatusCodeError extends Error {
* @param {number} code
constructor(code) {
super(`Status code: ${code}`);
this.code = code;
const outputPath = process.argv[2];
if (!outputPath) {
console.error("Especificamente el output porfa");
await mkdir(outputPath, { recursive: true });
// Leer JSON de stdin
const json = await process.stdin.toArray();
const jsonString = json.join("");
/** @type {{ dataset: Dataset[] }} */
const parsed = JSON.parse(jsonString);
const jobs = parsed.dataset.flatMap((dataset) =>
dataset.distribution.map((dist) => ({ dataset, dist })),
// forma barrani de distribuir carga entre servidores
const totalJobs = jobs.length;
let nFinished = 0;
const duplicated = hasDuplicates(
jobs.map((j) => `${j.dataset.identifier}/${j.dist.identifier}`),
if (duplicated) {
"ADVERTENCIA: ¡encontré duplicados! es posible que se pisen archivos entre si",
const greens = Array(128)
.map(() =>
(async () => {
let job;
while ((job = jobs.pop())) {
const { dataset, dist } = job;
request: do {
try {
await downloadDist(dataset, dist);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof StatusCodeError) {
// algunos servidores usan 403 como coso para decir "calmate"
if (error.code === 403) {
`debug: reintentando ${dist.downloadURL} porque tiró 403`,
await wait(15000);
continue request;
error = error.toString();
`error: Failed to download URL ${dist.downloadURL} (${dataset.identifier}/${dist.identifier}):`,
if (!(error instanceof StatusCodeError)) continue request;
} finally {
} while (0);
const interval = setInterval(() => {
console.info(`info: ${nFinished}/${totalJobs} done`);
}, 15000);
await Promise.all(greens);
* @argument {Dataset} dataset
* @argument {Distribution} dist
async function downloadDist(dataset, dist) {
const url = new URL(dist.downloadURL);
// Siempre usar HTTPS excepto cuando está roto
if (brokenHttps.includes(url.host)) {
url.protocol = "http:";
// console.debug(url);
} else url.protocol = "https:";
const res = await fetch(url.toString(), {
if (res.status >= 400) {
throw new StatusCodeError(res.status);
const fileDirPath = join(
await mkdir(fileDirPath, { recursive: true });
const filePath = join(
sanitizeSuffix(dist.fileName || dist.identifier),
const outputFile = await open(filePath, "w");
if (!res.body) throw new Error("no body");
await pipeline(res.body, outputFile.createWriteStream());
/** @typedef {object} Dataset
* @prop {string} identifier
* @prop {Distribution[]} distribution
/** @typedef {object} Distribution
* @prop {string} identifier
* @prop {string} fileName
* @prop {string} downloadURL
// https://security.stackexchange.com/a/123723
* @argument {string} path
function sanitizeSuffix(path) {
return normalize(path).replace(/^(\.\.(\/|\\|$))+/, "");
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/7376645
* @argument {any[]} array
function hasDuplicates(array) {
return new Set(array).size !== array.length;
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/12646864
* @argument {any[]} array
function shuffleArray(array) {
for (var i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
var temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;
* @argument {number} ms
function wait(ms) {
if (ms < 0) return Promise.resolve();
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));