// @ts-check import { mkdir, open, writeFile } from "node:fs/promises"; import { Agent, fetch, request, setGlobalDispatcher } from "undici"; import { join, normalize } from "node:path"; import pLimit from "p-limit"; // FYI: al menos los siguientes dominios no tienen la cadena completa de certificados en HTTPS. tenemos que usar un hack (node_extra_ca_certs_mozilla_bundle) para conectarnos a estos sitios. (se puede ver con ssllabs.com) ojalá lxs administradorxs de estos servidores lo arreglen. // www.enargas.gov.ar, transparencia.enargas.gov.ar, www.energia.gob.ar, www.economia.gob.ar, datos.yvera.gob.ar setGlobalDispatcher( new Agent({ pipelining: 0, }) ); /** key es host * @type {Map} */ const limiters = new Map(); const nThreads = process.env.N_THREADS ? parseInt(process.env.N_THREADS) : 8; class StatusCodeError extends Error { /** * @param {number} code */ constructor(code) { super(`Status code: ${code}`); this.code = code; } } class TooManyRedirectsError extends Error {} const jsonUrls = process.argv.slice(2); if (jsonUrls.length < 1) { console.error("Especificamente el url al json porfa"); process.exit(1); } for (const url of jsonUrls) downloadFromData(url).catch((error) => console.error(`${url} FALLÓ CON`, error) ); /** * @param {string} jsonUrlString */ async function downloadFromData(jsonUrlString) { const jsonUrl = new URL(jsonUrlString); const outputPath = jsonUrl.host; await mkdir(outputPath, { recursive: true }); const errorFile = ( await open(join(outputPath, "errors.jsonl"), "w") ).createWriteStream(); try { const jsonRes = await fetch(jsonUrl); // prettier-ignore const parsed = /** @type {{ dataset: Dataset[] }} */(await jsonRes.json()) await writeFile(join(outputPath, "data.json"), JSON.stringify(parsed)); /** @type {DownloadJob[]} */ const jobs = parsed.dataset.flatMap((dataset) => dataset.distribution .filter((dist) => { try { patchUrl(new URL(dist.downloadURL)); return true; } catch (error) { errorFile.write( JSON.stringify({ url: dist.downloadURL, ...encodeError(error), }) + "\n" ); return false; } }) .map((dist) => ({ dataset, dist, url: patchUrl(new URL(dist.downloadURL)), outputPath, attempts: 0, })) ); const totalJobs = jobs.length; let nFinished = 0; let nErrors = 0; // por las dudas verificar que no hayan archivos duplicados chequearIdsDuplicados(jobs); shuffleArray(jobs); const promises = jobs.map((job) => { let limit = limiters.get(job.url.host); if (!limit) { limit = pLimit(nThreads); limiters.set(job.url.host, limit); } return limit(async () => { try { await downloadDistWithRetries(job); } catch (error) { await errorFile.write( JSON.stringify({ url: job.url.toString(), ...encodeError(error), }) + "\n" ); nErrors++; } finally { nFinished++; } }); }); process.stderr.write(`info[${jsonUrl.host}]: 0/${totalJobs} done\n`); const interval = setInterval(() => { process.stderr.write( `info[${jsonUrl.host}]: ${nFinished}/${totalJobs} done\n` ); }, 30000); await Promise.all(promises); clearInterval(interval); if (nErrors > 0) console.error(`${jsonUrl.host}: Finished with ${nErrors} errors`); } finally { errorFile.close(); } } /** * @argument {DownloadJob} job * @argument {number} attempts */ async function downloadDistWithRetries(job, attempts = 0) { const { url } = job; try { await downloadDist(job); } catch (error) { // algunos servidores usan 403 como coso para decir "calmate" // intentar hasta 15 veces con 15 segundos de por medio if ( error instanceof StatusCodeError && error.code === 403 && url.host === "minsegar-my.sharepoint.com" && attempts < 15 ) { await wait(15000); return await downloadDistWithRetries(job, attempts + 1); } // si no fue un error de http, reintentar hasta 5 veces con 5 segundos de por medio else if ( !(error instanceof StatusCodeError) && !(error instanceof TooManyRedirectsError) && attempts < 10 ) { await wait(5000); return await downloadDistWithRetries(job, attempts + 1); } else throw error; } } /** * @argument {DownloadJob} job */ async function downloadDist({ dist, dataset, url, outputPath }) { // sharepoint no le gusta compartir a bots lol const spoofUserAgent = url.host.endsWith("sharepoint.com"); const res = await request(url.toString(), { maxRedirections: 20, headers: { "User-Agent": spoofUserAgent ? "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:120.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/120.0" : "transicion-desordenada (https://nulo.ar)", }, }); if (res.statusCode >= 300 && res.statusCode <= 399) throw new TooManyRedirectsError(); if (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode > 299) { throw new StatusCodeError(res.statusCode); } const fileDirPath = join( outputPath, sanitizeSuffix(dataset.identifier), sanitizeSuffix(dist.identifier) ); await mkdir(fileDirPath, { recursive: true }); const filePath = join( fileDirPath, sanitizeSuffix(dist.fileName || dist.identifier) ); if (!res.body) throw new Error("no body"); await writeFile(filePath, res.body); } /** @typedef DownloadJob * @prop {Dataset} dataset * @prop {Distribution} dist * @prop {URL} url * @prop {string} outputPath * @prop {number} attempts * @prop {Date=} waitUntil */ /** @typedef Dataset * @prop {string} identifier * @prop {Distribution[]} distribution */ /** @typedef Distribution * @prop {string} identifier * @prop {string} fileName * @prop {string} downloadURL */ // https://security.stackexchange.com/a/123723 /** * @argument {string} path */ function sanitizeSuffix(path) { return normalize(path).replace(/^(\.\.(\/|\\|$))+/, ""); } /** * @param {DownloadJob[]} jobs */ function chequearIdsDuplicados(jobs) { const duplicated = hasDuplicates( jobs.map((j) => `${j.dataset.identifier}/${j.dist.identifier}`) ); if (duplicated) { console.error( "ADVERTENCIA: ¡encontré duplicados! es posible que se pisen archivos entre si" ); } } // https://stackoverflow.com/a/7376645 /** @argument {any[]} array */ function hasDuplicates(array) { return new Set(array).size !== array.length; } /** @argument {number} ms */ function wait(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } function encodeError(error) { if (error instanceof StatusCodeError) return { kind: "http_error", status_code: error.code }; else if (error instanceof TooManyRedirectsError) return { kind: "infinite_redirect" }; else { return { kind: "generic_error", error: error.code || error.message }; } } /** * parchea URLs que se rompen solas * @param {URL} url */ function patchUrl(url) { if (url.host === "www.ign.gob.ar") { // por defecto, 'http://www.ign.gob.ar' redirige a 'https://ign.gob.ar' pero su certificado solo aplica para '*.ign.gob.ar'. se sirve todo el contenido correctamente en 'https://www.ign.gob.ar', así que vamos para ahí. url.protocol = "https:"; } return url; } // https://stackoverflow.com/a/12646864 /** @param {any[]} array */ function shuffleArray(array) { for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); [array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]]; } }