--- - name: "Download and install APK static into the host system." shell: "cd / && curl http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v{{ alpine_version }}/main/x86_64/apk-tools-static-{{ apk_version }}.apk | tar -xvzf - sbin/apk.static" args: creates: "/sbin/apk.static" - name: "Perform installation in a mostly secure way. First install keys insecurely." shell: "apk.static -X http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v{{ alpine_version }}/main --root /mnt --arch x86_64 --initdb --allow-untrusted add alpine-keys" args: creates: "/mnt/etc/apk/keys" - name: "Enable repositories." template: src: "templates/repositories.j2" dest: "/mnt/etc/apk/repositories" mode: "0600" - name: "Install packages with signature verification. Update if already present." shell: "apk.static --root /mnt --arch x86_64 add {{ item }}" loop: "{{ packages }}" - name: "Tell Alpine how to mount partitions after boot." template: src: "templates/fstab.j2" dest: "/mnt/etc/fstab" mode: "0755" - name: "Load BTRFS module on boot" shell: "grep -q btrfs /mnt/etc/modules || echo btrfs >> /mnt/etc/modules" - name: "And which features to include into initramfs." template: src: "templates/mkinitfs.conf.j2" dest: "/mnt/etc/mkinitfs/mkinitfs.conf" mode: "0750" - name: "Copy SSH host keys from the live system." shell: "cp -a /etc/ssh/*_key* /mnt/etc/ssh/" args: creates: "/mnt/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key" - name: "Copy SSH authorized keys from the live system. First create the /root/.ssh directory." file: state: "directory" path: "/mnt/root/.ssh" owner: "root" group: "root" mode: "0700" - name: "And then the authorized_keys file." shell: "install -m 600 -o root -g root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /mnt/root/.ssh/authorized_keys" args: creates: "/mnt/root/.ssh/authorized_keys" - name: "Install network configuration." template: src: "templates/interfaces.j2" dest: "/mnt/etc/network/interfaces" - name: "And DNS resolvers." template: src: "templates/resolv.conf.j2" dest: "/mnt/etc/resolv.conf" - name: "Set hostname." shell: "echo {{ inventory_hostname }} > /etc/hostname"