ARG ALPINE_VERSION=3.13.6 ARG FROM ${BASE_IMAGE}:${ALPINE_VERSION} MAINTAINER "f " ARG ACCESS_LOGS_FLAGS="--database=sqlite3:///var/log/access_log.sqlite3 -c /usr/share/crawler-user-agents/crawler-user-agents.json" ARG ACCESS_LOG_VERSION="0.5.1" ENV ACCESS_LOGS_FLAGS=${ACCESS_LOGS_FLAGS} # Install nginx and remove default config RUN apk add --no-cache nginx daemonize access_log~${ACCESS_LOG_VERSION} nginx-prometheus-exporter geoip2-database-country geoip2-database-city crawler-user-agents \ && rm -rf /etc/nginx # Add ssl group so nginx has access to certificates RUN addgroup -S -g 777 ssl RUN addgroup nginx ssl COPY ./monit.conf /etc/monit.d/nginx.conf COPY ./ /usr/local/bin/prometheusd COPY ./ /usr/bin/access_logd COPY ./nginx /etc/nginx COPY ./access_log.sqlite3 /var/lib/access_log.sqlite3 # Install modules after rewriting /etc/nginx RUN apk add --no-cache nginx-mod-http-brotli nginx-mod-http-geoip2 # Add support for request_uri parsing if access_log >= 0.3.0 RUN mv /etc/nginx/access_logd_`access_log -v`.conf /etc/nginx/access_logd.conf RUN chown -R nginx:nginx /etc/nginx RUN nginx -t RUN chown nginx:nginx /var/lib/access_log.sqlite3 # Shared configuration VOLUME /etc/nginx/sites VOLUME /etc/letsencrypt VOLUME /var/lib/letsencrypt EXPOSE 80 EXPOSE 443 EXPOSE 9113