mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 21:08:18 +00:00
Merge branch 'issue-15068' into production.panel.sutty.nl
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 159 additions and 7 deletions
@ -126,9 +126,12 @@ class PostsController < ApplicationController
@uuid = @post.uuid.value
@name = params.require(:name)
render 'posts/new_has_many_value', layout: false
render "posts/#{params.require(:attribute)}_value", layout: false
# @todo Mostrar errores
headers['HX-Retarget'] = "##{params.require(:form)}"
headers['HX-Reswap'] = 'outerHTML'
render 'posts/form', layout: false, post: post, site: site, **params.permit(:form, :base, :dir, :locale)
elsif @post.persisted?
redirect_to site_post_path(@site, @post)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Nueva interfaz
class MetadataNewBelongsTo < MetadataBelongsTo; end
@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ PostService = Struct.new(:site, :usuarie, :post, :params, keyword_init: true) do
def create_nested_posts!(post, params)
post.nested_attributes.each do |nested_attribute|
nested_metadata = post[nested_attribute]
next unless params[nested_metadata].present?
# @todo find_or_initialize
nested_post = nested_metadata.has_one || site.posts(lang: post.lang.value).build(layout: nested_metadata.nested)
nested_params = params.require(nested_attribute).permit(nested_post.params).to_hash
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
checkbox_attributes = local_assigns.slice(:id, :type, :name, :value, :required, :checked)
checkbox_attributes[:type] ||= 'checkbox'
.custom-control{ class: "custom-#{checkbox_attributes[:type]}" }
%input.custom-control-input{ **checkbox_attributes }
%label.custom-control-label{ for: id, aria: { describedby: help_id } }= content
- if (block = yield).present?
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
options = {
id: base,
id: params.require(:form),
multipart: true,
class: 'form post ',
'hx-swap': params.require(:swap),
@ -30,15 +30,47 @@
= form_tag url, **options do
- unless post.errors.empty?
- title = t('.errors.title')
- help = t('.errors.help')
= render 'bootstrap/alert' do
%h4= title
%p= help
- post.errors.each do |attribute, errors|
- if errors.size > 1
%strong= post_label_t attribute, post: post
- errors.each do |error|
%li= error
- else
%strong= post_label_t attribute, post: post
= errors.first
-# Parámetros para HTMX
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'hide', value: params.require(:show) }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'show', value: params.require(:hide) }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'hide', value: params.require((post.errors.empty? ? :show : :hide)) }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'show', value: params.require((post.errors.empty? ? :hide : :show)) }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'name', value: params.require(:name) }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'base', value: params.require(:base) }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'form', value: options[:id] }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'dir', value: dir }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'locale', value: locale }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'attribute', value: params.require(:attribute) }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'target', value: params.require(:target) }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'swap', value: params.require(:swap) }
- if params[:inverse].present?
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'inverse', value: params.require(:inverse) }
= hidden_field_tag "#{base}[layout]", post.layout.name
-# Dibuja cada atributo
= render 'posts/attributes', site: site, post: post, dir: dir, base: base, locale: locale, except: except
-# Enviamos valores vacíos para los atributos ocultos
- except.each do |attr|
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: "#{base}[#{attr}]", value: "" }
= yield(:post_form)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
%tr{ id: attribute }
%th= post_label_t(attribute, post: post)
%td{ dir: dir, lang: locale }
- p = metadata.belongs_to
- if p
= link_to p.title.value, site_post_path(site, p.id)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
Genera un listado de radios entre los que se puede elegir solo uno para
guardar. Podemos elegir entre los artículos ya cargados o agregar uno
Al agregar uno nuevo, se abre un segundo modal que carga el formulario
correspondiente vía HTMX. El formulario tiene que cargarse por fuera
del formulario principal porque no se pueden anidar.
id = id_for(base, attribute)
name = "#{base}[#{attribute}]"
form_id = "form-#{Nanoid.generate}"
modal_id = "modal-#{Nanoid.generate}"
post_id = "post-#{Nanoid.generate}"
post_form_id = "post-form-#{Nanoid.generate}"
post_modal_id = "post-modal-#{Nanoid.generate}"
post_form_loaded_id = "post-loaded-#{Nanoid.generate}"
value_list_id = "#{id}_body"
%div{ id: modal_id, data: { controller: 'modal array', 'array-original-value': metadata.value.to_json, 'array-new-array-value': site_posts_new_related_post_path(site) } }
= hidden_field_tag name, ''
= label_tag id, post_label_t(attribute, post: post)
-# Mostramos la lista de valores actuales.
Al aceptar el modal, se vacía el listado y se completa en base a
renderizaciones con HTMX. Para poder hacer eso, tenemos que poder
acceder a todos los items dentro del modal (como array.item) y
enviar el valor al endpoint que devuelve uno por uno. Esto lo
tenemos disponible en Stimulus, pero queremos usar HTMX o técnica
similar para poder renderizar del lado del servidor.
Para poder cancelar, mantenemos el estado original y desactivamos
o activamos los ítemes según estén incluidos en esa lista o no.
.row.row-cols-3.row-cols-md-4{ data: { target: 'array.current' } }
- metadata.values.slice(*metadata.value).each do |value|
= render 'posts/new_array_value', value: value
= render 'bootstrap/btn', content: t('.edit'), action: 'modal#show'
= render 'bootstrap/modal', id: id, modal_content_attributes: { class: 'h-100' }, hide_actions: ['array#cancel'] do
- content_for :"#{id}_header" do
= label_tag id, post_label_t(attribute, post: post)
%input.form-control{ data: { target: 'array.search', action: 'input->array#search' }, type: 'search', placeholder: t('.filter') }
- content_for :"#{id}_body" do
.form-group.mb-0{ id: value_list_id }
- metadata.values.each_pair do |value, uuid|
.mb-2{ data: { target: 'array.item', 'searchable-value': value.remove_diacritics.downcase, value: uuid } }
= render 'bootstrap/custom_checkbox', name: name, id: "value-#{Nanoid.generate}", value: uuid, checked: metadata.value.include?(uuid), content: value, type: 'radio'
Según la definición del campo, si hay un filtro, tenemos que poder
elegir qué tipo de esquema queremos o si hay uno solo, siempre
vamos a enviar ese. Si no hay ninguno, tendríamos que poder elegir
entre todos los esquemas.
- content_for :"#{id}_footer" do
- layout = metadata.filter[:layout]
- if layout.is_a?(String)
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'layout', value: layout, form: post_form_id }
= render 'bootstrap/btn', content: t('.add', layout: site.layouts[layout].humanized_name), form: post_form_id, type: 'submit', class: 'm-0 mr-1'
- else
- layouts = layout&.map { |x| site.layouts[x] }
- layouts ||= site.layouts.values
%select.form-control{ form: post_form_id, name: 'layout' }
- layouts.each do |layout|
%option{ value: layout.name }= layout.humanized_name
= render 'bootstrap/btn', content: t('.add', layout: ''), form: post_form_id, type: 'submit', class: 'mb-0 mr-0'
= render 'bootstrap/btn', content: t('.accept'), action: 'array#accept modal#hide', class: 'm-0 mr-1'
= render 'bootstrap/btn', content: t('.cancel'), action: 'array#cancel modal#hide', class: 'm-0'
Este segundo modal es el que carga los formularios de
creación/modificación de artículos relacionados. Se envía a post_form
para que sea externo al formulario actual.
- content_for :post_form do
%form{ id: post_form_id, 'hx-get': site_posts_form_path(site), 'hx-target': "##{post_form_loaded_id}" }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'show', value: post_modal_id }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'hide', value: modal_id }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'target', value: value_list_id }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'swap', value: 'beforeend' }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'base', value: id }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'name', value: name }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'form', value: form_id }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'attribute', value: metadata.type }
- if metadata.inverse?
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'inverse', value: metadata.inverse }
%div{ id: post_modal_id, data: { controller: 'modal' } }
= render 'bootstrap/modal', id: post_id, modal_content_attributes: { class: 'h-100' } do
- content_for :"#{post_id}_body" do
%div{ id: post_form_loaded_id }
- content_for :"#{post_id}_footer" do
= render 'bootstrap/btn', form: form_id, content: t('.save'), type: 'submit'
-# @todo: Volver al otro modal
= render 'bootstrap/btn', content: t('.cancel'), action: 'modal#hide'
@ -86,6 +86,8 @@
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'swap', value: 'beforeend' }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'base', value: id }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'name', value: name }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'form', value: form_id }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'attribute', value: metadata.type }
- if metadata.inverse?
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'inverse', value: metadata.inverse }
%div{ id: post_modal_id, data: { controller: 'modal' } }
@ -93,4 +95,6 @@
- content_for :"#{post_id}_body" do
%div{ id: post_form_loaded_id }
- content_for :"#{post_id}_footer" do
= render 'bootstrap/btn', form: id, content: t('.save'), type: 'submit'
= render 'bootstrap/btn', form: form_id, content: t('.save'), type: 'submit'
-# @todo: Volver al otro modal
= render 'bootstrap/btn', content: t('.cancel'), action: 'modal#hide'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
.mb-2{ data: { target: 'array.item', 'searchable-value': @value.remove_diacritics.downcase, value: @uuid } }
= render 'bootstrap/custom_checkbox', name: @name, id: "value-#{Nanoid.generate}", value: @uuid, checked: true, content: @value, type: 'radio'
Reference in a new issue