Fork 0
mirror of https://0xacab.org/sutty/sutty synced 2024-10-05 09:16:57 +00:00

Merge branch 'rails' into panel.sutty.nl

This commit is contained in:
f 2022-03-09 19:33:54 -03:00
commit 563085654f
3 changed files with 11 additions and 69 deletions

View file

@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
# Excluir todo
# Solo agregar lo que usamos en COPY
# !./archivo

View file

@ -1,67 +1,21 @@
FROM registry.nulo.in/sutty/rails:3.13.6-2.7.5 AS build
MAINTAINER "f <f@sutty.nl>"
RUN apk add --no-cache libxslt libxml2 tzdata postgresql-libs git yarn brotli libssh2 python3 findutils
USER rails
WORKDIR /srv/gems
COPY --chown=rails:www-data ./Gemfile .
COPY --chown=rails:www-data ./Gemfile.lock .
RUN bundle config set no-cache true
RUN bundle config set specific_platform true
RUN bundle install --path=./vendor --without='test development'
COPY --chown=rails:www-data ./.git/ ./.git/
RUN cd .. && git clone sutty checkout
RUN cd ../checkout && git checkout $BRANCH
WORKDIR /srv/checkout
RUN rm -rf ./vendor ./node_modules ./tmp/cache ./.git ./test ./doc
RUN mv ../gems/vendor ./vendor
RUN mv ../gems/.bundle ./.bundle
RUN find /srv/checkout/vendor/ruby/2.7.0 -maxdepth 3 -type d -name test -o -name spec -o -name rubocop | xargs -r rm -rf
FROM registry.nulo.in/sutty/rails:3.13.6-2.7.5
ENV RAILS_ENV production
# Pandoc
RUN echo 'https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing' >> /etc/apk/repositories
# Instalar las dependencias, separamos la librería de base de datos para
# poder reutilizar este primer paso desde otros contenedores
# Necesitamos yarn para que Jekyll pueda generar los sitios
# XXX: Eliminarlo cuando extraigamos la generación de sitios del proceso
# principal
RUN apk add --no-cache libxslt libxml2 postgresql-libs libssh2 file \
rsync git jpegoptim vips ffmpeg imagemagick pandoc tectonic \
oxipng git-lfs openssh-client patch yarn daemonize ruby-webrick
RUN apk add --no-cache libxslt libxml2 postgresql-libs libssh2 \
rsync git jpegoptim vips tectonic oxipng git-lfs openssh-client \
yarn daemonize ruby-webrick
RUN gem install --no-document --no-user-install foreman
RUN wget https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/download/${PANDOC_VERSION}/pandoc-${PANDOC_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz -O - | tar --strip-components 1 -xvzf - pandoc-${PANDOC_VERSION}/bin/pandoc && mv /bin/pandoc /usr/bin/pandoc
USER rails
RUN rm -rf /srv
COPY --from=build --chown=rails:www-data /srv/checkout /srv
RUN rm -rf /srv/http/_sites /srv/http/_deploy
RUN ln -s data/_storage /srv/http/_storage
RUN ln -s data/_sites /srv/http/_sites
RUN ln -s data/_deploy /srv/http/_deploy
RUN ln -s data/_private /srv/http/_private
USER root
RUN install -m 640 -o root -g root /srv/monit.conf /etc/monit.d/sutty.conf
RUN install -m 755 /srv/entrypoint.sh /usr/local/bin/sutty
VOLUME "/srv/data"
VOLUME "/srv"

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ hain ?= ENV_FILE=.env $(HAINISH)## Ubicación de Hainish
# Production es el entorno de panel.sutty.nl
ifeq ($(env),production)
container ?= sutty
container ?= panel
## TODO: Cambiar a otra cosa
branch ?= rails
public ?= public
@ -115,15 +115,9 @@ ota-js: assets ## Actualizar Javascript en el nodo delegado
ssh root@$(delegate) docker exec $(container) sh -c "cat /srv/http/tmp/puma.pid | xargs -r kill -USR2"
ota: ## Actualizar Rails en el nodo delegado
umask 022; git format-patch $(commit)
ssh $(delegate) mkdir -p /tmp/patches-$(commit)/
scp ./0*.patch $(delegate):/tmp/patches-$(commit)/
scp ./ota.sh $(delegate):/tmp/
ssh $(delegate) docker cp /tmp/patches-$(shell echo $(commit) | cut -d / -f 1) $(container):/tmp/
ssh $(delegate) docker cp /tmp/ota.sh $(container):/usr/local/bin/ota
ssh $(delegate) docker exec $(container) apk add --no-cache patch
ssh $(delegate) docker exec $(container) ota $(commit)
rm ./0*.patch
ssh $(delegate) git -C /srv/sutty/srv/http/panel.sutty.nl pull ; true
ssh $(delegate) chown -R 1000:82 /srv/sutty/srv/http/panel.sutty.nl
ssh $(delegate) docker exec $(container) rails reload
# Todos los archivos de assets. Si alguno cambia, se van a recompilar
# los assets que luego se suben al nodo delegado.