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mirror of https://0xacab.org/sutty/sutty synced 2025-03-15 16:48:18 +00:00

fix: creados partials de vistas de plantillas #13587

This commit is contained in:
jazzari 2023-11-28 17:48:47 +01:00
parent dfc094268b
commit 6d2b57dfca
8 changed files with 85 additions and 78 deletions

View file

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class SitesController < ApplicationController
@site = Site.new
authorize @site
@designs = Design.all.order(priority: :desc).reject(&:no_theme?)
def create

View file

@ -7,78 +7,6 @@
= t('activerecord.errors.models.site.attributes.design_id.layout_incompatible.help',
layouts: site.incompatible_layouts.to_sentence)
-# Desktop view with 3 columns and radio_buttons
- @designs = Design.all.order(priority: :desc).reject(&:no_theme?)
%h2.pb-3= t('.selector')
- @designs.each do |design|
= f.radio_button :design_id, design.id,
checked: design.id == site.design_id,
disabled: design.disabled,
required: true, class: 'radio-toolbar'
= f.label "design_id_#{design.id}", " - #{design.name}",
class: 'h5 font-weight-bolder'
= sanitize_markdown design.description,
tags: %w[p a strong em]
%h2.text-center.pb-3= t('.preview')
%iframe.embed-responsive-item{allowfullscreen: "", src: "/placeholder.png"}
%h2.pb-3= t('.characteristics')
%p.design 1. Es gratis
%p.design 2. Sofware libre - Licencia GPL
%p.design 3. Compatible con la web distribuida
%a.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg.mt-4{role: "button", href: "sutty.nl"}= t('.source_code')
-# Tablet and mobile views with 1 columns and accordion
- @designs = Design.all.order(priority: :desc).reject(&:no_theme?)
-# image_path("images/logo.png")
%h1.pb-3.text-center.font-weight-bolder= t('.selector')
- @designs.each do |design|
%h5.font-weight-bolder.pt-2 - #{design.name}
.pb-2 #{design.description}
%h5.text-center.font-weight-bolder.pb-3= t('.preview')
%iframe.embed-responsive-item{allowfullscreen: "", src: "/placeholder.png"}
%h5.text-center.font-weight-bolder.pb-3= t('.characteristics')
- characteris = design.characteristics.split(".")
- characteris.each_with_index do |charact, index|
%h5.design #{index + 1}. #{charact}
%a.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg.btn-block.mt-4{role: "button", href: design.url}= t('.source_code')
-# Custom and Donation buttons
%h3.text-primary= t('.custom.title')
%p= t('.custom.help')
%button.btn.btn-primary= t('.custom.contact')
%h3.text-primary= t('.donation.title')
%p= t('.donation.help')
%button.btn.btn-primary= t('.donation.link')
= render 'designs_desktop', site: @site, designs: @designs
= render 'designs_mobile', site: @site, designs: @designs
= render 'designs_buttons', site: @site, designs: @designs

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
-# Custom and Donation buttons
%h3.text-primary= t('.custom.title')
%p= t('.custom.help')
%button.btn.btn-primary= t('.custom.contact')
%h3.text-primary= t('.donation.title')
%p= t('.donation.help')
%button.btn.btn-primary= t('.donation.link')

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
= form_for site, html: { class: form_class(site) } do |f|
-# Desktop view with 3 columns and radio_buttons
%h2.pb-3= t('.selector')
- @designs.each do |design|
= f.radio_button :design_id, design.id,
checked: design.id == site.design_id,
disabled: design.disabled,
required: true, class: 'radio-toolbar'
= f.label "design_id_#{design.id}", " - #{design.name}",
class: 'h5 font-weight-bolder'
= sanitize_markdown design.description,
tags: %w[p a strong em]
%h2.text-center.pb-3= t('.preview')
%iframe.embed-responsive-item{allowfullscreen: "", src: "/placeholder.png"}
%h2.pb-3= t('.characteristics')
%p.design 1. Es gratis
%p.design 2. Sofware libre - Licencia GPL
%p.design 3. Compatible con la web distribuida
%a.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg.mt-4{role: "button", href: ""}= t('.source_code')

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
= form_for site, html: { class: form_class(site) } do |f|
-# Tablet and mobile views with 1 columns and accordion
%h1.pb-3.text-center.font-weight-bolder= t('.selector')
- @designs.each do |design|
%h5.font-weight-bolder.pt-2 - #{design.name}
.pb-2 #{design.description}
%h5.text-center.font-weight-bolder.pb-3= t('.preview')
%iframe.embed-responsive-item{allowfullscreen: "", src: "/placeholder.png"}
%h5.text-center.font-weight-bolder.pb-3= t('.characteristics')
- characteris = design.characteristics.split(".")
- characteris.each_with_index do |charact, index|
%h5.design #{index + 1}. #{charact}
%a.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg.btn-block.mt-4{role: "button", href: design.url}= t('.source_code')

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
.invalid-feedback= site.errors.messages[:description].join(', ')
= render 'designs', site: @site
= render 'designs', site: @site, designs: @designs
%h2= t('.licencia.title')

View file

@ -456,11 +456,17 @@ en:
title: Store
first_time_html: 'The store is an optional service that allows you to commercialize through your Sutty web site. To configure it, <a href="https://sutty.nl/en/#contact">we invite you to contact us :)</a>.'
help: 'You can configure your store here.'
selector: 'Theme Selector'
preview: 'Theme Preview'
characteristics: 'Characteristics'
source_code: 'View source code'
selector: 'Theme Selector'
preview: 'Theme Preview'
characteristics: 'Characteristics'
source_code: 'View source code'
title: 'Want a custom design?'
help: 'Contact us with the details and we`ll send you a budget.'

View file

@ -464,11 +464,17 @@ es:
title: Tienda
first_time_html: 'La tienda es un servicio opcional que te permite comercializar a través de tu sitio en Sutty. Para configurarla, <a href="https://sutty.nl/#contacto">te invitamos a ponerte en contacto con nosotres</a> :)'
help: 'Puedes configurar tu tienda aquí.'
selector: 'Selector de Plantillas'
preview: 'Previsualización de Plantilla'
characteristics: 'Características'
source_code: 'Ver código fuente'
selector: 'Selector de Plantillas'
preview: 'Previsualización de Plantilla'
characteristics: 'Características'
source_code: 'Ver código fuente'
title: '¿Deseas un diseño personalizado?'
help: 'Contáctanos con los detalles y te enviaremos un presupuesto'