Fork 0
mirror of https://0xacab.org/sutty/sutty synced 2025-03-14 19:38:17 +00:00

Merge branch 'issue-15068' into production.panel.sutty.nl

This commit is contained in:
f 2024-05-17 15:40:12 -03:00
commit 8175a45494
No known key found for this signature in database
23 changed files with 368 additions and 7 deletions

View file

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ gem 'rubanok'
gem 'after_commit_everywhere', '~> 1.0'
gem 'aasm'
gem 'que-web'
gem 'nanoid'
# database
gem 'hairtrigger'

View file

@ -377,6 +377,7 @@ GEM
multi_xml (0.6.0)
mustermann (3.0.0)
ruby2_keywords (~> 0.0.1)
nanoid (2.0.0)
net-imap (0.4.9)
@ -682,6 +683,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES

View file

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ $form-feedback-icon-valid-color: $black;
$component-active-bg: $magenta;
$btn-white-space: nowrap;
$font-weight-bolder: 700;
$zindex-modal-backdrop: 0;
$spacers: (
2-plus: 0.75rem
@ -328,13 +329,13 @@ svg {
.custom-control-label {
font-weight: bold;
.designs {
.design {
margin-top: 1rem;
.custom-control-label {
font-weight: bold;

View file

@ -15,6 +15,23 @@ class PostsController < ApplicationController
{ locale: locale }
# @todo Mover a tu propio scope
def new_array
@value = params.require(:value).strip
@name = params.require(:name).strip
id = params.require(:id).strip
headers['HX-Trigger-After-Swap'] = 'htmx:resetForm'
render layout: false
def new_array_value
@value = params.require(:value).strip
render layout: false
def index
authorize Post

View file

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
import { Controller } from "stimulus";
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ["item", "search", "current"];
connect() {
// TODO: Stimulus >1
this.newArrayValueURL = new URL(window.location.origin);
this.newArrayValueURL.pathname = this.element.dataset.arrayNewArrayValue;
this.originalValue = JSON.parse(this.element.dataset.arrayOriginalValue);
* Al eliminar el ítem, buscamos por su ID y lo eliminamos del
* documento.
remove(event) {
// TODO: Stimulus >1
.find((x) => x.id === event.target.dataset.removeTargetParam)
* Al buscar, eliminamos las tildes y mayúsculas para no depender de
* cómo se escribió.
* Luego buscamos eso en el valor limpio, ignorando los items que ya
* están activados.
* Si el término de búsqueda está vacío, volvemos a la lista original.
search(event) {
const needle = this.searchTarget.value
.replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "")
if (needle) {
for (const itemTarget of this.itemTargets) {
itemTarget.style.display =
itemTarget.querySelector("input")?.checked ||
? ""
: "none";
} else {
for (const itemTarget of this.itemTargets) {
itemTarget.style.display = "";
* Obtiene el input de un elemento
* @param [HTMLElement]
* @return [HTMLElement,nil]
inputFrom(target) {
if (target.tagName === "INPUT") return target;
return target.querySelector("input");
* Detecta si el item es o contiene un checkbox/radio activado.
* @param [HTMLElement]
* @return [Bool]
isChecked(itemTarget) {
return this.inputFrom(itemTarget)?.checked || false;
* Al cancelar, se vuelve al estado original de la lista
cancel(event) {
for (const itemTarget of this.itemTargets) {
const input = this.inputFrom(itemTarget);
input.checked = this.originalValue.includes(itemTarget.dataset.value);
* Al aceptar, se envía todo el listado de valores nuevos al _backend_
* para que devuelva la representación de cada ítem en HTML. Además,
* se guarda el nuevo valor como la lista original, para la próxima
* cancelación.
accept(event) {
this.currentTarget.innerHTML = "";
this.originalValue = [];
for (const itemTarget of this.itemTargets) {
if (!itemTarget.dataset.value) continue;
if (!this.isChecked(itemTarget)) continue;
this.newArrayValueURL.searchParams.set("value", itemTarget.dataset.value);
// TODO: Renderizarlas todas juntas
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((body) =>
this.currentTarget.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", body),
// TODO: Stimulus >1
this.element.dataset.arrayOriginalValue = JSON.stringify(

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import { Controller } from "stimulus";
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ["modal", "backdrop"];
show(event = undefined) {
this.modalTarget.style.display = "block";
this.backdropTarget.style.display = "block";
this.modalTarget.setAttribute("role", "dialog");
this.modalTarget.setAttribute("aria-modal", true);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1);
hide(event = undefined) {
this.modalTarget.setAttribute("aria-hidden", true);
setTimeout(() => {
this.modalTarget.style.display = "";
this.backdropTarget.style.display = "";
}, 500);

View file

@ -5,3 +5,7 @@ document.addEventListener("turbolinks:click", () => {
window.htmx.trigger(hx, "htmx:abort");
document.addEventListener("htmx:resetForm", (event) => {

View file

@ -42,3 +42,4 @@ Turbolinks.start()
window.htmx = require('htmx.org/dist/htmx.js')
window.htmx.config.selfRequestsOnly = true;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
module CoreExtensions
module String
# Elimina tildes
module RemoveDiacritics
def remove_diacritics
unicode_normalize(:nfd).gsub(/[^\x00-\x7F]/, '')

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Implementa la nueva interfaz de gestión de valores
class MetadataNewArray < MetadataArray

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Un botón
@param :content [String] Contenido
@param :action [String] Acción de Stimulus
@param :target [String] Objetivo de Stimulus
@param [Hash] Atributos en bruto, con mayor prioridad que action y target
attributes = local_assigns.to_h.except(:content)
attributes[:data] ||= {}
attributes[:data][:action] ||= local_assigns[:action]
attributes[:data][:target] ||= local_assigns[:target]
%button.btn.btn-secondary{ type: 'button', **attributes }= content

View file

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
- help_id = "#{id}_help"
help_id = "#{id}_help"
checkbox_attributes = local_assigns.slice(:id, :type, :name, :value, :required, :checked)
checkbox_attributes[:type] ||= 'checkbox'
%input.custom-control-input{ id: id, type: 'checkbox', name: name, value: value, required: required }
%input.custom-control-input{ **checkbox_attributes }
%label.custom-control-label{ for: id, aria: { describedby: help_id } }= content
%small.form-text.text-muted{ id: help_id }= yield
- if (block = yield).present?
%small.form-text.text-muted{ id: help_id }= block

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Modal
@see {https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.6/components/modal/}
@see {https://github.com/bullet-train-co/nice_partials/issues/99}
@param :id [String] El ID del modal
@param :modal_content_attributes [Hash] Atributos para el contenido del modal
@param :hide_actions [Array<String>] Acciones al ocultar el modal
@yield :ID_body Contenido
@yield :ID_header Contenido del header (opcional)
@yield :ID_footer Contenido del pie (opcional)
= render 'bootstrap/modal', id: 'algo' do |partial|
- content_for :algo_header do
= 'título'
- content_for :algo_body do
= 'contenido'
- content_for :algo_footer do
= 'pie'
local_assigns[:hide_actions] ||= []
local_assigns[:hide_actions] << 'click->modal#hide'
local_assigns[:modal_content_attributes] ||= {}
.modal.fade{ tabindex: -1, aria: { hidden: 'true' }, data: { target: 'modal.modal' } }
.modal-backdrop.fade{ data: { target: 'modal.backdrop', action: local_assigns[:hide_actions].join(' ') } }
.modal-content{ **local_assigns[:modal_content_attributes] }
- if (header = yield(:"#{id}_header")).present?
.modal-header= header
.modal-body= yield(:"#{id}_body")
- if (footer = yield(:"#{id}_footer"))
= footer
- else
%button.btn.btn-secondary.m-0{ type: 'button', data: { action: 'modal#hide' } }= t('.close')

View file

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
= render 'layouts/breadcrumb'
= render 'layouts/flash'
= yield(:post_form)
= yield
- if flash[:js]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
%p= value

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
%tr{ id: attribute }
%th= post_label_t(attribute, post: post)
- if metadata.value.respond_to? :each
- metadata.value.each do |v|
%span.badge.badge-primary= v
- else
%span.badge.badge-primary{ lang: locale, dir: dir }= metadata.value

View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
Genera un listado de checkboxes entre los que se puede elegir para guardar
id = "#{base}_#{attribute}"
name = "#{base}[#{attribute}][]"
form_id = "form-#{Nanoid.generate}"
%div{ data: { controller: 'modal array', 'array-original-value': metadata.value.to_json, 'array-new-array-value': site_posts_new_array_value_path(site) } }
= hidden_field_tag name, ''
= label_tag id, post_label_t(attribute, post: post)
-# Mostramos la lista de valores actuales.
Al aceptar el modal, se vacía el listado y se completa en base a
renderizaciones con HTMX. Para poder hacer eso, tenemos que poder
acceder a todos los items dentro del modal (como array.item) y
enviar el valor al endpoint que devuelve uno por uno. Esto lo
tenemos disponible en Stimulus, pero queremos usar HTMX o técnica
similar para poder renderizar del lado del servidor.
Para poder cancelar, mantenemos el estado original y desactivamos
o activamos los ítemes según estén incluidos en esa lista o no.
.row.row-cols-1.row-cols-md-2{ data: { target: 'array.current' } }
- metadata.value.sort_by(&:remove_diacritics).each do |value|
= render 'posts/new_array_value', value: value
= render 'bootstrap/btn', content: t('.edit'), action: 'modal#show'
= render 'bootstrap/modal', id: id, modal_content_attributes: { class: 'h-100' }, hide_actions: ['array#cancel'] do
- content_for :"#{id}_header" do
= label_tag id, post_label_t(attribute, post: post)
%input.form-control{ data: { target: 'array.search', action: 'input->array#search' }, type: 'search', placeholder: t('.filter') }
- content_for :"#{id}_body" do
.form-group.mb-0{ id: "#{id}_body" }
-# Eliminamos las tildes para poder buscar independientemente de cómo se escriba
- metadata.values.sort_by(&:remove_diacritics).each do |value|
.mb-2{ data: { target: 'array.item', 'searchable-value': value.remove_diacritics.downcase, value: value } }
= render 'bootstrap/custom_checkbox', name: name, id: "value-#{Nanoid.generate}", value: value, checked: metadata.value.include?(value), content: value
- content_for :"#{id}_footer" do
%input.form-control{ form: form_id, name: 'value', type: 'text', placeholder: t('.add_new') }
= render 'bootstrap/btn', content: t('.add'), form: form_id, type: 'submit', class: 'mb-0 mr-0'
= render 'bootstrap/btn', content: t('.accept'), action: 'array#accept modal#hide', class: 'm-0 mr-1'
= render 'bootstrap/btn', content: t('.cancel'), action: 'array#cancel modal#hide', class: 'm-0'
-# Los formularios para HTMX se colocan por fuera del formulario
principal, porque HTML5 no soporta formularios anidados. Los campos
quedan unidos al formulario por su atributo `id`.
Al enviar el formulario se obtiene una nueva opción con el valor
y se la agrega al final del listado.
- content_for :post_form do
%form{ id: form_id, 'hx-get': site_posts_new_array_path(site), 'hx-target': "##{id}_body", 'hx-swap': 'beforeend' }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'name', value: name }
%input{ type: 'hidden', name: 'id', value: form_id }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
- item_id = "item-#{Nanoid.generate}"
.mb-2{ id: item_id, data: { target: 'array.item', 'searchable-value': @value.remove_diacritics.downcase, value: @value } }
= render 'bootstrap/custom_checkbox', name: @name, id: "value-#{Nanoid.generate}", value: @value, checked: true, content: @value
%button.btn.btn-sm.m-0{ data: { action: 'array#remove', 'remove-target-param': item_id } }= t('.remove')

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
= render 'posts/new_array_value', value: @value

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
String.include CoreExtensions::String::StripTags
String.include CoreExtensions::String::RemoveDiacritics
Jekyll::Document.include CoreExtensions::Jekyll::Document::Path
Jekyll::DataReader.include Jekyll::Readers::DataReaderDecorator

View file

@ -717,7 +717,16 @@ en:
save_draft: 'Save as draft'
invalid_help: 'Some fields need attention! Please search for the fields marked as invalid.'
sending_help: Saving, please wait...
remove: "Remove"
edit: "Edit"
filter: "Start typing to filter..."
add_new: "Add new option"
add: "Add"
accept: "Accept"
cancel: "Cancel"
add: Add
label: Language

View file

@ -725,7 +725,16 @@ es:
save_draft: 'Guardar como borrador'
invalid_help: '¡Te faltan completar algunos campos! Busca los que estén marcados como inválidos'
sending_help: Guardando, por favor espera...
remove: "Eliminar"
edit: "Editar"
filter: "Empezá a escribir para filtrar..."
add_new: "Agregar nueva opción"
add: "Agregar"
accept: "Aceptar"
cancel: "Cancelar"
add: Agregar
label: Idioma

View file

@ -99,6 +99,10 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
nested do
scope '/(:locale)', constraint: /[a-z]{2}(-[A-Z]{2})?/ do
post :'posts/reorder', to: 'posts#reorder'
get :'posts/new_array', to: 'posts#new_array'
get :'posts/new_array_value', to: 'posts#new_array_value'
resources :posts do
get 'p/:page', action: :index, on: :collection
get :preview, to: 'posts#preview'