# Limpiar mensualmente check program cleanup with path "/usr/bin/foreman run -f /srv/Procfile -d /srv cleanup" as uid "rails" gid "www-data" every "0 3 1 * *" if status != 0 then alert check program distributed_press_tokens_renew with path "/usr/bin/foreman run -f /srv/Procfile -d /srv distributed_press_tokens_renew" as uid "rails" gid "www-data" every "0 3 * * *" if status != 0 then alert check program access_logs with path "/srv/http/bin/access_logs" as uid "app" and gid "www-data" every "0 0 * * *" if status != 0 then alert check program stats with path "/usr/bin/foreman run -f /srv/Procfile -d /srv stats" as uid "rails" gid "www-data" every "0 1 * * *" if status != 0 then alert check filesystem root with path / if space usage > 80% for 5 times within 15 cycles then alert if space usage > 90% for 5 cycles then exec "/usr/bin/foreman run -f /srv/Procfile -d /srv emergency_cleanup" as uid "rails" gid "www-data" check process que with pidfile /srv/tmp/que.pid start program = "/usr/bin/foreman run -f /srv/Procfile -d /srv que" stop program = "/bin/sh -c 'cat /srv/tmp/que.pid | xargs -r kill'"