--- - name_en: 'My own theme' name_es: 'Mi propio diseño' gem: 'sutty-theme-none' url: 'https://sutty.nl' disabled: true description_en: "Upload your own theme. [This feature is in development, help us!](https://sutty.nl/en/#contact)" description_es: "Subir tu propio diseño. [Esta posibilidad está en desarrollo, ¡ayudanos!](https://sutty.nl/#contacto)" priority: '0' characteristics_en: "It's free. Free software - GPL licence" characteristics_es: "Es gratis. Software Libre - Licencia GPL" - name_en: 'I want you to develop a site for me' name_es: 'Quiero que desarrollen mi sitio' gem: 'sutty-theme-custom' url: 'https://sutty.nl' disabled: true description_en: "If you want us to develop your site, you're welcome to [contact us!](https://sutty.nl/en/#contact) :)" description_es: "Si querés que desarrollemos tu sitio, [escribinos](https://sutty.nl/#contacto) :)" priority: '2' characteristics_en: "It's free. Free software - GPL licence" characteristics_es: "Es gratis. Software Libre - Licencia GPL" - name_en: 'Minima' name_es: 'Mínima' gem: 'sutty-minima' url: 'https://0xacab.org/sutty/jekyll/minima' description_en: "Sutty Minima is based on [Minima](https://jekyll.github.io/minima/), a blog-focused theme for Jekyll." description_es: 'Sutty Mínima es una plantilla para blogs basada en [Mínima](https://jekyll.github.io/minima/).' license: 'https://0xacab.org/sutty/jekyll/minima/-/blob/master/LICENSE.txt' priority: '100' characteristics_en: "It's free. Free software - GPL licence. Distributed web compatible" characteristics_es: "Es gratis. Software Libre - Licencia GPL. Compatible con la web distribuida" - name_en: 'Sutty' name_es: 'Sutty' gem: 'sutty-jekyll-theme' url: "https://anarres.sutty.nl" description_en: "The Sutty design" description_es: 'El diseño de Sutty' license: 'https://0xacab.org/sutty/jekyll/sutty-jekyll-theme/-/blob/master/LICENSE.txt' credits_es: 'Sutty es parte de la economía solidaria :)' credits_en: 'Sutty is a solidarity economy project!' priority: '90' characteristics_en: "It's free. Free software - GPL licence. Distributed web compatible" characteristics_es: "Es gratis. Software Libre - Licencia GPL. Compatible con la web distribuida" - name_en: 'Self-managed Book Publisher' name_es: 'Editorial Autogestiva' gem: 'editorial-autogestiva-jekyll-theme' url: 'https://subelamarea.sutty.nl/' description_en: "A theme for self-managed book publishers." description_es: 'Una plantilla para catálogos de editoriales autogestivas.' license: 'https://0xacab.org/sutty/jekyll/editorial-autogestiva-jekyll-theme/-/blob/master/LICENSE.txt' credits_es: 'Esta plantilla fue inspirada en el trabajo de las [editoriales autogestivas](https://sutty.nl/plantillas-para-crear-cat%C3%A1logos-de-editoriales-autogestivas/)' credits_en: 'This theme is inspired by [independent publishing projects](https://sutty.nl/en/new-template-for-publishing-projects/)' priority: '50' characteristics_en: "It's free. Free software - GPL licence. Distributed web compatible" characteristics_es: "Es gratis. Software Libre - Licencia GPL. Compatible con la web distribuida" - name_en: 'Donations' name_es: 'Donaciones' gem: 'sutty-donaciones-jekyll-theme' url: 'https://donaciones.sutty.nl/' description_en: "Make your own donation campaign with payment buttons." description_es: 'Realizá campañas de donaciones con botones de pago.' license: 'https://0xacab.org/sutty/jekyll/sutty-donaciones-jekyll-theme/-/blob/master/LICENSE.txt' credits_es: 'Diseñamos esta plantilla para [visibilizar campañas de donaciones](https://sutty.nl/plantilla-para-donaciones/) durante la cuarentena.' credits_en: 'We designed this theme to increase [visibility for donation requests](https://sutty.nl/template-for-donations/) during the quarantine.' priority: '80' characteristics_en: "It's free. Free software - GPL licence" characteristics_es: "Es gratis. Software Libre - Licencia GPL" - name_en: 'Support campaign' name_es: 'Adhesiones' gem: 'adhesiones-jekyll-theme' url: 'https://adhesiones.sutty.nl/' description_en: "Make your own support campaign." description_es: 'Realizá campañas de adhesión.' license: 'https://0xacab.org/sutty/jekyll/adhesiones-jekyll-theme/-/blob/master/LICENSE.txt' credits_es: 'Desarrollamos esta plantilla junto con [Librenauta](https://sutty.nl/plantilla-para-campa%C3%B1as-de-adhesiones/)' credits_en: 'This template was made in collaboration with Librenauta' designer_url: 'https://copiona.com/donaunbit/' priority: '60' characteristics_en: "It's free. Free software - GPL licence" characteristics_es: "Es gratis. Software Libre - Licencia GPL" - name_en: 'Community Radio' name_es: 'Radio comunitaria' gem: 'radios-comunitarias-jekyll-theme' url: 'https://radio.sutty.nl/' description_en: "A theme with live streaming support, designed for community radios" description_es: 'Con soporte para transmisión en vivo, pensada para radios comunitarias' license: 'https://0xacab.org/sutty/jekyll/radios-comunitarias-jekyll-theme/-/blob/master/LICENSE.txt' credits_es: 'Desarrollamos esta plantilla junto con Librenauta en 15 horas :)' credits_en: 'This template was made in collaboration with Librenauta in 15 hours!' designer_url: 'https://copiona.com/donaunbit/' priority: '70' characteristics_en: "It's free. Free software - GPL licence" characteristics_es: "Es gratis. Software Libre - Licencia GPL" - name_en: 'Resource toolkit' name_es: 'Recursero' gem: 'recursero-jekyll-theme' url: 'https://recursero.info/' disabled: true description_en: "We're working towards adding more themes for you to use. [Contact us!](https://sutty.nl/en/#contact)" description_es: "Estamos trabajando para que puedas tener más diseños. [¡Escribinos!](https://sutty.nl/#contacto)" priority: '3' characteristics_en: "It's free. Free software - GPL licence" characteristics_es: "Es gratis. Software Libre - Licencia GPL" - name_en: 'More themes' name_es: 'Más plantillas' gem: 'sutty-theme-own' url: 'https://jekyllthemes.org' disabled: true description_en: "We're working towards adding more themes for you to use. [Contact us!](https://sutty.nl/en/#contact)" description_es: "Estamos trabajando para que puedas tener más diseños. [¡Escribinos!](https://sutty.nl/#contacto)" priority: '1' characteristics_en: "It's free. Free software - GPL licence" characteristics_es: "Es gratis. Software Libre - Licencia GPL"