en: date: format: '%m/%d/%Y' published_at: "Published at" last_modified_at: "Last modification" abbr_day_names: - Mon - Tue - Wed - Thu - Fri - Sat - Sun day_names: - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday abbr_month_names: - Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec month_names: - January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December time: am: am pm: pm format: '%-I:%M %p' components: actor: user: Username profile: Profile profile_name: Profile name preferred_name: Name in Fediverse profile_id: ID profile_published: Published profile_summary: Summary block_list: know_more: Know more instances_blocked: Instances blocked instances_filters: text_show: Show text_checked: With selected... instances_checked_submenu: submenu_pause: Moderate submenu_allow: Allow submenu_block: Block instances_show_submenu: submenu_paused: "Moderated (%{count})" submenu_allowed: "Allowed (%{count})" submenu_blocked: "Blocked (%{count})" comments_filters: text_show: Show text_checked: With selected... comments_checked_submenu: submenu_pause: Pause submenu_approve: Approve submenu_reject: Reject submenu_report: Report comments_show_submenu: submenu_paused: "Paused (%{count})" submenu_approved: "Approved (%{count})" submenu_rejected: "Rejected (%{count})" submenu_reported: "Reported (%{count})" profiles_filters: text_show: Show text_checked: With selected... profiles_checked_submenu: submenu_pause: Pause submenu_allow: Allow submenu_block: Block submenu_report: Report profiles_show_submenu: submenu_paused: "Paused (%{count})" submenu_allowed: "Allowed (%{count})" submenu_blocked: "Blocked (%{count})" submenu_reported: "Reported (%{count})" block_lists: title: Block lists comments_btn_box: text_pause: Pause text_approve: Approve text_reject: Reject text_reply: Reply text_report: Report confirm_report: "Send report to the remote instance? This action will also reject the comment." confirm_reject: "Reject this comment? Please notice we can't undo this action at this moment." instances_btn_box: text_pause: Check case by case text_allow: Allow everything text_block: Block instance profiles_btn_box: text_pause: Always check text_allow: Always approve text_block: Block text_report: Report confirm_report: "Send report to the remote instance? This action will also block the account." remote_flags: report_message: "Hi! Someone using Sutty CMS reported this account on your instance. We don't have support for customized report messages yet, but we will soon. You can reach us at %{panel_actor_mention}." activity_pubs: action_on_several: success: "Several comments have changed moderation state. You can find them using the filters on the Comments section." error: "There was an error while changing moderation state. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." approve: success: "Comment approved." error: "There was an error while approving the comment. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." reject: success: "Comment rejected. You can report it using the Report button." error: "There was an error while rejecting the comment. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." report: success: "Comment reported." error: "There was an error while reporting the comment. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." actor_moderations: action_on_several: success: "Several accounts have changed moderation state. You can find them using the filters on the Accounts section. No action was performed over existing Comments." error: "There was an error while changing moderation state. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." pause: success: "Account paused. No action was performed on existing Comments." error: "There was an error while pausing the account. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." allow: success: "Account allowed. All of their comments from now on will be approved automatically. No action was performed over existing Comments." error: "There was an error while allowing the account. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." block: success: "Account blocked. All of their comments from now on will be rejected automatically. No action was performed over existing Comments. If you want to report it to their instance, please use the Report button." error: "There was an error while blocking the account. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." report: success: "Account reported." error: "There was an error while reporting the account. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." instance_moderations: action_on_several: success: "Several instances have changed moderation state. You can find them using the filters on the Instances section. No action was performed over existing Accounts and Comments." error: "There was an error while changing moderation state. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." pause: success: "Instance paused. All of their comments and accounts from now on will need to be moderated individually. No action was performed over existing Accounts and Comments." error: "There was an error while pausing the instance. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." allow: success: "Instance allowed. All of their comments and accounts from now on will be approved automatically. No action was performed over existing Accounts and Comments." error: "There was an error while allowing the instance. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." block: success: "Instance blocked. All of their comments and accounts from now on will be rejected automatically. No action was performed over existing Accounts and Comments." error: "There was an error while blocking the instance. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." fediblock_states: action_on_several: success: "Blocklists have been enabled, you can find their instances by filtering by Blocked. You can approve them individually on the Accounts section. No action was performed over existing Accounts and Comments." error: "There was an error while enabling or disabling blocklists. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." custom_blocklist_success: "Custom blocklist has been added, you can find the instances by filtering by Blocked. No action was performed over existing Accounts and Comments." custom_blocklist_error: "There was an error while adding a custom blocklist. We received a report and will be acting on it soon." moderation_queue: everything: 'Select all' nothing: "There's nothing for this filter" index: title: Moderation instances: Instances accounts: Accounts comments: Comments comment: source_profile: Source Profile reply_to: Reply to instances: title: My block lists description: "Blocklists contain instances known for hosting hate speech, promote fascism, violence, sexual/gendered abuse and/or misinformation." custom_block: Custom block lists custom_block_placeholder: | a.doma.in per.li.ne submit: Save block lists instance: users: "Users:" dark: Dark dir: ltr en: English es: Castellano es-AR: Castellano rioplatense pt-BR: Português Brasileiro switch_locale: es: "Cambiar a castellano" pt-BR: "Trocar para Português" locales: es: name: Castillian Spanish dir: ltr en: name: English dir: ltr ar: name: Arabic dir: rtl ur: name: Urdu dir: rtl zh: name: Chinese dir: ltr de: name: German dir: ltr fr: name: French dir: ltr pt-BR: name: Português dir: ltr login: email: E-mail address password: Password remember_me: 'Keeps session open for %{remember_for}' actions: sr-help: "After this form you'll find links to recover your account and other actions." _true: 'Yes' _false: 'No' svg: sutty: title: Sutty desc: Sutty's logo, the Y is composed by > and / site_service: create: 'Created %{name}' update: 'Updated %{name}' tor: 'Added hidden service location' post_service: created: 'Created "%{title}"' updated: 'Updated "%{title}"' destroyed: 'Removed "%{title}"' reorder: 'Reorder' metadata: cant_be_empty: 'This field cannot be empty' image: site_invalid: 'The image cannot be stored if the site configuration is not valid' not_an_image: 'Not a web image. Accepted formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF, WEBP' path_required: 'Missing image for upload' no_file_for_description: "Description with no associated image" attachment_missing: "I couldn't save the image :(" file: site_invalid: 'The file cannot be stored if the site configuration is not valid' path_required: "Missing file for upload" no_file_for_description: "Description with no associated file" attachment_missing: "I couldn't save the file :(" event: zone_missing: 'Inexistent timezone' date_missing: 'Event date is required' date_non_parseable: 'Time is not in the correct format' time_non_parseable: 'Date is not in the correct format' end_in_the_past: "Event can't end before it starts" belongs_to: missing_post: "Couldn't find the related post" has_many: missing_posts: "Couldn't find some related posts" date: invalid_format: "Incorrect date format, please use yyyy-mm-dd, ie. 2021-01-31" exceptions: post: site_missing: 'Needs an instance of Site' layout_missing: 'Needs an instance of Layout' document_missing: 'Needs an instance of Jekyll::Document' no_method: '%{method} not allowed' seconds: '%{seconds} seconds' deploy_mailer: deployed: subject: "[Sutty] The site %{site} has been built" hi: "Hi!" explanation: | This e-mail is to notify you that Sutty has built your site, which is available at . You'll find details below. th: type: Type status: Status seconds: Duration size: Space used url: Address deploy_local: title: Build the site success: Success! error: Error deploy_www: title: Link to www success: Success! error: Error deploy_zip: title: Build ZIP file success: Available for download error: Error deploy_hidden_service: title: Host as Tor Hidden Service success: Success! error: Error deploy_private: title: Private version success: Success! error: Error deploy_alternative_domain: title: Alternative domain name success: Success! error: Error deploy_distributed_press: title: Distributed Web success: Success! error: Error deploy_social_distributed_press: title: Fediverse success: Success! error: Error deploy_reindex: title: Reindex success: Success! error: Error deploy_localized_domain: title: Domain name by language success: Success! error: Error deploy_rsync: title: Synchronize to backup server success: Success! error: Error deploy_full_rsync: title: Synchronize to another Sutty node success: Success! error: Error deploy_distributed_press: title: Distributed Web success: Success! error: Error help: You can contact us by replying to this e-mail maintenance_mailer: notice: subject: 'Maintenance notice' hi: 'Hi!' message: "We're getting in contact with you to let you know we'll be doing maintenance work on our servers." reason: 'The reason is:' estimated_from: 'The maintenance period starts at %{from} (visit %{time_is} to convert into your time zone)' estimated_to: 'Up to %{to} (approximately, visit %{time_is} to convert into your time zone)' estimated_from_html: 'The maintenance period starts at %{from} (convert into your time zone)' estimated_to_html: 'Up to %{to} (approximately, convert into your time zone)' thanks: 'Thank you for your patience' were_back: subject: 'Maintenance period ended' hi: 'Hi!' message: 'The maintenance period ended at %{updated_at} (visit %{time_is} to convert into your time zone)' message_html: 'The maintenance period ended at %{updated_at} (convert into your timezone)' ics: summary: 'Sutty - Maintenance' activerecord: models: usuarie: User licencia: License design: Design indexed_post: Indexed post attributes: usuarie: email: 'E-mail address' password: 'Password' password_confirmation: 'Password confirmation' current_password: 'Current password' lang: 'Main language' remember_me: Remember me site: name: 'Name' title: 'Title' description: 'Description' acepta_invitades: Enable collaboration colaboracion_anonima: Enable anonymous collaboration contact: Enable contact forms tienda_url: Store URL tienda_api_key: Store access key errors: models: site: attributes: deploys: deploy_local_presence: 'We need to be build the site!' design_id: missing_gem: "Site is configured to use %{theme} theme, but the corresponding gem is missing from Gemfile" layout_incompatible: error: "Design can't be changed because there are posts with incompatible layouts" help: "Your site has posts with layouts only compatible with the current design. If you change it, the site won't work as you expect. If you're trying out designs, you can delete posts in the following incompatible layouts:: %{layouts}." usuarie: attributes: lang: not_available: "This language is not yet available, would you help us by translating Sutty into it?" errors: site_not_found: "Site not found, or maybe you don't have access to it." argument_error: 'Argument `%{argument}` must be an instance of %{class}' unknown_locale: 'Unknown %{locale} locale' posts: reorder: "We're sorry, we couldn't reorder the articles" disordered: "The posts are disordered, this will prevent you from reordering them!" disordered_button: 'Reorder!' layouts: mailer: signature: 'With love, Sutty' breadcrumb: title: 'Your location in Sutty' logout: Log out mutual_aid: Mutual aid contact_us: "Contact us" contact_us_href: "https://sutty.nl/en/#contact" collaborations: collaborate: submit: Register welcome: "You've been invited to collaborate with %{site}" password: incorrect: 'Wrong password, please try again.' info: posts: reorder: 'The articles have been reordered!' help: usuarie: edit: Edit my profile category: 'Category' sites: index: 'This is the list of sites you can edit.' enqueued: "The site is on queue to be generated. Once this process finishes, you'll get an email telling you the status. If everything went well, your site will be published :)" enqueue: "When you finish making changes to your site, you can publish them with this action. You'll receive an email when it finishes." invitations: accept: "Someone invited you to collaborate on their site. If you accept the invitation, you can access the site's edit mode." reject: "If you decline, you won't have access." pull: 'You have pending upgrades!' close: 'Close help' deploys: deploy_local: title: 'Host at Sutty' help: | The site will be available at . We're working out the details to allow you to use your own site domains, you can [help us](https://sutty.nl/en/index.html#contact)! ejemplo: 'example' deploy_private: title: 'Generate private version' help: | Some templates support gathering private information. By enabling this option, when changes are published, you and your collaborators will be able to access this information in a private copy of the site. deploy_www: title: 'Add www to the address' help: | When you enable this option, your site will also be available under . The www prefix has been a way of referring to computers that are available on the World Wide Web. Since the Web became the hegemonic mode of accessing the Internet, it has lost popularity. All the same, some people still use them. deploy_zip: title: 'Generate a ZIP file' help: | ZIP files contain and compress all your site's files. With this option you can download and also share your entire site through the address, keep it as backup or have a strategy of solidary hosting, where many people share a copy of your site. It also helps with site archiving for historical purposes! ejemplo: 'example' deploy_hidden_service: title: 'Host as Tor Hidden Service' help: | A Hidden Service makes your site available anonymously on the Tor network. **Important:** This doesn't mean your site is **entirely anonymous**. Visitors can still access your site publicly at <%{public_url}>. [Learn more](https://sutty.nl/en/hidden-sites-with-tor/) help_2: | The hidden address for your site is: <%{url}> Only accessible through [Tor Browser](https://www.torproject.org/download/) deploy_distributed_press: title: 'Publish to the distributed Web' help: | Make your site available through peer-to-peer protocols, Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS), Hypercore, and via BitTorrent, so your site is more resilient and can be available offline, including in community mesh networks. **Important:** Only use this option if you would like your data to be permanently available. If you decide to undo this selection, a cleared version of the site will be shared in its place. However, it is possible that nodes on the distributed storage network may continue retaining copies of the data indefinitely. [Learn more](https://sutty.nl/learn-more-about-publish-to-dweb-functionality/) deploy_social_distributed_press: title: 'Publish on the Fediverse' help: | By using the ActivityPub protocol, people on the Fediverse ([Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org/servers), [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.social/site/about), and [others](https://fediverse.party/)) can follow your site, receive news and interact with them. There is also the possibility that Sutty advertises your content and/or Fediverse user automatically to attract followers. You can do it with this [form](https://cryptpad.fr/form/#/2/form/view/yp1KZwQjgU2RG-zhdQCyw4M8QhftNCVu8e+IJG2iN7Y/) stats: index: title: Statistics filter: "Filter" help: | These statistics show information about how your site is generated and how many resources it uses. last_update: 'Updated daily. Last update on ' empty: 'There is no enough information yet. We invite you to come back in %{please_return_at}!' loading: 'Loading...' hour: 'Hourly' day: 'Daily' week: 'Weekly' month: 'Monthly' year: 'Yearly' host: title: zero: 'Site visits' one: 'Site visits' other: 'Visits by domain name' description: 'Counts visited pages on your site, grouped by domain names in use.' urls: title: 'Visits by URL' description: 'Counts visits or downloads on any URL.' label: 'URLs ("links")' help: 'Copy and paste a single URL per line' submit: 'Update graph' resources: title: 'Resource usage' description: "In this section you can find statistics on your site's use of Sutty's shared resources" builds: title: 'Site publication' description: 'Times you published your site.' space_used: title: 'Server disk usage' description: 'Average storage space used by your site.' build_time: title: 'Publication time' description: 'Average time your site takes to build, from pressing "Publish changes" to actually being available on your site.' columns: visits: "Visits" http_referer: title: "Referers" description: "Visits by origin" column: "Referer" empty: "(direct visit)" geoip2_data_country_name: title: "Countries" description: "Visits by country" column: "Country" empty: "(couldn't detect country)" sites: moderation_queue: moderation_needed: "There are new activities pending revision since the last time you moderated." donations: url: 'https://donaciones.sutty.nl/en/' text: 'Support us' designer_url: 'Support the designer' static_file_migration: 'File migration' find_and_replace: 'Search and replace' status: building: "Your site is building, it will be ready in ." not_published_yet: "Your site is being published for the first time, please wait up to 1 minute..." available: "Your site is available! Click here to find all the different ways to visit it." awaiting_publication: "There are unpublished changes. Click the button below and wait a moment to find them on your site." index: title: 'My Sites' pull: 'Upgrade' help: 'Here are all the sites you can edit' visit: 'Visit the site' welcome: | # Welcome! You don't have any sites yet. You can generate as many sites as you want with the **Create site** button. To see your changes, use the **Publish changes** button that corresponds to the site you've modified and wait a few seconds. You will receive an e-mail notification when the changes are loaded. [Create my first site](/sites/new) repository: config: 'Changes in config' actions: 'Actions' posts: 'View and edit posts' title: 'Sites' enqueued: 'Building site...' enqueue: 'Publish all changes' private: 'Private version' failed: 'Failed!' build_log: 'Read log' invitations: accept: 'Accept invitation' reject: 'No, thanks' new: title: 'Create site' submit: 'Create site' help: 'You can edit any of these options after site creation.' edit: title: 'Edit %{site}' submit: 'Save changes' btn: 'Configuration' update: post: "Your changes have been saved. **If you enabled a publication method, don't forget to publish changes.**" form: errors: title: There were errors and we couldn't save your changes :( help: Please, look for the invalid fields to fix them help: name: "This will be the host name for your site, ie. **example**.sutty.nl. Choose an expression up to 63 characters. It can contain only lowercase letters, numbers and dashes, **and no spaces**. It can't start or end with a dash, or be entirely composed of numbers." title: 'The title can be anything you want' description: 'You site description that appears in search engines. Between 50 and 160 characters.' design: 'Select the design for your site. We add more designs from time to time!' licencia: 'Everything we publish has automatic copyright. This means nobody can use our works without explicit permission. By using licenses, we stablish conditions by which we want to share them.' privacidad: | The [privacy policy](https://sutty.nl/en/privacy-policy/) and [code of conduct](https://sutty.nl/en/code-of-conduct/) inform your visitors about their privacy and the conduct expected from members of the site's community. We suggest you use the same documents Sutty uses. You can modify them as articles after creating the site. deploys: | Sutty allows you to host your site in different places at the same time. This strategy makes your site available even if one of them goes down. design: title: 'Design' actions: 'Information about this design' url: 'Demo' license: 'License' licencia: title: 'License for the site and everything published on it' url: 'Read the license' privacidad: title: 'Privacy policy and code of conduct' deploys: title: 'Where do you want your site to be hosted?' colaboracion_anonima: title: 'Accept anonymous collaboration' help: 'By allowing anonymous collaboration, you enable visitors to send articles without a Sutty account. Nothing is published without your consent, so make sure to check drafts regularly. This feature can expose you to attacks and violence, so we recommend you enable it with careful consideration.' acepta_invitades: title: 'Accept collaboration' help: 'By enabling this option, you can invite other people to collaborate on your site.' contact: title: 'Enable contact forms' help: 'If your site has contact forms, you can enable them here. If your site is under a spam or troll attack, you can disable them temporarily.' tienda: title: Store first_time_html: 'The store is an optional service that allows you to commercialize through your Sutty web site. To configure it, we invite you to contact us :).' help: 'You can configure your store here.' fetch: title: 'Upgrade the site' help: fetch: 'Any changes made to the site are saved into a _git_ repository. Git saves the differences between previous and current versions of files so we can explore them as the history of the project. Additionally, we can bring and send changes between repositories. In this case, every site managed with Sutty shares a common root that we call [skeleton](https://0xacab.org/sutty/skel.sutty.nl). When we upgrade this skeleton, you can explore the changes here and accept them to improve your site.' toc: 'Table of contents' merge: request: 'Upgrade my site with these changes' success: 'Site upgrade has been completed. Your next build will run this upgrade :)' error: "There was an error when trying to upgrade your site. This could be due to conflicts that couldn't be solved automatically. A report of the issue has already been sent to our admins. Sorry for the inconvenience! :(" message: 'Skeleton upgrade' webhooks: pull: message: 'Webhooks pull' footer: powered_by: 'is developed by' i18n: index: 'Translations' edit: 'Edit texts and translations' edit_same: 'Edit texts in' translate_into: '. Translate to' save: 'Save' change: 'Change' translate: 'Translate' jump: 'Jump to section' translating: from: 'Translating from' to: 'to' es: 'Castillian Spanish' en: 'English' ar: 'Arabic' posts: prev: Previous page next: Next page empty: "There are no results for those search parameters." caption: Post list attribute_ro: file: download: Download file password: safety: Passwords are stored safely show: front_matter: Post metadata submit: save: 'Save' save_draft: 'Save as draft' invalid_help: 'Some fields need attention! Please search for the fields marked as invalid.' sending_help: Saving, please wait... attributes: add: Add lang: label: Language date: label: Date help: Date for this post. If you choose a future date, the post won't be published until you publish changes on that day. required: label: ' (required)' feedback: 'This field cannot be empty!' uuid: label: 'Unique identifier' created_at: label: 'Created at' geo: uri: 'Open in app' osm: 'Open in web map' locales: mapable: help: You can link to the article's translation by looking up its title here and pressing Add file: destroy: Remove file image: label: Image destroy: Remove image belongs_to: empty: "(Empty)" predefined_value: empty: "(Empty)" draft: label: Draft reorder: submit: 'Save order' select: 'Select this post' unselect: 'Deselect all' top: 'Send to top' bottom: 'Send to bottom' up: 'Up' down: 'Down' sort: by: 'Sort by' order: 'order' date: 'date' order: 'Order' content: 'Text' new: 'Post types' remove_filter_help: 'Remove the filter: %{filter}' categories: 'Everything' index: search: 'Search' edit: Edit preview: btn: 'Preliminary version' alert: 'Not every article type has a preliminary version' message: 'This is a preview of your post with some contextual elements from your site.' open: 'Tip: You can add new options by typing them and pressing Enter' private: '🔒 The values of this field will remain private' select: placeholder: 'Type to filter available options' max: 'You can select up to %{max} options' text_area: max: 'Up to %{max} characters' table: 'This field is a group of fields, you can add more groups with the "Add" button or remove them with the "Remove" button.' row: add: 'Add %{group}' del: 'Remove %{group}' checkbox: 'Yes' anchor: 'Copy this link to come back here' number: max: 'The maximum value is %{max}' image: multiple: 'You can select several images by holding the Ctrl or Cmd kbd in your kbdboard.' url: 'The address must start with http:// or https://' blank: Nothing destroy: Delete confirm_destroy: Are you sure? form: errors: title: There are some errors on the form help: Please, verify that all values are correct. usuaries: invite_as: usuaries: users invitades: guests index: help: self: Self-manage who has access to this site destroy: Remove access to this site usuaries: 'Users can self-manage every section and option of this site, posts, review and approve posts from guests, publish changes, etc.' invitades: 'Guests can only create new posts and edit those authored by them. Any change needs review and approval by a user.' demote: Removes privileges for this user promote: Gives privileges to this guest invite: 'Invites %{invite_as} to this site' public_invite: Copy this address and share it with everyone you want to collaborate on your site. These guests can only create and modify their own posts and any change needs to be approved. title: Users and Guests usuaries: Users invitades: Guests destroy: text: 'Remove access' confirm: "Remove access to this site? The account itself will not be deleted, but it won't be able to make changes to this site." denied: 'The site needs at least one user!' demote: text: 'Convert to guest' confirm: 'Convert to guest? They can only edit their own posts and will need approval from another user to publish them.' denied: 'The site needs at least one user!' promote: text: 'Convert to user' confirm: 'Convert to user? They will gain full access to self-manage this site.' invite: 'Invite' public_invite: 'Open collaborations' invited: Awaiting confirmation invite: title: 'Invite %{invite_as}' help: invitaciones: 'You can invite new %{invite_as} by entering an email address per line. They will receive an email with your invitation and decide if they want to accept or not.' invitaciones: Send invitations to these addresses submit: Send invitations application: page_not_found: title: '404: Page not found :(' description: "You're reading this message because the page you wanted doesn't exist." button: 'Back to panel' lockbox: help: title: Encrypted content description: The field contents are encrypted before being stored and won't be available on the public website or its source code. You can save private information here and it will only be readable to this site's users through the Sutty panel. decryption_error: There was an error trying to decrypt the content. The Sutty team has been notified. editor: alert: "Hi! This our new editor, which supports more formats. Editors are complex machines and we can only polish them with your help. If you have a few minutes, [we would like to read about your experience](https://sutty.nl/en/#contact) :)" bold: Bold italic: Emphasis deleted: Strikethrough underline: Underline mark: Mark link: Link super: Superscript sub: Subscript small: Small h1: Heading 1 h2: Heading 2 h3: Heading 3 h4: Heading 4 h5: Heading 5 h6: Heading 6 ul: Unordered list ol: Ordered list left: Left right: Right center: Center blockquote: Quote color: Color text-color: Text color multimedia: Media multimedia-select: Select file multimedia-upload: Upload multimedia-remove: Remove media description: Description for the visually impaired and search engines url: Address more: More heading levels word: "If you're pasting from another word processor, please be patient with us, as it isn't always simple to recover the whole format" email_address: address_unknown: "the address is unknown" domain_does_not_accept_email: "this domain is not configured to accept email" domain_invalid: "domain name format is incorrect" domain_no_localhost: "localhost is not allowed for your domain name" domain_unknown: "domain name not registered" exceeds_size: "address is too long" incomplete_domain: "domain name is incomplete (ie: missing .com)" invalid_address: "format is incorrect (ie: user@example.org)" invalid_host: "provider format is incorrect" invalid_mailbox: "the account format is incorrect (ie: contains spaces)" ip_address_forbidden: "IP addresses are not allowed" ip_address_no_localhost: "localhost IP addresses are not allowed" ipv4_address_invalid: "the address is not a valid IPv4 address" ipv6_address_invalid: "the address is not a valid IPv6 address" local_size_long: "account name too long" local_size_short: "account name too short" local_invalid: "format is incorrect" not_allowed: "that email provider is not welcome here" server_not_available: "remote email server not available" loaf: breadcrumbs: sites: index: 'My sites' new: 'Create' edit: 'Configure' posts: new: 'Add %{layout}' edit: 'Editing' usuaries: index: 'Users' stats: index: 'Statistics' blazer: columns: total: 'Total' dia: 'Date' date: 'Date' visitas: 'Visits' queries: show: empty: '(empty)' schemas: add: add: 'Add' filter: filter: 'Filter' remove: 'Back' build_stats: index: title: "Publications" indexed_posts: deleted: "Deleted indexed post %{path} from %{site} (records: %{records})"