en: errors: argument_error: 'Argument `%{argument}` must be an instance of %{class}' unknown_locale: 'Unknown %{locale} locale' help: breadcrumbs: "What you see up here are the bread crumbs for this site. When you enter a new section, you will see the previous ones and also have a path for where you\'re standing." sites: index: 'This is the list of sites you can edit.' edit_translations: "You can edit texts from your site other than posts', and you can also translate them to other languages." edit_posts: "When you enter here, you'll see a list of every article and edit them. You can also create new ones." enqueued: "The site is on queue to be generated. Once this process finishes, you'll get an email telling you the status. If everything went well, your site will be published :)" enqueue: "When you finish making changes to your site, you can publish them with this action. You'll receive an email when it finishes." build_log: "This is the log for what happened during site generation. If there was an issue, you'll see it here." close: 'Close help' markdown: intro: 'The text is formatted using a syntax called Markdwon, a simple format that can be easily written just by remembering some rules, and that can be converted to a web page, or to PDF and ePub files. You can use the buttons below for basic formatting. If you need help, here you have a markdown cheatsheet.' back: 'Go back' input: 'If we write...' output: 'We get...' bold: 'Bold' italic: 'Emphasis' heading: 'Title' link: text: 'A link' url: 'https://example.org' quote: 'A quote from a text we liked' ul: 'Our TODO list' ol: 'Steps for our machiavelic plans' img: text: 'Kéfir island' url: 'https://kefir.red/images/isla.png' distraction_free_html: 'You can a distraction free writing session by clicking the button' preview_html: 'Click the preview button to see the results.' autocomplete_html: "Some of these fields can be auto-completed. If you know what to put on them, just start writing and the auto-complete will suggest available options. If the option doesn't exist, finish writing and press Enter to add a new one. To empty the field, click the × button on your right." login: email: 'E-mail' password: 'Password' submit: 'Log in' sites: actions: 'Actions' posts: 'View and edit posts' title: 'Sites' index: 'Sites' enqueued: 'Waiting for build' enqueue: 'Build' failed: 'Failed!' build_log: 'Read log' footer: powered_by: 'is developed by' i18n: index: 'Translations' edit: 'Edit texts and translations' save: 'Save' change: 'Change' translating: from: 'Translating from' to: 'into' es: 'Castillian Spanish' en: 'English' ar: 'Arabic' posts: new: 'New post' index: 'Posts' edit: 'Edit' save: 'Save' date: 'Publication date' date_help: 'This changes the articles order!' title: 'Title' tags: 'Tags' tags_help: 'Comma separated!' categories: 'Categories' tags: 'Tags' slug: 'Slug' slug_help: 'This is the name of the article on the URL, ie. /title/. You can leave it empty. If you changed the title and you want to change the file name, empty this field.' cover: 'Cover' cover_help: 'Path to the cover' layout: 'Layout' layout_help: 'The layout of this post' objetivos: 'Objectives' objetivos_help: 'Objectives of this session' permalink: 'Permanent link' permalink_help: "If you want to access the post from a specific URL, use this field. Don\'t forget to start with a /" recomendaciones: 'Recommendations' recomendaciones_help: 'Recommendations for this session' duracion: 'Duration' duracion_help: "How long does the session take to finish?" habilidades: 'Skill level' habilidades_help: 'Skills required for this session' formato: 'Format' formato_help: 'Format of this session' conocimientos: 'Required knowledge' conocimientos_help: 'Select all required knowledge for this session' sesiones_ejercicios_relacionados: 'Related sessions/exercises' sesiones_ejercicios_relacionados_help: 'Select all related sessions/exercises' materiales_requeridos: 'Needed materials' materiales_requeridos_help: 'Select all materials needed for this session' lang: es: 'Castillian Spanish' en: 'English' ar: 'Arabic' lang_help: 'The same article in another language.' rtl: 'Right to left' ltr: 'Left to right' dir: 'Text direction' logger: rm: 'Removed %{path}' errors: path: 'File already exist' file: "Couldn't write the file" title: 'Post needs a title' date: 'Post needs a valid date'