en: errors: argument_error: 'Argument `%{argument}` must be an instance of %{class}' unknown_locale: 'Unknown %{locale} locale' help: breadcrumbs: "What you see up here are the bread crumbs for this site. When you enter a new section, you will see the previous ones and also have a path for where you\'re standing." i18n: index: "Here you can edit your site's texts that don't belong to a post, like its description, sections, buttons... If you change languages up there in the title to be the same, you can edit them. If they're different, you can translate from one into the other." sites: index: 'This is the list of sites you can edit.' edit_translations: "You can edit texts from your site other than posts', and you can also translate them to other languages." edit_posts: "When you enter here, you'll see a list of every article and edit them. You can also create new ones." enqueued: "The site is on queue to be generated. Once this process finishes, you'll get an email telling you the status. If everything went well, your site will be published :)" enqueue: "When you finish making changes to your site, you can publish them with this action. You'll receive an email when it finishes." build_log: "This is the log for what happened during site generation. If there was an issue, you'll see it here." close: 'Close help' markdown: intro: 'The text is formatted using a syntax called Markdwon, a simple format that can be easily written just by remembering some rules, and that can be converted to a web page, or to PDF and ePub files. You can use the buttons below for basic formatting. If you need help, here you have a markdown cheatsheet.' back: 'Go back' input: 'If we write...' output: 'We get...' bold: 'Bold' italic: 'Emphasis' heading: 'Title' link: text: 'A link' url: 'https://example.org' quote: 'A quote from a text we liked' ul: 'Our TODO list' ol: 'Steps for our machiavelic plans' img: text: 'Kéfir island' url: 'https://kefir.red/images/isla.png' distraction_free_html: 'You can a distraction free writing session by clicking the button' preview_html: 'Click the preview button to see the results.' autocomplete_html: "Some of these fields can be auto-completed. If you know what to put on them, just start writing and the auto-complete will suggest available options. If the option doesn't exist, finish writing and press Enter to add a new one. To empty the field, click the × button on your right." login: email: 'E-mail' password: 'Password' submit: 'Log in' sites: actions: 'Actions' posts: 'View and edit posts' title: 'Sites' index: 'Sites' enqueued: 'Waiting for build' enqueue: 'Build' failed: 'Failed!' build_log: 'Read log' footer: powered_by: 'is developed by' i18n: index: 'Translations' edit: 'Edit texts and translations' save: 'Save' change: 'Change' translating: from: 'Translating from' to: 'into' es: 'Castillian Spanish' en: 'English' ar: 'Arabic' posts: new: 'New post' index: 'Posts' edit: 'Edit' save: 'Save' date: 'Publication date' date_help: 'This changes the articles order!' title: 'Title' tags: 'Tags' tags_help: 'Comma separated!' categories: 'Categories' tags: 'Tags' slug: 'Slug' slug_help: 'This is the name of the article on the URL, ie. /title/. You can leave it empty. If you changed the title and you want to change the file name, empty this field.' cover: 'Cover' cover_help: 'Path to the cover' layout: 'Layout' layout_help: 'The layout of this post' objetivos: 'Objectives' objetivos_help: 'Objectives of this session' permalink: 'Permanent link' permalink_help: "If you want to access the post from a specific URL, use this field. Don\'t forget to start with a /" recomendaciones: 'Recommendations' recomendaciones_help: 'Recommendations for this session' duracion: 'Duration' duracion_help: "How long does the session take to finish?" habilidades: 'Skill level' habilidades_help: 'Skills required for this session' formato: 'Format' formato_help: 'Format of this session' conocimientos: 'Required knowledge' conocimientos_help: 'Select all required knowledge for this session' sesiones_ejercicios_relacionados: 'Related sessions/exercises' sesiones_ejercicios_relacionados_help: 'Select all related sessions/exercises' materiales_requeridos: 'Needed materials' materiales_requeridos_help: 'Select all materials needed for this session' lang: es: 'Castillian Spanish' en: 'English' ar: 'Arabic' lang_help: 'The same article in another language.' rtl: 'Right to left' ltr: 'Left to right' dir: 'Text direction' logger: rm: 'Removed %{path}' errors: path: 'File already exist' file: "Couldn't write the file" title: 'Post needs a title' date: 'Post needs a valid date'