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# Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Zammad Foundation,
module ZammadSpecSupportRequest
# This ruby meta programming action creates the methods to perform:
# HTTP "requests".
# They overwrite the ones of `ActionDispatch::Integration::RequestHelpers`
# to add the headers set by #add_headers before
%i[get post patch put delete head].each do |method_id|
define_method(method_id) do |path, **args|
args = args.with_indifferent_access
args[:headers] = Hash(args[:headers]).merge!(Hash(@headers))
super(path, **args.symbolize_keys)
# Adds one or more HTTP headers to all requests of the current example.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] headers Hash of HTTP headers
# @example
# add_headers('Eg Some X-Header' => 'Some value')
# @example
# add_headers(
# 'Header 1' => 'Some value',
# 'Header 2' => 'Some value',
# ...
# )
# @return [Hash] The current headers Hash
def add_headers(headers)
@headers = Hash(@headers).merge(headers)
# Parses the response.body as JSON.
# @example
# json_response
# @example
# json_response.is_a?(Array)
# @return [Array, Hash, ...] Parsed JSON structure as Ruby object
def json_response
# Authenticates all requests of the current example as the given user.
# @example
# authenticated_as(some_admin_user)
# @example
# authenticated_as(some_admin_user, on_behalf_of: customer_user)
# @example
# authenticated_as(some_admin_user, password: 'wrongpw')
# @example
# authenticated_as(some_admin_user, password: 'wrongpw', token: create(:token, action: 'api', user_id: )
# @example
# authenticated_as(nil, login: 'not_existing', password: 'wrongpw' )
# @return nil
Testing: Enhance authenticated_as spec helper Originally, the `authenticated_as` spec helper made it impossible to persist session state in request specs. This made it impossible to test external_credentials#callback or any other controller actions that rely on session state. This commit fixes that. === How exactly was `authenticated_as` broken? `authenticated_as` passes user credentials via request headers. In practice, this auth method is for API requests by machine clients, since they don't have cookies or store session state. Because machine clients don't use cookies or session state anyway, Zammad disables them for this auth method: # app/controllers/application_controller/authenticates.rb 1 module ApplicationController::Authenticates 42 def authentication_check_only(auth_param = {}) 57 request.session_options[:skip] = true As a result, in tests using `authenticated_as`, session data is discarded between every single request. Some controller actions will not work without session data, so this limitation made testing these actions impossible. === Why couldn't we just set the session values directly in test setup? This is possible in controller tests, but the Rails & RSpec team soft-deprecated controller tests in favor of integration tests (request specs) a long time ago. For more details, consider the following comments: > The session is an internal structure for the controller. > Integration test is more black box than controller tests were. > I don't think we should be testing internals of the controller like this. > I would rework the test to test something visible in the UI instead. > > --@dhh via > Integration tests doesn't allow you to set session. > > --@rafaelfranca via === Solution This commit adds a `via: :browser` option to the spec helper which simply prepends a valid sign-in request to the spec example.
2020-03-30 08:47:19 +00:00
def authenticated_as(user, via: :api_client, **options)
password = options[:password] || user.password.to_s
login = options[:login] || user.login
# mock authentication otherwise login won't
# if user has no password (which is expensive to create)
Testing: Enhance authenticated_as spec helper Originally, the `authenticated_as` spec helper made it impossible to persist session state in request specs. This made it impossible to test external_credentials#callback or any other controller actions that rely on session state. This commit fixes that. === How exactly was `authenticated_as` broken? `authenticated_as` passes user credentials via request headers. In practice, this auth method is for API requests by machine clients, since they don't have cookies or store session state. Because machine clients don't use cookies or session state anyway, Zammad disables them for this auth method: # app/controllers/application_controller/authenticates.rb 1 module ApplicationController::Authenticates 42 def authentication_check_only(auth_param = {}) 57 request.session_options[:skip] = true As a result, in tests using `authenticated_as`, session data is discarded between every single request. Some controller actions will not work without session data, so this limitation made testing these actions impossible. === Why couldn't we just set the session values directly in test setup? This is possible in controller tests, but the Rails & RSpec team soft-deprecated controller tests in favor of integration tests (request specs) a long time ago. For more details, consider the following comments: > The session is an internal structure for the controller. > Integration test is more black box than controller tests were. > I don't think we should be testing internals of the controller like this. > I would rework the test to test something visible in the UI instead. > > --@dhh via > Integration tests doesn't allow you to set session. > > --@rafaelfranca via === Solution This commit adds a `via: :browser` option to the spec helper which simply prepends a valid sign-in request to the spec example.
2020-03-30 08:47:19 +00:00
if password.blank?
allow(User).to receive(:authenticate).with(login, '') { user.update_last_login }.and_return(user)
Testing: Enhance authenticated_as spec helper Originally, the `authenticated_as` spec helper made it impossible to persist session state in request specs. This made it impossible to test external_credentials#callback or any other controller actions that rely on session state. This commit fixes that. === How exactly was `authenticated_as` broken? `authenticated_as` passes user credentials via request headers. In practice, this auth method is for API requests by machine clients, since they don't have cookies or store session state. Because machine clients don't use cookies or session state anyway, Zammad disables them for this auth method: # app/controllers/application_controller/authenticates.rb 1 module ApplicationController::Authenticates 42 def authentication_check_only(auth_param = {}) 57 request.session_options[:skip] = true As a result, in tests using `authenticated_as`, session data is discarded between every single request. Some controller actions will not work without session data, so this limitation made testing these actions impossible. === Why couldn't we just set the session values directly in test setup? This is possible in controller tests, but the Rails & RSpec team soft-deprecated controller tests in favor of integration tests (request specs) a long time ago. For more details, consider the following comments: > The session is an internal structure for the controller. > Integration test is more black box than controller tests were. > I don't think we should be testing internals of the controller like this. > I would rework the test to test something visible in the UI instead. > > --@dhh via > Integration tests doesn't allow you to set session. > > --@rafaelfranca via === Solution This commit adds a `via: :browser` option to the spec helper which simply prepends a valid sign-in request to the spec example.
2020-03-30 08:47:19 +00:00
case via
when :api_client
# ensure that always the correct header value is set
# otherwise previous header configurations will be re-used
add_headers('X-On-Behalf-Of' => options[:on_behalf_of])
# if we want to authenticate by token
credentials = if options[:token].present?
"Token token=#{options[:token].name}"
ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials(login, password)
add_headers('Authorization' => credentials)
Testing: Enhance authenticated_as spec helper Originally, the `authenticated_as` spec helper made it impossible to persist session state in request specs. This made it impossible to test external_credentials#callback or any other controller actions that rely on session state. This commit fixes that. === How exactly was `authenticated_as` broken? `authenticated_as` passes user credentials via request headers. In practice, this auth method is for API requests by machine clients, since they don't have cookies or store session state. Because machine clients don't use cookies or session state anyway, Zammad disables them for this auth method: # app/controllers/application_controller/authenticates.rb 1 module ApplicationController::Authenticates 42 def authentication_check_only(auth_param = {}) 57 request.session_options[:skip] = true As a result, in tests using `authenticated_as`, session data is discarded between every single request. Some controller actions will not work without session data, so this limitation made testing these actions impossible. === Why couldn't we just set the session values directly in test setup? This is possible in controller tests, but the Rails & RSpec team soft-deprecated controller tests in favor of integration tests (request specs) a long time ago. For more details, consider the following comments: > The session is an internal structure for the controller. > Integration test is more black box than controller tests were. > I don't think we should be testing internals of the controller like this. > I would rework the test to test something visible in the UI instead. > > --@dhh via > Integration tests doesn't allow you to set session. > > --@rafaelfranca via === Solution This commit adds a `via: :browser` option to the spec helper which simply prepends a valid sign-in request to the spec example.
2020-03-30 08:47:19 +00:00
when :browser
post '/api/v1/signin', params: { username: login, password: password, fingerprint: Faker::Number.number(9) }
# Provides a Hash of attributes for the given FactoryBot
# factory parameters which can be used as the params payload.
# Note that the attributes are "cleaned" so no created_by_id etc.
# is present.
# @see FactoryBot#attributes_for
# @example
# attributes_params_for(:admin, email: '')
# # => {firstname: 'Nicole', email: '', ...}
# @return [Hash{Symbol => <String, Array, Hash>}] request cleaned attributes
def attributes_params_for(*args)
# Provides a Hash of attributes for the given Model instance which can
# be used as the params payload.
# Note that the attributes are "cleaned" so no created_by_id etc.
# is present.
# @param [Hash] instance An ActiveRecord instance
# @example
# cleaned_params_for(some_admin_user)
# # => {firstname: 'Nicole', email: '', ...}
# @return [Hash{Symbol => <String, Array, Hash>}] request cleaned attributes
def cleaned_params_for(instance)
# This is a self explaining internal method.
# @see ApplicationModel#filter_unused_params
def filter_unused_params(unfiltered)
# let's get private
ApplicationModel.send(:filter_unused_params, unfiltered)
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include ZammadSpecSupportRequest, type: :request
config.before(:each, type: :request) do
Setting.set('system_init_done', true)
# This helper allows you to authenticate as a given user in request specs
# via the example metadata, rather than directly:
# it 'does something', authenticated_as: :user
# In order for this to work, you must define the user in a `let` block first:
# let(:user) { create(:customer) }
config.before(:each, :authenticated_as, type: :request) do |example|
user = authenticated_as_get_user example.metadata[:authenticated_as], return_type: :user
authenticated_as user if user