228 lines
6.5 KiB
228 lines
6.5 KiB
do($ = window.jQuery, window) ->
# Define the plugin class
class ZammadChat
invitationPhrase: '<strong>Chat</strong> with us!'
agentPhrase: '%%agent%% is helping you'
show: true
target: $('body')
isOpen: false
blinkOnlineInterval: null
stopBlinOnlineStateTimeout: null
showTimeEveryXMinutes: 1
lastTimestamp: null
lastAddedType: null
inputTimeout: null
isTyping: false
isOnline: true
'Online': 'Online'
'Offline': 'Offline'
'Connecting': 'Connecting'
'Connection re-established': 'Connection re-established'
'Today': 'Today'
T: (string) ->
return @strings[string]
view: (name) ->
return window.zammadChatTemplates[name]
constructor: (el, options) ->
@options = $.extend {}, @defaults, options
@el = $(@view('chat')())
@options.target.append @el
@setAgentOnlineState @isOnline
@show() if @options.show
@el.find('.zammad-chat-header').click @toggle
@el.find('.zammad-chat-controls').on 'submit', @onSubmit
keydown: @checkForEnter
input: @onInput
).autoGrow { extraLine: false }
checkForEnter: (event) =>
if not event.shiftKey and event.keyCode is 13
onInput: =>
# remove unread-state from messages
.removeClass 'zammad-chat-message--unread'
clearTimeout(@inputTimeout) if @inputTimeout
# fire typingEnd after 5 seconds
@inputTimeout = setTimeout @onTypingEnd, 5000
@onTypingStart() if @isTyping
onTypingStart: ->
# send typing start event
@isTyping = true
onTypingEnd: =>
# send typing end event
@isTyping = false
onSubmit: (event) =>
sendMessage: ->
message = @el.find('.zammad-chat-input').val()
if message
messageElement = @view('message') { message: message }
# add message before message typing loader
if @el.find('.zammad-chat-message--typing').size()
@lastAddedType = 'typing-placeholder'
@el.find('.zammad-chat-message--typing').before messageElement
@lastAddedType = 'message--customer'
@el.find('.zammad-chat-body').append messageElement
@isTyping = false
# send message event
receiveMessage: (message) =>
# hide writing indicator
@lastAddedType = 'message--agent'
unread = document.hidden ? " zammad-chat-message--unread" : ""
@el.find('.zammad-chat-body').append @view('message')({message: message})
toggle: =>
if @isOpen then @close() else @open()
open: ->
.animate { bottom: 0 }, 500, @onOpenAnimationEnd
onOpenAnimationEnd: =>
@isOpen = true
setTimeout @onConnectionEstablished, 1180
setTimeout @onAgentTypingStart, 2000
setTimeout @receiveMessage, 5000, "Hello! How can I help you?"
close: ->
remainerHeight = @el.height() - @el.find('.zammad-chat-header').outerHeight()
@el.animate { bottom: -remainerHeight }, 500, onCloseAnimationEnd
onCloseAnimationEnd: =>
@isOpen = false
hide: ->
show: ->
remainerHeight = @el.height() - @el.find('.zammad-chat-header').outerHeight()
@el.css 'bottom', -remainerHeight
onAgentTypingStart: =>
# never display two loaders
return if @el.find('.zammad-chat-message--typing').size()
@el.find('.zammad-chat-body').append @view('typingIndicator')()
onAgentTypingEnd: =>
maybeAddTimestamp: ->
timestamp = Date.now()
if !@lastTimestamp or timestamp - @lastTimestamp > @showTimeEveryXMinutes * 60000
label = @T('Today')
time = new Date().toTimeString().substr 0,5
if @lastAddedType is 'timestamp'
# update last time
@updateLastTimestamp label, time
@lastTimestamp = timestamp
# add new timestamp
@addStatus label, time
@lastTimestamp = timestamp
@lastAddedType = 'timestamp'
updateLastTimestamp: (label, time) ->
.replaceWith @view('status')
label: label
time: time
addStatus: (label, time) ->
@el.find('.zammad-chat-body').append( @view('status')
label: label
time: time
scrollToBottom: ->
connect: ->
reconnect: =>
# set status to connecting
@lastAddedType = 'status'
@el.find('.zammad-chat-agent-status').attr('data-status', 'connecting').text @T('Connecting')
@addStatus @T('Connection lost')
onConnectionReestablished: =>
# set status back to online
@lastAddedType = 'status'
@el.find('.zammad-chat-agent-status').attr('data-status', 'online').text @T('Online')
@addStatus @T('Connection re-established')
disconnect: ->
onConnectionEstablished: =>
setAgentOnlineState: (state) =>
@isOnline = state
.toggleClass('zammad-chat-is-online', state)
.text if state then @T('Online') else @T('Offline')
$(document).ready ->
window.zammadChat = new ZammadChat()