title:"some words with spaces"# exact phrase / without quotation marks " an AND search for the words will be performed (in Zammad 1.5 and lower an OR search will be performed)
title:"some wor*"# exact phrase beginning with "some wor*" will be searched
created_at:[2017-01-01TO2017-12-31]# a time range
created_at:>now-1h# created within last hour
(state:newORstate:open)ORpriority:"3 normal"
state:(newORopen)ANDtitle:(fulltextsearch)# state: new OR open & title: full OR text OR search
tags:"some tag"
owner.email:"bod@example.com"ANDstate:(newORopenORpending*)# show all open tickets of a certain agent
state:closedAND_missing_:tag# all closed objects without tags
article_count:[1TO5]# tickets with 1 to 5 articles
article_count:[10TO*]# tickets with 10 or more articles
article.from:bob# also article.from can be used
article.body:heat~# using the fuzzy operator will also find terms that are similar, in this case also "head"
article.body:/joh?n(ath[oa]n)/# using regular expressions