Improved log backend.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Edenhofer 2012-11-12 01:12:36 +01:00
parent 545ef60bdd
commit 076b2e344a
13 changed files with 110 additions and 92 deletions

View file

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
@include App.Log
constructor: ->
@Config = App.Config
@ -126,7 +128,6 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
authenticate: ->
console.log 'authenticate', @Session.all()
# return rtue if session exists
return true if @Session.get( 'id' )

View file

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
formGen: ->
App.Log.log 'ControllerForm', 'debug', 'formGen', @model.configure_attributes
fieldset = $('<fieldset>')
for attribute_clean in @model.configure_attributes
@ -135,6 +137,9 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
attribute.value = ''
App.Log.log 'ControllerForm', 'debug', 'formGenItem-before', attribute
# build options list based on config
@_getConfigOptionList( attribute )
@ -189,7 +194,7 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
counter = 0
for key of loopData
counter =+ 1
@log 'kkk', key, loopData[ key ]
# @log 'kkk', key, loopData[ key ]
# clone to keep it untouched for next loop
select = _.clone( attribute )
@ -309,12 +314,12 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
@log '111111', @local_attribute_full, item
# @log '111111', @local_attribute_full, item
source: '/api/users/search',
minLength: 2,
select: ( event, ui ) =>
@log 'selected', event, ui
# @log 'selected', event, ui
@delay( a, 600 )
@ -324,7 +329,7 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
item = $( App.view('generic/input')( attribute: attribute ) )
if attribute.onchange
@log 'on change',
# @log 'on change',
if typeof attribute.onchange is 'function'
@ -332,13 +337,13 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
a = i.split(/__/)
if a[1]
if a[0] is
@log 'aaa', i, a[0],
# @log 'aaa', i, a[0],
@attribute = attribute
@classname = classname
@attributes_clean = attributes_clean
@change = a
b = =>
console.log 'aaa', @attribute
# console.log 'aaa', @attribute
attribute = @attribute
change = @change
classname = @classname
@ -446,8 +451,21 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
attribute.options = []
list = []
if attribute.filter && attribute.filter[]
filter = attribute.filter[]
if attribute.filter
App.Log.log 'ControllerForm', 'debug', '_getRelationOptionList:filter', attribute.filter
# function based filter
if typeof attribute.filter is 'function'
App.Log.log 'ControllerForm', 'debug', '_getRelationOptionList:filter-function'
all = App[attribute.relation].all()
list = attribute.filter( all )
# data based filter
else if attribute.filter[ ]
filter = attribute.filter[ ]
App.Log.log 'ControllerForm', 'debug', '_getRelationOptionList:filter-data', filter
# check all records
for record in App[attribute.relation].all()
@ -459,8 +477,16 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
# if it's matching, use it for selection
if record['id'] is key
list.push record
# no data filter matched
App.Log.log 'ControllerForm', 'debug', '_getRelationOptionList:filter-data no filter matched'
list = App[attribute.relation].all()
App.Log.log 'ControllerForm', 'debug', '_getRelationOptionList:filter-no filter defined'
list = App[attribute.relation].all()
App.Log.log 'ControllerForm', 'debug', '_getRelationOptionList', attribute, list
# build options list
@_buildOptionList( list, attribute )
@ -528,7 +554,7 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
else if $(form).parents().find('form')[0]
form = $(form).parents().find('form')
console.log 'ERROR, no form found!', form
App.Log.log 'ControllerForm', 'error', 'no form found!', form
array = form.serializeArray()
for key in array
@ -555,7 +581,7 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
for key of param
attributeType = key.split '::'
name = attributeType[1]
console.log 'split', key, attributeType, param[ name ]
# console.log 'split', key, attributeType, param[ name ]
if attributeType[0] is '{input_select}' && !param[ name ]
# array need to be converted
@ -573,19 +599,19 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
for key of inputSelectObject
param[ key ] = inputSelectObject[ key ]
console.log 'formParam', form, param
App.Log.log 'ControllerForm', 'notice', 'formParam', form, param
return param
@disable: (form) ->
console.log 'disable...', $(
App.Log.log 'ControllerForm', 'notice', 'disable...', $(
$('button').attr('disabled', true)
$('[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', true)
$('[type="reset"]').attr('disabled', true)
@enable: (form) ->
console.log 'enable...', $(form).parent()
App.Log.log 'ControllerForm', 'notice', 'enable...', $(form).parent()
$(form).parent().find('button').attr('disabled', false)
$(form).parent().find('[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', false)
$(form).parent().find('[type="reset"]').attr('disabled', false)

View file

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class App.ControllerTable extends App.Controller
record = App.Collection.find( attribute.relation, object[rowWithoutId] )
object[] =
@log 'table', 'header', header, 'overview', dataTypesForCols, 'objects', data.objects
@log 'ControllerTable', 'debug', 'table', 'header', header, 'overview', dataTypesForCols, 'objects', data.objects
table = App.view('generic/table')(
header: header
overview: dataTypesForCols

View file

@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ class Index extends App.Controller
class: 'active' if @view_mode is 'm'
if @isRole('Customer')
view_modes = []
html = App.view('agent_ticket_view')(
overview: @overview
view_modes: view_modes

View file

@ -84,10 +84,18 @@ class Index extends App.Controller
if !( 'ticket_priority_id' of defaults )
defaults['ticket_priority_id'] = App.Collection.findByAttribute( 'TicketPriority', 'name', '2 normal' )
groupFilter = (collection) =>
(item) ->
return item if is 'Support'
return item if is 'Sales'
# generate form
configure_attributes = [
# { name: 'customer_id', display: 'Customer', tag: 'autocompletion', type: 'text', limit: 100, null: false, relation: 'User', class: 'span7', autocapitalize: false, help: 'Select the customer of the Ticket or create one.', link: '<a href="" class="customer_new">&raquo;</a>', callback: @userInfo },
{ name: 'group_id', display: 'Group', tag: 'select', multiple: false, null: false, filter: @edit_form, nulloption: true, relation: 'Group', default: defaults['group_id'], class: 'span7', },
{ name: 'group_id', display: 'Group', tag: 'select', multiple: false, null: false, filter: groupFilter, nulloption: true, relation: 'Group', default: defaults['group_id'], class: 'span7', },
# { name: 'owner_id', display: 'Owner', tag: 'select', multiple: false, null: true, filter: @edit_form, nulloption: true, relation: 'User', default: defaults['owner_id'], class: 'span7', },
{ name: 'subject', display: 'Subject', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, null: false, default: defaults['subject'], class: 'span7', },
{ name: 'body', display: 'Text', tag: 'textarea', rows: 10, null: false, default: defaults['body'], class: 'span7', },

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
$ = jQuery.sub()
class Index extends App.Controller
# events:
# 'submit form': 'submit',
# 'click .submit': 'submit',
# 'click .cancel': 'cancel',
constructor: (params) ->
# check authentication
return if !@authenticate()
# set title
@title 'My Tickets'
# @fetch(params)
@navupdate '#customer_tickets'
render: ->
@html App.view('agent_ticket_view')(
head: 'My Ticket',
# form: @formGen( model: { configure_attributes: configure_attributes, className: 'create' } ),
App.Config.set( 'customer_tickets', Index, 'Routes' )
#App.Config.set( 'CustomerTickets', { prio: 1700, parent: '', name: 'My Tickets', target: '#ticket_view/my_tickets', role: ['Customer'] }, 'NavBar' )

View file

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ $ = jQuery.sub()
class App.Navigation extends App.Controller
constructor: ->
@log 'nav...'
# update selected item
@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ class App.Navigation extends App.Controller
# rebuild nav bar with given user data
App.Event.bind 'ajax:auth', (user) =>
@log 'navbar rebuild', user
@log 'Navigation', 'notice', 'navbar rebuild', user
if !_.isEmpty( user )
cache = App.Store.get( 'navupdate_ticket_overview' )

View file

@ -20,17 +20,22 @@ class App.Session
_instance ?= new _Singleton
class _Singleton
class _Singleton extends Spine.Module
@include App.Log
constructor: ->
# @log = App.LogModule
clear: ->
@data = {}
get: ( key ) ->
@log 'Session', 'debug', key, @data[key]
return @data[key]
set: ( key, value ) ->
@log 'Session', 'debug', 'set', key, value
@data[key] = value
all: ->

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ $ = jQuery.sub()
class App.Auth
@login: (params) ->
console.log 'login(...)', params
App.Log.log 'Auth', 'notice', 'login', params
id: 'login',
type: 'POST',
@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ class App.Auth
@loginCheck: ->
console.log 'loginCheck(...)'
App.Log.log 'Auth', 'notice', 'loginCheck'
id: 'login_check',
async: false,
type: 'GET',
url: '/signshow',
success: (data, status, xhr) =>
console.log 'logincheck:success', data
App.Log.log 'Auth', 'notice', 'logincheck:success', data
# if session is not valid
if data.error
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class App.Auth
App.Event.trigger 'ajax:auth', data.session
error: (xhr, statusText, error) =>
console.log 'loginCheck:error'#, error, statusText, xhr.statusCode
App.Log.log 'Auth', 'notice', 'logincheck:error'
# empty session
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class App.Auth
@logout: ->
console.log 'logout(...)'
App.Log.log 'Auth', 'notice', 'logout'
id: 'logout',
type: 'DELETE',

View file

@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ class App.Collection
_instance ?= new _Singleton
class _Singleton
class _Singleton extends Spine.Module
@include App.Log
constructor: (@args) ->
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ class _Singleton
if data.collections
for type of data.collections
console.log 'loadCollection:trigger', type, data.collections[type]
@log 'Collection', 'debug', 'loadCollection:trigger', type, data.collections[type]
@load( localStorage: data.localStorage, type: type, data: data.collections[type] )
# add trigger - bind new events
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ class _Singleton
if data.collections
for type of data.collections
console.log 'resetCollection:trigger', type, data.collections[type]
@log 'Collection', 'debug', 'resetCollection:trigger', type, data.collections[type]
@reset( localStorage: data.localStorage, type: type, data: data.collections[type] )
# find collections to load
@ -98,11 +99,11 @@ class _Singleton
if parts[0] is 'collection'
data = App.Store.get( key )
if data && data.localStorage
console.log('load INIT', data)
@log 'Collection', 'debug', 'load INIT', data
@load( data )
reset: (params) ->
console.log( 'reset', params )
@log 'Collection', 'debug', 'reset', params
# empty in-memory
App[ params.type ].refresh( [], { clear: true } )
@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ class _Singleton
load: (params) ->
console.log( 'load', params )
@log 'Collection', 'debug', 'load', params
return if _.isEmpty( )
@ -156,9 +157,9 @@ class _Singleton
callback( data )
if force
console.log( 'find forced to load!', type, id )
@log 'Collection', 'debug', 'find forced to load!', type, id
console.log( 'find not loaded!', type, id )
@log 'Collection', 'debug', 'find not loaded!', type, id
if callback
# execute callback if record got loaded
@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ class _Singleton
return data
get: (params) ->
@log 'Collection', 'debug', 'get', params
App[ params.type ].refresh( object, options: { clear: true } )
all: (params) ->

View file

@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ class App.Event
_instance ?= new _Singleton
class _Singleton
class _Singleton extends Spine.Module
@include App.Log
constructor: ->
@eventCurrent = {}
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ class _Singleton
# bind
@log 'Event', 'debug', 'bind', event, callback
Spine.bind( event, callback )
unbind: ( events, callback, level ) ->
@ -79,11 +81,13 @@ class _Singleton
return item if item.event isnt event
@log 'Event', 'debug', 'unbind', event, callback
Spine.unbind( event, callback )
trigger: ( events, data ) ->
eventList = events.split(' ')
for event in eventList
@log 'Event', 'debug', 'trigger', event, data
Spine.trigger event, data
_allBindings: ->

View file

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
class App.Run extends App.Controller
constructor: ->
@log 'RUN app'
@el = $('#app')
# init collections
@ -37,13 +36,14 @@ class App.Content extends App.Controller
constructor: ->
@log 'RUN content'
Routes = @Config.get( 'Routes' )
for route, callback of Routes
do (route, callback) =>
@route(route, (params) ->
@log 'Content', 'notice', 'execute page controller', route, params
# remove observers for page

View file

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ class App.WebSocket
# The actual Singleton class
class _Singleton extends App.Controller
@include App.Log
queue: []
supported: true
lastSpoolMessage: undefined
@ -74,7 +76,9 @@ class _Singleton extends App.Controller
action: 'spool'
if @lastSpoolMessage
data['timestamp'] = @lastSpoolMessage
@log 'spool', data
@log 'Event', 'debug', 'spool', data
# ask for spool messages
@ -92,25 +96,24 @@ class _Singleton extends App.Controller
ping: =>
return if !@supported
# console.log 'send websockend ping'
@log 'Event', 'debug', 'send websockend ping'
@send( { action: 'ping' } )
# check if ping is back within 2 min
check = =>
console.log 'no websockend ping response, reconnect...'
@log 'Event', 'notice', 'no websockend ping response, reconnect...'
@delay check, 120000, 'websocket-ping-check'
pong: ->
return if !@supported
# console.log 'received websockend ping'
@log 'Event', 'debug', 'received websockend ping'
# test again after 1 min
@delay @ping, 60000
connect: =>
# console.log '------------ws connect....--------------'
if !window.WebSocket
@error = new App.ErrorModal(
@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ class _Singleton extends App.Controller
# Set event handlers.
@ws.onopen = =>
console.log( 'onopen' )
@log 'Event', 'notice', 'new websocked connection open'
@connectionEstablished = true
@ -141,7 +144,7 @@ class _Singleton extends App.Controller
# empty queue
for item in @queue
# console.log( 'ws:send queue', item )
@log 'Event', 'debug', 'empty ws queue', item
@queue = []
@ -150,7 +153,7 @@ class _Singleton extends App.Controller
@ws.onmessage = (e) =>
pipe = JSON.parse( )
console.log( 'ws:onmessage', pipe )
@log 'Event', 'debug', 'ws:onmessage', pipe
# go through all blocks
for item in pipe
@ -161,21 +164,21 @@ class _Singleton extends App.Controller
# fill collection
if item['collection']
console.log( "ws:onmessage collection:" + item['collection'] )
@log 'Event', 'debug', "ws:onmessage collection:" + item['collection']
App.Store.write( item['collection'], item['data'] )
# fire event
if item['event']
if typeof item['event'] is 'object'
for event in item['event']
console.log( "ws:onmessage event:" + event )
@log 'Event', 'debug', "ws:onmessage event:" + event
App.Event.trigger( event, item['data'] )
console.log( "ws:onmessage event:" + item['event'] )
@log 'Event', 'debug', "ws:onmessage event:" + item['event']
App.Event.trigger( item['event'], item['data'] )
@ws.onclose = (e) =>
console.log( 'onclose', e )
@log 'Event', 'debug', "ws:onclose", e
# set timestamp to get spool messages later
if @connectionEstablished
@ -193,6 +196,6 @@ class _Singleton extends App.Controller
# try reconnect after 4.5 sec.
@delay @connect, 4500
@ws.onerror = ->
console.log( 'onerror' )
@ws.onerror = (e) =>
@log 'Event', 'debug', "ws:onerror", e