Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
This commit is contained in:
23 changed files with 267 additions and 226 deletions
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
processData: true,
success: (data, status, xhr) ->
App.Store.write( "user-ticket-popover::#{params.user_id}", data )
App.SessionStorage.set( "user-ticket-popover::#{params.user_id}", data )
# load assets
App.Collection.loadAssets( data.assets )
@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
# get data
data = App.Store.get( "user-ticket-popover::#{params.user_id}" )
data = App.SessionStorage.get( "user-ticket-popover::#{params.user_id}" )
if data
show( params, { open: data.ticket_ids_open, closed: data.ticket_ids_closed } )
@ -504,13 +504,13 @@ class App.ControllerTable extends App.Controller
data[type][key] = {}
data[type][key] = value
@log 'debug', @table_id, 'preferencesStore', data
localStorage.setItem(@preferencesStoreKey(), JSON.stringify(data))
App.LocalStorage.set(@preferencesStoreKey(), data, @Session.get('id'))
preferencesGet: =>
data = localStorage.getItem(@preferencesStoreKey())
data = App.LocalStorage.get(@preferencesStoreKey(), @Session.get('id'))
return {} if !data
@log 'debug', @table_id, 'preferencesGet', data
preferencesStoreKey: =>
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class App.DashboardActivityStream extends App.Controller
fetch: =>
# use cache of first page
cache = App.Store.get( 'activity_stream' )
cache = App.SessionStorage.get('activity_stream')
if cache
@ -25,14 +25,15 @@ class App.DashboardActivityStream extends App.Controller
processData: true
success: (data) =>
App.Store.write( 'activity_stream', data )
load: (data) =>
App.SessionStorage.set('activity_stream', data)
items = data.activity_stream
# load assets
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class App.DashboardRss extends App.Controller
fetch: =>
# get data from cache
cache = App.Store.get( 'dashboard_rss' )
cache = App.SessionStorage.get('dashboard_rss')
if cache
cache.head = 'Heise ATOM'
@render( cache )
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class App.DashboardRss extends App.Controller
message: data.message
App.Store.write( 'dashboard_rss', data )
App.SessionStorage.set('dashboard_rss', data)
data.head = 'Heise ATOM'
error: =>
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class App.TicketCreate extends App.Controller
fetch: (params) ->
# use cache
cache = App.Store.get( 'ticket_create_attributes' )
cache = App.SessionStorage.get( 'ticket_create_attributes' )
if cache && !params.ticket_id && !params.article_id
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class App.TicketCreate extends App.Controller
success: (data, status, xhr) =>
# cache request
App.Store.write( 'ticket_create_attributes', data )
App.SessionStorage.set( 'ticket_create_attributes', data )
# get edit form attributes
@form_meta = data.form_meta
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerContent
fetch: (params) ->
# use cache
cache = App.Store.get( 'ticket_create_attributes' )
cache = App.SessionStorage.get( 'ticket_create_attributes' )
if cache
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerContent
success: (data, status, xhr) =>
# cache request
App.Store.write( 'ticket_create_attributes', data )
App.SessionStorage.set( 'ticket_create_attributes', data )
# get edit form attributes
@form_meta = data.form_meta
@ -1757,6 +1757,12 @@ class App.CustomerChatRef extends App.Controller
render: ->
@html App.view('layout_ref/customer_chat')()
@ -1765,11 +1771,36 @@ class App.CustomerChatRef extends App.Controller
# @testChat @chatWindows[0], 100
show: (params) =>
# highlight navbar
@navupdate '#layout_ref/customer_chat'
randomCounter: (min, max) ->
parseInt(Math.random() * (max - min) + min)
counter: =>
switch: (state = undefined) =>
# read state
if state is undefined
value = App.SessionStorage.get('chat')
if value is undefined
value = false
return value
# write state
App.SessionStorage.set('chat', state)
updateNavMenu: =>
delay = ->
@delay(delay, 200)
testChat: (chat, count) ->
for i in [0..count]
text = @questions[Math.floor(Math.random() * @questions.length)].question
@ -1878,7 +1909,7 @@ class CustomerChatRouter extends App.ControllerPermanent
App.Config.set( 'layout_ref/customer_chat', CustomerChatRouter, 'Routes' )
App.Config.set( 'CustomerChatRef', { controller: 'CustomerChatRef', authentication: true }, 'permanentTask' )
App.Config.set( 'CustomerChatRef', { prio: 1200, parent: '', name: 'Customer Chat', target: '#layout_ref/customer_chat', switch: true, counter: true, role: ['Agent'], class: 'chat' }, 'NavBar' )
App.Config.set( 'CustomerChatRef', { prio: 1200, parent: '', name: 'Customer Chat', target: '#layout_ref/customer_chat', key: 'CustomerChatRef', role: ['Agent'], class: 'chat' }, 'NavBar' )
class chatWindowRef extends Spine.Controller
@ -6,18 +6,25 @@ class App.Navigation extends App.ControllerWidgetPermanent
# rerender view, e. g. on langauge change
@bind 'ui:rerender', (data) =>
@bind 'ui:rerender', =>
# rerender menu
@bind 'menu:render', =>
# rerender menu
@bind 'personal:render', =>
# update selected item
@bind 'navupdate', (data) =>
@bind 'navupdate', =>
# rebuild nav bar with given user data
@bind 'auth', (user) =>
@log 'Navigation', 'debug', 'navbar rebuild', user
# fetch new recent viewed after collection change
@ -43,6 +50,16 @@ class App.Navigation extends App.ControllerWidgetPermanent
renderMenu: =>
items = @getItems( navbar: @Config.get( 'NavBar' ) )
# apply counter and switch info from persistant controllers (if exists)
for item in items
if item.key
worker = App.TaskManager.worker(item.key)
if worker
if worker.counter
item.counter = worker.counter()
if worker.switch
item.switch = worker.switch()
# get open tabs to repopen on rerender
open_tab = {}
@$('.open').children('a').each( (i,d) ->
@ -56,12 +73,24 @@ class App.Navigation extends App.ControllerWidgetPermanent
href = $(d).attr('href')
active_tab[href] = true
# render menu
@$('.js-menu').html App.view('navigation/menu')(
items: items
open_tab: open_tab
active_tab: active_tab
# bind on switch changes and execute it on controller
@$('.js-menu .js-switch').bind('change', (e) =>
val = $('checked')
key = $('.menu-item').data('key')
return if !key
worker = App.TaskManager.worker(key)
return if !worker
renderPersonal: =>
items = @getItems( navbar: @Config.get( 'NavBarRight' ) )
@ -198,7 +227,6 @@ class App.Navigation extends App.ControllerWidgetPermanent
# remove not needed popovers
@delay( removePopovers, 280, 'removePopovers' )
# observer search box
@$('#global-search').bind( 'focusout', (e) =>
# delay to be able to click x
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerContent
return @params if @params
@params = {}
paramsRaw = localStorage.getItem('report::params')
paramsRaw = App.SessionStorage.get('report::params')
if paramsRaw
@params = JSON.parse(paramsRaw)
@params = paramsRaw
return @params
@params.timeRange = 'year'
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerContent
storeParams: =>
# store latest params
localStorage.setItem('report::params', JSON.stringify(@params))
App.SessionStorage.set('report::params', @params)
render: (data = {}) =>
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class Table extends App.Controller
for key, value of params
@[key] = value
@view_mode = localStorage.getItem( "mode:#{@view}" ) || 's'
@view_mode = App.LocalStorage.get("mode:#{@view}", @Session.get('id')) || 's'
@log 'notice', 'view:', @view, @view_mode
return if !@view
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ class Table extends App.Controller
viewmode: (e) =>
@view_mode = $('mode')
localStorage.setItem( "mode:#{@view}", @view_mode )
App.LocalStorage.set("mode:#{@view}", @view_mode, @Session.get('id'))
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
@overview_id = false
@key = 'ticket::' + @ticket_id
cache = App.Store.get(@key)
cache = App.SessionStorage.get(@key)
if cache
update = =>
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
@ticketUpdatedAtLastCall = newTicketRaw.updated_at
@load(data, force)
App.Store.write(@key, data)
App.SessionStorage(@key, data)
if !@doNotLog
@doNotLog = 1
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ class App.TicketZoomArticleNew extends App.Controller
ticket: ticket
articleTypes: @articleTypes
article: @defaults
form_id: @form_id
isCustomer: @isRole('Customer')
@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ class App.TicketZoomArticleNew extends App.Controller
uploadUrl: App.Config.get('api_path') + '/ticket_attachment_upload',
dropContainer: @el.get(0),
dropContainer: @$('.article-add').get(0),
cancelContainer: @cancelContainer,
inputField: @$('.article-attachment input').get(0),
key: 'File',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class App.TicketZoomHighlighter extends App.Controller
|||'mousedown', @onMouseDown)
articles.on('mousedown', @onMouseDown) #future: touchend
# for testing purposes the highlights get stored in localStorage
# for testing purposes the highlights get stored in atrticle preferences
loadHighlights: (ticket_article_id) ->
return if !@isRole('Agent')
article = App.TicketArticle.find(ticket_article_id)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class App.WidgetTag extends App.Controller
@tags = App.Store.get( @cacheKey ) || []
@tags = App.SessionStorage.get( @cacheKey ) || []
if !_.isEmpty(@tags)
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class App.WidgetTag extends App.Controller
processData: true
success: (data, status, xhr) =>
@tags = data.tags
App.Store.write( @cacheKey, @tags )
App.SessionStorage.set( @cacheKey, @tags )
@ -45,26 +45,12 @@ class _collectionSingleton extends Spine.Module
# find collections to load
_loadObjectsFromSessionStore: ->
list = App.Store.list()
for key in list
parts = key.split('::')
if parts[0] is 'collection'
data = App.Store.get( key )
data['type'] = parts[1]
data['sessionStorage'] = true
@log 'debug', 'load INIT', data
@load( data )
resetCollections: (data) ->
# load assets
# load collection
for type, collection of data
@log 'debug', 'resetCollection:trigger', type, collection
@reset( sessionStorage: data.sessionStorage, type: type, data: collection )
@reset(type: type, data: collection)
reset: (params) ->
@ -74,20 +60,13 @@ class _collectionSingleton extends Spine.Module
@log 'error', 'reset', "no such collection #{params.type}", params
# remove permanent storage
@localDelete( params.type )
# reset in-memory
appObject.refresh(, { clear: true })
# remember in store if not already requested from local storage
for object in
@localStore( params.type, object )
loadAssets: (assets) ->
@log 'debug', 'loadAssets', assets
for type, collections of assets
@load( sessionStorage: false, type: type, data: collections )
@load(type: type, data: collections)
load: (params) ->
@ -100,16 +79,9 @@ class _collectionSingleton extends Spine.Module
@log 'error', 'reset', "no such collection #{params.type}", params
sessionStorage = params.sessionStorage
# load full array once
if _.isArray(
# remember in store if not already requested from local storage
if !sessionStorage
for object in
@localStore( params.type, object )
# load data from object
@ -126,17 +98,3 @@ class _collectionSingleton extends Spine.Module
# remember in store if not already requested from local storage
if !sessionStorage
@localStore( params.type, object)
localDelete: (type) ->
list = App.Store.list()
for key in list
parts = key.split('::')
if parts[0] is 'collection' && parts[1] is type
localStore: (type, object) ->
App.Store.write( 'collection::' + type + '::' +, { data: [ object ] } )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
class App.LocalStorage
_instance = undefined # Must be declared here to force the closure on the class
@set: (key, value, user_id) ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
_instance.set(key, value, user_id)
@get: (key, user_id) ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
_instance.get(key, user_id)
@delete: (key, user_id) ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
@clear: ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
@list: ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
# The actual Singleton class
class _storeSingleton
constructor: ->
# write to local storage
set: (key, value, user_id) ->
if user_id
key = "personal::#{user_id}::#{key}"
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value))
catch e
# do something nice to notify your users
App.Log.error 'App.LocalStorage', 'Local storage quote exceeded!'
# get item
get: (key, user_id) ->
if user_id
key = "personal::#{user_id}::#{key}"
value = localStorage.getItem(key)
return if !value
# delete item
delete: (key, user_id) ->
if user_id
key = "personal::#{user_id}::#{key}"
# clear local storage
clear: ->
# return list of all keys
list: ->
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
class App.SessionStorage
_instance = undefined # Must be declared here to force the closure on the class
@set: (key, value) ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
_instance.set(key, value)
@get: (key) ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
@delete: (key) ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
@clear: ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
@list: ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
# The actual Singleton class
class _storeSingleton
constructor: ->
App.Event.bind 'clearStore', =>
# write to local storage
set: (key, value) ->
sessionStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value))
catch e
# do something nice to notify your users
App.Log.error 'App.SessionStorage', 'Session storage quote exceeded!'
# get item
get: (key) ->
value = sessionStorage.getItem(key)
return if !value
# delete item
delete: (key) ->
# clear local storage
clear: ->
# return list of all keys
list: ->
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
class App.Store
_instance = undefined # Must be declared here to force the closure on the class
@renew: ->
_instance = new _storeSingleton
@write: (key, value) ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
_instance.write(key, value)
@get: (args) ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
@delete: (args) ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
@clear: ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
@list: ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _storeSingleton
# The actual Singleton class
class _storeSingleton
store: {}
constructor: ->
@support = true
if !window.sessionStorage
@support = false
# @support = false
# clear store on every login/logout
if @support
App.Event.bind 'clearStore', =>
# write to local storage
write: (key, value) ->
@store[key] = value
return if !@support
return if !App.Config.get('ui_client_storage')
sessionStorage.setItem( key, JSON.stringify( value ) )
catch e
# do something nice to notify your users
App.Log.error 'App.Store', 'Local storage quote exceeded, please relogin!'
# get item
get: (key) ->
return @store[key] if !@support
return @store[key] if !App.Config.get('ui_client_storage')
value = sessionStorage.getItem( key )
return if !value
object = JSON.parse( value )
return object
# delete item
delete: (key) ->
delete @store[key]
return if !@support
return if !App.Config.get('ui_client_storage')
sessionStorage.removeItem( key )
# clear local storage
clear: ->
@store = {}
# return list of all keys
list: ->
list = []
if !@support || !App.Config.get('ui_client_storage')
for key of @store
list.push key
return list
# logLength = sessionStorage.length-1;
# for count in [0..logLength]
# key = sessionStorage.key( count )
# if key
# list.push key
for key of window.sessionStorage
list.push key
@ -290,7 +290,6 @@ class _webSocketSingleton extends App.Controller
# fill collection
if item['collection']
@log 'debug', 'onmessage collection:' + item['collection']
App.Store.write( item['collection'], item['data'] )
# fire event
if item['event']
@ -1,18 +1,9 @@
class App.Model extends Spine.Model
@destroyBind: false
@apiPath: App.Config.get('api_path')
constructor: ->
# delete object from local storage on destroy
if !@constructor.destroyBind
@bind( 'destroy', (e) ->
className = Object.getPrototypeOf(e).constructor.className
key = "collection::#{className}::#{}"
uiUrl: ->
@ -21,17 +21,17 @@
<% else: %>
<a class="menu-item js-<%- item.class %>MenuItem<%- ' is-active' if @active_tab[] %>" href="<%= %>">
<a class="menu-item js-<%- item.class %>MenuItem<%- ' is-active' if @active_tab[] %>" href="<%= %>" data-key="<%- item.key %>">
<%- @Icon(item.class, 'menu-item-icon') %>
<span class="menu-item-name">
<%- @T( %>
<% if item.counter: %>
<span class="counter badge badge--big"></span>
<% if item.counter isnt undefined: %>
<span class="counter badge badge--big"><%= item.counter %></span>
<% end %>
<% if item.switch: %>
<% if item.switch isnt undefined: %>
<span class="zammad-switch zammad-switch--dark zammad-switch--small">
<input type="checkbox" id="<%- item.class %>-switch">
<input type="checkbox" id="<%- item.class %>-switch" class="js-switch" <% if item.switch: %>checked<% end %>>
<label for="<%- item.class %>-switch"></label>
<% end %>
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<form class="article-add <% if @article.internal: %>is-internal<% else: %>is-public<% end %>" data-type="<%= @article.type %>">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="<%= @article.type %>">
<input type="hidden" name="internal" value="<%= @article.internal %>">
<input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="<%= @article.form_id %>">
<input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="<%= @form_id %>">
<input type="hidden" name="in_reply_to" value="<%= @article.in_reply_to %>">
<div class="editControls">
<div class="js-avatar"></div>
@ -374,8 +374,8 @@ test( "events level", function() {
// local store
test( "local store", function() {
// session store
test( "session store", function() {
var tests = [
'some 123äöüßadajsdaiosjdiaoidj',
@ -384,17 +384,17 @@ test( "local store", function() {
// write/get
_.each(tests, function(test) {
App.Store.write( 'test1', test );
var item = App.Store.get( 'test1' );
App.SessionStorage.set( 'test1', test );
var item = App.SessionStorage.get( 'test1' );
deepEqual( test, item, 'write/get - compare stored and actual data' )
// undefined/get
_.each(tests, function(test) {
var item = App.Store.get( 'test1' );
var item = App.SessionStorage.get( 'test1' );
deepEqual( undefined, item, 'undefined/get - compare not existing data and actual data' )
@ -405,16 +405,16 @@ test( "local store", function() {
{ key: '123äöüß', value: { key1: [1,2,3,4] }, key2: [1,2,'äöüß'] },
_.each(tests, function(test) {
App.Store.write( test.key, test.value );
App.SessionStorage.set( test.key, test.value );
_.each(tests, function(test) {
var item = App.Store.get( test.key );
var item = App.SessionStorage.get( test.key );
deepEqual( test.value, item, 'write/get/delete - compare stored and actual data' );
App.Store.delete( test.key );
item = App.Store.get( test.key );
App.SessionStorage.delete( test.key );
item = App.SessionStorage.get( test.key );
deepEqual( undefined, item, 'write/get/delete - compare deleted data' );
Reference in a new issue