diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom.js.coffee b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom.js.coffee
index 2d15927b5..becd1977f 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom.js.coffee
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom.js.coffee
@@ -91,8 +91,7 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
return if @activeState
@activeState = true
- # set see more options
- @setSeeMore()
+ App.Event.trigger('ui::ticket::shown', { ticket_id: @ticket.id } )
App.OnlineNotification.seen( 'Ticket', @ticket_id )
@navupdate '#'
@@ -258,33 +257,39 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
isCustomer: @isRole('Customer')
- new OverviewNavigator(
+ new App.TicketZoomOverviewNavigator(
el: @$('.overview-navigator')
ticket_id: @ticket.id
overview_id: @overview_id
- new TicketTitle(
+ new App.TicketZoomTitle(
ticket: @ticket
overview_id: @overview_id
el: @el.find('.ticket-title')
task_key: @task_key
- new TicketMeta(
+ new App.TicketZoomMeta(
ticket: @ticket
el: @el.find('.ticket-meta')
@form_id = App.ControllerForm.formId()
- new ArticleNew(
- ticket: @ticket
- el: @el.find('.article-new')
- form_meta: @form_meta
- form_id: @form_id
- defaults: @taskGet('article')
- ui: @
+ new App.TicketZoomArticleNew(
+ ticket: @ticket
+ el: @el.find('.article-new')
+ form_meta: @form_meta
+ form_id: @form_id
+ defaults: @taskGet('article')
+ ui: @
+ )
+ @article_view = new App.TicketZoomArticleView(
+ ticket: @ticket
+ el: @el.find('.ticket-article')
+ ui: @
# rerender whole sidebar if customer or organization has changed
@@ -294,7 +299,7 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
user_id: @ticket.customer_id
size: 50
- new TicketSidebar(
+ new App.TicketZoomSidebar(
el: @el.find('.tabsSidebar')
sidebarState: @sidebarState
ticket: @ticket
@@ -306,15 +311,16 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
# show article
- new ArticleView(
- ticket: @ticket
- ticket_article_ids: @ticket_article_ids
- el: @el.find('.ticket-article')
- ui: @
- )
+ if !@article_view
+ @article_view = new App.TicketZoomArticleView(
+ ticket: @ticket
+ el: @el.find('.ticket-article')
+ ui: @
+ )
- # set see more options
- @setSeeMore()
+ @article_view.execute(
+ ticket_article_ids: @ticket_article_ids
+ )
# scroll to article if given
if @article_id && document.getElementById( 'article-' + @article_id )
@@ -332,32 +338,9 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
@ticketLastAttributes = @ticket.attributes()
- # set see more options
- setSeeMore: =>
- maxHeight = 560
- @$('.textBubble-content').each( (index) ->
- bubble = $( @ )
- # reset bubble heigth and "see more" opacity
- bubble.css('height', '')
- bubble.parent().find('.textBubble-overflowContainer').css('opacity', '')
- # remember offset of "see more"
- offsetTop = bubble.find('.js-signatureMarker').position()
- # remember bubble heigth
- heigth = bubble.height()
- if offsetTop
- bubble.attr('data-height', heigth)
- bubble.css('height', "#{offsetTop.top + 30}px")
- bubble.parent().find('.textBubble-overflowContainer').removeClass('hide')
- else if heigth > maxHeight
- bubble.attr('data-height', heigth)
- bubble.css('height', "#{maxHeight}px")
- bubble.parent().find('.textBubble-overflowContainer').removeClass('hide')
- else
- bubble.parent().find('.textBubble-overflowContainer').addClass('hide')
- )
+ # trigger shown
+ if @activeState
+ App.Event.trigger('ui::ticket::shown', { ticket_id: @ticket.id } )
scrollToBottom: =>
@main.scrollTop( @main.prop('scrollHeight') )
@@ -442,7 +425,6 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
submit: (e) =>
@@ -623,1254 +605,6 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
article: {}
App.TaskManager.update( @task_key, { 'state': @localTaskData })
-class TicketSidebar extends App.Controller
- constructor: ->
- super
- ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal( @ticket.id )
- @subscribeId = ticket.subscribe(@render)
- @render(ticket)
- release: =>
- App.Ticket.unsubscribe( @subscribeId )
- render: (ticket) =>
- editTicket = (el) =>
- el.append('
- @editEl = el
- show = (ticket) =>
- el.find('.edit').html('')
- defaults = ticket.attributes()
- task_state = @taskGet('ticket')
- modelDiff = App.Utils.formDiff( task_state, defaults )
- #if @isRole('Customer')
- # delete defaults['state_id']
- # delete defaults['state']
- if !_.isEmpty( task_state )
- defaults = _.extend( defaults, task_state )
- new App.ControllerForm(
- el: el.find('.edit')
- model: App.Ticket
- screen: 'edit'
- params: App.Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- handlers: [
- @ticketFormChanges
- ]
- filter: @form_meta.filter
- params: defaults
- #bookmarkable: true
- )
- #console.log('Ichanges', modelDiff, task_state, ticket.attributes())
- #@markFormDiff( modelDiff )
- show(ticket)
- @bind(
- 'ui::ticket::taskReset'
- (data) =>
- if data.ticket_id is ticket.id
- show(ticket)
- )
- if !@isRole('Customer')
- el.append('')
- new App.WidgetTag(
- el: el.find('.tags')
- object_type: 'Ticket'
- object: ticket
- tags: @tags
- )
- el.append('')
- new App.WidgetLink(
- el: el.find('.links')
- object_type: 'Ticket'
- object: ticket
- links: @links
- container: @el.closest('.content')
- )
- showTicketHistory = =>
- new App.TicketHistory(
- ticket_id: ticket.id
- container: @el.closest('.content')
- )
- showTicketMerge = =>
- new App.TicketMerge(
- ticket: ticket
- task_key: @task_key
- container: @el.closest('.content')
- )
- changeCustomer = (e, el) =>
- new App.TicketCustomer(
- ticket: ticket
- container: @el.closest('.content')
- )
- @sidebarItems = [
- {
- head: 'Ticket'
- name: 'ticket'
- icon: 'message'
- callback: editTicket
- }
- ]
- if !@isRole('Customer')
- @sidebarItems[0]['actions'] = [
- {
- name: 'ticket-history'
- title: 'History'
- callback: showTicketHistory
- },
- {
- name: 'ticket-merge'
- title: 'Merge'
- callback: showTicketMerge
- },
- {
- title: 'Change Customer'
- name: 'customer-change'
- callback: changeCustomer
- },
- ]
- if !@isRole('Customer')
- editCustomer = (e, el) =>
- new App.ControllerGenericEdit(
- id: ticket.customer_id
- genericObject: 'User'
- screen: 'edit'
- pageData:
- title: 'Users'
- object: 'User'
- objects: 'Users'
- container: @el.closest('.content')
- )
- showCustomer = (el) =>
- new App.WidgetUser(
- el: el
- user_id: ticket.customer_id
- )
- @sidebarItems.push {
- head: 'Customer'
- name: 'customer'
- icon: 'person'
- actions: [
- {
- title: 'Change Customer'
- name: 'customer-change'
- callback: changeCustomer
- },
- {
- title: 'Edit Customer'
- name: 'customer-edit'
- callback: editCustomer
- },
- ]
- callback: showCustomer
- }
- if ticket.organization_id
- editOrganization = (e, el) =>
- new App.ControllerGenericEdit(
- id: ticket.organization_id,
- genericObject: 'Organization'
- pageData:
- title: 'Organizations'
- object: 'Organization'
- objects: 'Organizations'
- container: @el.closest('.content')
- )
- showOrganization = (el) =>
- new App.WidgetOrganization(
- el: el
- organization_id: ticket.organization_id
- )
- @sidebarItems.push {
- head: 'Organization'
- name: 'organization'
- icon: 'group'
- actions: [
- {
- title: 'Edit Organization'
- name: 'organization-edit'
- callback: editOrganization
- },
- ]
- callback: showOrganization
- }
- new App.Sidebar(
- el: @el
- sidebarState: @sidebarState
- items: @sidebarItems
- )
-class TicketTitle extends App.Controller
- events:
- 'blur .ticket-title-update': 'update'
- constructor: ->
- super
- @ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal( @ticket.id )
- @subscribeId = @ticket.subscribe(@render)
- @render(@ticket)
- render: (ticket) =>
- # check if render is needed
- if @lastTitle && @lastTitle is ticket.title
- return
- @lastTitle = ticket.title
- @html App.view('ticket_zoom/title')(
- ticket: ticket
- )
- @$('.ticket-title-update').ce({
- mode: 'textonly'
- multiline: false
- maxlength: 250
- })
- update: (e) =>
- title = $(e.target).ceg() || ''
- # update title
- if title isnt @ticket.title
- @ticket.title = title
- # reset article - should not be resubmited on next ticket update
- @ticket.article = undefined
- @ticket.save()
- App.TaskManager.mute( @task_key )
- # update taskbar with new meta data
- App.Event.trigger 'task:render'
- release: =>
- App.Ticket.unsubscribe( @subscribeId )
-class OverviewNavigator extends App.Controller
- events:
- 'click a': 'open'
- constructor: ->
- super
- # rebuild overview navigator if overview has changed
- @bind 'ticket_overview_rebuild', (data) =>
- execute = =>
- @render()
- @delay(execute, 600, 'overview-navigator')
- @render()
- render: (overview) =>
- if !@overview_id
- @html('')
- return
- # get overview data
- worker = App.TaskManager.worker( 'TicketOverview' )
- return if !worker
- overview = worker.overview(@overview_id)
- return if !overview
- current_position = 0
- next = false
- previous = false
- for ticket_id in overview.ticket_ids
- current_position += 1
- next = overview.ticket_ids[current_position]
- previous = overview.ticket_ids[current_position-2]
- break if ticket_id is @ticket_id
- # get next/previous ticket
- if next
- next = App.Ticket.find(next)
- if previous
- previous = App.Ticket.find(previous)
- @html App.view('ticket_zoom/overview_navigator')(
- title: overview.overview.name
- total_count: overview.tickets_count
- current_position: current_position
- next: next
- previous: previous
- )
- open: (e) =>
- e.preventDefault()
- # get requested object and location
- id = $(e.target).data('id')
- url = $(e.target).attr('href')
- if !id
- id = $(e.target).closest('a').data('id')
- url = $(e.target).closest('a').attr('href')
- # return if we are unable to get id
- return if !id
- # open task via task manager to get overview information
- App.TaskManager.execute(
- key: 'Ticket-' + id
- controller: 'TicketZoom'
- params:
- ticket_id: id
- overview_id: @overview_id
- show: true
- )
- @navigate url
-class TicketMeta extends App.Controller
- constructor: ->
- super
- @ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal( @ticket.id )
- @subscribeId = @ticket.subscribe(@render)
- @render(@ticket)
- render: (ticket) =>
- @html App.view('ticket_zoom/meta')(
- ticket: ticket
- isCustomer: @isRole('Customer')
- )
- # show frontend times
- @frontendTimeUpdate()
- release: =>
- App.Ticket.unsubscribe( @subscribeId )
-class ArticleNew extends App.Controller
- elements:
- '.js-textarea': 'textarea'
- '.attachmentPlaceholder': 'attachmentPlaceholder'
- '.attachmentPlaceholder-inputHolder': 'attachmentInputHolder'
- '.attachmentPlaceholder-hint': 'attachmentHint'
- '.article-add': 'articleNewEdit'
- '.attachments': 'attachmentsHolder'
- '.attachmentUpload': 'attachmentUpload'
- '.attachmentUpload-progressBar': 'progressBar'
- '.js-percentage': 'progressText'
- '.js-cancel': 'cancelContainer'
- '.textBubble': 'textBubble'
- '.editControls-item': 'editControlItem'
- #'.editControls': 'editControls'
- #'.recipient-picker': 'recipientPicker'
- #'.recipient-list': 'recipientList'
- #'.recipient-list .list-arrow': 'recipientListArrow'
- events:
- 'click .js-toggleVisibility': 'toggleVisibility'
- 'click .js-articleTypeItem': 'selectArticleType'
- 'click .js-selectedArticleType': 'showSelectableArticleType'
- 'click .recipient-picker': 'toggle_recipients'
- 'click .recipient-list': 'stopPropagation'
- 'click .list-entry-type div': 'change_type'
- 'submit .recipient-list form': 'add_recipient'
- 'focus .js-textarea': 'openTextarea'
- 'input .js-textarea': 'detectEmptyTextarea'
- #'dragenter': 'onDragenter'
- #'dragleave': 'onDragleave'
- #'drop': 'onFileDrop'
- #'change input[type=file]': 'onFilePick'
- constructor: ->
- super
- # gets referenced in @setArticleType
- @type = @defaults['type'] || 'note'
- @articleTypes = [
- {
- name: 'note'
- icon: 'note'
- attributes: []
- },
- {
- name: 'email'
- icon: 'email'
- attributes: ['to','cc']
- },
- {
- name: 'facebook'
- icon: 'facebook'
- attributes: []
- },
- {
- name: 'twitter'
- icon: 'twitter'
- attributes: []
- },
- {
- name: 'phone'
- icon: 'phone'
- attributes: []
- },
- ]
- if @isRole('Customer')
- @type = 'note'
- @articleTypes = [
- {
- name: 'note'
- icon: 'note'
- attributes: []
- },
- ]
- @textareaHeight =
- open: 148
- closed: 20
- @dragEventCounter = 0
- @attachments = []
- @render()
- if @defaults.body or @isIE10()
- @openTextarea(null, true)
- # set article type and expand text area
- @bind(
- 'ui::ticket::setArticleType'
- (data) =>
- if data.ticket.id is @ticket.id
- #@setArticleType(data.type.name)
- @openTextarea(null, true)
- for key, value of data.article
- if key is 'body'
- @$('[data-name="' + key + '"]').html(value)
- else
- @$('[name="' + key + '"]').val(value)
- # preselect article type
- @setArticleType( 'email' )
- )
- # reset new article screen
- @bind(
- 'ui::ticket::taskReset'
- (data) =>
- if data.ticket_id is @ticket.id
- @type = 'note'
- @defaults = {}
- @render()
- )
- isIE10: ->
- Function('/*@cc_on return document.documentMode===10@*/')()
- stopPropagation: (e) ->
- e.stopPropagation()
- release: =>
- if @subscribeIdTextModule
- App.Ticket.unsubscribe(@subscribeIdTextModule)
- render: ->
- ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal( @ticket.id )
- @html App.view('ticket_zoom/article_new')(
- ticket: ticket
- articleTypes: @articleTypes
- article: @defaults
- isCustomer: @isRole('Customer')
- )
- @setArticleType(@type)
- new App.WidgetAvatar(
- el: @$('.js-avatar')
- user_id: App.Session.get('id')
- size: 40
- position: 'right'
- class: 'zIndex-5'
- )
- configure_attributes = [
- { name: 'customer_id', display: 'Recipients', tag: 'user_autocompletion', null: false, placeholder: 'Enter Person or Organization/Company', minLengt: 2, disableCreateUser: false },
- ]
- controller = new App.ControllerForm(
- el: @$('.recipients')
- model:
- configure_attributes: configure_attributes,
- )
- @$('[data-name="body"]').ce({
- mode: 'richtext'
- multiline: true
- maxlength: 5000
- })
- html5Upload.initialize(
- uploadUrl: App.Config.get('api_path') + '/ticket_attachment_upload',
- dropContainer: @el.get(0),
- cancelContainer: @cancelContainer,
- inputField: @$('.article-attachment input').get(0),
- key: 'File',
- data: { form_id: @form_id },
- maxSimultaneousUploads: 1,
- onFileAdded: (file) =>
- file.on(
- onStart: =>
- @attachmentPlaceholder.addClass('hide')
- @attachmentUpload.removeClass('hide')
- @cancelContainer.removeClass('hide')
- console.log('upload start')
- onAborted: =>
- @attachmentPlaceholder.removeClass('hide')
- @attachmentUpload.addClass('hide')
- # Called after received response from the server
- onCompleted: (response) =>
- response = JSON.parse(response)
- @attachments.push response.data
- @attachmentPlaceholder.removeClass('hide')
- @attachmentUpload.addClass('hide')
- @renderAttachment(response.data)
- console.log('upload complete', response.data )
- # Called during upload progress, first parameter
- # is decimal value from 0 to 100.
- onProgress: (progress, fileSize, uploadedBytes) =>
- @progressBar.width(parseInt(progress) + "%")
- @progressText.text(parseInt(progress))
- # hide cancel on 90%
- if parseInt(progress) >= 90
- @cancelContainer.addClass('hide')
- console.log('uploadProgress ', parseInt(progress))
- )
- )
- # show text module UI
- if !@isRole('Customer')
- textModule = new App.WidgetTextModule(
- el: @$('.js-textarea').parent()
- data:
- ticket: ticket
- )
- callback = (ticket) =>
- textModule.reload(
- ticket: ticket
- )
- @subscribeIdTextModule = ticket.subscribe( callback )
- toggle_recipients: =>
- if !@pickRecipientsCatcher
- @show_recipients()
- else
- @hide_recipients()
- show_recipients: ->
- padding = 15
- @recipientPicker.addClass('is-open')
- @recipientList.removeClass('hide')
- pickerDimensions = @recipientPicker.get(0).getBoundingClientRect()
- availableHeight = @recipientPicker.scrollParent().outerHeight()
- top = pickerDimensions.height/2 - @recipientList.height()/2
- bottomDistance = availableHeight - padding - (pickerDimensions.top + top + @recipientList.height())
- if bottomDistance < 0
- top += bottomDistance
- arrowCenter = -top + pickerDimensions.height/2
- @recipientListArrow.css('top', arrowCenter)
- @recipientList.css('top', top)
- $.Velocity.hook(@recipientList, 'transformOriginX', "0")
- $.Velocity.hook(@recipientList, 'transformOriginY', "#{ arrowCenter }px")
- @recipientList.velocity
- properties:
- scale: [ 1, 0 ]
- opacity: [ 1, 0 ]
- options:
- speed: 300
- easing: [ 0.34, 1.61, 0.7, 1 ]
- @pickRecipientsCatcher = new App.clickCatcher
- holder: @el.offsetParent()
- callback: @hide_recipients
- zIndexScale: 6
- hide_recipients: =>
- @pickRecipientsCatcher.remove()
- @pickRecipientsCatcher = null
- @recipientPicker.removeClass('is-open')
- @recipientList.velocity
- properties:
- scale: [ 0, 1 ]
- opacity: [ 0, 1 ]
- options:
- speed: 300
- easing: [ 500, 20 ]
- complete: -> @recipientList.addClass('hide')
- change_type: (e) ->
- $(e.target).addClass('active').siblings('.active').removeClass('active')
- # store $(this).data('value')
- add_recipient: (e) ->
- e.stopPropagation()
- e.preventDefault()
- console.log "add recipient", e
- # store recipient
- toggleVisibility: ->
- if @articleNewEdit.hasClass 'is-public'
- @articleNewEdit
- .removeClass 'is-public'
- .addClass 'is-internal'
- @$('[name="internal"]').val 'true'
- else
- @articleNewEdit
- .addClass 'is-public'
- .removeClass 'is-internal'
- @$('[name="internal"]').val ''
- showSelectableArticleType: =>
- @el.find('.js-articleTypes').removeClass('is-hidden')
- @selectTypeCatcher = new App.clickCatcher
- holder: @el.offsetParent()
- callback: @hideSelectableArticleType
- zIndexScale: 6
- selectArticleType: (e) =>
- articleTypeToSet = $(e.target).closest('.pop-selectable').data('value')
- @setArticleType( articleTypeToSet )
- @hideSelectableArticleType()
- @selectTypeCatcher.remove()
- @selectTypeCatcher = null
- hideSelectableArticleType: =>
- @el.find('.js-articleTypes').addClass('is-hidden')
- setArticleType: (type) ->
- typeIcon = @$('.js-selectedType')
- @type = type
- @$('[name="type"]').val(type)
- @articleNewEdit.attr('data-type', type)
- typeIcon.find('use').attr 'xlink:href', '#icon-'+ @type
- # show/hide attributes
- for articleType in @articleTypes
- if articleType.name is type
- @$('.form-group').addClass('hide')
- for name in articleType.attributes
- @$("[name=#{name}]").closest('.form-group').removeClass('hide')
- # check if signature need to be added
- body = @$('[data-name="body"]').html() || ''
- signature = undefined
- if @ticket.group.signature_id
- signature = App.Signature.find( @ticket.group.signature_id )
- if signature && signature.body && @type is 'email'
- signatureFinished = App.Utils.text2html(
- App.Utils.replaceTags( signature.body, { user: App.Session.get(), ticket: @ticket } )
- )
- if App.Utils.signatureCheck( body, signatureFinished )
- if !App.Utils.lastLineEmpty(body)
- body = body + '
- body = body + "#{signatureFinished}
- @$('[data-name="body"]').html(body)
- # remove old signature
- else
- @$('[data-name="body"]').find("[data-signature=true]").remove()
- detectEmptyTextarea: =>
- if !@textarea.text().trim()
- @addTextareaCatcher()
- else
- @removeTextareaCatcher()
- openTextarea: (event, withoutAnimation) =>
- if !@articleNewEdit.hasClass('is-open')
- duration = 300
- if withoutAnimation
- duration = 0
- @articleNewEdit.addClass('is-open')
- @textarea.velocity
- properties:
- minHeight: "#{ @textareaHeight.open - 38 }px"
- options:
- duration: duration
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- complete: => @addTextareaCatcher()
- @textBubble.velocity
- properties:
- paddingBottom: 28
- options:
- duration: duration
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- # scroll to bottom
- @textarea.velocity "scroll",
- container: @textarea.scrollParent()
- offset: 99999
- duration: 300
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- queue: false
- @editControlItem
- .removeClass('is-hidden')
- .velocity
- properties:
- opacity: [ 1, 0 ]
- translateX: [ 0, 20 ]
- translateZ: 0
- options:
- duration: 300
- stagger: 50
- drag: true
- # move attachment text to the left bottom (bottom happens automatically)
- @attachmentPlaceholder.velocity
- properties:
- translateX: -@attachmentInputHolder.position().left + "px"
- options:
- duration: duration
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- @attachmentHint.velocity
- properties:
- opacity: 0
- options:
- duration: duration
- addTextareaCatcher: =>
- if @articleNewEdit.is(':visible')
- @textareaCatcher = new App.clickCatcher
- holder: @articleNewEdit.offsetParent()
- callback: @closeTextarea
- zIndexScale: 4
- removeTextareaCatcher: ->
- return if !@textareaCatcher
- @textareaCatcher.remove()
- @textareaCatcher = null
- closeTextarea: =>
- @removeTextareaCatcher()
- if !@textarea.text().trim() && !@attachments.length && not @isIE10()
- @textarea.velocity
- properties:
- minHeight: "#{ @textareaHeight.closed }px"
- options:
- duration: 300
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- complete: => @articleNewEdit.removeClass('is-open')
- @textBubble.velocity
- properties:
- paddingBottom: 10
- options:
- duration: 300
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- @attachmentPlaceholder.velocity
- properties:
- translateX: 0
- options:
- duration: 300
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- @attachmentHint.velocity
- properties:
- opacity: 1
- options:
- duration: 300
- @editControlItem
- .velocity
- properties:
- opacity: [ 0, 1 ]
- translateX: [ 20, 0 ]
- translateZ: 0
- options:
- duration: 100
- stagger: 50
- drag: true
- complete: (elements) => $(elements).addClass('is-hidden')
- onDragenter: (event) =>
- # on the first event,
- # open textarea (it will only open if its closed)
- @openTextarea() if @dragEventCounter is 0
- @dragEventCounter++
- @articleNewEdit.parent().addClass('is-dropTarget')
- onDragleave: (event) =>
- @dragEventCounter--
- @articleNewEdit.parent().removeClass('is-dropTarget') if @dragEventCounter is 0
- renderAttachment: (file) =>
- @attachmentsHolder.append App.view('generic/attachment_item')
- fileName: file.filename
- fileSize: @humanFileSize( file.size )
- store_id: file.store_id
- @attachmentsHolder.on(
- 'click'
- "[data-id=#{file.store_id}]", (e) =>
- @attachments = _.filter(
- @attachments,
- (item) ->
- return if item.id isnt file.store_id
- item
- )
- store_id = $(e.currentTarget).data('id')
- # delete attachment from storage
- App.Ajax.request(
- type: 'DELETE'
- url: App.Config.get('api_path') + '/ticket_attachment_upload'
- data: JSON.stringify( { store_id: store_id } ),
- processData: false
- success: (data, status, xhr) =>
- )
- # remove attachment from dom
- element = $(e.currentTarget).closest('.attachments')
- $(e.currentTarget).closest('.attachment').remove()
- # empty .attachment (remove spaces) to keep css working, thanks @mrflix :-o
- if element.find('.attachment').length == 0
- element.empty()
- )
-class ArticleView extends App.Controller
- constructor: ->
- super
- for ticket_article_id in @ticket_article_ids
- el = $('')
- new ArticleViewItem(
- ticket: @ticket
- ticket_article_id: ticket_article_id
- el: el
- ui: @ui
- )
- @el.append( el )
-class ArticleViewItem extends App.Controller
- events:
- 'click .show_toogle': 'show_toogle'
- 'click .textBubble': 'toggle_meta_with_delay'
- 'click .textBubble a': 'stopPropagation'
- 'click .js-unfold': 'unfold'
- constructor: ->
- super
- @render()
- render: ->
- # get articles
- @article = App.TicketArticle.fullLocal( @ticket_article_id )
- # prepare html body
- if @article.content_type is 'text/html'
- @article['html'] = @article.body
- else
- @article['html'] = App.Utils.textCleanup( @article.body )
- @article['html'] = App.Utils.text2html( @article.body )
- @html App.view('ticket_zoom/article_view')(
- ticket: @ticket
- article: @article
- isCustomer: @isRole('Customer')
- )
- new App.WidgetAvatar(
- el: @$('.js-avatar')
- user_id: @article.created_by_id
- size: 40
- )
- new ArticleActions(
- el: @$('.js-article-actions')
- ticket: @ticket
- article: @article
- )
- # show frontend times
- @frontendTimeUpdate()
- show_toogle: (e) ->
- e.stopPropagation()
- e.preventDefault()
- #$(e.target).hide()
- if $(e.target).next('div')[0]
- if $(e.target).next('div').hasClass('hide')
- $(e.target).next('div').removeClass('hide')
- $(e.target).text( App.i18n.translateContent('Fold in') )
- else
- $(e.target).text( App.i18n.translateContent('See more') )
- $(e.target).next('div').addClass('hide')
- stopPropagation: (e) ->
- e.stopPropagation()
- toggle_meta_with_delay: (e) =>
- # allow double click select
- # by adding a delay to the toggle
- if @lastClick and +new Date - @lastClick < 150
- clearTimeout(@toggleMetaTimeout)
- else
- @toggleMetaTimeout = setTimeout(@toggle_meta, 150, e)
- @lastClick = +new Date
- toggle_meta: (e) =>
- e.preventDefault()
- animSpeed = 300
- article = $(e.target).closest('.ticket-article-item')
- metaTopClip = article.find('.article-meta-clip.top')
- metaBottomClip = article.find('.article-meta-clip.bottom')
- metaTop = article.find('.article-content-meta.top')
- metaBottom = article.find('.article-content-meta.bottom')
- if @elementContainsSelection( article.get(0) )
- @stopPropagation(e)
- return false
- if !metaTop.hasClass('hide')
- article.removeClass('state--folde-out')
- # scroll back up
- article.velocity "scroll",
- container: article.scrollParent()
- offset: -article.offset().top - metaTop.outerHeight()
- duration: animSpeed
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- metaTop.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: 0
- opacity: [ 0, 1 ]
- options:
- speed: animSpeed
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- complete: -> metaTop.addClass('hide')
- metaBottom.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: [ -metaBottom.outerHeight(), 0 ]
- opacity: [ 0, 1 ]
- options:
- speed: animSpeed
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- complete: -> metaBottom.addClass('hide')
- metaTopClip.velocity({ height: 0 }, animSpeed, 'easeOutQuad')
- metaBottomClip.velocity({ height: 0 }, animSpeed, 'easeOutQuad')
- else
- article.addClass('state--folde-out')
- metaBottom.removeClass('hide')
- metaTop.removeClass('hide')
- # balance out the top meta height by scrolling down
- article.velocity("scroll",
- container: article.scrollParent()
- offset: -article.offset().top + metaTop.outerHeight()
- duration: animSpeed
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- )
- metaTop.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: [ 0, metaTop.outerHeight() ]
- opacity: [ 1, 0 ]
- options:
- speed: animSpeed
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- metaBottom.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: [ 0, -metaBottom.outerHeight() ]
- opacity: [ 1, 0 ]
- options:
- speed: animSpeed
- easing: 'easeOutQuad'
- metaTopClip.velocity({ height: metaTop.outerHeight() }, animSpeed, 'easeOutQuad')
- metaBottomClip.velocity({ height: metaBottom.outerHeight() }, animSpeed, 'easeOutQuad')
- unfold: (e) ->
- e.preventDefault()
- e.stopPropagation()
- container = $(e.currentTarget).parents('.textBubble-content')
- overflowContainer = container.find('.textBubble-overflowContainer')
- overflowContainer.velocity
- properties:
- opacity: 0
- options:
- duration: 300
- container.velocity
- properties:
- height: container.attr('data-height')
- options:
- duration: 300
- complete: -> overflowContainer.addClass('hide');
- isOrContains: (node, container) ->
- while node
- if node is container
- return true
- node = node.parentNode
- false
- elementContainsSelection: (el) ->
- sel = window.getSelection()
- if sel.rangeCount > 0 && sel.toString()
- for i in [0..sel.rangeCount-1]
- if !@isOrContains(sel.getRangeAt(i).commonAncestorContainer, el)
- return false
- return true
- false
-class ArticleActions extends App.Controller
- events:
- 'click [data-type=public]': 'public_internal'
- 'click [data-type=internal]': 'public_internal'
- 'click [data-type=reply]': 'reply'
- 'click [data-type=replyAll]': 'replyAll'
- constructor: ->
- super
- @render()
- render: ->
- actions = @actionRow(@article)
- if actions
- @html App.view('ticket_zoom/article_view_actions')(
- article: @article
- actions: actions
- )
- else
- @html ''
- public_internal: (e) ->
- e.preventDefault()
- article_id = $(e.target).parents('[data-id]').data('id')
- # storage update
- article = App.TicketArticle.find(article_id)
- internal = true
- if article.internal == true
- internal = false
- article.updateAttributes(
- internal: internal
- )
- # runntime update
- if internal
- $(e.target).closest('.ticket-article-item').addClass('is-internal')
- else
- $(e.target).closest('.ticket-article-item').removeClass('is-internal')
- @render()
- actionRow: (article) ->
- if @isRole('Customer')
- return []
- actions = []
- if article.internal is true
- actions = [
- {
- name: 'set to public'
- type: 'public'
- icon: 'lock-open'
- }
- ]
- else
- actions = [
- {
- name: 'set to internal'
- type: 'internal'
- icon: 'lock'
- }
- ]
- #if @article.type.name is 'note'
- # actions.push []
- if article.type.name is 'email' || article.type.name is 'phone' || article.type.name is 'web'
- actions.push {
- name: 'reply'
- type: 'reply'
- icon: 'reply'
- href: '#'
- }
- recipients = []
- if article.sender.name is 'Agent'
- if article.to
- localRecipients = emailAddresses.parseAddressList(article.to)
- if localRecipients
- recipients = recipients.concat localRecipients
- else
- if article.from
- localRecipients = emailAddresses.parseAddressList(article.from)
- if localRecipients
- recipients = recipients.concat localRecipients
- if article.cc
- localRecipients = emailAddresses.parseAddressList(article.cc)
- if localRecipients
- recipients = recipients.concat localRecipients
- if recipients.length > 1
- actions.push {
- name: 'reply all'
- type: 'replyAll'
- icon: 'reply-all'
- href: '#'
- }
- actions.push {
- name: 'split'
- type: 'split'
- icon: 'split'
- href: '#ticket/create/' + article.ticket_id + '/' + article.id
- }
- actions
- replyAll: (e) =>
- @reply(e, true)
- reply: (e, all = false) =>
- e.preventDefault()
- # get reference article
- article_id = $(e.target).parents('[data-id]').data('id')
- article = App.TicketArticle.fullLocal( article_id )
- type = App.TicketArticleType.find( article.type_id )
- customer = App.User.find( article.created_by_id )
- @el.closest('.article-add').ScrollTo()
- # empty form
- articleNew = {
- to: ''
- cc: ''
- body: ''
- in_reply_to: ''
- }
- #@el.closest('[name="in_reply_to"]').val('')
- if article.message_id
- articleNew.in_reply_to = article.message_id
- if type.name is 'twitter status'
- # set to in body
- to = customer.accounts['twitter'].username || customer.accounts['twitter'].uid
- articleNew.body = '@' + to
- else if type.name is 'twitter direct-message'
- # show to
- to = customer.accounts['twitter'].username || customer.accounts['twitter'].uid
- articleNew.to = to
- else if type.name is 'email' || type.name is 'phone' || type.name is 'web'
- if article.sender.name is 'Agent'
- articleNew.to = article.to
- else
- articleNew.to = article.from
- # if sender is customer but in article.from is no email, try to get
- # customers email via customer user
- if articleNew.to && !articleNew.to.match(/@/)
- articleNew.to = article.created_by.email
- # filter for uniq recipients
- recipientAddresses = {}
- recipient = emailAddresses.parseAddressList(articleNew.to)
- if recipient && recipient[0]
- recipientAddresses[ recipient[0].address.toString().toLowerCase() ] = true
- if all
- addAddresses = (lineNew, addressLine) ->
- localAddresses = App.EmailAddress.all()
- recipients = emailAddresses.parseAddressList(addressLine)
- if recipients
- for recipient in recipients
- if recipient.address
- # check if addess is not local
- localAddess = false
- for address in localAddresses
- if recipient.address.toString().toLowerCase() == address.email.toString().toLowerCase()
- localAddess = true
- if !localAddess
- # filter for uniq recipients
- if !recipientAddresses[ recipient.address.toString().toLowerCase() ]
- recipientAddresses[ recipient.address.toString().toLowerCase() ] = true
- # add recipient
- if lineNew
- lineNew = lineNew + ', '
- lineNew = lineNew + recipient.address
- lineNew
- if article.from
- articleNew.cc = addAddresses(articleNew.cc, article.from)
- if article.to
- articleNew.cc = addAddresses(articleNew.cc, article.to)
- if article.cc
- articleNew.cc = addAddresses(articleNew.cc, article.cc)
- # get current body
- body = @el.closest('[data-name="body"]').html() || ''
- # check if quote need to be added
- selectedText = App.ClipBoard.getSelected()
- if selectedText
- # clean selection
- selectedText = App.Utils.textCleanup( selectedText )
- # convert to html
- selectedText = App.Utils.text2html( selectedText )
- if selectedText
- selectedText = "
- # add selected text to body
- body = selectedText + body
- articleNew.body = body
- App.Event.trigger('ui::ticket::setArticleType', { ticket: @ticket, type: type, article: articleNew } )
class TicketZoomRouter extends App.ControllerPermanent
constructor: (params) ->
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/article_actions.js.coffee b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/article_actions.js.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79f730ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/article_actions.js.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+class App.TicketZoomArticleActions extends App.Controller
+ events:
+ 'click [data-type=public]': 'public_internal'
+ 'click [data-type=internal]': 'public_internal'
+ 'click [data-type=reply]': 'reply'
+ 'click [data-type=replyAll]': 'replyAll'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @render()
+ render: ->
+ actions = @actionRow(@article)
+ if actions
+ @html App.view('ticket_zoom/article_view_actions')(
+ article: @article
+ actions: actions
+ )
+ else
+ @html ''
+ public_internal: (e) ->
+ e.preventDefault()
+ article_id = $(e.target).parents('[data-id]').data('id')
+ # storage update
+ article = App.TicketArticle.find(article_id)
+ internal = true
+ if article.internal == true
+ internal = false
+ article.updateAttributes(
+ internal: internal
+ )
+ # runntime update
+ if internal
+ $(e.target).closest('.ticket-article-item').addClass('is-internal')
+ else
+ $(e.target).closest('.ticket-article-item').removeClass('is-internal')
+ @render()
+ actionRow: (article) ->
+ if @isRole('Customer')
+ return []
+ actions = []
+ if article.internal is true
+ actions = [
+ {
+ name: 'set to public'
+ type: 'public'
+ icon: 'lock-open'
+ }
+ ]
+ else
+ actions = [
+ {
+ name: 'set to internal'
+ type: 'internal'
+ icon: 'lock'
+ }
+ ]
+ #if @article.type.name is 'note'
+ # actions.push []
+ if article.type.name is 'email' || article.type.name is 'phone' || article.type.name is 'web'
+ actions.push {
+ name: 'reply'
+ type: 'reply'
+ icon: 'reply'
+ href: '#'
+ }
+ recipients = []
+ if article.sender.name is 'Agent'
+ if article.to
+ localRecipients = emailAddresses.parseAddressList(article.to)
+ if localRecipients
+ recipients = recipients.concat localRecipients
+ else
+ if article.from
+ localRecipients = emailAddresses.parseAddressList(article.from)
+ if localRecipients
+ recipients = recipients.concat localRecipients
+ if article.cc
+ localRecipients = emailAddresses.parseAddressList(article.cc)
+ if localRecipients
+ recipients = recipients.concat localRecipients
+ if recipients.length > 1
+ actions.push {
+ name: 'reply all'
+ type: 'replyAll'
+ icon: 'reply-all'
+ href: '#'
+ }
+ actions.push {
+ name: 'split'
+ type: 'split'
+ icon: 'split'
+ href: '#ticket/create/' + article.ticket_id + '/' + article.id
+ }
+ actions
+ replyAll: (e) =>
+ @reply(e, true)
+ reply: (e, all = false) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ # get reference article
+ article_id = $(e.target).parents('[data-id]').data('id')
+ article = App.TicketArticle.fullLocal( article_id )
+ type = App.TicketArticleType.find( article.type_id )
+ customer = App.User.find( article.created_by_id )
+ @el.closest('.article-add').ScrollTo()
+ # empty form
+ articleNew = {
+ to: ''
+ cc: ''
+ body: ''
+ in_reply_to: ''
+ }
+ #@el.closest('[name="in_reply_to"]').val('')
+ if article.message_id
+ articleNew.in_reply_to = article.message_id
+ if type.name is 'twitter status'
+ # set to in body
+ to = customer.accounts['twitter'].username || customer.accounts['twitter'].uid
+ articleNew.body = '@' + to
+ else if type.name is 'twitter direct-message'
+ # show to
+ to = customer.accounts['twitter'].username || customer.accounts['twitter'].uid
+ articleNew.to = to
+ else if type.name is 'email' || type.name is 'phone' || type.name is 'web'
+ if article.sender.name is 'Agent'
+ articleNew.to = article.to
+ else
+ articleNew.to = article.from
+ # if sender is customer but in article.from is no email, try to get
+ # customers email via customer user
+ if articleNew.to && !articleNew.to.match(/@/)
+ articleNew.to = article.created_by.email
+ # filter for uniq recipients
+ recipientAddresses = {}
+ recipient = emailAddresses.parseAddressList(articleNew.to)
+ if recipient && recipient[0]
+ recipientAddresses[ recipient[0].address.toString().toLowerCase() ] = true
+ if all
+ addAddresses = (lineNew, addressLine) ->
+ localAddresses = App.EmailAddress.all()
+ recipients = emailAddresses.parseAddressList(addressLine)
+ if recipients
+ for recipient in recipients
+ if recipient.address
+ # check if addess is not local
+ localAddess = false
+ for address in localAddresses
+ if recipient.address.toString().toLowerCase() == address.email.toString().toLowerCase()
+ localAddess = true
+ if !localAddess
+ # filter for uniq recipients
+ if !recipientAddresses[ recipient.address.toString().toLowerCase() ]
+ recipientAddresses[ recipient.address.toString().toLowerCase() ] = true
+ # add recipient
+ if lineNew
+ lineNew = lineNew + ', '
+ lineNew = lineNew + recipient.address
+ lineNew
+ if article.from
+ articleNew.cc = addAddresses(articleNew.cc, article.from)
+ if article.to
+ articleNew.cc = addAddresses(articleNew.cc, article.to)
+ if article.cc
+ articleNew.cc = addAddresses(articleNew.cc, article.cc)
+ # get current body
+ body = @el.closest('[data-name="body"]').html() || ''
+ # check if quote need to be added
+ selectedText = App.ClipBoard.getSelected()
+ if selectedText
+ # clean selection
+ selectedText = App.Utils.textCleanup( selectedText )
+ # convert to html
+ selectedText = App.Utils.text2html( selectedText )
+ if selectedText
+ selectedText = "
+ # add selected text to body
+ body = selectedText + body
+ articleNew.body = body
+ App.Event.trigger('ui::ticket::setArticleType', { ticket: @ticket, type: type, article: articleNew } )
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/article_new.js.coffee b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/article_new.js.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a832bee5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/article_new.js.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+class App.TicketZoomArticleNew extends App.Controller
+ elements:
+ '.js-textarea': 'textarea'
+ '.attachmentPlaceholder': 'attachmentPlaceholder'
+ '.attachmentPlaceholder-inputHolder': 'attachmentInputHolder'
+ '.attachmentPlaceholder-hint': 'attachmentHint'
+ '.article-add': 'articleNewEdit'
+ '.attachments': 'attachmentsHolder'
+ '.attachmentUpload': 'attachmentUpload'
+ '.attachmentUpload-progressBar': 'progressBar'
+ '.js-percentage': 'progressText'
+ '.js-cancel': 'cancelContainer'
+ '.textBubble': 'textBubble'
+ '.editControls-item': 'editControlItem'
+ #'.editControls': 'editControls'
+ #'.recipient-picker': 'recipientPicker'
+ #'.recipient-list': 'recipientList'
+ #'.recipient-list .list-arrow': 'recipientListArrow'
+ events:
+ 'click .js-toggleVisibility': 'toggleVisibility'
+ 'click .js-articleTypeItem': 'selectArticleType'
+ 'click .js-selectedArticleType': 'showSelectableArticleType'
+ 'click .recipient-picker': 'toggle_recipients'
+ 'click .recipient-list': 'stopPropagation'
+ 'click .list-entry-type div': 'change_type'
+ 'submit .recipient-list form': 'add_recipient'
+ 'focus .js-textarea': 'openTextarea'
+ 'input .js-textarea': 'detectEmptyTextarea'
+ #'dragenter': 'onDragenter'
+ #'dragleave': 'onDragleave'
+ #'drop': 'onFileDrop'
+ #'change input[type=file]': 'onFilePick'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ # gets referenced in @setArticleType
+ @type = @defaults['type'] || 'note'
+ @articleTypes = [
+ {
+ name: 'note'
+ icon: 'note'
+ attributes: []
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'email'
+ icon: 'email'
+ attributes: ['to','cc']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'facebook'
+ icon: 'facebook'
+ attributes: []
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'twitter'
+ icon: 'twitter'
+ attributes: []
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'phone'
+ icon: 'phone'
+ attributes: []
+ },
+ ]
+ if @isRole('Customer')
+ @type = 'note'
+ @articleTypes = [
+ {
+ name: 'note'
+ icon: 'note'
+ attributes: []
+ },
+ ]
+ @textareaHeight =
+ open: 148
+ closed: 20
+ @dragEventCounter = 0
+ @attachments = []
+ @render()
+ if @defaults.body or @isIE10()
+ @openTextarea(null, true)
+ # set article type and expand text area
+ @bind(
+ 'ui::ticket::setArticleType'
+ (data) =>
+ if data.ticket.id is @ticket.id
+ #@setArticleType(data.type.name)
+ @openTextarea(null, true)
+ for key, value of data.article
+ if key is 'body'
+ @$('[data-name="' + key + '"]').html(value)
+ else
+ @$('[name="' + key + '"]').val(value)
+ # preselect article type
+ @setArticleType( 'email' )
+ )
+ # reset new article screen
+ @bind(
+ 'ui::ticket::taskReset'
+ (data) =>
+ if data.ticket_id is @ticket.id
+ @type = 'note'
+ @defaults = {}
+ @render()
+ )
+ isIE10: ->
+ Function('/*@cc_on return document.documentMode===10@*/')()
+ stopPropagation: (e) ->
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ release: =>
+ if @subscribeIdTextModule
+ App.Ticket.unsubscribe(@subscribeIdTextModule)
+ render: ->
+ ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal( @ticket.id )
+ @html App.view('ticket_zoom/article_new')(
+ ticket: ticket
+ articleTypes: @articleTypes
+ article: @defaults
+ isCustomer: @isRole('Customer')
+ )
+ @setArticleType(@type)
+ new App.WidgetAvatar(
+ el: @$('.js-avatar')
+ user_id: App.Session.get('id')
+ size: 40
+ position: 'right'
+ class: 'zIndex-5'
+ )
+ configure_attributes = [
+ { name: 'customer_id', display: 'Recipients', tag: 'user_autocompletion', null: false, placeholder: 'Enter Person or Organization/Company', minLengt: 2, disableCreateUser: false },
+ ]
+ controller = new App.ControllerForm(
+ el: @$('.recipients')
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configure_attributes,
+ )
+ @$('[data-name="body"]').ce({
+ mode: 'richtext'
+ multiline: true
+ maxlength: 5000
+ })
+ html5Upload.initialize(
+ uploadUrl: App.Config.get('api_path') + '/ticket_attachment_upload',
+ dropContainer: @el.get(0),
+ cancelContainer: @cancelContainer,
+ inputField: @$('.article-attachment input').get(0),
+ key: 'File',
+ data: { form_id: @form_id },
+ maxSimultaneousUploads: 1,
+ onFileAdded: (file) =>
+ file.on(
+ onStart: =>
+ @attachmentPlaceholder.addClass('hide')
+ @attachmentUpload.removeClass('hide')
+ @cancelContainer.removeClass('hide')
+ console.log('upload start')
+ onAborted: =>
+ @attachmentPlaceholder.removeClass('hide')
+ @attachmentUpload.addClass('hide')
+ # Called after received response from the server
+ onCompleted: (response) =>
+ response = JSON.parse(response)
+ @attachments.push response.data
+ @attachmentPlaceholder.removeClass('hide')
+ @attachmentUpload.addClass('hide')
+ @renderAttachment(response.data)
+ console.log('upload complete', response.data )
+ # Called during upload progress, first parameter
+ # is decimal value from 0 to 100.
+ onProgress: (progress, fileSize, uploadedBytes) =>
+ @progressBar.width(parseInt(progress) + "%")
+ @progressText.text(parseInt(progress))
+ # hide cancel on 90%
+ if parseInt(progress) >= 90
+ @cancelContainer.addClass('hide')
+ console.log('uploadProgress ', parseInt(progress))
+ )
+ )
+ # show text module UI
+ if !@isRole('Customer')
+ textModule = new App.WidgetTextModule(
+ el: @$('.js-textarea').parent()
+ data:
+ ticket: ticket
+ )
+ callback = (ticket) =>
+ textModule.reload(
+ ticket: ticket
+ )
+ @subscribeIdTextModule = ticket.subscribe( callback )
+ toggle_recipients: =>
+ if !@pickRecipientsCatcher
+ @show_recipients()
+ else
+ @hide_recipients()
+ show_recipients: ->
+ padding = 15
+ @recipientPicker.addClass('is-open')
+ @recipientList.removeClass('hide')
+ pickerDimensions = @recipientPicker.get(0).getBoundingClientRect()
+ availableHeight = @recipientPicker.scrollParent().outerHeight()
+ top = pickerDimensions.height/2 - @recipientList.height()/2
+ bottomDistance = availableHeight - padding - (pickerDimensions.top + top + @recipientList.height())
+ if bottomDistance < 0
+ top += bottomDistance
+ arrowCenter = -top + pickerDimensions.height/2
+ @recipientListArrow.css('top', arrowCenter)
+ @recipientList.css('top', top)
+ $.Velocity.hook(@recipientList, 'transformOriginX', "0")
+ $.Velocity.hook(@recipientList, 'transformOriginY', "#{ arrowCenter }px")
+ @recipientList.velocity
+ properties:
+ scale: [ 1, 0 ]
+ opacity: [ 1, 0 ]
+ options:
+ speed: 300
+ easing: [ 0.34, 1.61, 0.7, 1 ]
+ @pickRecipientsCatcher = new App.clickCatcher
+ holder: @el.offsetParent()
+ callback: @hide_recipients
+ zIndexScale: 6
+ hide_recipients: =>
+ @pickRecipientsCatcher.remove()
+ @pickRecipientsCatcher = null
+ @recipientPicker.removeClass('is-open')
+ @recipientList.velocity
+ properties:
+ scale: [ 0, 1 ]
+ opacity: [ 0, 1 ]
+ options:
+ speed: 300
+ easing: [ 500, 20 ]
+ complete: -> @recipientList.addClass('hide')
+ change_type: (e) ->
+ $(e.target).addClass('active').siblings('.active').removeClass('active')
+ # store $(this).data('value')
+ add_recipient: (e) ->
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ e.preventDefault()
+ console.log "add recipient", e
+ # store recipient
+ toggleVisibility: ->
+ if @articleNewEdit.hasClass 'is-public'
+ @articleNewEdit
+ .removeClass 'is-public'
+ .addClass 'is-internal'
+ @$('[name="internal"]').val 'true'
+ else
+ @articleNewEdit
+ .addClass 'is-public'
+ .removeClass 'is-internal'
+ @$('[name="internal"]').val ''
+ showSelectableArticleType: =>
+ @el.find('.js-articleTypes').removeClass('is-hidden')
+ @selectTypeCatcher = new App.clickCatcher
+ holder: @el.offsetParent()
+ callback: @hideSelectableArticleType
+ zIndexScale: 6
+ selectArticleType: (e) =>
+ articleTypeToSet = $(e.target).closest('.pop-selectable').data('value')
+ @setArticleType( articleTypeToSet )
+ @hideSelectableArticleType()
+ @selectTypeCatcher.remove()
+ @selectTypeCatcher = null
+ hideSelectableArticleType: =>
+ @el.find('.js-articleTypes').addClass('is-hidden')
+ setArticleType: (type) ->
+ typeIcon = @$('.js-selectedType')
+ @type = type
+ @$('[name="type"]').val(type)
+ @articleNewEdit.attr('data-type', type)
+ typeIcon.find('use').attr 'xlink:href', '#icon-'+ @type
+ # show/hide attributes
+ for articleType in @articleTypes
+ if articleType.name is type
+ @$('.form-group').addClass('hide')
+ for name in articleType.attributes
+ @$("[name=#{name}]").closest('.form-group').removeClass('hide')
+ # check if signature need to be added
+ body = @$('[data-name="body"]').html() || ''
+ signature = undefined
+ if @ticket.group.signature_id
+ signature = App.Signature.find( @ticket.group.signature_id )
+ if signature && signature.body && @type is 'email'
+ signatureFinished = App.Utils.text2html(
+ App.Utils.replaceTags( signature.body, { user: App.Session.get(), ticket: @ticket } )
+ )
+ if App.Utils.signatureCheck( body, signatureFinished )
+ if !App.Utils.lastLineEmpty(body)
+ body = body + '
+ body = body + "#{signatureFinished}
+ @$('[data-name="body"]').html(body)
+ # remove old signature
+ else
+ @$('[data-name="body"]').find("[data-signature=true]").remove()
+ detectEmptyTextarea: =>
+ if !@textarea.text().trim()
+ @addTextareaCatcher()
+ else
+ @removeTextareaCatcher()
+ openTextarea: (event, withoutAnimation) =>
+ if !@articleNewEdit.hasClass('is-open')
+ duration = 300
+ if withoutAnimation
+ duration = 0
+ @articleNewEdit.addClass('is-open')
+ @textarea.velocity
+ properties:
+ minHeight: "#{ @textareaHeight.open - 38 }px"
+ options:
+ duration: duration
+ easing: 'easeOutQuad'
+ complete: => @addTextareaCatcher()
+ @textBubble.velocity
+ properties:
+ paddingBottom: 28
+ options:
+ duration: duration
+ easing: 'easeOutQuad'
+ # scroll to bottom
+ @textarea.velocity "scroll",
+ container: @textarea.scrollParent()
+ offset: 99999
+ duration: 300
+ easing: 'easeOutQuad'
+ queue: false
+ @editControlItem
+ .removeClass('is-hidden')
+ .velocity
+ properties:
+ opacity: [ 1, 0 ]
+ translateX: [ 0, 20 ]
+ translateZ: 0
+ options:
+ duration: 300
+ stagger: 50
+ drag: true
+ # move attachment text to the left bottom (bottom happens automatically)
+ @attachmentPlaceholder.velocity
+ properties:
+ translateX: -@attachmentInputHolder.position().left + "px"
+ options:
+ duration: duration
+ easing: 'easeOutQuad'
+ @attachmentHint.velocity
+ properties:
+ opacity: 0
+ options:
+ duration: duration
+ addTextareaCatcher: =>
+ if @articleNewEdit.is(':visible')
+ @textareaCatcher = new App.clickCatcher
+ holder: @articleNewEdit.offsetParent()
+ callback: @closeTextarea
+ zIndexScale: 4
+ removeTextareaCatcher: ->
+ return if !@textareaCatcher
+ @textareaCatcher.remove()
+ @textareaCatcher = null
+ closeTextarea: =>
+ @removeTextareaCatcher()
+ if !@textarea.text().trim() && !@attachments.length && not @isIE10()
+ @textarea.velocity
+ properties:
+ minHeight: "#{ @textareaHeight.closed }px"
+ options:
+ duration: 300
+ easing: 'easeOutQuad'
+ complete: => @articleNewEdit.removeClass('is-open')
+ @textBubble.velocity
+ properties:
+ paddingBottom: 10
+ options:
+ duration: 300
+ easing: 'easeOutQuad'
+ @attachmentPlaceholder.velocity
+ properties:
+ translateX: 0
+ options:
+ duration: 300
+ easing: 'easeOutQuad'
+ @attachmentHint.velocity
+ properties:
+ opacity: 1
+ options:
+ duration: 300
+ @editControlItem
+ .velocity
+ properties:
+ opacity: [ 0, 1 ]
+ translateX: [ 20, 0 ]
+ translateZ: 0
+ options:
+ duration: 100
+ stagger: 50
+ drag: true
+ complete: (elements) => $(elements).addClass('is-hidden')
+ onDragenter: (event) =>
+ # on the first event,
+ # open textarea (it will only open if its closed)
+ @openTextarea() if @dragEventCounter is 0
+ @dragEventCounter++
+ @articleNewEdit.parent().addClass('is-dropTarget')
+ onDragleave: (event) =>
+ @dragEventCounter--
+ @articleNewEdit.parent().removeClass('is-dropTarget') if @dragEventCounter is 0
+ renderAttachment: (file) =>
+ @attachmentsHolder.append App.view('generic/attachment_item')
+ fileName: file.filename
+ fileSize: @humanFileSize( file.size )
+ store_id: file.store_id
+ @attachmentsHolder.on(
+ 'click'
+ "[data-id=#{file.store_id}]", (e) =>
+ @attachments = _.filter(
+ @attachments,
+ (item) ->
+ return if item.id isnt file.store_id
+ item
+ )
+ store_id = $(e.currentTarget).data('id')
+ # delete attachment from storage
+ App.Ajax.request(
+ type: 'DELETE'
+ url: App.Config.get('api_path') + '/ticket_attachment_upload'
+ data: JSON.stringify( { store_id: store_id } ),
+ processData: false
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ )
+ # remove attachment from dom
+ element = $(e.currentTarget).closest('.attachments')
+ $(e.currentTarget).closest('.attachment').remove()
+ # empty .attachment (remove spaces) to keep css working, thanks @mrflix :-o
+ if element.find('.attachment').length == 0
+ element.empty()
+ )
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/article_view.js.coffee b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/article_view.js.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0244fa6a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/article_view.js.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+class App.TicketZoomArticleView extends App.Controller
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @article_controller = {}
+ execute: (params) ->
+ for ticket_article_id in params.ticket_article_ids
+ if !@article_controller[ticket_article_id]
+ el = $('')
+ @article_controller[ticket_article_id] = new ArticleViewItem(
+ ticket: @ticket
+ ticket_article_id: ticket_article_id
+ el: el
+ ui: @ui
+ )
+ @el.append( el )
+class ArticleViewItem extends App.Controller
+ events:
+ 'click .show_toogle': 'show_toogle'
+ 'click .textBubble': 'toggle_meta_with_delay'
+ 'click .textBubble a': 'stopPropagation'
+ 'click .js-unfold': 'unfold'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @seeMore = false
+ @render()
+ # set article type and expand text area
+ @bind(
+ 'ui::ticket::shown'
+ (data) =>
+ if data.ticket_id is @ticket.id
+ @setSeeMore()
+ )
+ # subscribe to changes
+ @subscribeId = App.TicketArticle.full( @ticket_article_id, @render, false, true )
+ release: =>
+ App.User.TicketArticle(@subscribeId)
+ render: (article) =>
+ # get articles
+ @article = App.TicketArticle.fullLocal( @ticket_article_id )
+ # prepare html body
+ if @article.content_type is 'text/html'
+ @article['html'] = @article.body
+ else
+ @article['html'] = App.Utils.textCleanup( @article.body )
+ @article['html'] = App.Utils.text2html( @article.body )
+ @html App.view('ticket_zoom/article_view')(
+ ticket: @ticket
+ article: @article
+ isCustomer: @isRole('Customer')
+ )
+ new App.WidgetAvatar(
+ el: @$('.js-avatar')
+ user_id: @article.created_by_id
+ size: 40
+ )
+ new App.TicketZoomArticleActions(
+ el: @$('.js-article-actions')
+ ticket: @ticket
+ article: @article
+ )
+ # show frontend times
+ @frontendTimeUpdate()
+ # set see more option
+ @setSeeMore()
+ # set see more options
+ setSeeMore: =>
+ maxHeight = 560
+ bubble = @$('.textBubble-content')
+ # expand if see more is already clicked
+ if @seeMore
+ bubble.css('height', 'auto')
+ bubble.parent().find('.textBubble-overflowContainer').addClass('hide')
+ return
+ # reset bubble heigth and "see more" opacity
+ bubble.css('height', '')
+ bubble.parent().find('.textBubble-overflowContainer').css('opacity', '')
+ # remember offset of "see more"
+ offsetTop = bubble.find('.js-signatureMarker').position()
+ # remember bubble heigth
+ heigth = bubble.height()
+ if offsetTop
+ bubble.attr('data-height', heigth)
+ bubble.css('height', "#{offsetTop.top + 30}px")
+ bubble.parent().find('.textBubble-overflowContainer').removeClass('hide')
+ else if heigth > maxHeight
+ bubble.attr('data-height', heigth)
+ bubble.css('height', "#{maxHeight}px")
+ bubble.parent().find('.textBubble-overflowContainer').removeClass('hide')
+ else
+ bubble.parent().find('.textBubble-overflowContainer').addClass('hide')
+ show_toogle: (e) ->
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ e.preventDefault()
+ #$(e.target).hide()
+ if $(e.target).next('div')[0]
+ if $(e.target).next('div').hasClass('hide')
+ $(e.target).next('div').removeClass('hide')
+ $(e.target).text( App.i18n.translateContent('Fold in') )
+ else
+ $(e.target).text( App.i18n.translateContent('See more') )
+ $(e.target).next('div').addClass('hide')
+ stopPropagation: (e) ->
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ toggle_meta_with_delay: (e) =>
+ # allow double click select
+ # by adding a delay to the toggle
+ if @lastClick and +new Date - @lastClick < 150
+ clearTimeout(@toggleMetaTimeout)
+ else
+ @toggleMetaTimeout = setTimeout(@toggle_meta, 150, e)
+ @lastClick = +new Date
+ toggle_meta: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ animSpeed = 300
+ article = $(e.target).closest('.ticket-article-item')
+ metaTopClip = article.find('.article-meta-clip.top')
+ metaBottomClip = article.find('.article-meta-clip.bottom')
+ metaTop = article.find('.article-content-meta.top')
+ metaBottom = article.find('.article-content-meta.bottom')
+ if @elementContainsSelection( article.get(0) )
+ @stopPropagation(e)
+ return false
+ if !metaTop.hasClass('hide')
+ article.removeClass('state--folde-out')
+ # scroll back up
+ article.velocity "scroll",
+ container: article.scrollParent()
+ offset: -article.offset().top - metaTop.outerHeight()
+ duration: animSpeed
+ easing: 'easeOutQuad'
+ metaTop.velocity
+ properties:
+ translateY: 0
+ opacity: [ 0, 1 ]
+ options:
+ speed: animSpeed
+ easing: 'easeOutQuad'
+ complete: -> metaTop.addClass('hide')
+ metaBottom.velocity
+ properties:
+ translateY: [ -metaBottom.outerHeight(), 0 ]
+ opacity: [ 0, 1 ]
+ options:
+ speed: animSpeed
+ easing: 'easeOutQuad'
+ complete: -> metaBottom.addClass('hide')
+ metaTopClip.velocity({ height: 0 }, animSpeed, 'easeOutQuad')
+ metaBottomClip.velocity({ height: 0 }, animSpeed, 'easeOutQuad')
+ else
+ article.addClass('state--folde-out')
+ metaBottom.removeClass('hide')
+ metaTop.removeClass('hide')
+ # balance out the top meta height by scrolling down
+ article.velocity("scroll",
+ container: article.scrollParent()
+ offset: -article.offset().top + metaTop.outerHeight()
+ duration: animSpeed
+ easing: 'easeOutQuad'
+ )
+ metaTop.velocity
+ properties:
+ translateY: [ 0, metaTop.outerHeight() ]
+ opacity: [ 1, 0 ]
+ options:
+ speed: animSpeed
+ easing: 'easeOutQuad'
+ metaBottom.velocity
+ properties:
+ translateY: [ 0, -metaBottom.outerHeight() ]
+ opacity: [ 1, 0 ]
+ options:
+ speed: animSpeed
+ easing: 'easeOutQuad'
+ metaTopClip.velocity({ height: metaTop.outerHeight() }, animSpeed, 'easeOutQuad')
+ metaBottomClip.velocity({ height: metaBottom.outerHeight() }, animSpeed, 'easeOutQuad')
+ unfold: (e) ->
+ e.preventDefault()
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ @seeMore = true
+ container = $(e.currentTarget).parents('.textBubble-content')
+ overflowContainer = container.find('.textBubble-overflowContainer')
+ overflowContainer.velocity
+ properties:
+ opacity: 0
+ options:
+ duration: 300
+ container.velocity
+ properties:
+ height: container.attr('data-height')
+ options:
+ duration: 300
+ complete: -> overflowContainer.addClass('hide');
+ isOrContains: (node, container) ->
+ while node
+ if node is container
+ return true
+ node = node.parentNode
+ false
+ elementContainsSelection: (el) ->
+ sel = window.getSelection()
+ if sel.rangeCount > 0 && sel.toString()
+ for i in [0..sel.rangeCount-1]
+ if !@isOrContains(sel.getRangeAt(i).commonAncestorContainer, el)
+ return false
+ return true
+ false
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/meta.js.coffee b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/meta.js.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cbc3865ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/meta.js.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+class App.TicketZoomMeta extends App.Controller
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal( @ticket.id )
+ @subscribeId = @ticket.subscribe(@render)
+ @render(@ticket)
+ render: (ticket) =>
+ @html App.view('ticket_zoom/meta')(
+ ticket: ticket
+ isCustomer: @isRole('Customer')
+ )
+ # show frontend times
+ @frontendTimeUpdate()
+ release: =>
+ App.Ticket.unsubscribe( @subscribeId )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/overview_navigator.js.coffee b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/overview_navigator.js.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a555258c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/overview_navigator.js.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+class App.TicketZoomOverviewNavigator extends App.Controller
+ events:
+ 'click a': 'open'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ # rebuild overview navigator if overview has changed
+ @bind 'ticket_overview_rebuild', (data) =>
+ execute = =>
+ @render()
+ @delay(execute, 600, 'overview-navigator')
+ @render()
+ render: (overview) =>
+ if !@overview_id
+ @html('')
+ return
+ # get overview data
+ worker = App.TaskManager.worker( 'TicketOverview' )
+ return if !worker
+ overview = worker.overview(@overview_id)
+ return if !overview
+ current_position = 0
+ next = false
+ previous = false
+ for ticket_id in overview.ticket_ids
+ current_position += 1
+ next = overview.ticket_ids[current_position]
+ previous = overview.ticket_ids[current_position-2]
+ break if ticket_id is @ticket_id
+ # get next/previous ticket
+ if next
+ next = App.Ticket.find(next)
+ if previous
+ previous = App.Ticket.find(previous)
+ @html App.view('ticket_zoom/overview_navigator')(
+ title: overview.overview.name
+ total_count: overview.tickets_count
+ current_position: current_position
+ next: next
+ previous: previous
+ )
+ open: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ # get requested object and location
+ id = $(e.target).data('id')
+ url = $(e.target).attr('href')
+ if !id
+ id = $(e.target).closest('a').data('id')
+ url = $(e.target).closest('a').attr('href')
+ # return if we are unable to get id
+ return if !id
+ # open task via task manager to get overview information
+ App.TaskManager.execute(
+ key: 'Ticket-' + id
+ controller: 'TicketZoom'
+ params:
+ ticket_id: id
+ overview_id: @overview_id
+ show: true
+ )
+ @navigate url
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/sidebar.js.coffee b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/sidebar.js.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b3610c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/sidebar.js.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+class App.TicketZoomSidebar extends App.Controller
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal( @ticket.id )
+ @subscribeId = ticket.subscribe(@render)
+ @render(ticket)
+ release: =>
+ App.Ticket.unsubscribe( @subscribeId )
+ render: (ticket) =>
+ editTicket = (el) =>
+ el.append('')
+ @editEl = el
+ show = (ticket) =>
+ el.find('.edit').html('')
+ defaults = ticket.attributes()
+ task_state = @taskGet('ticket')
+ modelDiff = App.Utils.formDiff( task_state, defaults )
+ #if @isRole('Customer')
+ # delete defaults['state_id']
+ # delete defaults['state']
+ if !_.isEmpty( task_state )
+ defaults = _.extend( defaults, task_state )
+ new App.ControllerForm(
+ el: el.find('.edit')
+ model: App.Ticket
+ screen: 'edit'
+ params: App.Ticket.find(ticket.id)
+ handlers: [
+ @ticketFormChanges
+ ]
+ filter: @form_meta.filter
+ params: defaults
+ #bookmarkable: true
+ )
+ #console.log('Ichanges', modelDiff, task_state, ticket.attributes())
+ #@markFormDiff( modelDiff )
+ show(ticket)
+ @bind(
+ 'ui::ticket::taskReset'
+ (data) =>
+ if data.ticket_id is ticket.id
+ show(ticket)
+ )
+ if !@isRole('Customer')
+ el.append('')
+ new App.WidgetTag(
+ el: el.find('.tags')
+ object_type: 'Ticket'
+ object: ticket
+ tags: @tags
+ )
+ el.append('')
+ new App.WidgetLink(
+ el: el.find('.links')
+ object_type: 'Ticket'
+ object: ticket
+ links: @links
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ )
+ showTicketHistory = =>
+ new App.TicketHistory(
+ ticket_id: ticket.id
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ )
+ showTicketMerge = =>
+ new App.TicketMerge(
+ ticket: ticket
+ task_key: @task_key
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ )
+ changeCustomer = (e, el) =>
+ new App.TicketCustomer(
+ ticket: ticket
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ )
+ @sidebarItems = [
+ {
+ head: 'Ticket'
+ name: 'ticket'
+ icon: 'message'
+ callback: editTicket
+ }
+ ]
+ if !@isRole('Customer')
+ @sidebarItems[0]['actions'] = [
+ {
+ name: 'ticket-history'
+ title: 'History'
+ callback: showTicketHistory
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'ticket-merge'
+ title: 'Merge'
+ callback: showTicketMerge
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Change Customer'
+ name: 'customer-change'
+ callback: changeCustomer
+ },
+ ]
+ if !@isRole('Customer')
+ editCustomer = (e, el) =>
+ new App.ControllerGenericEdit(
+ id: ticket.customer_id
+ genericObject: 'User'
+ screen: 'edit'
+ pageData:
+ title: 'Users'
+ object: 'User'
+ objects: 'Users'
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ )
+ showCustomer = (el) =>
+ new App.WidgetUser(
+ el: el
+ user_id: ticket.customer_id
+ )
+ @sidebarItems.push {
+ head: 'Customer'
+ name: 'customer'
+ icon: 'person'
+ actions: [
+ {
+ title: 'Change Customer'
+ name: 'customer-change'
+ callback: changeCustomer
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Edit Customer'
+ name: 'customer-edit'
+ callback: editCustomer
+ },
+ ]
+ callback: showCustomer
+ }
+ if ticket.organization_id
+ editOrganization = (e, el) =>
+ new App.ControllerGenericEdit(
+ id: ticket.organization_id,
+ genericObject: 'Organization'
+ pageData:
+ title: 'Organizations'
+ object: 'Organization'
+ objects: 'Organizations'
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ )
+ showOrganization = (el) =>
+ new App.WidgetOrganization(
+ el: el
+ organization_id: ticket.organization_id
+ )
+ @sidebarItems.push {
+ head: 'Organization'
+ name: 'organization'
+ icon: 'group'
+ actions: [
+ {
+ title: 'Edit Organization'
+ name: 'organization-edit'
+ callback: editOrganization
+ },
+ ]
+ callback: showOrganization
+ }
+ new App.Sidebar(
+ el: @el
+ sidebarState: @sidebarState
+ items: @sidebarItems
+ )
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/title.js.coffee b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/title.js.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a450f77b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/title.js.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+class App.TicketZoomTitle extends App.Controller
+ events:
+ 'blur .ticket-title-update': 'update'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ @ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal( @ticket.id )
+ @subscribeId = @ticket.subscribe(@render)
+ @render(@ticket)
+ render: (ticket) =>
+ # check if render is needed
+ if @lastTitle && @lastTitle is ticket.title
+ return
+ @lastTitle = ticket.title
+ @html App.view('ticket_zoom/title')(
+ ticket: ticket
+ )
+ @$('.ticket-title-update').ce({
+ mode: 'textonly'
+ multiline: false
+ maxlength: 250
+ })
+ update: (e) =>
+ title = $(e.target).ceg() || ''
+ # update title
+ if title isnt @ticket.title
+ @ticket.title = title
+ # reset article - should not be resubmited on next ticket update
+ @ticket.article = undefined
+ @ticket.save()
+ App.TaskManager.mute( @task_key )
+ # update taskbar with new meta data
+ App.Event.trigger 'task:render'
+ release: =>
+ App.Ticket.unsubscribe( @subscribeId )
\ No newline at end of file