Reenabled temp. recipient options in edit.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Edenhofer 2014-12-09 22:24:59 +01:00
parent 93ac78e8e9
commit acafc33800
2 changed files with 107 additions and 76 deletions

View file

@ -431,8 +431,10 @@ class App.TicketZoom extends App.Controller
currentStore =
ticket: @ticket.attributes()
article: {
type: 'note'
body: ''
to: ''
cc: ''
type: 'note'
body: ''
internal: ''
currentParams =
@ -725,50 +727,89 @@ class TicketMeta extends App.Controller
class Edit extends App.Controller
'.js-textarea': 'textarea'
'.attachmentPlaceholder': 'attachmentPlaceholder'
'.js-textarea': 'textarea'
'.attachmentPlaceholder': 'attachmentPlaceholder'
'.attachmentPlaceholder-inputHolder': 'attachmentInputHolder'
'.attachmentPlaceholder-hint': 'attachmentHint'
'.article-add': 'ticketEdit'
'.attachments': 'attachmentsHolder'
'.attachmentUpload': 'attachmentUpload'
'.js-percentage': 'progressText'
'.js-cancel': 'cancelContainer'
'.text-bubble': 'textBubble'
'.editControls-item': 'editControlItem'
#'.editControls': 'editControls'
#'.recipient-picker': 'recipientPicker'
#'.recipient-list': 'recipientList'
#'.recipient-list .list-arrow': 'recipientListArrow'
'.attachmentPlaceholder-hint': 'attachmentHint'
'.article-add': 'ticketEdit'
'.attachments': 'attachmentsHolder'
'.attachmentUpload': 'attachmentUpload'
'.attachmentUpload-progressBar': 'progressBar'
'.js-percentage': 'progressText'
'.js-cancel': 'cancelContainer'
'.text-bubble': 'textBubble'
'.editControls-item': 'editControlItem'
#'.editControls': 'editControls'
#'.recipient-picker': 'recipientPicker'
#'.recipient-list': 'recipientList'
#'.recipient-list .list-arrow': 'recipientListArrow'
#'click .submit': 'update'
'click [data-type="reset"]': 'reset'
'click .visibility-toggle': 'toggleVisibility'
'click .pop-selectable': 'selectArticleType'
'click .pop-selected': 'showSelectableArticleType'
'click .recipient-picker': 'toggle_recipients'
'click .recipient-list': 'stopPropagation'
#'click .submit': 'update'
'click [data-type="reset"]': 'reset'
'click .visibility-toggle': 'toggleVisibility'
'click .pop-selectable': 'selectArticleType'
'click .pop-selected': 'showSelectableArticleType'
'click .recipient-picker': 'toggle_recipients'
'click .recipient-list': 'stopPropagation'
'click .list-entry-type div': 'change_type'
'submit .recipient-list form': 'add_recipient'
'focus .js-textarea': 'open_textarea'
'input .js-textarea': 'detect_empty_textarea'
#'dragenter': 'onDragenter'
#'dragleave': 'onDragleave'
#'drop': 'onFileDrop'
#'change input[type=file]': 'onFilePick'
'focus .js-textarea': 'open_textarea'
'input .js-textarea': 'detect_empty_textarea'
#'dragenter': 'onDragenter'
#'dragleave': 'onDragleave'
#'drop': 'onFileDrop'
#'change input[type=file]': 'onFilePick'
constructor: ->
# gets referenced in @setArticleType
@type = @defaults['type'] || 'note'
@articleTypes = [
name: 'note'
icon: 'note'
attributes: []
name: 'email'
icon: 'email'
attributes: ['to','cc']
name: 'facebook'
icon: 'facebook'
attributes: []
name: 'twitter'
icon: 'twitter'
attributes: []
name: 'phone'
icon: 'phone'
attributes: []
if @isRole('Customer')
@type = 'note'
@articleTypes = [
name: 'note'
icon: 'note'
attributes: []
@textareaHeight =
open: 148
open: 148
closed: 20
@dragEventCounter = 0
@attachments = []
@attachments = []
@ -789,42 +830,9 @@ class Edit extends App.Controller
ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal( )
# gets referenced in @setArticleType
@type = 'note'
articleTypes = [
name: 'note'
icon: 'note'
name: 'email'
icon: 'email'
name: 'facebook'
icon: 'facebook'
name: 'twitter'
icon: 'twitter'
name: 'phone'
icon: 'phone'
if @isRole('Customer')
@type = 'note'
articleTypes = [
name: 'note'
icon: 'note'
@html App.view('ticket_zoom/edit')(
ticket: ticket
articleTypes: articleTypes
articleTypes: @articleTypes
article: @defaults
isCustomer: @isRole('Customer')
@ -847,14 +855,14 @@ class Edit extends App.Controller
uploadUrl: App.Config.get('api_path') + '/ticket_attachment_upload',
dropContainer: @el.get(0),
cancelContainer: @cancelContainer,
inputField: @$('.article-attachment input').get(0),
key: 'File',
data: { form_id: @form_id },
uploadUrl: App.Config.get('api_path') + '/ticket_attachment_upload',
dropContainer: @el.get(0),
cancelContainer: @cancelContainer,
inputField: @$('.article-attachment input').get(0),
key: 'File',
data: { form_id: @form_id },
maxSimultaneousUploads: 1,
onFileAdded: (file) =>
onFileAdded: (file) =>
@ -987,13 +995,15 @@ class Edit extends App.Controller
@selectTypeCatcher = new App.clickCatcher
holder: @el.offsetParent()
callback: @hideSelectableArticleType
holder: @el.offsetParent()
callback: @hideSelectableArticleType
zIndexScale: 6
selectArticleType: (e) =>
@setArticleType $('value')
articleTypeToSet = $('.pop-selectable').data('value')
@setArticleType( articleTypeToSet )
@selectTypeCatcher = null
@ -1008,6 +1018,13 @@ class Edit extends App.Controller
typeIcon.addClass @type
# show/hide attributes
for articleType in @articleTypes
if is type
for name in articleType.attributes
detect_empty_textarea: =>
if !@textarea.text().trim()

View file

@ -36,6 +36,20 @@
<div class="internal-border">
<div class="input form-group">
<div class="formGroup-label">
<label for=""><%- @T('To') %></label>
<div class="controls"><input id="" type="text" name="to" value="<%= %>" class="form-control" required="required"></div>
<div class="input form-group">
<div class="formGroup-label">
<label for=""><%- @T('Cc') %></label>
<div class="controls"><input id="" type="text" name="cc" value="<%= %>" class="form-control"></div>
<div class="text-bubble">
<div class="bubble-arrow"></div>
<div class="js-textarea ticketEdit-body" contenteditable="true" data-name="body"><%= @article.body %></div>