Init version of datetime field.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Edenhofer 2015-01-26 07:55:14 +01:00
parent e6002ee228
commit eaf2c8334a
9 changed files with 660 additions and 210 deletions

View file

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
for eventSelector, callback of @events
do (eventSelector, callback) =>
evs = eventSelector.split(' ')
fieldset.find( evs[1] ).bind(evs[0], (e) => callback(e) )
fieldset.find( evs[1] ).bind( evs[0], (e) => callback(e) )
# return form
return fieldset
@ -264,13 +264,13 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
{ name: 'inactive', value: false }
# update boolean types
for record in attribute.options
record.value = '{boolean}::' + record.value
# set data type
if = '{boolean}' +
# finde selected item of list
for record in attribute.options
if record.value is '{boolean}::' + attribute.value
if record.value is attribute.value
record.selected = 'selected'
# return item
@ -283,7 +283,6 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
# date
else if attribute.tag is 'date'
attribute.type = 'text'
item = $( App.view('generic/date')( attribute: attribute ) )
# format: 'Y.m.d'
@ -291,10 +290,163 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
# date
else if attribute.tag is 'datetime'
attribute.type = 'text'
item = $( App.view('generic/date')( attribute: attribute ) )
# format: 'Y.m.d H:i'
# set data type
attribute.nameRaw = = '{datetime}' +
if attribute.value
if typeof( attribute.value ) is 'string'
unixtime = new Date( Date.parse( attribute.value ) )
unixtime = new Date( attribute.value )
year = unixtime.getYear() + 1900
month = unixtime.getMonth() + 1
day = unixtime.getDate()
hour = unixtime.getHours()
minute = unixtime.getMinutes()
item = $( App.view('generic/datetime')(
attribute: attribute
year: year
month: month
day: day
hour: hour
minute: minute
) )
item.find('.js-today').bind('click', (e) ->
name = $(@).closest('.form-group').find('[data-name]').attr('data-name')
today = new Date();
item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___day\"]").val( today.getDate() )
item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___month\"]").val( today.getMonth()+1 )
item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___year\"]").val( today.getFullYear() )
item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___hour\"]").val( today.getHours() )
item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___minute\"]").val( today.getMinutes() )
setNewTime = (diff, el) ->
name = $(el).closest('.form-group').find('[data-name]').attr('data-name')
day = item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___day\"]").val()
month = item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___month\"]").val()
year = item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___year\"]").val()
hour = item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___hour\"]").val()
minute = item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___minute\"]").val()
format = (number) ->
if parseInt(number) < 10
number = "0#{number}"
#console.log('ph', diff, "#{year}-#{format(month)}-#{format(day)}T#{format(hour)}:#{format(minute)}:00Z")
time = new Date( Date.parse( "#{year}-#{format(month)}-#{format(day)}T#{format(hour)}:#{format(minute)}:00Z" ) )
time.setMinutes( time.getMinutes() + diff + time.getTimezoneOffset() )
#console.log('T', time, time.getHours(), time.getMinutes())
item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___day\"]").val( time.getDate() )
item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___month\"]").val( time.getMonth()+1 )
item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___year\"]").val( time.getFullYear() )
item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___hour\"]").val( time.getHours() )
item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"{datetime}#{name}___minute\"]").val( time.getMinutes() )
item.find('.js-plus-hour').bind('click', (e) ->
setNewTime(60, @)
item.find('.js-minus-hour').bind('click', (e) ->
setNewTime(-60, @)
item.find('.js-plus-day').bind('click', (e) ->
setNewTime(60 * 24, @)
item.find('.js-minus-day').bind('click', (e) ->
setNewTime(-60 * 24, @)
item.find('.js-plus-week').bind('click', (e) ->
setNewTime(60 * 24 * 7, @)
item.find('.js-minus-week').bind('click', (e) ->
setNewTime(-60 * 24 * 7, @)
item.find('input').bind('keyup blur focus', (e) ->
# do validation
name = $(@).attr('name')
if name
fieldPrefix = name.split('___')[0]
# remove old validation
day = item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"#{fieldPrefix}___day\"]").val()
month = item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"#{fieldPrefix}___month\"]").val()
year = item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"#{fieldPrefix}___year\"]").val()
hour = item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"#{fieldPrefix}___hour\"]").val()
minute = item.closest('.form-group').find("[name=\"#{fieldPrefix}___minute\"]").val()
# validate exists
errors = {}
if !day = 'missing'
if !month
errors.month = 'missing'
if !year
errors.year = 'missing'
if !hour
errors.hour = 'missing'
if !minute
errors.minute = 'missing'
# ranges
if day
daysInMonth = 31
if month && year
daysInMonth = new Date(year, month, 0).getDate();
console.log('222', month, year, daysInMonth)
if parseInt(day).toString() is 'NaN' = 'invalid'
else if parseInt(day) > daysInMonth || parseInt(day) < 1 = 'invalid'
if month
if parseInt(month).toString() is 'NaN'
errors.month = 'invalid'
else if parseInt(month) > 12 || parseInt(month) < 1
errors.month = 'invalid'
if year
if parseInt(year).toString() is 'NaN'
errors.year = 'invalid'
else if parseInt(year) > 2100 || parseInt(year) < 2001
errors.year = 'invalid'
if hour
if parseInt(hour).toString() is 'NaN'
errors.hour = 'invalid'
else if parseInt(hour) > 23 || parseInt(hour) < 0
errors.hour = 'invalid'
if minute
if parseInt(minute).toString() is 'NaN'
errors.minute = 'invalid'
else if parseInt(minute) > 59
errors.minute = 'invalid'
if !_.isEmpty(errors)
for key, value of errors
#item.closest('.form-group').find('.help-inline').text( value )
# timezone
else if attribute.tag is 'timezone'
@ -615,95 +767,6 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
if listItem.value is "#{ }::#{key}"
addItem( "#{ }::#{key}",, item.find('.add a'), value )
# select
else if attribute.tag is 'input_select'
item = $('<div class="input_select"></div>')
# select shown attributes
loopData = {}
if @params && @params[ ]
loopData = @params[ ]
loopData[''] = ''
# show each attribote
counter = 0
for key of loopData
counter =+ 1
# clone to keep it untouched for next loop
select = _.clone( attribute )
input = _.clone( attribute )
# set field ids - not needed in this case = '' = ''
# rename to be able to identify this option later = '{input_select}::' + = '{input_select}::' +
# set sub attributes
for keysub of
select[keysub] =[keysub]
for keysub of attribute.input
input[keysub] = attribute.input[keysub]
# set hide for + options
itemClass = ''
if key is ''
itemClass = 'hide'
select['nulloption'] = true
# set selected value
select.value = key
input.value = loopData[ key ]
# build options list based on config
@_getConfigOptionList( select )
# build options list based on relation
@_getRelationOptionList( select )
# add null selection if needed
@_addNullOption( select )
# sort attribute.options
@_sortOptions( select )
# finde selected/checked item of list
@_selectedOptions( select )
pearItem = $("<div class=" + itemClass + "></div>")
pearItem.append $( App.view('generic/select')( attribute: select ) )
pearItem.append $( App.view('generic/input')( attribute: input ) )
itemRemote = $('<a href="#" class="input_select_remove icon-minus"></a>')
itemRemote.bind('click', (e) ->
pearItem.append( itemRemote )
item.append( pearItem )
if key is ''
itemAdd = $('<div class="add"><a href="#" class="icon-plus"></a></div>')
itemAdd.bind('click', (e) ->
# copy
newElement = $(@).prev().clone()
# bind on remove
newElement.find('.input_select_remove').bind('click', (e) ->
# prepend
$(@).parent().find('.add').before( newElement )
item.append( itemAdd )
# checkbox
else if attribute.tag is 'checkbox'
item = $( App.view('generic/checkbox')( attribute: attribute ) )
@ -1792,6 +1855,8 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
for key in name
el.find('[name="' + key + '"]').closest('.form-group').removeClass('hide')
el.find('[name="' + key + '"]').removeClass('is-hidden')
el.find('[data-name="' + key + '"]').closest('.form-group').removeClass('hide')
el.find('[data-name="' + key + '"]').removeClass('is-hidden')
_hide: (name, el = @el) ->
if !_.isArray(name)
@ -1799,6 +1864,8 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
for key in name
el.find('[name="' + key + '"]').closest('.form-group').addClass('hide')
el.find('[name="' + key + '"]').addClass('is-hidden')
el.find('[data-name="' + key + '"]').closest('.form-group').addClass('hide')
el.find('[data-name="' + key + '"]').addClass('is-hidden')
_mandantory: (name, el = @el) ->
if !_.isArray(name)
@ -1819,8 +1886,13 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
if attribute.shown_if
hit = false
for refAttribute, refValue of attribute.shown_if
if params[refAttribute] && params[refAttribute].toString() is refValue.toString()
hit = true
if params[refAttribute]
if _.isArray( refValue )
for item in refValue
if params[refAttribute].toString() is item.toString()
hit = true
else if params[refAttribute].toString() is refValue.toString()
hit = true
if hit
@ -1831,8 +1903,13 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
if attribute.required_if
hit = false
for refAttribute, refValue of attribute.required_if
if params[refAttribute] && params[refAttribute].toString() is refValue.toString()
hit = true
if params[refAttribute]
if _.isArray( refValue )
for item in refValue
if params[refAttribute].toString() is item.toString()
hit = true
else if params[refAttribute].toString() is refValue.toString()
hit = true
if hit
@ -2066,33 +2143,70 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
# get form elements
array = lookupForm.serializeArray()
# 1:1 and boolean params
# array to names
for key in array
# check if item is-hidden and should not be used
if lookupForm.find('[name="' + + '"]').hasClass('is-hidden')
param[] = undefined
# collect all other params
# collect all params, push it to an array if already exists
if param[]
if typeof param[] is 'string'
param[] = [ param[], key.value]
param[].push key.value
# check boolean
attributeType = key.value.split '::'
if attributeType[0] is '{boolean}'
if attributeType[1] is 'true'
key.value = true
key.value = false
# else if attributeType[0] is '{boolean}'
param[] = key.value
# check :: fields
# data type conversion
for key of param
# get boolean
if key.substr(0,9) is '{boolean}'
newKey = key.substr( 9, key.length )
param[ newKey ] = param[ key ]
delete param[ key ]
if param[ newKey ] && param[ newKey ].toString() is 'true'
param[ newKey ] = true
param[ newKey ] = false
# get {datetime}
else if key.substr(0,10) is '{datetime}'
newKey = key.substr( 10, key.length )
namespace = newKey.split '___'
if !param[ namespace[0] ]
datetimeKey = "{datetime}#{namespace[0]}___"
year = param[ "#{datetimeKey}year" ]
month = param[ "#{datetimeKey}month" ]
day = param[ "#{datetimeKey}day" ]
hour = param[ "#{datetimeKey}hour" ]
minute = param[ "#{datetimeKey}minute" ]
timezone = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset()/60
if year && month && day && hour && minute
format = (number) ->
if parseInt(number) < 10
number = "0#{number}"
time = new Date( Date.parse( "#{year}-#{format(month)}-#{format(day)}T#{format(hour)}:#{format(minute)}:00Z" ) )
time.setMinutes( time.getMinutes() + time.getTimezoneOffset() )
param[ namespace[0] ] = time.toISOString()
catch err
console.log('ERR', err)
#console.log('T', time, time.getHours(), time.getMinutes())
delete param[ "#{datetimeKey}year" ]
delete param[ "#{datetimeKey}month" ]
delete param[ "#{datetimeKey}day" ]
delete param[ "#{datetimeKey}hour" ]
delete param[ "#{datetimeKey}minute" ]
# split :: fields, build objects
inputSelectObject = {}
for key of param
parts = key.split '::'
@ -2109,25 +2223,7 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
inputSelectObject[ parts[0] ][ parts[1] ][ parts[2] ] = param[ key ]
delete param[ key ]
# check {input_select}
for key of param
attributeType = key.split '::'
name = attributeType[1]
# console.log 'split', key, attributeType, param[ name ]
if attributeType[0] is '{input_select}' && !param[ name ]
# array need to be converted
inputSelectData = param[ key ]
inputSelectObject[ name ] = {}
for x in [0..inputSelectData.length] by 2
# console.log 'for by 111', x, inputSelectData, inputSelectData[x], inputSelectData[ x + 1 ]
if inputSelectData[ x ]
inputSelectObject[ name ][ inputSelectData[x] ] = inputSelectData[ x + 1 ]
# remove {input_select} items
delete param[ key ]
# set new {input_select} items
# set new object params
for key of inputSelectObject
param[ key ] = inputSelectObject[ key ]
@ -2203,8 +2299,13 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
# show new errors
for key, msg of data.errors
lookupForm.find('[name="' + key + '"]').parents('div .form-group').addClass('has-error')
lookupForm.find('[name="' + key + '"]').parent().find('.help-inline').html(msg)
item = lookupForm.find('[name="' + key + '"]').closest('.form-group')
item = lookupForm.find('[data-name="' + key + '"]').closest('.form-group')
# set autofocus
lookupForm.find('.has-error').find('input, textarea').first().focus()
lookupForm.find('.has-error').find('input, textarea, select').first().focus()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<div class="horizontal" data-name="<%= @attribute.nameRaw %>">
<input type="text" maxlength="2" name="<%= %>___day" value="<%= @day %>" placeholder="dd" style="width: 50px;">
<input type="text" maxlength="2" name="<%= %>___month" value="<%= @month %>" placeholder="mm" style="width: 50px;">
<input type="text" maxlength="4" name="<%= %>___year" value="<%= @year %>" placeholder="yyyy" style="width: 70px;">
<input type="text" maxlength="2" name="<%= %>___hour" value="<%= @hour %>" placeholder="00" style="width: 50px;">
<input type="text" maxlength="2" name="<%= %>___minute" value="<%= @minute %>" placeholder="00" style="width: 50px;">
<a class="js-today"><%- @T('now') %></a>
<a class="js-minus-hour"><%- @T('-1') %></a> <a class="js-plus-hour"><%- @T('+1') %></a> <%- @T('hour') %>
<a class="js-minus-day"><%- @T('-1') %></a> <a class="js-plus-day"><%- @T('+1') %></a> <%- @T('day') %>
<a class="js-minus-week"><%- @T('-7') %></a> <a class="js-plus-week"><%- @T('+7') %></a> <%- @T('days') %>

View file

@ -757,6 +757,11 @@ textarea,
border-color: red !important;
input.has-error {
box-shadow: none;
border-color: red !important;
.help-inline:not(:empty) {
color: red;
padding: 2px;

View file

@ -2,48 +2,6 @@
class TestsController < ApplicationController
# GET /tests/core
def core
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
# GET /tests/ui
def ui
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
# GET /tests/from
def form
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
# GET /tests/from_extended
def form
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
# GET /tests/table
def table
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
# GET /tests/html_utils
def html_utils
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
# GET /test/wait
def wait
sleep params[:sec].to_i

View file

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
Zammad::Application.routes.draw do
match '/tests-core', :to => 'tests#core', :via => :get
match '/tests-ui', :to => 'tests#ui', :via => :get
match '/tests-model', :to => 'tests#model', :via => :get
match '/tests-form', :to => 'tests#form', :via => :get
match '/tests-form-extended', :to => 'tests#form_extended', :via => :get
match '/tests-table', :to => 'tests#table', :via => :get
match '/tests-html-utils', :to => 'tests#html_utils', :via => :get
match '/tests/wait/:sec', :to => 'tests#wait', :via => :get
match '/tests-core', :to => 'tests#core', :via => :get
match '/tests-ui', :to => 'tests#ui', :via => :get
match '/tests-model', :to => 'tests#model', :via => :get
match '/tests-form', :to => 'tests#form', :via => :get
match '/tests-form-extended', :to => 'tests#form_extended', :via => :get
match '/tests-form-validation', :to => 'tests#form_validation', :via => :get
match '/tests-table', :to => 'tests#table', :via => :get
match '/tests-html-utils', :to => 'tests#html_utils', :via => :get
match '/tests/wait/:sec', :to => 'tests#wait', :via => :get

View file

@ -1345,10 +1345,11 @@ Ticket::StateType.create_if_not_exists( :id => 7, :name => 'removed', :updated_b
Ticket::State.create_if_not_exists( :id => 1, :name => 'new', :state_type_id => Ticket::StateType.where(:name => 'new') )
Ticket::State.create_if_not_exists( :id => 2, :name => 'open', :state_type_id => Ticket::StateType.where(:name => 'open') )
Ticket::State.create_if_not_exists( :id => 3, :name => 'pending', :state_type_id => Ticket::StateType.where(:name => 'pending reminder') )
Ticket::State.create_if_not_exists( :id => 3, :name => 'pending reminder', :state_type_id => Ticket::StateType.where(:name => 'pending reminder') )
Ticket::State.create_if_not_exists( :id => 4, :name => 'closed', :state_type_id => Ticket::StateType.where(:name => 'closed') )
Ticket::State.create_if_not_exists( :id => 5, :name => 'merged', :state_type_id => Ticket::StateType.where(:name => 'merged') )
Ticket::State.create_if_not_exists( :id => 6, :name => 'removed', :state_type_id => Ticket::StateType.where(:name => 'removed') )
Ticket::State.create_if_not_exists( :id => 6, :name => 'removed', :state_type_id => Ticket::StateType.where(:name => 'removed'), :active => false )
Ticket::State.create_if_not_exists( :id => 7, :name => 'pending close', :state_type_id => Ticket::StateType.where(:name => 'pending action'), :next_state_id => 5 )
Ticket::Priority.create_if_not_exists( :name => '1 low' )
Ticket::Priority.create_if_not_exists( :name => '2 normal' )
@ -1427,8 +1428,9 @@ Overview.create_if_not_exists(
:prio => 1010,
:role_id =>,
:condition => {
'tickets.state_id' => [3],
'tickets.owner_id' => '',
'tickets.state_id' => [3],
'tickets.owner_id' => '',
'tickets.pending_time' => { 'direction' => 'before', 'count'=> 1, 'area' => 'minute' },
:order => {
:by => 'created_at',
@ -1483,13 +1485,34 @@ Overview.create_if_not_exists(
:name => 'All pending reached Tickets',
:link => 'all_pending_reached',
:prio => 1035,
:role_id =>,
:condition => {
'tickets.state_id' => [3],
'tickets.pending_time' => { 'direction' => 'before', 'count'=> 1, 'area' => 'minute' },
:order => {
:by => 'created_at',
:direction => 'ASC',
:view => {
:d => [ 'title', 'customer', 'group', 'created_at' ],
:s => [ 'title', 'customer', 'group', 'created_at' ],
:m => [ 'number', 'title', 'customer', 'group', 'created_at' ],
:view_mode_default => 's',
:name => 'Escalated Tickets',
:link => 'all_escalated',
:prio => 1040,
:role_id =>,
:condition => {
'tickets.escalation_time' =>{ 'direction' => 'before', 'count'=> 5, 'area' => 'minute' },
'tickets.escalation_time' => { 'direction' => 'before', 'count'=> 5, 'area' => 'minute' },
:order => {
:by => 'escalation_time',
@ -1510,8 +1533,8 @@ Overview.create_if_not_exists(
:prio => 1000,
:role_id =>,
:condition => {
'tickets.state_id' => [ 1,2,3,4,6 ],
'tickets.customer_id' => '',
'tickets.state_id' => [ 1,2,3,4,6 ],
'tickets.customer_id' => '',
:order => {
:by => 'created_at',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
test( "form validation check", function() {
$('#forms').append('<hr><h1>form params check</h1><form id="form1"></form>')
var el = $('#form1')
var defaults = {}
var form = new App.ControllerForm({
el: el,
model: {
configure_attributes: [
{ name: 'input1', display: 'Input1', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, null: false },
{ name: 'password1', display: 'Password1', tag: 'input', type: 'password', limit: 100, null: false },
{ name: 'textarea1', display: 'Textarea1', tag: 'textarea', rows: 6, limit: 100, null: false, upload: true },
{ name: 'select1', display: 'Select1', tag: 'select', null: false, nulloption: true, options: { true: 'internal', false: 'public' } },
{ name: 'selectmulti1', display: 'SelectMulti1', tag: 'select', null: false, nulloption: true, multiple: true, options: { true: 'internal', false: 'public' } },
{ name: 'autocompletion1', display: 'AutoCompletion1', tag: 'autocompletion', null: false, options: { true: 'internal', false: 'public' }, source: [ { label: "Choice1", value: "value1", id: "id1" }, { label: "Choice2", value: "value2", id: "id2" }, ], minLength: 1 },
{ name: 'richtext1', display: 'Richtext1', tag: 'richtext', maxlength: 100, null: false, type: 'richtext', multiline: true, upload: true, default: defaults['richtext1'] },
{ name: 'datetime1', display: 'Datetime1', tag: 'datetime', null: false, default: defaults['datetime1'] },
{ name: 'active1', display: 'Active1', tag: 'boolean', type: 'boolean', default: defaults['active1'], null: false },
params: defaults,
equal( el.find('[name="input1"]').val(), '', 'check input1 value')
equal( el.find('[name="input1"]').prop('required'), true, 'check input1 required')
// equal( el.find('[name="input1"]').is(":focus"), true, 'check input1 focus')
equal( el.find('[name="password1"]').val(), '', 'check password1 value')
equal( el.find('[name="password1_confirm"]').val(), '', 'check password1 value')
equal( el.find('[name="password1"]').prop('required'), true, 'check password1 required')
equal( el.find('[name="textarea1"]').val(), '', 'check textarea1 value')
equal( el.find('[name="textarea1"]').prop('required'), true, 'check textarea1 required')
equal( el.find('[name="select1"]').val(), '', 'check select1 value')
equal( el.find('[name="select1"]').prop('required'), true, 'check select1 required')
equal( el.find('[name="selectmulti1"]').val(), null, 'check selectmulti1 value')
equal( el.find('[name="selectmulti1"]').prop('required'), true, 'check selectmulti1 required')
equal( el.find('[name="autocompletion1"]').val(), '', 'check autocompletion1 value')
equal( el.find('[name="autocompletion1"]').prop('required'), true, 'check autocompletion1 required')
equal( el.find('[data-name="richtext1"]').val(), '', 'check richtext1 value')
//equal( el.find('[data-name="richtext1"]').prop('required'), true, 'check richtext1 required')
params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
errors = form.validate(params)
test_errors = {
input1: "is required",
password1: "is required",
textarea1: "is required",
select1: "is required",
selectmulti1: "is required",
autocompletion1: "is required",
richtext1: "is required",
datetime1: "is required",
deepEqual( errors, test_errors, 'validation errors check' )
App.ControllerForm.validate( { errors: errors, form: el } )
equal( el.find('[name="input1"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('has-error'), true, 'check input1 has-error')
equal( el.find('[name="input1"]').closest('.form-group').find('.help-inline').text(), 'is required', 'check input1 error message')
equal( el.find('[name="password1"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('has-error'), true, 'check password1 has-error')
equal( el.find('[name="password1"]').closest('.form-group').find('.help-inline').text(), 'is required', 'check password1 error message')
equal( el.find('[name="textarea1"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('has-error'), true, 'check textarea1 has-error')
equal( el.find('[name="textarea1"]').closest('.form-group').find('.help-inline').text(), 'is required', 'check textarea1 error message')
equal( el.find('[name="select1"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('has-error'), true, 'check select1 has-error')
equal( el.find('[name="select1"]').closest('.form-group').find('.help-inline').text(), 'is required', 'check select1 error message')
equal( el.find('[name="selectmulti1"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('has-error'), true, 'check selectmulti1 has-error')
equal( el.find('[name="selectmulti1"]').closest('.form-group').find('.help-inline').text(), 'is required', 'check selectmulti1 error message')
equal( el.find('[name="autocompletion1"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('has-error'), true, 'check autocompletion1 has-error')
equal( el.find('[name="autocompletion1"]').closest('.form-group').find('.help-inline').text(), 'is required', 'check autocompletion1 error message')
equal( el.find('[data-name="richtext1"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('has-error'), true, 'check richtext1 has-error')
equal( el.find('[data-name="richtext1"]').closest('.form-group').find('.help-inline').text(), 'is required', 'check richtext1 error message')
equal( el.find('[data-name="datetime1"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('has-error'), true, 'check datetime1 has-error')
equal( el.find('[data-name="datetime1"]').closest('.form-group').find('.help-inline').text(), 'is required', 'check datetime1 error message')
test( "datetime validation check", function() {
$('#forms').append('<hr><h1>datetime validation check</h1><form id="form2"></form>')
var el = $('#form2')
var defaults = {}
var form = new App.ControllerForm({
el: el,
model: {
configure_attributes: [
{ name: 'datetime1', display: 'Datetime1', tag: 'datetime', null: false, default: defaults['datetime1'] },
params: defaults,
params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
errors = form.validate(params)
test_errors = {
datetime1: "is required",
deepEqual( errors, test_errors, 'validation errors check' )
App.ControllerForm.validate( { errors: errors, form: el } )
equal( el.find('[data-name="datetime1"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('has-error'), true, 'check datetime1 has-error')
equal( el.find('[data-name="datetime1"]').closest('.form-group').find('.help-inline').text(), 'is required', 'check datetime1 error message')
params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
errors = form.validate(params)
test_errors = undefined
// datetime1: "invalid",
// }
deepEqual( errors, test_errors, 'validation errors check' )
App.ControllerForm.validate( { errors: errors, form: el } )
equal( el.find('[data-name="datetime1"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('has-error'), false, 'check datetime1 has-error')
equal( el.find('[data-name="datetime1"]').closest('.form-group').find('.help-inline').text(), '', 'check datetime1 error message')
params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
errors = form.validate(params)
test_errors = {
datetime1: "is required",
deepEqual( errors, test_errors, 'validation errors check' )
App.ControllerForm.validate( { errors: errors, form: el } )
equal( el.find('[data-name="datetime1"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('has-error'), true, 'check datetime1 has-error')
equal( el.find('[data-name="datetime1"]').closest('.form-group').find('.help-inline').text(), '', 'check datetime1 error message')

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ test( "form elements check", function() {
selectmultioption1: false,
selectmultioption2: [ false, true ],
richtext2: 'lalu <l> lalu',
datetime1: Date.parse('2015-01-11T12:40:00Z'),
new App.ControllerForm({
el: el,
@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ test( "form elements check", function() {
{ name: 'selectmultioption2', display: 'SelectMultiOption2', tag: 'select', null: false, multiple: true, options: [{ value: true, name: 'A' }, { value: 1, name: 'B'}, { value: false, name: 'C' }], default: defaults['selectmultioption2'] },
{ name: 'richtext1', display: 'Richtext1', tag: 'richtext', limit: 100, null: true, upload: true, default: defaults['richtext1'] },
{ name: 'richtext2', display: 'Richtext2', tag: 'richtext', limit: 100, null: true, upload: true, default: defaults['richtext2'] },
{ name: 'datetime1', display: 'Datetime1', tag: 'datetime', null: true, default: defaults['datetime1'] },
{ name: 'datetime2', display: 'Datetime2', tag: 'datetime', null: true, default: defaults['datetime2'] },
autofocus: true
@ -115,6 +118,9 @@ test( "form params check", function() {
richtext6: '<div>lalu <b>b</b> lalu</div>',
richtext7: "<div>&nbsp;<div>&nbsp;\n</div> \n</div>",
richtext8: '<div>lalu <i>b</i> lalu</div>',
datetime1: new Date( Date.parse('2015-01-11T12:40:00Z') ),
active1: true,
active2: false,
new App.ControllerForm({
el: el,
@ -142,6 +148,10 @@ test( "form params check", function() {
{ name: 'richtext6', display: 'Richtext6', tag: 'richtext', maxlength: 100, null: true, type: 'textonly', multiline: true, upload: true, default: defaults['richtext6'] },
{ name: 'richtext7', display: 'Richtext7', tag: 'richtext', maxlength: 100, null: true, type: 'textonly', multiline: false, default: defaults['richtext7'] },
{ name: 'richtext8', display: 'Richtext8', tag: 'richtext', maxlength: 100, null: true, type: 'textonly', multiline: false, default: defaults['richtext8'] },
{ name: 'datetime1', display: 'Datetime1', tag: 'datetime', null: true, default: defaults['datetime1'] },
{ name: 'datetime2', display: 'Datetime2', tag: 'datetime', null: true, default: defaults['datetime2'] },
{ name: 'active1', display: 'Active1', tag: 'boolean', type: 'boolean', default: defaults['active1'], null: false },
{ name: 'active2', display: 'Active2', tag: 'boolean', type: 'boolean', default: defaults['active2'], null: false },
params: defaults,
@ -220,6 +230,9 @@ test( "form params check", function() {
richtext6: '<div>lalu <b>b</b> lalu</div>',
richtext7: '',
richtext8: '<div>lalu <i>b</i> lalu</div>',
datetime1: '2015-01-11T12:40:00.000Z',
active1: true,
active2: false,
deepEqual( params, test_params, 'form param check' );
@ -405,6 +418,7 @@ test( "form dependend fields check", function() {
var test_params = {
input1: "",
input2: "some used default",
input3: undefined,
select1: "false",
select2: "false",
selectmulti2: [ "true", "false" ],
@ -416,6 +430,7 @@ test( "form dependend fields check", function() {
params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
test_params = {
input1: "",
input2: undefined,
input3: "some used default",
select1: "true",
select2: "false",
@ -425,6 +440,143 @@ test( "form dependend fields check", function() {
deepEqual( params, test_params, 'form param check' );
test( "form handler check with and without fieldset", function() {
// deepEqual( item, test.value, 'group set/get tests' );
// mix default and params -> check it -> add note
// test auto completion
// show/hide fields base on field values -> bind changed event
// form validation
// form params check
// add signature only if form_state is empty
$('#forms').append('<hr><h1>form handler check with and without fieldset</h1><form id="form5"></form>')
var el = $('#form5')
var defaults = {
select1: 'a',
select2: '',
var formChanges = function(params, attribute, attributes, classname, form, ui) {
console.log('FROM', form)
if (params['select1'] === 'b') {
console.log('lala', params)
var item = {
name: 'select2',
display: 'Select2',
tag: 'select',
null: true,
options: { 1:'1', 2:'2', 3:'3' },
default: 3,
var newElement = ui.formGenItem( item, classname, form )
form.find('[name="select2"]').closest('.form-group').replaceWith( newElement )
if (params['select1'] === 'a') {
console.log('lala', params)
var item = {
name: 'select2',
display: 'Select2',
tag: 'select',
null: true,
options: { 1:'1', 2:'2', 3:'3' },
default: 1,
var newElement = ui.formGenItem( item, classname, form )
form.find('[name="select2"]').closest('.form-group').replaceWith( newElement )
new App.ControllerForm({
el: el,
model: {
configure_attributes: [
{ name: 'select1', display: 'Select1', tag: 'select', null: true, options: { a: 'a', b: 'b' }, default: 'b'},
{ name: 'select2', display: 'Select2', tag: 'select', null: true, options: { 1:'1', 2:'2', 3:'3' }, default: 2 },
params: defaults,
handlers: [
//noFieldset: true,
equal( el.find('[name="select1"]').val(), 'a', 'check select1 value')
equal( el.find('[name="select1"]').prop('required'), false, 'check select1 required')
equal( el.find('[name="select2"]').val(), '1', 'check select2 value')
equal( el.find('[name="select2"]').prop('required'), false, 'check select2 required')
var params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
var test_params = {
select1: 'a',
select2: '1',
deepEqual( params, test_params, 'form param check' );
params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
test_params = {
select1: 'b',
select2: '3',
deepEqual( params, test_params, 'form param check' );
params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
test_params = {
select1: 'a',
select2: '1',
deepEqual( params, test_params, 'form param check' );
// test with noFieldset
new App.ControllerForm({
el: el,
model: {
configure_attributes: [
{ name: 'select1', display: 'Select1', tag: 'select', null: true, options: { a: 'a', b: 'b' }, default: 'b'},
{ name: 'select2', display: 'Select2', tag: 'select', null: true, options: { 1:'1', 2:'2', 3:'3' }, default: 2 },
params: defaults,
handlers: [
noFieldset: true,
equal( el.find('[name="select1"]').val(), 'a', 'check select1 value')
equal( el.find('[name="select1"]').prop('required'), false, 'check select1 required')
equal( el.find('[name="select2"]').val(), '1', 'check select2 value')
equal( el.find('[name="select2"]').prop('required'), false, 'check select2 required')
var params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
var test_params = {
select1: 'a',
select2: '1',
deepEqual( params, test_params, 'form param check' );
params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
test_params = {
select1: 'b',
select2: '3',
deepEqual( params, test_params, 'form param check' );
params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
test_params = {
select1: 'a',
select2: '1',
deepEqual( params, test_params, 'form param check' );
test( "form postmaster filter", function() {
// check match area
@ -455,8 +607,8 @@ test( "form postmaster filter", function() {
] )
$('#forms').append('<hr><h1>form postmaster filter</h1><form id="form5"></form>')
var el = $('#form5')
$('#forms').append('<hr><h1>form postmaster filter</h1><form id="form6"></form>')
var el = $('#form6')
var defaults = {
input2: 'some name',
match: {
@ -493,8 +645,8 @@ test( "form postmaster filter", function() {
set: {
'x-zammad-ticket-owner': 'owner',
'x-zammad-ticket-customer': 'customer',
'x-zammad-ticket-priority_id': "2",
'x-zammad-ticket-group_id': "1",
'x-zammad-ticket-priority_id': '2',
'x-zammad-ticket-group_id': '1',
deepEqual( params, test_params, 'form param check' );
@ -512,7 +664,7 @@ test( "form postmaster filter", function() {
set: {
'x-zammad-ticket-owner': 'owner',
'x-zammad-ticket-group_id': "1",
'x-zammad-ticket-group_id': '1',
deepEqual( params, test_params, 'form param check' );
@ -524,8 +676,8 @@ test( "form postmaster filter", function() {
test( "form selector", function() {
$('#forms').append('<hr><h1>form selector</h1><div><form id="form6"></form></div>')
var el = $('#form6')
$('#forms').append('<hr><h1>form selector</h1><div><form id="form7"></form></div>')
var el = $('#form7')
var defaults = {
input2: 'some name66',
@ -555,10 +707,12 @@ test( "form selector", function() {
test( "form required_if + shown_if", function() {
$('#forms').append('<hr><h1>form required_if + shown_if</h1><div><form id="form7"></form></div>')
var el = $('#form7')
$('#forms').append('<hr><h1>form required_if + shown_if</h1><div><form id="form8"></form></div>')
var el = $('#form8')
var defaults = {
input2: 'some name66',
input3: 'some name77',
input4: 'some name88',
new App.ControllerForm({
el: el,
@ -566,6 +720,8 @@ test( "form required_if + shown_if", function() {
configure_attributes: [
{ name: 'input1', display: 'Input1', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, null: true, default: 'some not used default33' },
{ name: 'input2', display: 'Input2', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, null: true, default: 'some used default', required_if: { active: true }, shown_if: { active: true } },
{ name: 'input3', display: 'Input3', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, null: true, default: 'some used default', required_if: { active: [true,false] }, shown_if: { active: [true,false] } },
{ name: 'input4', display: 'Input4', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, null: true, default: 'some used default', required_if: { active: [55,66] }, shown_if: { active: [55,66] } },
{ name: 'active', display: 'Active', tag: 'boolean', type: 'boolean', 'default': true, null: false },
@ -574,33 +730,49 @@ test( "form required_if + shown_if", function() {
test_params = {
input1: "some not used default33",
input2: "some name66",
active: true
input3: "some name77",
input4: undefined,
active: true,
params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
deepEqual( params, test_params, 'form param check via $("#form")' );
equal( el.find('[name="input2"]').attr('required'), 'required', 'check required attribute of input2 ')
equal( el.find('[name="input2"]').is(":visible"), true, 'check visible attribute of input2 ')
equal( el.find('[name="input3"]').attr('required'), 'required', 'check required attribute of input3 ')
equal( el.find('[name="input3"]').is(":visible"), true, 'check visible attribute of input3 ')
equal( el.find('[name="input4"]').is(":visible"), false, 'check visible attribute of input4 ')
test_params = {
input1: "some not used default33",
active: false
input2: undefined,
input3: undefined,
input4: undefined,
active: false,
params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
deepEqual( params, test_params, 'form param check via $("#form")' );
equal( el.find('[name="input2"]').attr('required'), undefined, 'check required attribute of input2 ')
equal( el.find('[name="input2"]').is(":visible"), false, 'check visible attribute of input2 ')
equal( el.find('[name="input3"]').is(":visible"), false, 'check visible attribute of input3 ')
equal( el.find('[name="input4"]').is(":visible"), false, 'check visible attribute of input4 ')
test_params = {
input1: "some not used default33",
input2: "some name66",
active: true
input3: "some name77",
input4: undefined,
active: true,
params = App.ControllerForm.params( el )
deepEqual( params, test_params, 'form param check via $("#form")' );
equal( el.find('[name="input2"]').attr('required'), 'required', 'check required attribute of input2 ')
equal( el.find('[name="input2"]').is(":visible"), true, 'check visible attribute of input2 ')
equal( el.find('[name="input3"]').attr('required'), 'required', 'check required attribute of input3 ')
equal( el.find('[name="input3"]').is(":visible"), true, 'check visible attribute of input3 ')
equal( el.find('[name="input4"]').is(":visible"), false, 'check visible attribute of input4 ')

View file

@ -112,6 +112,28 @@ class AAbUnitTest < TestCase
def test_form_validation
tests = [
:name => 'start',
:instance => browser_instance,
:url => browser_url + '/tests-form-validation',
:action => [
:execute => 'wait',
:value => 8,
:execute => 'match',
:css => '.result .failed',
:value => '0',
:match_result => true,
def test_table
tests = [