PR #3277 - Improve French translation for chat

This commit is contained in:
Raoul Schmitt 2020-11-10 08:30:56 +01:00 committed by Mantas Masalskis
parent b112ea68a9
commit f09b82b427
6 changed files with 407 additions and 407 deletions

View file

@ -274,12 +274,12 @@ do(window) ->
'Send': 'Envoyer' 'Send': 'Envoyer'
'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat fermé par %s' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat fermé par %s'
'Compose your message...': 'Composez votre message...' 'Compose your message...': 'Composez votre message...'
'All colleagues are busy.': 'Tous les collègues sont actuellement occupés.' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Tous les collaborateurs sont occupés actuellement.'
'You are on waiting list position <strong>%s</strong>.': 'Vous êtes actuellement en <strong>%s</strong> position dans la file d\'attente.' 'You are on waiting list position <strong>%s</strong>.': 'Vous êtes actuellement en position <strong>%s</strong> dans la file d\'attente.'
'Start new conversation': 'Démarrer une nouvelle conversation' 'Start new conversation': 'Démarrer une nouvelle conversation'
'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with <strong>%s</strong> got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les <strong>%s</strong> minutes, votre conversation avec %s va être fermée.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with <strong>%s</strong> got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les <strong>%s</strong> minutes, votre conversation avec %s sera fermée.'
'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les %s minutes, votre conversation va être fermée.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les %s minutes, votre conversation va être fermée.'
'We are sorry, it takes longer as expected to get an empty slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Nous sommes désolés, il faut plus de temps que prévu pour obtenir un emplacement vide. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement ou nous envoyer un courriel. Je vous remercie!' 'We are sorry, it takes longer as expected to get an empty slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Nous sommes désolés, il faut plus de temps que prévu pour obtenir un emplacement vide. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement ou nous envoyer un courriel. Nous vous remercions!'
'he': 'he':
'<strong>Chat</strong> with us!': '<strong>שוחח</strong>איתנו!' '<strong>Chat</strong> with us!': '<strong>שוחח</strong>איתנו!'
'Scroll down to see new messages': 'גלול מטה כדי לראות הודעות חדשות' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'גלול מטה כדי לראות הודעות חדשות'

View file

@ -59,6 +59,170 @@ window.zammadChatTemplates["agent"] = function(__obj) {
return __out.join(''); return __out.join('');
}; };
if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) {
window.zammadChatTemplates = {};
window.zammadChatTemplates["chat"] = function(__obj) {
if (!__obj) __obj = {};
var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) {
var out = __out, result;
__out = [];;
result = __out.join('');
__out = out;
return __safe(result);
}, __sanitize = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) {
return __escape(value);
} else {
return '';
}, __safe, __objSafe =, __escape = __obj.escape;
__safe = = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else {
if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = '';
var result = new String(value);
result.ecoSafe = true;
return result;
if (!__escape) {
__escape = __obj.escape = function(value) {
return ('' + value)
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
(function() {
(function() {
__out.push('<div class="zammad-chat');
if (this.flat) {
__out.push(__sanitize(' zammad-chat--flat'));
if (this.fontSize) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='font-size: " + this.fontSize + "'"));
__out.push('>\n <div class="zammad-chat-header js-chat-open"');
if (this.background) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='background: " + this.background + "'"));
__out.push('>\n <div class="zammad-chat-header-controls js-chat-toggle">\n <span class="zammad-chat-agent-status zammad-chat-is-hidden js-chat-status" data-status="online"></span>\n <span class="zammad-chat-header-icon">\n <svg class="zammad-chat-header-icon-open" width="13" height="7" viewBox="0 0 13 7"><path d="M10.807 7l1.4-1.428-5-4.9L6.5-.02l-.7.7-4.9 4.9 1.414 1.413L6.5 2.886 10.807 7z" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>\n <svg class="zammad-chat-header-icon-close" width="13" height="13" viewBox="0 0 13 13"><path d="m2.241.12l-2.121 2.121 4.243 4.243-4.243 4.243 2.121 2.121 4.243-4.243 4.243 4.243 2.121-2.121-4.243-4.243 4.243-4.243-2.121-2.121-4.243 4.243-4.243-4.243" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>\n </span>\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-agent zammad-chat-is-hidden">\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-welcome">\n <svg class="zammad-chat-icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24"><path d="M2 5C2 4 3 3 4 3h16c1 0 2 1 2 2v10C22 16 21 17 20 17H4C3 17 2 16 2 15V5zM12 17l6 4v-4h-6z"/></svg>\n <span class="zammad-chat-welcome-text">');
__out.push('</span>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-modal"></div>\n <div class="zammad-scroll-hint is-hidden">\n <svg class="zammad-scroll-hint-icon" width="20" height="18" viewBox="0 0 20 18"><path d="M0,2.00585866 C0,0.898053512 0.898212381,0 1.99079514,0 L18.0092049,0 C19.1086907,0 20,0.897060126 20,2.00585866 L20,11.9941413 C20,13.1019465 19.1017876,14 18.0092049,14 L1.99079514,14 C0.891309342,14 0,13.1029399 0,11.9941413 L0,2.00585866 Z M10,14 L16,18 L16,14 L10,14 Z" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>\n ');
__out.push('\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-body"></div>\n <form class="zammad-chat-controls">\n <div class="zammad-chat-input" rows="1" placeholder="');
__out.push(this.T('Compose your message...'));
__out.push('" contenteditable="true"></div>\n <button type="submit" class="zammad-chat-button zammad-chat-send"');
if (this.background) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='background: " + this.background + "'"));
__out.push('</button>\n </form>\n</div>');
}).call(__obj); = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape;
return __out.join('');
if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) {
window.zammadChatTemplates = {};
window.zammadChatTemplates["customer_timeout"] = function(__obj) {
if (!__obj) __obj = {};
var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) {
var out = __out, result;
__out = [];;
result = __out.join('');
__out = out;
return __safe(result);
}, __sanitize = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) {
return __escape(value);
} else {
return '';
}, __safe, __objSafe =, __escape = __obj.escape;
__safe = = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else {
if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = '';
var result = new String(value);
result.ecoSafe = true;
return result;
if (!__escape) {
__escape = __obj.escape = function(value) {
return ('' + value)
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
(function() {
(function() {
__out.push('<div class="zammad-chat-modal-text">\n ');
if (this.agent) {
__out.push('\n ');
__out.push(this.T('Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with <strong>%s</strong> got closed.', this.delay, this.agent));
__out.push('\n ');
} else {
__out.push('\n ');
__out.push(this.T('Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation got closed.', this.delay));
__out.push('\n ');
__out.push('\n <br>\n <div class="zammad-chat-button js-restart"');
if (this.background) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='background: " + this.background + "'"));
__out.push(this.T('Start new conversation'));
}).call(__obj); = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape;
return __out.join('');
var extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }, var extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }, bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },
@ -482,12 +646,12 @@ var extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (
'Send': 'Envoyer', 'Send': 'Envoyer',
'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat fermé par %s', 'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat fermé par %s',
'Compose your message...': 'Composez votre message...', 'Compose your message...': 'Composez votre message...',
'All colleagues are busy.': 'Tous les collègues sont actuellement occupés.', 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Tous les collaborateurs sont occupés actuellement.',
'You are on waiting list position <strong>%s</strong>.': 'Vous êtes actuellement en <strong>%s</strong> position dans la file d\'attente.', 'You are on waiting list position <strong>%s</strong>.': 'Vous êtes actuellement en position <strong>%s</strong> dans la file d\'attente.',
'Start new conversation': 'Démarrer une nouvelle conversation', 'Start new conversation': 'Démarrer une nouvelle conversation',
'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with <strong>%s</strong> got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les <strong>%s</strong> minutes, votre conversation avec %s va être fermée.', 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with <strong>%s</strong> got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les <strong>%s</strong> minutes, votre conversation avec %s sera fermée.',
'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les %s minutes, votre conversation va être fermée.', 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les %s minutes, votre conversation va être fermée.',
'We are sorry, it takes longer as expected to get an empty slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Nous sommes désolés, il faut plus de temps que prévu pour obtenir un emplacement vide. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement ou nous envoyer un courriel. Je vous remercie!' 'We are sorry, it takes longer as expected to get an empty slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Nous sommes désolés, il faut plus de temps que prévu pour obtenir un emplacement vide. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement ou nous envoyer un courriel. Nous vous remercions!'
}, },
'he': { 'he': {
'<strong>Chat</strong> with us!': '<strong>שוחח</strong>איתנו!', '<strong>Chat</strong> with us!': '<strong>שוחח</strong>איתנו!',
@ -2092,170 +2256,6 @@ var extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (
return window.ZammadChat = ZammadChat; return window.ZammadChat = ZammadChat;
})(window); })(window);
if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) {
window.zammadChatTemplates = {};
window.zammadChatTemplates["chat"] = function(__obj) {
if (!__obj) __obj = {};
var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) {
var out = __out, result;
__out = [];;
result = __out.join('');
__out = out;
return __safe(result);
}, __sanitize = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) {
return __escape(value);
} else {
return '';
}, __safe, __objSafe =, __escape = __obj.escape;
__safe = = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else {
if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = '';
var result = new String(value);
result.ecoSafe = true;
return result;
if (!__escape) {
__escape = __obj.escape = function(value) {
return ('' + value)
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
(function() {
(function() {
__out.push('<div class="zammad-chat');
if (this.flat) {
__out.push(__sanitize(' zammad-chat--flat'));
if (this.fontSize) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='font-size: " + this.fontSize + "'"));
__out.push('>\n <div class="zammad-chat-header js-chat-open"');
if (this.background) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='background: " + this.background + "'"));
__out.push('>\n <div class="zammad-chat-header-controls js-chat-toggle">\n <span class="zammad-chat-agent-status zammad-chat-is-hidden js-chat-status" data-status="online"></span>\n <span class="zammad-chat-header-icon">\n <svg class="zammad-chat-header-icon-open" width="13" height="7" viewBox="0 0 13 7"><path d="M10.807 7l1.4-1.428-5-4.9L6.5-.02l-.7.7-4.9 4.9 1.414 1.413L6.5 2.886 10.807 7z" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>\n <svg class="zammad-chat-header-icon-close" width="13" height="13" viewBox="0 0 13 13"><path d="m2.241.12l-2.121 2.121 4.243 4.243-4.243 4.243 2.121 2.121 4.243-4.243 4.243 4.243 2.121-2.121-4.243-4.243 4.243-4.243-2.121-2.121-4.243 4.243-4.243-4.243" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>\n </span>\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-agent zammad-chat-is-hidden">\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-welcome">\n <svg class="zammad-chat-icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24"><path d="M2 5C2 4 3 3 4 3h16c1 0 2 1 2 2v10C22 16 21 17 20 17H4C3 17 2 16 2 15V5zM12 17l6 4v-4h-6z"/></svg>\n <span class="zammad-chat-welcome-text">');
__out.push('</span>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-modal"></div>\n <div class="zammad-scroll-hint is-hidden">\n <svg class="zammad-scroll-hint-icon" width="20" height="18" viewBox="0 0 20 18"><path d="M0,2.00585866 C0,0.898053512 0.898212381,0 1.99079514,0 L18.0092049,0 C19.1086907,0 20,0.897060126 20,2.00585866 L20,11.9941413 C20,13.1019465 19.1017876,14 18.0092049,14 L1.99079514,14 C0.891309342,14 0,13.1029399 0,11.9941413 L0,2.00585866 Z M10,14 L16,18 L16,14 L10,14 Z" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>\n ');
__out.push('\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-body"></div>\n <form class="zammad-chat-controls">\n <div class="zammad-chat-input" rows="1" placeholder="');
__out.push(this.T('Compose your message...'));
__out.push('" contenteditable="true"></div>\n <button type="submit" class="zammad-chat-button zammad-chat-send"');
if (this.background) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='background: " + this.background + "'"));
__out.push('</button>\n </form>\n</div>');
}).call(__obj); = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape;
return __out.join('');
if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) {
window.zammadChatTemplates = {};
window.zammadChatTemplates["customer_timeout"] = function(__obj) {
if (!__obj) __obj = {};
var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) {
var out = __out, result;
__out = [];;
result = __out.join('');
__out = out;
return __safe(result);
}, __sanitize = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) {
return __escape(value);
} else {
return '';
}, __safe, __objSafe =, __escape = __obj.escape;
__safe = = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else {
if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = '';
var result = new String(value);
result.ecoSafe = true;
return result;
if (!__escape) {
__escape = __obj.escape = function(value) {
return ('' + value)
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
(function() {
(function() {
__out.push('<div class="zammad-chat-modal-text">\n ');
if (this.agent) {
__out.push('\n ');
__out.push(this.T('Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with <strong>%s</strong> got closed.', this.delay, this.agent));
__out.push('\n ');
} else {
__out.push('\n ');
__out.push(this.T('Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation got closed.', this.delay));
__out.push('\n ');
__out.push('\n <br>\n <div class="zammad-chat-button js-restart"');
if (this.background) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='background: " + this.background + "'"));
__out.push(this.T('Start new conversation'));
}).call(__obj); = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape;
return __out.join('');
if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) { if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) {
window.zammadChatTemplates = {}; window.zammadChatTemplates = {};
} }

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -272,12 +272,12 @@ do($ = window.jQuery, window) ->
'Send': 'Envoyer' 'Send': 'Envoyer'
'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat fermé par %s' 'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat fermé par %s'
'Compose your message...': 'Composez votre message...' 'Compose your message...': 'Composez votre message...'
'All colleagues are busy.': 'Tous les collègues sont actuellement occupés.' 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Tous les collaborateurs sont occupés actuellement.'
'You are on waiting list position <strong>%s</strong>.': 'Vous êtes actuellement en <strong>%s</strong> position dans la file d\'attente.' 'You are on waiting list position <strong>%s</strong>.': 'Vous êtes actuellement en position <strong>%s</strong> dans la file d\'attente.'
'Start new conversation': 'Démarrer une nouvelle conversation' 'Start new conversation': 'Démarrer une nouvelle conversation'
'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with <strong>%s</strong> got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les <strong>%s</strong> minutes, votre conversation avec %s va être fermée.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with <strong>%s</strong> got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les <strong>%s</strong> minutes, votre conversation avec %s sera fermée.'
'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les %s minutes, votre conversation va être fermée.' 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les %s minutes, votre conversation va être fermée.'
'We are sorry, it takes longer as expected to get an empty slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Nous sommes désolés, il faut plus de temps que prévu pour obtenir un emplacement vide. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement ou nous envoyer un courriel. Je vous remercie!' 'We are sorry, it takes longer as expected to get an empty slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Nous sommes désolés, il faut plus de temps que prévu pour obtenir un emplacement vide. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement ou nous envoyer un courriel. Nous vous remercions!'
'he': 'he':
'<strong>Chat</strong> with us!': '<strong>שוחח</strong>איתנו!' '<strong>Chat</strong> with us!': '<strong>שוחח</strong>איתנו!'
'Scroll down to see new messages': 'גלול מטה כדי לראות הודעות חדשות' 'Scroll down to see new messages': 'גלול מטה כדי לראות הודעות חדשות'

View file

@ -1,228 +1,3 @@
if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) {
window.zammadChatTemplates = {};
window.zammadChatTemplates["agent"] = function(__obj) {
if (!__obj) __obj = {};
var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) {
var out = __out, result;
__out = [];;
result = __out.join('');
__out = out;
return __safe(result);
}, __sanitize = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) {
return __escape(value);
} else {
return '';
}, __safe, __objSafe =, __escape = __obj.escape;
__safe = = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else {
if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = '';
var result = new String(value);
result.ecoSafe = true;
return result;
if (!__escape) {
__escape = __obj.escape = function(value) {
return ('' + value)
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
(function() {
(function() {
if (this.agent.avatar) {
__out.push('\n<img class="zammad-chat-agent-avatar" src="');
__out.push('\n<span class="zammad-chat-agent-sentence">\n <span class="zammad-chat-agent-name">');
}).call(__obj); = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape;
return __out.join('');
if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) {
window.zammadChatTemplates = {};
window.zammadChatTemplates["chat"] = function(__obj) {
if (!__obj) __obj = {};
var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) {
var out = __out, result;
__out = [];;
result = __out.join('');
__out = out;
return __safe(result);
}, __sanitize = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) {
return __escape(value);
} else {
return '';
}, __safe, __objSafe =, __escape = __obj.escape;
__safe = = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else {
if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = '';
var result = new String(value);
result.ecoSafe = true;
return result;
if (!__escape) {
__escape = __obj.escape = function(value) {
return ('' + value)
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
(function() {
(function() {
__out.push('<div class="zammad-chat');
if (this.flat) {
__out.push(__sanitize(' zammad-chat--flat'));
if (this.fontSize) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='font-size: " + this.fontSize + "'"));
__out.push('>\n <div class="zammad-chat-header js-chat-open"');
if (this.background) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='background: " + this.background + "'"));
__out.push('>\n <div class="zammad-chat-header-controls js-chat-toggle">\n <span class="zammad-chat-agent-status zammad-chat-is-hidden js-chat-status" data-status="online"></span>\n <span class="zammad-chat-header-icon">\n <svg class="zammad-chat-header-icon-open" width="13" height="7" viewBox="0 0 13 7"><path d="M10.807 7l1.4-1.428-5-4.9L6.5-.02l-.7.7-4.9 4.9 1.414 1.413L6.5 2.886 10.807 7z" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>\n <svg class="zammad-chat-header-icon-close" width="13" height="13" viewBox="0 0 13 13"><path d="m2.241.12l-2.121 2.121 4.243 4.243-4.243 4.243 2.121 2.121 4.243-4.243 4.243 4.243 2.121-2.121-4.243-4.243 4.243-4.243-2.121-2.121-4.243 4.243-4.243-4.243" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>\n </span>\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-agent zammad-chat-is-hidden">\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-welcome">\n <svg class="zammad-chat-icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24"><path d="M2 5C2 4 3 3 4 3h16c1 0 2 1 2 2v10C22 16 21 17 20 17H4C3 17 2 16 2 15V5zM12 17l6 4v-4h-6z"/></svg>\n <span class="zammad-chat-welcome-text">');
__out.push('</span>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-modal"></div>\n <div class="zammad-scroll-hint is-hidden">\n <svg class="zammad-scroll-hint-icon" width="20" height="18" viewBox="0 0 20 18"><path d="M0,2.00585866 C0,0.898053512 0.898212381,0 1.99079514,0 L18.0092049,0 C19.1086907,0 20,0.897060126 20,2.00585866 L20,11.9941413 C20,13.1019465 19.1017876,14 18.0092049,14 L1.99079514,14 C0.891309342,14 0,13.1029399 0,11.9941413 L0,2.00585866 Z M10,14 L16,18 L16,14 L10,14 Z" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>\n ');
__out.push('\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-body"></div>\n <form class="zammad-chat-controls">\n <div class="zammad-chat-input" rows="1" placeholder="');
__out.push(this.T('Compose your message...'));
__out.push('" contenteditable="true"></div>\n <button type="submit" class="zammad-chat-button zammad-chat-send"');
if (this.background) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='background: " + this.background + "'"));
__out.push('</button>\n </form>\n</div>');
}).call(__obj); = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape;
return __out.join('');
if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) {
window.zammadChatTemplates = {};
window.zammadChatTemplates["customer_timeout"] = function(__obj) {
if (!__obj) __obj = {};
var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) {
var out = __out, result;
__out = [];;
result = __out.join('');
__out = out;
return __safe(result);
}, __sanitize = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) {
return __escape(value);
} else {
return '';
}, __safe, __objSafe =, __escape = __obj.escape;
__safe = = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else {
if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = '';
var result = new String(value);
result.ecoSafe = true;
return result;
if (!__escape) {
__escape = __obj.escape = function(value) {
return ('' + value)
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
(function() {
(function() {
__out.push('<div class="zammad-chat-modal-text">\n ');
if (this.agent) {
__out.push('\n ');
__out.push(this.T('Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with <strong>%s</strong> got closed.', this.delay, this.agent));
__out.push('\n ');
} else {
__out.push('\n ');
__out.push(this.T('Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation got closed.', this.delay));
__out.push('\n ');
__out.push('\n <br>\n <div class="zammad-chat-button js-restart"');
if (this.background) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='background: " + this.background + "'"));
__out.push(this.T('Start new conversation'));
}).call(__obj); = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape;
return __out.join('');
var bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }, var bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },
slice = [].slice, slice = [].slice,
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }, extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
@ -625,12 +400,12 @@ var bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments);
'Send': 'Envoyer', 'Send': 'Envoyer',
'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat fermé par %s', 'Chat closed by %s': 'Chat fermé par %s',
'Compose your message...': 'Composez votre message...', 'Compose your message...': 'Composez votre message...',
'All colleagues are busy.': 'Tous les collègues sont actuellement occupés.', 'All colleagues are busy.': 'Tous les collaborateurs sont occupés actuellement.',
'You are on waiting list position <strong>%s</strong>.': 'Vous êtes actuellement en <strong>%s</strong> position dans la file d\'attente.', 'You are on waiting list position <strong>%s</strong>.': 'Vous êtes actuellement en position <strong>%s</strong> dans la file d\'attente.',
'Start new conversation': 'Démarrer une nouvelle conversation', 'Start new conversation': 'Démarrer une nouvelle conversation',
'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with <strong>%s</strong> got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les <strong>%s</strong> minutes, votre conversation avec %s va être fermée.', 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with <strong>%s</strong> got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les <strong>%s</strong> minutes, votre conversation avec %s sera fermée.',
'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les %s minutes, votre conversation va être fermée.', 'Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation got closed.': 'Si vous ne répondez pas dans les %s minutes, votre conversation va être fermée.',
'We are sorry, it takes longer as expected to get an empty slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Nous sommes désolés, il faut plus de temps que prévu pour obtenir un emplacement vide. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement ou nous envoyer un courriel. Je vous remercie!' 'We are sorry, it takes longer as expected to get an empty slot. Please try again later or send us an email. Thank you!': 'Nous sommes désolés, il faut plus de temps que prévu pour obtenir un emplacement vide. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement ou nous envoyer un courriel. Nous vous remercions!'
}, },
'he': { 'he': {
'<strong>Chat</strong> with us!': '<strong>שוחח</strong>איתנו!', '<strong>Chat</strong> with us!': '<strong>שוחח</strong>איתנו!',
@ -2242,6 +2017,231 @@ var bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments);
return window.ZammadChat = ZammadChat; return window.ZammadChat = ZammadChat;
})(window.jQuery, window); })(window.jQuery, window);
if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) {
window.zammadChatTemplates = {};
window.zammadChatTemplates["agent"] = function(__obj) {
if (!__obj) __obj = {};
var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) {
var out = __out, result;
__out = [];;
result = __out.join('');
__out = out;
return __safe(result);
}, __sanitize = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) {
return __escape(value);
} else {
return '';
}, __safe, __objSafe =, __escape = __obj.escape;
__safe = = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else {
if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = '';
var result = new String(value);
result.ecoSafe = true;
return result;
if (!__escape) {
__escape = __obj.escape = function(value) {
return ('' + value)
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
(function() {
(function() {
if (this.agent.avatar) {
__out.push('\n<img class="zammad-chat-agent-avatar" src="');
__out.push('\n<span class="zammad-chat-agent-sentence">\n <span class="zammad-chat-agent-name">');
}).call(__obj); = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape;
return __out.join('');
if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) {
window.zammadChatTemplates = {};
window.zammadChatTemplates["chat"] = function(__obj) {
if (!__obj) __obj = {};
var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) {
var out = __out, result;
__out = [];;
result = __out.join('');
__out = out;
return __safe(result);
}, __sanitize = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) {
return __escape(value);
} else {
return '';
}, __safe, __objSafe =, __escape = __obj.escape;
__safe = = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else {
if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = '';
var result = new String(value);
result.ecoSafe = true;
return result;
if (!__escape) {
__escape = __obj.escape = function(value) {
return ('' + value)
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
(function() {
(function() {
__out.push('<div class="zammad-chat');
if (this.flat) {
__out.push(__sanitize(' zammad-chat--flat'));
if (this.fontSize) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='font-size: " + this.fontSize + "'"));
__out.push('>\n <div class="zammad-chat-header js-chat-open"');
if (this.background) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='background: " + this.background + "'"));
__out.push('>\n <div class="zammad-chat-header-controls js-chat-toggle">\n <span class="zammad-chat-agent-status zammad-chat-is-hidden js-chat-status" data-status="online"></span>\n <span class="zammad-chat-header-icon">\n <svg class="zammad-chat-header-icon-open" width="13" height="7" viewBox="0 0 13 7"><path d="M10.807 7l1.4-1.428-5-4.9L6.5-.02l-.7.7-4.9 4.9 1.414 1.413L6.5 2.886 10.807 7z" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>\n <svg class="zammad-chat-header-icon-close" width="13" height="13" viewBox="0 0 13 13"><path d="m2.241.12l-2.121 2.121 4.243 4.243-4.243 4.243 2.121 2.121 4.243-4.243 4.243 4.243 2.121-2.121-4.243-4.243 4.243-4.243-2.121-2.121-4.243 4.243-4.243-4.243" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>\n </span>\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-agent zammad-chat-is-hidden">\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-welcome">\n <svg class="zammad-chat-icon" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24"><path d="M2 5C2 4 3 3 4 3h16c1 0 2 1 2 2v10C22 16 21 17 20 17H4C3 17 2 16 2 15V5zM12 17l6 4v-4h-6z"/></svg>\n <span class="zammad-chat-welcome-text">');
__out.push('</span>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-modal"></div>\n <div class="zammad-scroll-hint is-hidden">\n <svg class="zammad-scroll-hint-icon" width="20" height="18" viewBox="0 0 20 18"><path d="M0,2.00585866 C0,0.898053512 0.898212381,0 1.99079514,0 L18.0092049,0 C19.1086907,0 20,0.897060126 20,2.00585866 L20,11.9941413 C20,13.1019465 19.1017876,14 18.0092049,14 L1.99079514,14 C0.891309342,14 0,13.1029399 0,11.9941413 L0,2.00585866 Z M10,14 L16,18 L16,14 L10,14 Z" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>\n ');
__out.push('\n </div>\n <div class="zammad-chat-body"></div>\n <form class="zammad-chat-controls">\n <div class="zammad-chat-input" rows="1" placeholder="');
__out.push(this.T('Compose your message...'));
__out.push('" contenteditable="true"></div>\n <button type="submit" class="zammad-chat-button zammad-chat-send"');
if (this.background) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='background: " + this.background + "'"));
__out.push('</button>\n </form>\n</div>');
}).call(__obj); = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape;
return __out.join('');
if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) {
window.zammadChatTemplates = {};
window.zammadChatTemplates["customer_timeout"] = function(__obj) {
if (!__obj) __obj = {};
var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) {
var out = __out, result;
__out = [];;
result = __out.join('');
__out = out;
return __safe(result);
}, __sanitize = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) {
return __escape(value);
} else {
return '';
}, __safe, __objSafe =, __escape = __obj.escape;
__safe = = function(value) {
if (value && value.ecoSafe) {
return value;
} else {
if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = '';
var result = new String(value);
result.ecoSafe = true;
return result;
if (!__escape) {
__escape = __obj.escape = function(value) {
return ('' + value)
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
(function() {
(function() {
__out.push('<div class="zammad-chat-modal-text">\n ');
if (this.agent) {
__out.push('\n ');
__out.push(this.T('Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation with <strong>%s</strong> got closed.', this.delay, this.agent));
__out.push('\n ');
} else {
__out.push('\n ');
__out.push(this.T('Since you didn\'t respond in the last %s minutes your conversation got closed.', this.delay));
__out.push('\n ');
__out.push('\n <br>\n <div class="zammad-chat-button js-restart"');
if (this.background) {
__out.push(__sanitize(" style='background: " + this.background + "'"));
__out.push(this.T('Start new conversation'));
}).call(__obj); = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape;
return __out.join('');
if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) { if (!window.zammadChatTemplates) {
window.zammadChatTemplates = {}; window.zammadChatTemplates = {};
} }

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long