diff --git a/lib/notification_factory/template.rb b/lib/notification_factory/template.rb
index 98ce92347..945eba14d 100644
--- a/lib/notification_factory/template.rb
+++ b/lib/notification_factory/template.rb
@@ -17,35 +17,31 @@ examples how to use
def to_s
- strip_html
- end
+ @template.gsub(/\#{\s*(.*?)\s*}/m) do
+ # some browsers start adding HTML tags
+ # fixes https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/385
+ input_template = $1.gsub(/\A<.+?>\s*|\s*<.+?>\z/, '')
- def strip_html
- # some browsers start adding HTML tags
- # fixes https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/385
- @template.gsub(/\#\{\s*t\((.+?)\)\s*\}/m) do
- content = $1
- if content =~ /^'(.+?)'$/
- %(<%= t "#{strip_content($1)}", #{@escape} %>)
+ case input_template
+ when /\At\('(.+?)'\)\z/m
+ %(<%= t "#{sanitize_text($1)}", #{@escape} %>)
+ when /\At\((.+?)\)\z/m
+ %(<%= t d"#{sanitize_object_name($1)}", #{@escape} %>)
+ when /\Aconfig\.(.+?)\z/m
+ %(<%= c "#{sanitize_object_name($1)}", #{@escape} %>)
- %(<%= t d"#{strip_variable(content)}", #{@escape} %>)
+ %(<%= d "#{sanitize_object_name(input_template)}", #{@escape} %>)
- end.gsub(/\#\{\s*config\.(.+?)\s*\}/m) do
- %(<%= c "#{strip_variable($1)}", #{@escape} %>)
- end.gsub(/\#\{(.*?)\}/m) do
- %(<%= d "#{strip_variable($1)}", #{@escape} %>)
- def strip_content(string)
- string&.gsub(/\t|\r|\n/, '')
- &.gsub(/"/, '\"')
+ def sanitize_text(string)
+ string&.tr("\t\r\n", '')
+ &.gsub(/(?/, '')
+ def sanitize_object_name(string)
+ string&.tr("\t\r\n\f \"'§;", '')
diff --git a/spec/lib/notification_factory/template_spec.rb b/spec/lib/notification_factory/template_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..094f5ca46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/lib/notification_factory/template_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+require 'rails_helper'
+RSpec.describe NotificationFactory::Template do
+ subject(:template) do
+ NotificationFactory::Template.new(template_string, escape)
+ end
+ describe '#to_s' do
+ context 'for empty input template (incl. whitespace-only)' do
+ let(:template_string) { "\#{ }" }
+ context 'with escape = true' do
+ let(:escape) { true }
+ it 'returns an ERB template with the #d helper, and passes escape arg as string' do
+ expect(template.to_s).to eq('<%= d "", true %>')
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with escape = false' do
+ let(:escape) { false }
+ it 'returns an ERB template with the #d helper, and passes escape arg as string' do
+ expect(template.to_s).to eq('<%= d "", false %>')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'for input template using #t helper' do
+ let(:template_string) { "\#{t('some text')}" }
+ let(:escape) { false }
+ it 'returns an ERB template with the #t helper, and passes escape arg as string' do
+ expect(template.to_s).to eq('<%= t "some text", false %>')
+ end
+ context 'with double-quotes in argument' do
+ let(:template_string) { "\#{t('some \"text\"')}" }
+ it 'adds backslash-escaping' do
+ expect(template.to_s).to eq('<%= t "some \"text\"", false %>')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Regression test for https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/385
+ context 'with HTML auto-injected by browser' do
+ let(:escape) { true }
+ context 'for tags wrapped around "ticket.id"' do
+ let(:template_string) { <<~'TEMPLATE'.chomp }
+ #{ticket.id}
+ it 'strips tag from resulting ERB template' do
+ expect(template.to_s).to eq('<%= d "ticket.id", true %>')
+ end
+ end
+ context 'for tags wrapped around "config.fqdn"' do
+ let(:template_string) { <<~'TEMPLATE'.chomp }
+ #{config.fqdn}
+ it 'strips tag from resulting ERB template' do
+ expect(template.to_s).to eq('<%= c "fqdn", true %>')
+ end
+ end
+ context 'for tags surrounded by whitespace' do
+ let(:template_string) { <<~'TEMPLATE'.chomp }
+ #{ ticket.id }
+ it 'strips tag and spaces from template' do
+ expect(template.to_s).to eq('<%= d "ticket.id", true %>')
+ end
+ end
+ context 'for unpaired tag and trailing whitespace' do
+ let(:template_string) { <<~'TEMPLATE'.chomp }
+ #{ticket.id }
+ it 'strips tag and spaces from template' do
+ expect(template.to_s).to eq('<%= d "ticket.id", true %>')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/unit/notification_factory_template_test.rb b/test/unit/notification_factory_template_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 38ca7367c..000000000
--- a/test/unit/notification_factory_template_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class NotificationFactoryTemplateTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- # RSpec incoming!
- def described_class
- NotificationFactory::Template
- end
- test 'regular browser html' do
- # ensures https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/385
- template_before = '#{ticket.id}'
- template_after = '<%= d "ticket.id", true %>'
- result = described_class.new(template_before, true).to_s
- assert_equal(template_after, result)
- template_before = '#{config.fqdn}'
- template_after = '<%= d "config.fqdn", true %>'
- result = described_class.new(template_before, true).to_s
- assert_equal(template_after, result)
- end
- test 'spaced browser html' do
- # ensures https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/385
- template_before = '#{ ticket.id }'
- template_after = '<%= d "ticket.id", true %>'
- result = described_class.new(template_before, true).to_s
- assert_equal(template_after, result)
- end
- test 'broken browser html' do
- # ensures https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/385
- template_before = '#{ticket.id }'
- template_after = '<%= d "ticket.id", true %>'
- result = described_class.new(template_before, true).to_s
- assert_equal(template_after, result)
- end
- test 'empty tag' do
- template_before = '#{}'
- template_after = '<%= d "", true %>'
- result = described_class.new(template_before, true).to_s
- assert_equal(template_after, result)
- end
- test 'empty tag with space' do
- template_before = '#{ }'
- template_after = '<%= d "", false %>'
- result = described_class.new(template_before, false).to_s
- assert_equal(template_after, result)
- end
- test 'translation' do
- template_before = "\#{t('some text')}"
- template_after = '<%= t "some text", false %>'
- result = described_class.new(template_before, false).to_s
- assert_equal(template_after, result)
- template_before = "\#{t('some \"text\"')}"
- template_after = '<%= t "some \"text\"", false %>'
- result = described_class.new(template_before, false).to_s
- assert_equal(template_after, result)
- end