Removed not needed waypoints lib.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Edenhofer 2015-09-02 17:18:29 +02:00
parent 24dafd6c7e
commit f9d027d180
2 changed files with 0 additions and 680 deletions

View file

@ -87,17 +87,11 @@ class App.Content extends App.ControllerWidgetPermanent
params: params_only, params: params_only,
) )
# remove waypoints
# execute controller # execute controller
controller = (params) => controller = (params) =>
params.el = @el params.el = @el
new callback(params) new callback(params)
controller(params) controller(params)
# scroll to top / remember last screen position
# @scrollTo(0, 0, 100)
) )
Spine.Route.setup() Spine.Route.setup()

View file

@ -1,674 +0,0 @@
jQuery Waypoints - v1.1.6
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Caleb Troughton
Dual licensed under the MIT license and GPL license.
Waypoints is a small jQuery plugin that makes it easy to execute a function
whenever you scroll to an element.
GitHub Repository:
Documentation and Examples:
- Fix potential memory leak by unbinding events on empty context elements.
- Make plugin compatible with Browserify/RequireJS. (Thanks @cjroebuck)
- Add handler option to give alternate binding method. (Issue #34)
- Fix cases where waypoints are added post-load and should be triggered
immediately. (Issue #28)
- Fixed error thrown by waypoints with triggerOnce option that were
triggered via resize refresh.
- Fixed bug in initialization where all offsets were being calculated
as if set to 0 initially, causing unwarranted triggers during the
subsequent refresh.
- Added onlyOnScroll, an option for individual waypoints that disables
triggers due to an offset refresh that crosses the current scroll
point. (All credit to @knuton on this one.)
- Moved the continuous option out of global settings and into the options
object for individual waypoints.
- Added the context option, which allows for using waypoints within any
scrollable element, not just the window.
- Moved scroll and resize handler bindings out of load. Should play nicer
with async loaders like Head JS and LABjs.
- Fixed a 1px off error when using certain % offsets.
- Added unit tests.
- Added $.waypoints('viewportHeight').
- Fixed iOS bug (using the new viewportHeight method).
- Added offset function alias: 'bottom-in-view'.
- Initial release.
- jQuery versions 1.4.3+
- IE6+, FF3+, Chrome 6+, Safari 4+, Opera 11
- Other versions and browsers may work, these are just the ones I've looked at.
(function($, wp, wps, window, undefined){
var $w = $(window),
// Keeping common strings as variables = better minification
eventName = 'waypoint.reached',
For the waypoint and direction passed in, trigger the waypoint.reached
event and deal with the triggerOnce option.
triggerWaypoint = function(way, dir) {
way.element.trigger(eventName, dir);
if (way.options.triggerOnce) {
Given a jQuery element and Context, returns the index of that element in the waypoints
array. Returns the index, or -1 if the element is not a waypoint.
waypointIndex = function(el, context) {
if (!context) return -1;
var i = context.waypoints.length - 1;
while (i >= 0 && context.waypoints[i].element[0] !== el[0]) {
i -= 1;
return i;
// Private list of all elements used as scrolling contexts for waypoints.
contexts = [],
Context Class - represents a scrolling context. Properties include:
element: jQuery object containing a single HTML element.
waypoints: Array of waypoints operating under this scroll context.
oldScroll: Keeps the previous scroll position to determine scroll direction.
didScroll: Flag used in scrolling the context's scroll event.
didResize: Flag used in scrolling the context's resize event.
doScroll: Function that checks for crossed waypoints. Called from throttler.
Context = function(context) {
$.extend(this, {
element: $(context),
oldScroll: 0,
List of all elements that have been registered as waypoints.
Each object in the array contains:
element: jQuery object containing a single HTML element.
offset: The window scroll offset, in px, that triggers the waypoint event.
options: Options object that was passed to the waypoint fn function.
'waypoints': [],
didScroll: false,
didResize: false,
doScroll: $.proxy(function() {
var newScroll = this.element.scrollTop(),
// Are we scrolling up or down? Used for direction argument in callback.
isDown = newScroll > this.oldScroll,
that = this,
// Get a list of all waypoints that were crossed since last scroll move.
pointsHit = $.grep(this.waypoints, function(el, i) {
return isDown ?
(el.offset > that.oldScroll && el.offset <= newScroll) :
(el.offset <= that.oldScroll && el.offset > newScroll);
len = pointsHit.length;
// iOS adjustment
if (!this.oldScroll || !newScroll) {
// Done with scroll comparisons, store new scroll before ejection
this.oldScroll = newScroll;
// No waypoints crossed? Eject.
if (!len) return;
// If several waypoints triggered, need to do so in reverse order going up
if (!isDown) pointsHit.reverse();
One scroll move may cross several waypoints. If the waypoint's continuous
option is true it should fire even if it isn't the last waypoint. If false,
it will only fire if it's the last one.
$.each(pointsHit, function(i, point) {
if (point.options.continuous || i === len - 1) {
triggerWaypoint(point, [isDown ? 'down' : 'up']);
}, this)
// Setup scroll and resize handlers. Throttled at the settings-defined rate limits.
$(context).bind('scroll.waypoints', $.proxy(function() {
if (!this.didScroll) {
this.didScroll = true;
window.setTimeout($.proxy(function() {
this.didScroll = false;
}, this), $[wps].settings.scrollThrottle);
}, this)).bind('resize.waypoints', $.proxy(function() {
if (!this.didResize) {
this.didResize = true;
window.setTimeout($.proxy(function() {
this.didResize = false;
}, this), $[wps].settings.resizeThrottle);
}, this));
$w.load($.proxy(function() {
Fire a scroll check, should the page be loaded at a non-zero scroll value,
as with a fragment id link or a page refresh.
}, this));
/* Returns a Context object from the contexts array, given the raw HTML element
for that context. */
getContextByElement = function(element) {
var found = null;
$.each(contexts, function(i, c) {
if (c.element[0] === element) {
found = c;
return false;
return found;
// Methods exposed to the effin' object
methods = {
jQuery.fn.waypoint([handler], [options])
function, optional
A callback function called when the user scrolls past the element.
The function signature is function(event, direction) where event is
a standard jQuery Event Object and direction is a string, either 'down'
or 'up' indicating which direction the user is scrolling.
object, optional
A map of options to apply to this set of waypoints, including where on
the browser window the waypoint is triggered. For a full list of
options and their defaults, see $.fn.waypoint.defaults.
This is how you register an element as a waypoint. When the user scrolls past
that element it triggers waypoint.reached, a custom event. Since the
parameters for creating a waypoint are optional, we have a few different
possible signatures. Lets look at each of them.
Calling .waypoint with no parameters will register the elements as waypoints
using the default options. The elements will fire the waypoint.reached event,
but calling it in this way does not bind any handler to the event. You can
bind to the event yourself, as with any other event, like so:
someElements.bind('waypoint.reached', function(event, direction) {
// make it rain
You will usually want to create a waypoint and immediately bind a function to
waypoint.reached, and can do so by passing a handler as the first argument to
someElements.waypoint(function(event, direction) {
if (direction === 'down') {
// do this on the way down
else {
// do this on the way back up through the waypoint
This will still use the default options, which will trigger the waypoint when
the top of the element hits the top of the window. We can pass .waypoint an
options object to customize things:
someElements.waypoint(function(event, direction) {
// do something amazing
}, {
offset: '50%' // middle of the page
You can also pass just an options object.
offset: 100 // 100px from the top
This behaves like .waypoint(), in that it registers the elements as waypoints
but binds no event handlers.
Calling .waypoint on an existing waypoint will extend the previous options.
If the call includes a handler, it will be bound to waypoint.reached without
unbinding any other handlers.
init: function(f, options) {
// Register each element as a waypoint, add to array.
this.each(function() {
var cElement = $.fn[wp].defaults.context,
$this = $(this);
// Default window context or a specific element?
if (options && options.context) {
cElement = options.context;
// Find the closest element that matches the context
if (!$.isWindow(cElement)) {
cElement = $this.closest(cElement)[0];
context = getContextByElement(cElement);
// Not a context yet? Create and push.
if (!context) {
context = new Context(cElement);
// Extend default and preexisting options
var ndx = waypointIndex($this, context),
base = ndx < 0 ? $.fn[wp].defaults : context.waypoints[ndx].options,
opts = $.extend({}, base, options);
// Offset aliases
opts.offset = opts.offset === "bottom-in-view" ?
function() {
var cHeight = $.isWindow(cElement) ? $[wps]('viewportHeight')
: $(cElement).height();
return cHeight - $(this).outerHeight();
} : opts.offset;
// Update, or create new waypoint
if (ndx < 0) {
'element': $this,
'offset': null,
'options': opts
else {
context.waypoints[ndx].options = opts;
// Bind the function if it was passed in.
if (f) {
$this.bind(eventName, f);
// Bind the function in the handler option if it exists.
if (options && options.handler) {
$this.bind(eventName, options.handler);
// Need to re-sort+refresh the waypoints array after new elements are added.
return this;
Passing the string 'remove' to .waypoint unregisters the elements as waypoints
and wipes any custom options, but leaves the waypoint.reached events bound.
Calling .waypoint again in the future would reregister the waypoint and the old
handlers would continue to work.
remove: function() {
return this.each(function(i, el) {
var $el = $(el);
$.each(contexts, function(i, c) {
var ndx = waypointIndex($el, c);
if (ndx >= 0) {
c.waypoints.splice(ndx, 1);
if (!c.waypoints.length) {
c.element.unbind('scroll.waypoints resize.waypoints');
contexts.splice(i, 1);
Passing the string 'destroy' to .waypoint will unbind all waypoint.reached
event handlers on those elements and unregisters them as waypoints.
destroy: function() {
return this.unbind(eventName)[wp]('remove');
Methods used by the jQuery object extension.
jQMethods = {
This will force a recalculation of each waypoints trigger point based on
its offset option and context. This is called automatically whenever the window
(or other defined context) is resized, new waypoints are added, or a waypoints
options are modified. If your project is changing the DOM or page layout without
doing one of these things, you may want to manually call this refresh.
refresh: function() {
$.each(contexts, function(i, c) {
var isWin = $.isWindow(c.element[0]),
contextOffset = isWin ? 0 : c.element.offset().top,
contextHeight = isWin ? $[wps]('viewportHeight') : c.element.height(),
contextScroll = isWin ? 0 : c.element.scrollTop();
$.each(c.waypoints, function(j, o) {
/* $.each isn't safe from element removal due to triggerOnce.
Should rewrite the loop but this is way easier. */
if (!o) return;
// Adjustment is just the offset if it's a px value
var adjustment = o.options.offset,
oldOffset = o.offset;
// Set adjustment to the return value if offset is a function.
if (typeof o.options.offset === "function") {
adjustment = o.options.offset.apply(o.element);
// Calculate the adjustment if offset is a percentage.
else if (typeof o.options.offset === "string") {
var amount = parseFloat(o.options.offset);
adjustment = o.options.offset.indexOf("%") ?
Math.ceil(contextHeight * (amount / 100)) : amount;
Set the element offset to the window scroll offset, less
all our adjustments.
o.offset = o.element.offset().top - contextOffset
+ contextScroll - adjustment;
An element offset change across the current scroll point triggers
the event, just as if we scrolled past it unless prevented by an
optional flag.
if (o.options.onlyOnScroll) return;
if (oldOffset !== null && c.oldScroll > oldOffset && c.oldScroll <= o.offset) {
triggerWaypoint(o, ['up']);
else if (oldOffset !== null && c.oldScroll < oldOffset && c.oldScroll >= o.offset) {
triggerWaypoint(o, ['down']);
/* For new waypoints added after load, check that down should have
already been triggered */
else if (!oldOffset && c.element.scrollTop() > o.offset) {
triggerWaypoint(o, ['down']);
// Keep waypoints sorted by offset value.
c.waypoints.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.offset - b.offset;
This will return the height of the viewport, adjusting for inconsistencies
that come with calling $(window).height() in iOS. Recommended for use
within any offset functions.
viewportHeight: function() {
return (window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : $w.height());
This will return a jQuery object with a collection of all registered waypoint
$('.ad-unit').waypoint(function(event, direction) {
// Passed an ad unit
The example above would log a jQuery object containing all .post and .ad-unit
aggregate: function() {
var points = $();
$.each(contexts, function(i, c) {
$.each(c.waypoints, function(i, e) {
points = points.add(e.element);
return points;
fn extension. Delegates to appropriate method.
$.fn[wp] = function(method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
else if (typeof method === "function" || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
else if (typeof method === "object") {
return methods.init.apply(this, [null, method]);
else {
$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery ' + wp );
The default options object that is extended when calling .waypoint. It has the
following properties:
string | element | jQuery*
default: window
The context defines which scrollable element the waypoint belongs to and acts
within. The default, window, means the waypoint offset is calculated with relation
to the whole viewport. You can set this to another element to use the waypoints
within that element. Accepts a selector string, *but if you use jQuery 1.6+ it
also accepts a raw HTML element or jQuery object.
default: true
If true, and multiple waypoints are triggered in one scroll, this waypoint will
trigger even if it is not the last waypoint reached. If false, it will only
trigger if it is the last waypoint.
default: undefined
An alternative way to bind functions to the waypoint, without using the function
as the first argument to the waypoint function.
number | string | function
default: 0
Determines how far the top of the element must be from the top of the browser
window to trigger a waypoint. It can be a number, which is taken as a number
of pixels, a string representing a percentage of the viewport height, or a
function that will return a number of pixels.
default: false
If true, this waypoint will not trigger if an offset change during a refresh
causes it to pass the current scroll point.
default: false
If true, the waypoint will be destroyed when triggered.
An offset of 250 would trigger the waypoint when the top of the element is 250px
from the top of the viewport. Negative values for any offset work as you might
expect. A value of -100 would trigger the waypoint when the element is 100px above
the top of the window.
offset: '100%'
A string percentage will determine the pixel offset based on the height of the
window. When resizing the window, this offset will automatically be recalculated
without needing to call $.waypoints('refresh').
// The bottom of the element is in view
offset: function() {
return $.waypoints('viewportHeight') - $(this).outerHeight();
Offset can take a function, which must return a number of pixels from the top of
the window. The this value will always refer to the raw HTML element of the
waypoint. As with % values, functions are recalculated automatically when the
window resizes. For more on recalculating offsets, see $.waypoints('refresh').
An offset value of 'bottom-in-view' will act as an alias for the function in the
example above, as this is a common usage.
offset: 'bottom-in-view'
You can see this alias in use on the Scroll Analytics example page.
The triggerOnce flag, if true, will destroy the waypoint after the first trigger.
This is just a shortcut for calling .waypoint('destroy') within the waypoint
handler. This is useful in situations such as scroll analytics, where you only
want to record an event once for each page visit.
The context option lets you use Waypoints within an element other than the window.
You can define the context with a selector string and the waypoint will act within
the nearest ancestor that matches this selector.
$('.something-scrollable .waypoint').waypoint({
context: '.something-scrollable'
You can see this in action on the Dial Controls example.
The handler option gives authors an alternative way to bind functions when
creating a waypoint. In place of:
$('.item').waypoint(function(event, direction) {
// make things happen
You may instead write:
handler: function(event, direction) {
// make things happen
$.fn[wp].defaults = {
continuous: true,
offset: 0,
triggerOnce: false,
context: window
jQuery object extension. Delegates to appropriate methods above.
$[wps] = function(method) {
if (jQMethods[method]) {
return jQMethods[method].apply(this);
else {
return jQMethods['aggregate']();
Settings object that determines some of the plugins behavior.
default: 200
For performance reasons, the refresh performed during resizes is
throttled. This value is the rate-limit in milliseconds between resize
refreshes. For more information on throttling, check out Ben Almans
throttle / debounce plugin.
default: 100
For performance reasons, checking for any crossed waypoints during a
scroll event is throttled. This value is the rate-limit in milliseconds
between scroll checks. For more information on throttling, check out Ben
Almans throttle / debounce plugin.
$[wps].settings = {
resizeThrottle: 200,
scrollThrottle: 100
$w.load(function() {
// Calculate everything once on load.
})(jQuery, 'waypoint', 'waypoints', window);