# Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/ class Store < ApplicationModel PREFERENCES_SIZE_MAX = 2400 belongs_to :store_object, class_name: 'Store::Object', optional: true belongs_to :store_file, class_name: 'Store::File', optional: true delegate :content, to: :store_file delegate :provider, to: :store_file validates :filename, presence: true store :preferences before_create :oversized_preferences_check after_create :generate_previews before_update :oversized_preferences_check =begin add an attachment to storage result = Store.add( object: 'Ticket::Article', o_id: 4711, data: binary_string, filename: 'filename.txt', preferences: { content_type: 'image/png', content_id: 234, } ) returns result = true =end def self.add(data) data.deep_stringify_keys! # lookup store_object.id store_object = Store::Object.create_if_not_exists(name: data['object']) data['store_object_id'] = store_object.id # add to real store file = Store::File.add(data['data']) data['size'] = data['data'].to_s.bytesize data['store_file_id'] = file.id # not needed attributes data.delete('data') data.delete('object') Store.create!(data) end =begin get attachment of object list = Store.list( object: 'Ticket::Article', o_id: 4711, ) returns result = [store1, store2] store1 = { size: 94123, filename: 'image.png', preferences: { content_type: 'image/png', content_id: 234, } } store1.content # binary_string =end def self.list(data) # search store_object_id = Store::Object.lookup(name: data[:object]) Store.where(store_object_id: store_object_id, o_id: data[:o_id].to_i) .order(created_at: :asc) end =begin remove attachments of object from storage result = Store.remove( object: 'Ticket::Article', o_id: 4711, ) returns result = true =end def self.remove(data) # search store_object_id = Store::Object.lookup(name: data[:object]) stores = Store.where(store_object_id: store_object_id) .where(o_id: data[:o_id]) .order(created_at: :asc) stores.each do |store| # check backend for references Store.remove_item(store.id) end true end =begin remove one attachment from storage Store.remove_item(store_id) =end def self.remove_item(store_id) store = Store.find(store_id) file_id = store.store_file_id # check backend for references files = Store.where(store_file_id: file_id) if files.count > 1 || files.first.id != store.id store.destroy! return true end store.destroy! Store::File.find(file_id).destroy! end =begin get content of file in preview size store = Store.find(store_id) content_as_string = store.content_preview returns content_as_string =end def content_preview(options = {}) file = Store::File.find_by(id: store_file_id) if !file raise "No such file #{store_file_id}!" end raise 'Unable to generate preview' if options[:silence] != true && preferences[:content_preview] != true image_resize(file.content, 200) end =begin get content of file in inline size store = Store.find(store_id) content_as_string = store.content_inline returns content_as_string =end def content_inline(options = {}) file = Store::File.find_by(id: store_file_id) if !file raise "No such file #{store_file_id}!" end raise 'Unable to generate inline' if options[:silence] != true && preferences[:content_inline] != true image_resize(file.content, 1800) end =begin get content of file store = Store.find(store_id) location_of_file = store.save_to_file returns location_of_file =end def save_to_file(path = nil) content file = Store::File.find_by(id: store_file_id) if !file raise "No such file #{store_file_id}!" end if !path path = Rails.root.join('tmp', filename) end ::File.open(path, 'wb') do |handle| handle.write file.content end path end def attributes_for_display slice :id, :filename, :size, :preferences end RESIZABLE_MIME_REGEXP = %r{image/(jpeg|jpg|png)}i.freeze def self.resizable_mime?(input) input.match? RESIZABLE_MIME_REGEXP end private def generate_previews return true if Setting.get('import_mode') resizable = preferences .slice('Mime-Type', 'Content-Type', 'mime_type', 'content_type') .values .any? { |mime| self.class.resizable_mime?(mime) } begin if resizable if content_preview(silence: true) preferences[:resizable] = true preferences[:content_preview] = true end if content_inline(silence: true) preferences[:resizable] = true preferences[:content_inline] = true end if preferences[:resizable] save! end end rescue => e logger.error e preferences[:resizable] = false save! end end def image_resize(content, width) local_sha = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(content) cache_key = "image-resize-#{local_sha}_#{width}" image = Cache.read(cache_key) return image if image temp_file = ::Tempfile.new temp_file.binmode temp_file.write(content) temp_file.close image = Rszr::Image.load(temp_file.path) # do not resize image if image is smaller or already same size return if image.width <= width # do not resize image if new height is smaller then 7px (images # with small height are usually useful to resize) ratio = image.width / width return if image.height / ratio <= 6 image.resize!(width, :auto) temp_file_resize = ::Tempfile.new.path image.save(temp_file_resize) image_resized = ::File.binread(temp_file_resize) Cache.write(cache_key, image_resized, { expires_in: 6.months }) image_resized end def oversized_preferences_check [[600, 100], [300, 60], [150, 30], [75, 15]].each do |row| return true if oversized_preferences_removed_by_content?(row[0]) return true if oversized_preferences_removed_by_key?(row[1]) end true end def oversized_preferences_removed_by_content?(max_char) oversized_preferences_removed? do |_key, content| content.try(:size).to_i > max_char end end def oversized_preferences_removed_by_key?(max_char) oversized_preferences_removed? do |key, _content| key.try(:size).to_i > max_char end end def oversized_preferences_removed? return true if !oversized_preferences_present? preferences&.each do |key, content| next if !yield(key, content) preferences.delete(key) Rails.logger.info "Removed oversized #{self.class.name} preference: '#{key}', '#{content}'" break if !oversized_preferences_present? end !oversized_preferences_present? end def oversized_preferences_present? preferences.to_yaml.size > PREFERENCES_SIZE_MAX end end