window.onload = function() { // search test( "model search tests", function() { App.TicketPriority.refresh( [ { id: 1, name: '1 low', note: 'some note 1', active: true, created_at: '2014-06-10T11:17:34.000Z', }, { id: 2, name: '2 normal', note: 'some note 2', active: false, created_at: '2014-06-10T10:17:33.000Z', }, { id: 3, name: '3 high', note: 'some note 3', active: true, created_at: '2014-06-10T10:17:44.000Z', }, { id: 4, name: '4 very high', note: 'some note 4', active: true, created_at: '2014-06-10T10:17:54.000Z', }, ] ) priorities ={sortBy:'created_at', order: 'ASC'}) equal('2 normal', priorities[0].name, 'check 1 entry') equal('3 high', priorities[1].name, 'check 2 entry') equal('4 very high', priorities[2].name, 'check 3 entry') equal('1 low', priorities[3].name, 'check 4 entry') equal(undefined, priorities[4], 'check 5 entry') priorities ={sortBy:'created_at', order: 'DESC'}) equal('1 low', priorities[0].name, 'check 4 entry') equal('4 very high', priorities[1].name, 'check 3 entry') equal('3 high', priorities[2].name, 'check 2 entry') equal('2 normal', priorities[3].name, 'check 1 entry') equal(undefined, priorities[4], 'check 5 entry') }); // model test( "model loadAssets tests - 1", function() { window.refreshCounter1 = 0 var callback1 = function(state, triggerType) { window.refreshCounter1 = window.refreshCounter1 + 1 equal(, 9999, 'id check') if (window.refreshCounter1 == 1) { equal('full', triggerType, 'trigger type check') } else { equal('refresh', triggerType, 'trigger type check') } if ( window.refreshCounter1 == 1 ) { App.Collection.loadAssets({ TicketState: { 9999: { name: 'some some name', id: 9999, updated_at: "2014-11-07T23:43:08.000Z" } } }) } if ( window.refreshCounter1 == 2 ) { App.Collection.loadAssets({ TicketState: { 9999: { name: 'some some name', id: 9999, updated_at: "2014-11-07T23:43:08.000Z" } } }) } } App.Collection.loadAssets({ TicketState: { 9999: { name: 'some some name', id: 9999, updated_at: "2014-11-06T23:43:08.000Z" } } }) // do not force, but bild on every change/loadAssets App.TicketState.full(9999, callback1, false, true) }); App.Delay.set( function() { test( "model loadAssets tests - 1 / check refresh counter", function() { equal(window.refreshCounter1, 2, 'check refresh counter') }); }, 1000 ); test( "model loadAssets tests - 2", function() { window.refreshCounter2 = 0 var callback2 = function(state, triggerType) { window.refreshCounter2 = window.refreshCounter2 + 1 equal(, 10000, 'id check') if (window.refreshCounter2 == 1) { equal('full', triggerType, 'trigger type check') } else { equal('refresh', triggerType, 'trigger type check') } if ( window.refreshCounter2 == 1 ) { App.Collection.loadAssets({ TicketState: { 10000: { name: 'some some name', id: 10000, updated_at: "2014-11-07T23:43:08.000Z" } } }) } if ( window.refreshCounter2 == 2 ) { App.Collection.loadAssets({ TicketState: { 10000: { name: 'some some name', id: 10000, updated_at: "2014-11-05T23:43:08.000Z" } } }) } } App.Collection.loadAssets({ TicketState: { 10000: { name: 'some some name', id: 10000, updated_at: "2014-11-06T23:43:08.000Z" } } }) // do not force, but bild on every change/loadAssets App.TicketState.full(10000, callback2, false, true) }); App.Delay.set( function() { test( "model loadAssets tests - 2 / check refresh counter", function() { equal(window.refreshCounter2, 2, 'check refresh counter') }); }, 1200 ); test( "model loadAssets tests - 3", function() { window.refreshCounter3 = 0 var callback3 = function(state, triggerType) { window.refreshCounter3 = window.refreshCounter3 + 1 equal(, 10001, 'id check') if (window.refreshCounter3 == 1) { equal('full', triggerType, 'trigger type check') } else { equal('refresh', triggerType, 'trigger type check') } if ( window.refreshCounter3 == 1 ) { App.Collection.loadAssets({ TicketState: { 10001: { name: 'some some name', id: 10001, updated_at: "2014-11-07T23:43:08.000Z" } } }) } if ( window.refreshCounter3 == 2 ) { App.Collection.loadAssets({ TicketState: { 10001: { name: 'some some name', id: 10001, updated_at: "2014-11-08T23:43:08.000Z" } } }) } } App.Collection.loadAssets({ TicketState: { 10001: { name: 'some some name', id: 10001, updated_at: "2014-11-06T23:43:08.000Z" } } }) // do not force, but bild on every change/loadAssets App.TicketState.full(10001, callback3, false, true) }); App.Delay.set( function() { test( "model loadAssets tests - 3 / check refresh counter", function() { equal(window.refreshCounter3, 3, 'check refresh counter') }); }, 1400 ); test("updateAttributes will change existing attributes and add new ones", function() { App.Ticket.resetAttributes(); var attributesBefore = _.clone(App.Ticket.configure_attributes); var updateAttribute = _.clone(attributesBefore[0]); updateAttribute['new_option_1239393'] = 1; App.Ticket.updateAttributes([ updateAttribute, { name: 'new_attribute_1010101', display: 'New Attribute', tag: 'input', readonly: 1, }, ]); var attributesAfterUpdate = _.clone(App.Ticket.configure_attributes); equal(attributesAfterUpdate.length, attributesBefore.length + 1, 'new attributes list contains 1 more elements') equal(attributesAfterUpdate[attributesAfterUpdate.length - 1]['name'], 'new_attribute_1010101', 'new attributes list contains the new element') equal(attributesAfterUpdate[0]['new_option_1239393'], 1, 'first element of the new attributes got updated with the new option') App.Ticket.resetAttributes(); var attributesAfterReset = _.clone(App.Ticket.configure_attributes); equal(attributesAfterReset.length, attributesBefore.length, 'new attributes list has the same elements after reset') equal(attributesAfterReset[0]['new_option_1239393'], undefined, 'first element of the new attributes has no attribute new_option_1239393') }); }