# Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/ require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Package, type: :model do let(:package_zpm_files_json) do <<-JSON [ { "permission": "644", "location": "example.rb", "content": "YWJjw6TDtsO8w58=" }, { "permission": "644", "location": "app/controllers/test_controller.rb", "content": "YWJjw6TDtsO8w58=" } ] JSON end let(:package_zpm_json) do <<-JSON { "name": "UnitTestSample", "version": "1.0.1", "vendor": "Zammad Foundation", "license": "ABC", "url": "https://zammad.org/", "description": [ { "language": "en", "text": "some description" } ], "files": #{package_zpm_files_json} } JSON end context 'with different file locations' do context 'with correct file locations' do it 'installation should work' do expect(described_class.install(string: package_zpm_json)).to be_truthy end end shared_examples 'check not allowed file location' do |file_location| let(:package_zpm_files_json) do <<-JSON [ { "permission": "644", "location": "example.rb", "content": "YWJjw6TDtsO8w58=" }, { "permission": "644", "location": "#{file_location}", "content": "YWJjw6TDtsO8w58=" } ] JSON end it 'installation should raise a error and package/store should not be present, because of not allowed file location' do expect { described_class.install(string: package_zpm_json) } .to raise_error(RuntimeError) .and change(described_class, :count).by(0) .and change(Store, :count).by(0) end end context "with not allowed file location part: '..'" do include_examples 'check not allowed file location', '../../../../../tmp/test_controller.rb' end context "with not allowed file location part: '%2e%2e'" do include_examples 'check not allowed file location', '%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/tmp/test_controller.rb' end end end